This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 921 Li Han's Liar Company

Li Han is not in a hurry to finish the revision all at once.

It's good to revise slowly, anyway, he has to wait three or four days before saying that he has completed the script.

Two days later, Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue left the village and went to the magic capital.

At the same time, Li Han also made an agreement with Huang Yuanming. After waiting for another two days, Huang Yuanming went to Legendary Film and Television Company, and Li Han showed him the script at that time.

Huang Yuanming had unprecedented expectations in his heart.

After Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue arrived in the magic capital, they naturally stayed in Su Yuqing's house.


Legendary Films.

There have always been many actors and directors who want to sign contracts with Legendary Films.

Among them are big-name actors and big-name directors.

However, Legendary Films has very strict requirements for signing actors and directors.

In addition to having sufficient strength or sufficient potential, it also pays great attention to the character of being a person.

Even big-name actors and big-name directors may not necessarily be able to sign contracts with Legendary Films.

So, although there are many actors and directors, they all want to sign with Legendary Films. But now there are not many signed actors and signed directors of Legendary Film and Television.

Legendary Film and Television also offended some actors and directors, but Su Yuqing didn't care at all.

Of course Li Han didn't care either.

If you feel resentment because Legendary Film and Television refused to sign the contract, then it proves that Legendary Film and Television was right to refuse to sign the contract.

"So far, there are a total of eight directors who have signed contracts. Among them, Jia Xiu and Zeng Yu are the most famous and are considered famous directors. Of course, after the contract with Jing Wenbo expires, Jing Wenbo will be the most famous." Su Yuqing said.

Li Han nodded and said, "For this work, it is most suitable for Director Jing Wenbo to shoot. But he has other shooting tasks now, so we will find other people. I don't know if there are eight directors who have signed contracts. There is no suitable one? I will go and see for myself when the time comes."

Su Yuqing nodded and said: "If you sign an actor,

There are currently 39 people, including star actors such as Zhang Li and Liu Xiaohuan. "

Li Handao: "Notify all the actors and directors who have no shooting assignments at present and are idle at home to gather at the company in two days. I will choose the actors who are suitable for this play. The first priority is to satisfy our own actors."

According to the contract signed by Legendary Film and Television, the actors can also go out to pick up the show after signing the contract. It just needs to apply to Legendary Film and Television, and Legendary Film and Television will lead the contract.

This was decided by Li Han. Mainly, Li Han knows that he is lazy sometimes, and Legendary Film and Television may not have a shooting task for a long time.

As a result, it will delay the signing of actors and directors.

If that's the case, then allow the contracted actors and directors to go out and pick up the show. Legendary film and television share a certain percentage of the remuneration.

Looking at it this way, it looks a bit like a brokerage company.

However, it will not fulfill the obligations of the brokerage company.

When someone's agency signs actors, it's all to help actors find performance opportunities. You also have to promise the actors, how many roles will be given, what number of roles will be given, how many commercials will be filmed at least, and so on.

And Legendary Films has no such obligations at all. If you want to take on a show or take a commercial or something, go out and find it yourself.

After I found it, I sat and waited to share the reward.

Therefore, the basic situation of the contracted actors and contracted directors of Legendary Film and Television is that the company may not have a shooting task for a long time. If you want to shoot some scenes or shoot an advertisement, you have to go out and find it yourself.

After I found it, I was fortunately finished the filming, and I also got a part of the reward to the company.

It's not as good as freelance actors and freelance directors.

Because, free actors and free directors, all the remuneration they get is their own, and there is no need to share a part.

Therefore, the rest of the film and television companies and brokerage companies all privately said that Legendary Film and Television was simply a robber company.

After a paper contract, there is nothing to do, no cost, and still waiting for the remuneration of the contracted actors and directors.

This kind of company Nima is a great profit!

All film and television companies and brokerage companies are very envious.

And they can only envy, can not copy.

Because, if their company did the same, then an actor and a director would definitely not be able to sign.

Only Legendary Films did this, and still made actors and directors want to sign contracts with their heads sharpened.

Isn't this looking for abuse?

But the actors and directors just want to find abuse by themselves, and they are proud of being able to sign with Legendary Films.

Where does this kind of reasoning go?

The major film and television companies and brokerage companies are also very depressed, and out of admiration, they all call it a robber company.

Bandit companies are also often discussed.

"Hasn't there been a filming assignment for Bandit Company yet? That's a good thing. I hope there will never be a filming assignment."

"I hope Li Han has forgotten about the robber company."

"Even so, there are still many actors and directors who want to sign with the robber company. Are you angry?"

"Alas! There is no way around this. Because as long as Li Han produces a work, whether it is a movie or a TV series, it will make many actors or directors who were silent before at least become familiar to the audience. The temptation is indeed true. It's very big."

"I hope that Li Han will not produce works."



The contracted actors and contract directors of Legendary Film and Television also often have discussions, looking forward to the company's shooting tasks.

The company will definitely only shoot Li Han's works.

Therefore, once there is a shooting task, it must be Li Han's work.

This is something that all the contracted actors and contracted directors are extremely looking forward to.

"The "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" was a hit, and the box office was far ahead. "The Voice" has created a miracle in the ratings. I wonder when Mr. Li Han will be able to let Legendary Film and Television take a shooting mission?"

"It will come sooner or later. Just wait. At Legendary Film and Television, we must have enough patience to wait."

"Of course. I'm not complaining, I'm just hoping to have a shoot soon, I can't wait."

"We all hope. Mr. Li Han's work, whether it is a movie or a TV series, can make the protagonists directly famous. Even if it is a supporting role, it can also gain a certain fame. Which actor does not expect to play Li Mr. Han's work? Which director is not looking forward to directing Mr. Li Han's work?"

"Everyone wait patiently, I believe that Mr. Li Han will not forget us. In addition, there is President Su, and President Su will definitely remind Mr. Li Han."

"Of course, we are all very patient. We are very lucky to be able to sign with Legendary Films. It has to be patient, isn't it?"


Although the actors and directors are all waiting patiently, the desire in their hearts is extremely strong.

They are all waiting for the company to send out a shooting assignment.

Although out of the shooting task, I will definitely be selected, but at least there is a chance not.

Everyone can't wait to see.


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