This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 919 I hope I can ask Mr. Li Han for this matter

Li Han smiled and did not intend to continue to struggle with this issue.

So he said, "Mr. Huang is currently writing the script?"

Huang Yuanming said: "I'm thinking about a script, but I haven't started writing it yet. However, I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still have no clue, and I can't start writing it for a long time. Then I came to the village to play and see if I can find it. What inspiration? After all, there is a saying on the Internet that after arriving at Yuanxi Village, you can get some of Mr. Li Han's talents."

After speaking, Huang Yuanming laughed.

After arriving at Yuanxi Village, being able to be infected with Li Han's talent is of course just a statement.

But in such a beautiful place as Yuanxi Village, there is indeed a possibility of some kind of inspiration, and everyone is willing to think that this is contaminated with Li Han's talent.

Li Han also laughed and said, "I am flattered by these statements. However, I believe that Mr. Huang can indeed find inspiration here."

Huang Yuanming said: "I believe it too. Especially after meeting Mr. Li Han here."

Li Han smiled and said, "Then I don't know what kind of script Mr. Huang intends to conceive?"

Huang Yuanming said: "A story about Ji Xiaolan, a famous figure in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty."

"Ji Xiaolan?" Li Han was slightly surprised.

"What?" Huang Yuanming said, "Mr. Li Han is also interested in Ji Xiaolan?"

Li Han smiled and said, "That's right."

Speaking of which, Li Han is not interested in Ji Xiaolan, a real person in history, but is interested in Ji Xiaolan in a TV series in his previous life.

He loves watching that TV show. In his opinion, it can be regarded as a classic TV series.

Unexpectedly, the script Huang Yuanming wanted to conceive was a story about Ji Xiaolan.

Li Han was a little surprised.

I just don't know if Huang Yuanming wants a documentary story, or a joke or a fictional story.

Huang Yuanming heard that Li Han was also interested in Ji Xiaolan, and was very happy, and added: "Ji Xiaolan has always been a historical figure that I like very much, and I have always wanted to create a story about Ji Xiaolan, so that more people can enjoy it. know and understand,

There is such a person in history as Ji Xiaolan. "

Li Han nodded and said, "Mr. Huang's idea is very good. I don't know if Mr. Huang intends to create a documentary story, or a joke or a fictional story?"

Huang Yuanming said: "Since it is a TV script, it is naturally a joke and a fictional story. Of course, it is also based on a certain real history. It is like Mr. Li Han's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

Li Han nodded and said, "The stories created in this way will indeed be more attractive."

Huang Yuanming said: "It's just a pity that my ability is limited after all, and I have never been able to create a story that satisfies myself."

Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Huang's demands on himself are too high."

Huang Yuanming said: "To be honest with Mr. Li Han, my requirements for this script are indeed very high. Because Ji Xiaolan is a character I like very much, I hope the story will be exciting enough. It's just that my strength cannot meet my requirements, which makes People are quite embarrassed and helpless.”

Li Han said: "Mr. Huang is too modest. I believe that Mr. Huang can write a script that he is satisfied with."

Huang Yuanming shook his head and sighed: "I know my own affairs. Difficult! Difficult! Since Mr. Li Han is also interested in the character Ji Xiaolan, I wonder if Mr. Li Han is interested in writing such a script?"

After saying this, Huang Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally said it.

In fact, Huang Yuanming had this idea in his heart when he first saw Li Han.

Everything he said was true. He really likes Ji Xiaolan, and he has always wanted to write a script about Ji Xiaolan's story. The requirements for the script are also really high.

He has tried several versions, but has never been able to satisfy himself.

In the end, I could only helplessly discover that I was afraid that I would not be able to write a script that satisfied me with my own strength.

He also knew that his demands were too high. But if he wanted to lower his requirements, he felt very unwilling.

There is no TV series about Ji Xiaolan on the market now, and he doesn't want the first TV series about Ji Xiaolan on the market to make people feel that it will be soon.

There was no way, Huang Yuanming decided to come to Yuanxi Village for a turn. Let's see if it's true as said on the Internet, I can get some of Li Han's talents in Yuanxi Village.

Although this is just a statement, it is not true. But Yuanxi Village is a beautiful place, and with some psychological effects, it is indeed possible to get some kind of inspiration here.

So, Huang Yuanming came.

This was his first time here, and the beauty and popularity of the village made him very happy.

The rumors about Yuanxi Village are true.

Walking in the village, Huang Yuanming really felt that his thinking was much more active.

Although it may be just an illusion, it is enough to surprise people.

If you know Yuanxi Village, you must know Jiulong Gorge.

It is one of the most famous activities in Yuanxi Village to sit on a bamboo raft in Yuanxi Village and slowly sway to Jiulong Gorge.

Very popular.

I heard that you can enjoy a variety of different landforms and landscapes along the way. After reaching the waters of Jiulong Gorge, it is like a fairyland.

Huang Yuanming naturally went to see Jiulong Gorge.

And this time, I felt an unprecedented surprise.

He actually met Li Han.

He never thought that he would meet Li Han or invite Li Han to create a story about Ji Xiaolan.

However, now that I have encountered it unexpectedly, wouldn’t it be a pity if I didn’t try to invite it?

Therefore, Huang Yuanming said cheekily that he hoped to be able to walk with Li Han.

He believes that if Li Han is interested in making a move, he will definitely create a story that will satisfy him very much.

He tried many times, and finally found the opportunity to ask.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

If Li Han showed some interest, he would strongly invite Li Han to create such a story.

If Li Han is not interested, then he will naturally not open his mouth to embarrass Li Han.

He was a little nervous.

Li Han didn't find it strange that Huang Yuanming would ask this question, he had already noticed what Huang Yuanming meant.

So, is he interested?

Li Han was really interested. The reason is that he liked the TV series about Ji Xiaolan in his previous life very much.

And that TV series will definitely make Huang Yuanming very satisfied.

If that's the case, it seems like it would be a good choice to take this opportunity to bring that TV series to this world.

So Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Huang doesn't plan to create it himself?"

Huang Yuanming laughed and said: "Of course I want to create it myself, but unfortunately I really don't have enough strength. If Mr. Li Han is interested, I really hope that this matter can be asked by Mr. Li Han."

Li Han nodded and said, "I'm really honored."

Huang Yuanming's eyes suddenly brightened, and he instantly became excited.



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