This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 922 Looking forward to Li Han's TV series hitting the streets

And surprises always come very suddenly.

The company's internal group released a message, so that all the actors and directors who had no shooting assignments and were idle at home, all gathered at the company at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

The company decided to make a TV series. At that time, Li Han will personally be present to select actors and directors.

As soon as the news came out, all the actors and directors who were idle at home were all excited.

It's finally time to make a TV show.

Just don't know what kind of TV show to shoot?

Is it a costume drama? Or TV?

Could it be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Thinking of this possibility, all the actors and directors are excited and excited like never before.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the pinnacle of martial arts, has a very high popularity.

Almost all film and television companies want to shoot the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and they have found Li Han to buy the copyright.

Some big film and television companies have also given sky-high prices of more than 500 million.

But Li Han has never sold the copyright.

Later, Legendary Film and Television Company was established.

Everyone suddenly realized that the reason why Li Han did not sell the copyright of the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was that he planned to shoot it himself.

The rest of the film and television companies finally gave up at this time, but chose to give up.

Now, is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" finally going to be a TV series?

The company's contracted actors and contracted directors were unprecedentedly excited.

However, it doesn't have to be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it may be other works.

Actually, it doesn't matter what works.

As long as it is a work created by Li Han himself, it will be fine.

"Hahaha! It's finally time to shoot a TV series. Mr. Li Han has to choose the actors himself. To be honest, I'm very nervous."

"I'm nervous too! I hope I can be selected,

Don't expect the protagonist, as long as it is a character with a name and lines. "

"I'm getting nervous from now on, what should I do? I'm afraid that when I audition, my nervousness will affect my performance."


The actors were nervous, as were several directors.

Including two famous directors Jia Xiu and Zeng Yu.

Of course, whether it is an actor or a director, in addition to being nervous, there is more excitement and anticipation.

They finally got their chance.

Then, because they were too excited, they couldn't help revealing the news to the outside world.

The notice didn't ask them to keep the information private, so they could disclose the information to the outside world.

If the information cannot be disclosed to the outside world, the company will inform everyone to keep it confidential.

Therefore, the outside world has gradually learned the news.

The first to know the news is the major film and television companies and brokerage companies.

First stunned, then helplessly smiled.

Is the liar company still going to shoot the first TV series after all?

I was just talking about this, I hope Li Han will forget about the legendary film and television, and never shoot works.

Now the news came out immediately that the first TV series will be filmed.

It's just so depressing.

Don't know what TV show to shoot for? Wouldn't it be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

"Probably? Li Han has been covering "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" for so long, and it should be filmed."

"I don't think it will necessarily be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". That kid Li Han often doesn't play cards according to common sense. Who knows what kind of TV series he will shoot?"

"If you say that, then I hope he shoots a TV series with an unpopular theme. For example, a historical character drama. Then the TV series hits the street and give him a slap in the face. If you can really do this, it will make people feel happy."

"Hahaha! Maybe Li Han will really touch unpopular subjects. That guy will definitely dare to shoot any subject. If he really hits the street then, it will be interesting."


There is no contradiction between major film and television companies, brokerage companies and Li Han, and they are all eager to cooperate with Li Han.

However, because Li Han's legendary film and television made them very envious, they felt that there was no reason to do so.

Therefore, they are very happy to see Li Han's first TV series hit the streets.

Moreover, if the first TV series hits the streets, then maybe Li Han will directly disband Legendary Film and Television in a fit of anger.

In this way, wouldn't there be hope for the TV series copyright of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that they were longing for?

Thinking of this, major film and television companies even hope that Li Han's first TV series will hit the streets.

Then, the news also spread in the entire entertainment circle, actor circle, and director circle.

Most of the actors, at this time, are very envious of the contracted actors of Legendary Film and Television.

I will have the opportunity to star in a Li Han TV series soon, can you not be envious?

Before, Legendary Film and Television had no shooting tasks.

If the contracted actors of Legendary Film and Television want to go out to film, they have to find it by themselves, and then they have to share part of the remuneration to Legendary Film and Television.

In this regard, many actors are somewhat gloating.

Especially those actors who tried to sign with Legendary Films and did not succeed.

They also comforted themselves for a time and said that it would be fine if they did not sign a contract.

Otherwise, it will be as "miserable" as those actors who have successfully signed a contract.

Naihe people are now keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight, but they are only envious.

Also really depressed.

I don't know what kind of TV show it will be.

If the contracted actors can't meet all the role needs, I wonder if they will have a chance?

There should be.

Because if the contracted actors can't meet all the needs, the crew will definitely select actors from the outside world, so isn't their chance coming?

Therefore, the actors, in desperation, began to look forward to the signing actors of Legendary Film and Television, unable to meet the role needs this time.

Then there are the few actors who hold grudges for not being able to sign with Legendary.

At this time, everyone is praying, and the TV series of Legendary Film and Television is on the street this time.

They all thought that their strength was enough to sign with Legendary Film and Television, but Legendary Film and Television did not sign them, which really made them unable to understand and accept it. I think that Legendary Film and Television did not have a good eye for selecting actors.

Then the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I gradually felt resentment towards Legendary Film and Li Han.

For example, a fairly well-known traffic star actor, Ma Yuan.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, thinking that if Legendary Film did not sign him, it was simply a problem with his head.

You know, he has a lot of traffic on him.

Shooting a work, whether it is a TV series or a movie, if he joins, it is simply a guarantee of ratings or box office!

If such actors don't sign, it's not a problem with their heads, what is it?

"No matter what TV series it is this time, even "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it will definitely hit the streets." Ma Yuan thought so unhappily, and hoped so.

Others, who were as resentful as Ma Yuan, also thought and looked forward to it.


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