Huang Yuanming was very excited.

Because Li Han said this, it proves that he is very interested, and things should be alright.

So he laughed loudly and said, "With Mr. Li Han's action, I no longer have to worry about this matter."

Li Han said: "I can only say that if I try to create it, I may not be able to satisfy Mr. Huang. In addition, does Mr. Huang have a good relationship with the crew and director? Who will direct it?"

Huang Yuanming said: "This is not yet. I plan to create the script first, and then go to the director to cooperate."

Li Han nodded.

Su Yuqing said at this time: "If that's the case, then let's shoot this TV series ourselves."

When Su Yuqing said she was shooting, she meant shooting at Li Han's own legendary film and television company.

A few years ago, Li Han established a legendary film and television company for some reasons.

At present, Legendary Film and Television has signed a group of actors and directors, and they can basically rely on the company's own resources to shoot TV series or movies.

Su Yuqing's proposal is good, and Li Han thinks it is feasible.

After the establishment of Legendary Film and Television, no works have been released yet.

Li Han was also thinking about letting Legendary Film and Television launch a work.

Movies and TV shows.

Now let's launch the TV series about Ji Xiaolan in the previous life.

However, the choice of characters is also very important for this TV series to be successful.

All that the TV series in the previous life can become a classic, in addition to the excellent script itself, also has a lot to do with the deeply rooted performances of the three leading actors in the "Iron Triangle".

These three actors must be found well, including Du Xiaoyue, who is beside Ji Xiaolan, as well as the actors.

Among the current contracted actors of Legendary Film and Television, it may not be possible to find suitable actors.

Especially the three roles of Ji Xiaolan, Heshen, and Emperor Qianlong.

Of course, if there are no suitable actors among the contracted actors of Legendary Film and Television,

It's also okay to go outside to find actors.

As long as you are willing to look for it, you will always find the ideal actor.

Therefore, Li Han completely agreed with Su Yuqing's proposal and said, "Okay, let's do it like this."

Hearing this, Huang Yuanming burst into laughter again, and said, "Many people on the Internet are now speculating, what will be the first work of Mr. Li Han's legendary film and television? Is it a movie or a TV series? Many people are right. This is very interesting. I did not expect my invitation, but indirectly contributed to the birth of the first work of Legendary Film and Television, I am really very honored. "

Li Han smiled and said: "Mr. Huang is very polite. To be honest, I was thinking about letting Legendary Film and Television launch a work. Now that the film and television company has been established, it should launch a work. Now invited by Mr. Huang, this This work is just right. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Mr. Huang for his invitation."

Huang Yuanming laughed and said: "I am very grateful to Mr. Li Han for being able to say this. I am really looking forward to Mr. Li Han's work."

Li Han said: "I hope that Mr. Huang will not be disappointed."

Huang Yuanming said: "This is absolutely impossible."

Li Han smiled and added: "Mr. Huang, we all know that Ji Xiaolan was a clean and honest official all his life, and he was considered a clean official. But he mixed in the officialdom and fought against officials of different positions, which is the so-called fight against corrupt officials. Inevitably. What do you think is the biggest reliance on Ji Xiaolan's fight against those officials?

"The biggest reliance?" Huang Yuanming pondered for a moment and said, "Ji Xiaolan is known for his knowledge and talents. The biggest reliance may be his talent."

Li Han nodded and said: "That's true. Especially when creating stories, he must always show his talent. Talent often needs to be expressed in his mouth. Therefore, I think Ji Xiaolan should have a pair of iron teeth and copper teeth. ."

"Iron teeth and bronze teeth?" Huang Yuanming smiled, "Mr. Li Han said it very well. If Ji Xiaolan wants to fight against corrupt officials, he really needs a pair of iron teeth and bronze teeth."

Li Han said: "So, I plan to call the TV series "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan". What do you think of Mr. Huang?"

Huang Yuanming's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Okay! I think it's very good! Ji Xiaolan with iron teeth and bronze teeth, this name is really very good. As expected of Mr. Li Han, he came up with such a good name so quickly. ."

Li Han said, "I didn't come up with this name. I just copied the classic works from my previous life."

Of course, I wouldn't say this to Huang Yuanming, but just said: "Since Mr. Huang also thinks there is no problem, then I decided to use this name."

Huang Yuanming said: "Okay! Just use this name."

Li Han nodded and said, "As for the script... I'll wait until I go back to think about it. I will definitely ask Mr. Huang to take a look at it at the first time."

Huang Yuanming repeatedly said he didn't dare, but he really couldn't wait for Li Han's script.

Next, the two bamboo rafts slowly and quietly continued to move forward on the river.

Li Han and Huang Yuanming chatted casually.

Slowly, the bamboo raft finally swayed to the waters of Jiulong Gorge, and the fairyland-like beauty finally appeared in front of you.

Huang Yuanming only felt relieved for a while, and sighed again and again, this place is even more beautiful than the rumors.

After sighing, Huang Yuanming said goodbye to Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue. He couldn't keep disturbing others.

The things that made him helpless were over, and he planned to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiulong Gorge.

After Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue bid farewell to Huang Yuanming, Li Han continued to shake the bamboo raft to the depths of the Jiulong Gorge waters.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel a sense of loneliness and fear.

The depths of the waters of Jiulong Gorge are forbidden for tourists to enter.

Only expert Li Hanyi was bold enough to go to the depths.

However, this time, there were Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue on the bamboo raft, and Li Han didn't go too far, and it didn't take long for him to return.

Slowly and leisurely rocked back to the village.

Su Yuqing asked, "When will your script for "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" be completed?"

Li Han said: "It won't take a few days. Three or four days should be enough."

Su Yuqing said: "At that time, Xiaoyue and I were about to return to the Magic City. I'm going to Legendary Film and Television, and Xiaoyue is going to Legendary Games. Would you like to go to the Magic City with us?"

Li Han said: "Yes. I will personally participate in the casting of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan". Director Liang Yongliang of "The Voice" has also invited me to watch the first episode of the show many times. I'll stop by. already."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue were a little overjoyed after hearing this.


arrive home.

Li Han returned to his room and used the work exchange coupon to exchange the electronic version of the script of the previous life "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan Part 1".

Then start the operation on the computer. He intends to make some necessary modifications to some of the content in the script.

Of course, the modifications are some things that are different between the two worlds.

After the modification, it will not have any impact on the wonderfulness of the story.


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