This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 915 Why is it over?

Not only did it not go far, but it was also very exciting.

Because this time not only did not lose everything, but also made too much money.

As a matter of fact, when the real-time viewership rate of "The Voice" reached 3.5, companies such as Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Liquor had already breathed a long sigh of relief.

As long as they can maintain around this rating, their investment can basically be said to be barely worth it.

Although it's just barely worth it, at least it won't lose everything and let other companies see jokes.

Then the ratings continued to rise, and companies such as Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Wine became more and more surprised and excited.

When the ratings reached 4.0, it was enough surprise and excitement.

With this rating, even if their investment is completely right, there will be relatively rich returns.

Others, waiting to see the joke, were further dumbfounded.

what happened? Doesn't it mean that "The Voice" is likely to hit the street? How can there be such a high rating?

Moreover, the ratings have always shown an upward trend.

This is definitely not good news.

It's exciting if the ratings start high and then go downhill.

And, this should be normal!

How did it go all the way up and reach an astonishing 4.0?

The ratings are already high, enough for Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Liquor and other companies to have a sufficient return on their investment this time.

Not only did the joke not be seen, but it also became a joke in the eyes of those companies.

Enterprises are extremely disappointed, but also somewhat annoyed and bitter.

Then some companies that had the strength to buy the title and advertising space of "The Voice" began to regret it.

Such as Shuneng Electric, Yixin Pharmaceutical and other enterprises.

They all have the strength to buy title and advertising spaces, and they have carefully considered them before, but later gave up because the price was too high.

They originally thought that giving up was a very correct decision, and they also thought that Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Wine and other companies were simply coercive this time, and they would definitely regret it later because they lost everything.

But who knew that it was them who really persecuted and began to feel regret.

4.0 ratings! Who would have thought that a show that was considered to be highly likely to hit the streets could reach such ratings?

Then, it's not over yet.

Viewership continues to rise.

4.2, 4.5, 5.0, 5.3...

When the ratings broke the ratings record of similar programs in one fell swoop and reached an astonishing 5.3, Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Liquor and other companies were already surprised and excited to the point where they couldn't help themselves.

The ratings have far exceeded their expected ideal ratings.

The ratings made them one of the biggest winners this time around.

They made a lot of money!

Moreover, they will slap in the face of those companies that are waiting for them to lose all their money and then make a good joke.

Saying that their vision is not good, saying that they are coercive this time, absolutely must regret it.

now what? Whose vision is wrong? Who is coercion? Who is remorseful?

Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Liquor and other companies laughed, feeling more comfortable than ever.

One is because the investment makes a lot of money, and the other is because the face is slapped hard.

It turned out that the feeling of being slapped in the face was so cool that it made people really want to slap the face a few more times.

It is true that they did not expect "The Voice" to reach such an amazing rating before, but they believed in Li Han.

They believe that the programs planned by Li Han are absolutely impossible to be ordinary.

They don't need to have a keen eye, they just need to trust Li Han.

And those other companies can't see through this, and they are destined to be slapped in the face by them.

It feels so cool!

What's even better is that the 5.3 ratings do not seem to end, and it seems that they can continue to rise.

How big a surprise is this going to give them?

Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Wine and other companies are excited and looking forward to it.

After those other companies were severely beaten in the face, they completely died.

Every company sighed, especially Shuneng Electric, Yixin Pharmaceutical and other companies.

They really regret it now.

It was also said before that Renjiachengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Wine and other companies have poor vision and are coercive.

Only now did I realize that it was me who really had bad eyesight and coercive behavior.

In fact, they knew that those companies didn't really see that "The Voice" would be so popular, they just believed in Li Han, that's all.

But just to believe in Li Han, they are indeed far behind.

Why didn't they choose to believe Li Han at that time?

Is it not enough courage? Or do you trust your own judgment more? I think that even Li Han cannot create any miracles today when the market for singing talent shows is seriously declining.

They can't tell right now. They only know that this time they are really not as good as Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Liquor and other companies.

They should also completely trust Li Han.

But unfortunately it's too late.

well! Hopefully there will be another chance.

Companies such as Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Wine Industry are excited, Shuneng Electric Appliances, Yixin Pharmaceutical and other companies are regretting it, and the ratings of "The Voice" continue to soar.

When the ratings now reach an astonishing 6.0, Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Liquor and other companies are so excited that they can't help themselves.

6.0 ratings! Amazing.

Looking at the entire entertainment program and variety show, this is the highest ratings.

This time the investment is a bloody profit!

This is one of the most successful investments.

Although they completely believed in Li Han before, they never thought that "The Voice" would give them such a surprise.

Their vision is so right!

And Shuneng Electric, Yixin Pharmaceutical and other companies sighed even more, feeling that this time it was a failure like never before.

And "The Voice" is still going on.

After Wang Yan, the remaining players also appeared one after another.

Although these players are not as stunning as Wang Yan, they are not lacking in things to watch, and the audience still watches with relish.

Although the mentors turned around not many times, each time they turned around was the beginning of a new story.

When the twentieth contestant finished singing, all the contestants in the first phase had already appeared on the stage.

When the host Yang Sheng came out and announced that all 20 contestants had finished singing today, and after the show was about to end, all the audience felt a strong sense of reluctance in their hearts.

How come it's over! They haven't seen enough yet!

Are there already twenty contestants on stage to sing?

This is too fast.

Even the four mentors are reluctant to end today's show like this.

They are also looking forward to the next player, what kind of surprise can it bring to them?

And, from the beginning of the show until now, they haven't felt much fatigue.

This is still live.

Originally, participating in such a program is very tiring.

In previous similar programs, the guests felt very tired after the program was recorded, and even had to rest several times during the recording of the program.

And now the four mentors have not rested throughout the whole process, but they still have no sense of fatigue.

This is still a live broadcast, which is far more tiring than a recorded broadcast, because you need to concentrate all the time.

This is an amazing thing.

However, the reason is not difficult to find, that is, this show has always filled the hearts of the tutors with expectations, and there may be surprises at any time.

Mentors have no time to tire.


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