This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 926 Is the gap between the characters too big?

Also, the TV series that Li Han is going to shoot is actually a historical drama about Ji Xiaolan's story, which makes people laugh out loud.

This kind of subject matter is definitely too cold to be colder.

I don't know what Li Han was thinking. Isn't it delicious to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" directly? Happens to be so grandstanding.

Is it to show his ability? Even such an unpopular subject can be popular?

After thinking about it, it should be the only reason.

Shouldn't Li Han really think that he can make TV dramas of this kind of theme popular?

Of course, it is theoretically possible.

Unfortunately, it is only theoretically possible.

Li Han is very powerful and often creates miracles, but this does not mean that he can create miracles every time.

Maybe this time is the beginning of Li Han's failure.

Ma Yuan and other actors are in a good mood.

Now it is open to the outside world to recruit actors. If not many actors are willing to audition, it will be even more funny.

Actors, especially big-name stars, must be quite cautious in the face of such a TV series that is likely to hit the street, even if it is from Li Han?

Hopefully not many actors are willing to audition.

Actors such as Ma Yuan expected this.


Countless netizens are also discussing this issue.

According to the official announcement of Legendary Film and Television, there are three main characters in this play.

They are Ji Xiaolan, He Shen, and Emperor Qianlong.

This is not surprising, but are the powerful star actors willing to play these three roles?

Especially the character Heshen.

He Shen is a famous corrupt official in history, so he is undoubtedly the villain in the play.

The subject matter was very cold.

To play such a big corrupt official, for the actors, I am afraid that they will be quite cautious!

However, netizens still believe that the crew will definitely be able to find suitable actors.

In any case, this is Li Han's work, and it is impossible to find a suitable actor.


All major film and television companies and brokerage companies are also talking about it.

Seeing that Legendary Film and Television couldn't even cast a leading role, they were very relieved.

It's a new company after all! Too unfounded.

I don't know if they will be successful in recruiting actors from the outside world?

Hope it doesn't go too smoothly.

Even if it could cause some trouble for Li Handuo, that would be good.


After seeing the relevant news, Cen Xuegeng became very interested and very happy.

Not bad, not bad, that is, there should be more TV series on this subject.

It is always a pleasant thing to let more people know more historical figures.

Although the TV series is filmed, the ratings may not be ideal, but there will always be some people who are willing to watch it.

Of course, Cen Xuegeng also likes Ji Xiaolan very much.

He was very curious about what Li Han's script looked like?

Give Li Han a call.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Li Han's voice came, "Old Cen, Happy New Year!"

Cen Xuegeng laughed and scolded: "You boy, when is this a happy new year? Let me ask you, is the story in "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth" that you plan to shoot, a real historical story? Or is it fictional?"

Li Han said: "It is a fiction based on a certain real history."

"I see." Cen Xuegeng nodded. "That's fine. It can make the story more interesting, and maybe it will have good ratings."

Li Han smiled: "I think the ratings should be very good."

Cen Xuegeng laughed and scolded again: "Can't you be a little more modest? If the ratings aren't good then, how will you step down?"

Li Han smiled and said, "I'm already speaking modestly."

Cen Xuegeng was helpless, and after chatting with Li Han for a few more words, he ended the call.

What kind of stories did Li Han make up on the basis of certain real history?

Cen Xuegeng is very curious. He originally planned to borrow the script from Li Han to have a look, but after thinking about it, it was fine.

Others' crews haven't officially started filming, so they go to pick up other people's scripts to read, which is not good.

Although Li Han would definitely borrow it, Cen Xuegeng thought it was not good.

That's it. It's better to wait until the TV show is released and watch TV directly.

It is rare to have such an expectation in my heart.

This is actually quite good.


Legendary Films.

The casting selection within the company has ended. All the actors got their chance to act.

Although most of the actors' roles are small, even those with only a few lines, the actors have been very satisfied.

They believe that as long as they perform well, there will always be opportunities for more important roles.

Then, the few remaining actors were given important roles.

For example, the main characters in each unit story, etc.

Of course, these actors were extremely excited and excited.

One by one, they are eager to try, and can't wait to start filming immediately, then perform well, and strive to get more important roles in the future.

This time, the three main roles were not selected among the actors of the company, and everyone still feels very regretful.

Although Li Han said, it's not because of everyone's poor acting skills, but because everyone's characters are quite different from those of the three protagonists.

But everyone still feels sorry.

Such a good opportunity has made the actors outside take advantage of it, which is really reluctant.

When fighting for the next time, we can no longer let outside actors take advantage of it.

in a lounge.

Directors such as Li Han and Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu, Liu Wenhao are all present.

Jia Xiu said, "Mr. Li Han, do you have suitable candidates for the three roles of Ji Xiaolan, He Shen and Emperor Qianlong?"

Li Han said: "Really, but I don't know if the three of them are willing to take on this drama?"

"Which three are they?" Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu and other directors asked at the same time.

Li Han said: "Ji Xiaolan is Zhang Wenliang, He Shen is Wang Shao, and Emperor Qianlong is Zhang Hailin."

"It turned out to be these three people..." Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu and other directors all recalled the appearance of the three people in their hearts.

After thinking about it, all of a sudden there was a weird smile.

Jia Xiu coughed lightly and said, "This...Mr. Li Han. Zhang Wenliang will play Ji Xiaolan and Zhang Hailin will play Emperor Qianlong. I don't think there is any problem. But Wang Shao will play Heshen...this...Mr. Li Han, according to history According to records, Heshen is a former imperial guard and a military general, so he must have a strong figure. And his appearance is quite extraordinary. Compared with the image of Heshen in real history, is the gap between Wang Shao's image and Heshen's image in real history a little big?"

Li Han said with a smile: "The gap is not a bit big, but quite large. However, this is not a historical drama, but a fictional historical drama. The characters in the play do not necessarily have to match the real characters in history."

"This..." Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu and other directors looked at each other.

Of course this is good. But wouldn't it be better if it could match the real characters in history?


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