This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 927 accident

Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu and others didn't quite understand. Why did Li Han think that Wang Shao was suitable for the role of He Shen?

Moreover, in addition to the image problem, there is another problem.

Jia Xiu added: "Mr. Li Han, Wang Shao's acting skills are definitely strong and old-fashioned. However, in recent years, Wang Shao has almost retired. The last time he acted was almost five years old. It happened a few years ago. And it was only a friendly cameo. Now if he is asked to play a leading role, he is still a notorious figure in history like Heshen, he probably will not accept it. "

Li Han nodded and said, "That's why I just said, I don't know if they will take the show?"

Jia Xiu said: "Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin shouldn't have a problem. But Wang Shao probably won't pick it up."

Li Han said: "Where is Wang Shao now? Can I get in touch?"

Jia Xiudao: "Wang Shao has hardly appeared in the media in recent years. I heard that he has returned to his hometown to live. If you want to get in touch, there should be a way to get in touch."

Li Han nodded and said, "Then trouble Director Jia to find a way to contact Wang Shao, and then send him an invitation to see how he responds?"

Jia Xiu said: "Okay, leave it to me. It's not a big problem."

Li Han said: "It's hard work, Director Jia."

Jia Xiu smiled and said, "Mr. Li Han is too polite."

Then, Jia Xiu did not delay, and immediately began to find a way to contact Wang Shao.

Although Jia Xiu is not a big director like Jing Wenbo, he has a certain reputation, and of course his connections in the entertainment industry are not bad.

After a few calls, Wang Shao's mobile phone number was obtained, and it was confirmed that Wang Shao indeed lived in his hometown.

"Do you want to invite Wang Shao now?" Jia Xiu asked.

Li Han nodded and said, "Just now."

Jia Xiu nodded and dialed Wang Shao's number.

After a few rings, the call was connected.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Jia Xiu said: "Mr. Wang Shao? I'm Jia Xiu. I'm very sorry to bother you."

"It turned out to be Director Jia.

Director Jia is serious. I don't know if Director Jia called me..."

"That's it, Mr. Wang Shao..." Jia Xiu explained the matter.

On the phone, Wang Shao was very surprised and said, "I have also heard about Mr. Li Han's plan to shoot "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth". But I really didn't expect that you would invite me to play the role of He Shen. My The character image is very different from the real Heshen's character image in history, right?"

Jia Xiu didn't know how to answer this, and he didn't expect Li Han to invite Wang Shao!

Looking at Li Han, Li Han just smiled, Jia Xiu could only say: "We are a fictional story, do the characters match those of real people in history? It doesn't matter. We just think that Teacher Wang Shao It is very suitable for the role of Heshen."

Wang Shaodao: "I'm very honored. Thanks to Director Jia and Mr. Li Han. However, Director Jia should know that I don't plan to film anymore. Besides, I'm still playing the role of He Shen. To be honest with Director Jia, I'm not too sure. I can accept the role of Heshen. I'm really sorry!"

"That's really a pity. Sorry to bother Teacher Wang Shao." Jia Xiu said.

After finishing the call, Jia Xiu said: "Mr. Li Han, it is the same as what we analyzed before. Two reasons make Wang Shao unwilling to accept our invitation."

Li Han nodded and said, "In that case. Let's see if there are any other suitable actors. In addition, continue to invite Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin."

Jia Xiu said: "It shouldn't be a big problem for the two of them."


"Oh? Invite me to play the role of Ji Xiaolan?" Zhang Wenliang was also a little surprised when he received Jia Xiu's call.

The fact that Li Han wanted to film "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth" caused a stir in the outside world and in the entertainment circle.

Of course Zhang Wenliang knew it.

Not only that, he also talked about this with some actors who are well-connected in the circle.

Everyone thinks that it is impossible for Li Han not to know that this type of subject matter is very unpopular, but he still wants to shoot.

This is either because Li Han is a little too inflated and arrogant, or because Li Han has absolute confidence.

Zhang Wenliang believes that the reason should be the latter.

Of course, just because Li Han is confident enough does not mean that the final drama will be popular.

But it shouldn't be too rushed.

Therefore, Zhang Wenliang's evaluation of the market prospects of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" is that the possibility of a fire is small, and the possibility of hitting the street is also small, and the high probability is that it will barely pass.

Zhang Wenliang is looking at the whole incident and making evaluations from the mentality of a bystander.

He really didn't expect Jia Xiu to call him and invite him to play the role of Ji Xiaolan.

He was very surprised, he didn't have any preparation in his heart, and he didn't know if he should refuse? Or accept?

It just means you need to think about it.

Ji Xiaolan?

Regarding the character of Ji Xiaolan, Zhang Wenliang just admired him a little as a good official, and he had no special feelings for others.

Now to play such a role, Zhang Wenliang was suddenly a little excited.

The reason is because Ji Xiaolan is a good official who is famous in history.

Either way, it's always a little exciting to learn that a crew has asked me to play such a famous character.

But this is not enough reason for Zhang Wenliang to accept the invitation.

Other aspects still need to be considered comprehensively.

If the script hadn't been written by Li Han, Zhang Wenliang would have refused directly.

Now that the script is written by Li Han, Zhang Wenliang wants to refuse, but he is a little reluctant.

What if this is a drama?

Although he is already a famous star actor, he is also called an old drama bone, but he also wants to make more fire dramas.

After careful consideration, Zhang Wenliang decided to go to the script to read the script first.

Although he believed that the script written by Li Han himself would not be bad, he still had to see it with his own eyes before he could rest assured.

If the script was good enough, he accepted the invitation and auditioned.


After Zhang Hailin received Jia Xiu's invitation, his reaction was similar to that of Zhang Wenliang.

They also did not expect that the crew of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" would invite him to play the role of Emperor Qianlong.

He had played the role of emperor before, but he was the emperor of the Tang and Ming dynasties, and he had never played the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Regarding the evaluation of the market prospects of the drama "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", Zhang Hailin also believes that the possibility of a fire is unlikely, but it should not hit the streets.

After all, this is a script created by Li Han himself. Even if the subject matter is unpopular, it will definitely attract many people to watch it.

The final ratings should be passable.

So, do you want to accept the invitation?

After careful consideration, Zhang Hailin made the same decision as Zhang Wenliang, and went to Legendary Film and Television to read the script first.


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