This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 916 The surprise is so big

The mentors are not tired, which is one of the reasons why they are reluctant to end the show.

This is the first time they appeared on the show, and when the show ended, they were reluctant to end it.

They really want to keep hearing from the next player.

I'm also very curious about what the next player's voice will look like? Will it make them interested in turning around?

After turning around and seeing the players on the stage, is it a surprise? Still amazed? Or what other feelings?

All of these made the instructors look forward to it and made them reluctant to end the show.

And it's the same for all viewers.

They are also still looking forward to what the next player will be like?

Does something surprise or surprise them?

Does it sing well? Will there be a mentor to turn around for him and so on.

All of this makes the audience very curious and anticipating.

How could it end like this? Haven't watched it at all yet!

But unfortunately the show really ended.

After the host Yang Sheng made a series of concluding remarks, he made an appointment with all the audience for the next episode of the show.

The four mentors also made appointments with the audience respectively, and the next program will see you.

This program ends here.

On the TV screen, the live broadcast signal was cut off, and the scene of the scene disappeared.

All the audience in front of the TV felt a sense of loss.

Fortunately, a week later, the second episode of the first season of "The Voice" will begin again.

At that time, there will be 20 more players on the field, and then I will be able to watch it again and again.

After I had such a strong expectation in my heart, I gradually became less reluctant for the end of this episode of the show.

Besides, although the show is over,

But the related topic is far from over.

For the next week, the topic of "The Voice" will always be a hot topic on the Internet.

They can also feel the continuation of "The Voice" on the Internet.

Therefore, the Internet is full of voices about "The Voice", and countless audiences are expressing their excitement.

In the studio of Magic Capital TV, the four mentors returned to the backstage to rest.

Later, they will go to the interview area to be interviewed by entertainment media reporters.

Some players will also be interviewed.

The audience at the scene began to slowly exit the stage, and as they exited, they were naturally excited to discuss all kinds of things.

This time to watch the scene, it is really worth it.

The chief director, Liang Yong, who is also in charge of the program team, and the rest of the directors and technicians on the scene felt relieved at the moment when the live broadcast signal was cut off.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

There are basically no flaws in the whole live broadcast process, there are a few small flaws, but it will not affect the effect of the program, nor will it affect the audience's feeling experience.

Everyone's heart is very proud.

Then, they could finally cheer loudly and celebrate.

The real-time ratings of "The Voice" have always been fed back to their ears.

All the technical staff, including Liang Yong, were very excited and excited, but they couldn't celebrate to the fullest, or even distracted to celebrate.

Because it is a live broadcast, they must devote all their energy to the live broadcast and cannot be distracted to ensure that there will be no problems with the live broadcast.

Now that the live broadcast is over, they can finally celebrate to the fullest.

Liang Yong laughed, and the whole person was very excited. The surprise given to him by "The Voice" was really too great.

Although when he first saw the program planning, he knew that "The Voice" would definitely be popular.

But he never imagined that it would become so popular.

Not only did it break easily, but Shonan Satellite TV maintained the ratings record for this type of program for ten years, and it also increased the ratings to 6.3 in one fell swoop.

After the ratings broke through 6.0, it continued to rise, and it finally stopped after it rose to 6.3.

Such ratings make "The Voice" somewhat unusual for the entire Magic Capital TV and the entire talent show market.

And such a meaningful program is directed by him personally, the more Liang Yong thinks about it, the more excited he becomes.

In addition, "The Voice" has helped Magic Capital TV fulfill its wish for nearly ten years. The above awards for "The Voice" will definitely be very powerful.

This will also be a very valuable qualification for Liang Yong.

This time, for Liang Yong, the harvest is really very big.

When Liang Yong was excited, he secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, I really went to Li Han for help.

Otherwise, how can there be such a scenery at this moment?

Li Han was much stronger than he imagined.


After a short rest, the four mentors went to the interview area to be interviewed by entertainment media reporters.

The success of "The Voice" has made the major entertainment media unprecedentedly excited.

Because they have a lot of material that readers will be very interested in, they can report it well.

"Mr. Ling You, are you satisfied with the situation of the students you found this time?"

"Mr. Gu Zhan, how do you rate the show "The Voice"? The highest viewership rate reached an astonishing 6.3. Is this what you expected?"

"Miss Ye Xiaowen, who is your most satisfied student so far? Is it Wang Yan?"

"Mr. Wang Junsheng, in your opinion, why is "The Voice" so popular?"


The reporters asked all sorts of questions, everything.

Of course, it's all related to "The Voice" and Li Han.

The four mentors also tried their best to answer questions from reporters.

However, there are some questions they don't know the answer to.

For example, why is "The Voice" so popular? Why are the ratings so high?

The four tutors themselves are still confused about this question.

Because they really never thought that the ratings of "The Voice" would be so high.

In fact, during the whole process of the live broadcast, the four instructors have been wondering, what is the audience rating of the show?

The real-time ratings of the show were not reported to them in time.

Therefore, during the whole process of the live broadcast of the program, the four tutors were always unaware of the ratings.

They are just guessing by themselves, and the ratings should not be bad.

Because even they feel that the whole show is very interesting and attractive, and the ratings are naturally unlikely to be poor.

When the show ended and the four mentors returned to the lounge to rest, the first thing they did was to ask about the ratings of "The Voice"?

When they knew the answer, they couldn't believe the answer for a while.

Although they knew that the ratings would definitely not be bad, they never thought it would be so high.

It's really unbelievable.

The four teachers were all stunned.


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