This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 917 I will give the championship a song

After being stunned, of course, it was an unprecedented surprise.

When they accepted the invitation of "The Voice" program, although they did not consider the issue of ratings, it is definitely a surprise enough that the ratings are so high now.

Now, how to answer reporters' questions?

Why is the show so popular? Why are the ratings so high?

On this question, the four instructors can only say, do you think about who planned this show? Maybe it won't be too surprising.

When the four mentors answered this question, almost all of them answered this way.

And when the entertainment reporters interviewed heard it, well, it did make sense.

Anything related to Li Han can often not be handled with common sense, creating unexpected and unbelievable miracles, that is a routine operation.

This time "The Voice" is obviously the same.

For the outside world, "The Voice" definitely created an incredible miracle.

But for Li Han, this may just be a routine operation.

Don't be too surprised.

OK, so we'll report that too.

The entertainment reporters all thought so happily in their hearts.

After the mentors were interviewed, some player representatives also went to the interview area to be interviewed.

There are popular players such as Wang Yan, Wang Yu, and Yan Zhongwen, and there are also players who regret to be eliminated.

The reporters also asked various questions, and the players answered them one by one.

When each contestant answered the question, they expressed their deep gratitude to Li Han and the "Voice" program. It was Li Han who gave them the opportunity to realize their dreams.

Even the players who were eliminated from the tournament were not as frustrated as before.

Because they also know the ratings of "The Voice" and the influence of "The Voice" is already very large.

They were so excited.

If the ratings are so high,

With such a large influence, even if they are eliminated, there must be no small gains.

At least it will be familiar to countless audiences all over the country.

This opportunity is one that countless people have longed for but never had.

They are already very satisfied.

Moreover, they can continue to work hard, and then participate in the second season of "The Voice" next year, and strive to have a mentor to turn around at that time.

After the interviews with the entertainment media were over, relevant reports were once again overwhelming.

Among them, why is "The Voice" so popular? The question of why the ratings are so high.

All major entertainment media said that because "The Voice" is a program planned by Li Han himself, it is not surprising to create such a miracle.

Countless spectators watched.

What the hell! Sounds like it makes sense.

Well, then stop worrying about why the ratings of "The Voice" are so high.

What the media said was right. Since it was a program planned by Li Han himself, it couldn't be done with common sense.

It's just normal operation, what's so good to be surprised about?

On the Internet, there are various discussions about "The Voice".


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han was also a little surprised by the ratings of "The Voice".

He also did not expect the ratings to be so high.

However, this is a good thing, and Li Han is also very happy.

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue naturally couldn't help themselves.

Li Han's success made them more happy than their own success.

Liang Yong called.

"Hahaha! Mr. Li Han, didn't bother you..."

On the phone, Liang Yong couldn't contain the surprise and excitement, and thanked Li Han repeatedly, saying that Li Han gave him a great surprise this time.

Li Han asked Liang Yong not to be so polite, saying that he did not expect the ratings to be so high.

Liang Yongze was still grateful, and said that every player was also grateful to Li Han, thanking Li Han for providing them with such a stage.

Li Han thought for a while and said, "Director Liang, are you sure about the reward for the final championship?"

Liang Yong was a little surprised why Li Han suddenly mentioned this question, but he immediately replied: "Mr. Li Han, it has been confirmed. It's the championship certificate and bonus. It's a bit cliché, but the others don't seem to be any better. Rewarded."

Li Han said: "Well, Director Liang, there is one more reward, that is, I will give the champion a song I wrote myself."

"Really?" Liang Yongji was very excited and excited, "Mr. Li Han, is it true?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Of course it's true. This is an incentive for the players."

"Okay! Okay! Hahaha..." Liang Yong laughed on the phone, and then said, "With Mr. Li Han's encouragement, the players must be in a much more excited state, and they will definitely be able to unleash their potential. However, for the players who were eliminated, I am afraid that they will feel more regret and unwillingness. But there is no way."

Li Han said: "I hope it is as Director Liang said."

Liang Yongdao: "This is for sure. Mr. Li Han, I will officially announce this matter. Both the contestants and the audience will be very excited."

Li Han said: "All that is left to Director Liang."

Liang Yongdao: "It should be that we are too grateful to Mr. Li Han."


After finishing the call with Li Han, Liang Yong immediately started the operation, and he couldn't wait to announce the news.

The official Modu TV and the official "Voice" program team released a new announcement at the same time.

The announcement stated that in order to thank the contestants for their affirmation and support of the "Good Voice" program, Li Han will personally create a song and present it to the final champion of the program.

As soon as the announcement came out, all the contestants and the audience were instantly boiling.

The whole outside world is also boiling.

All the contestants, except those who were eliminated today, were all excited and excited like never before.

This is a huge surprise that came up all of a sudden!

Songs written by Li Han himself, those are the songs that many star singers long for but cannot get, including top star singers.

And they had a chance to get it. It was so unexpected, so exciting.

Although it is difficult to win the final championship, at least there is a chance.

Besides, how could it be easy to get Li Han's songs?

Wang Yan, Wang Yu, Yan Zhongwen, and other players who successfully advanced today, suddenly have a much stronger desire for the final championship.

Originally, they were very satisfied with being able to successfully advance today and joining the mentor's team.

You can go wherever you go. Of course it's best to win the championship, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

But now, they are full of unprecedented desire for the championship.

Everything is just for the songs written by Li Han.

The status of the championship, coupled with the songs written by Li Han himself, to enter the ranks of star singers in one fell swoop must be a simple matter.

Li Han's songs can make people famous.

The temptation is too great!


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