This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 928 It Is Really Hidden In The City

At the same time, many actors who felt they met the requirements took the initiative to audition for Legendary Films.

Among them are star actors.

Many people guessed and hoped that not many actors would go to audition, which is obviously wrong.

This is of course normal. Although the subject matter is very unpopular, after all, it is a script written by Li Han himself. For many actors, they are very willing to join.

Li Han personally participated in the audition work.

A large number of entertainment media reporters squatted at the entrance of Legendary Film and Television.

The people I want to interview are of course the star actors who came to audition, as well as several directors such as Jia Xiu and Zeng Yu.

The person who most wanted to interview was of course Li Han, but the reporters knew that this hope was very slim.

The powerful star actor He Huaiyong walked out of the gate of Legendary Film and Television, and many entertainment media reporters rushed forward.

"Mr. He, which role did you audition for? Has it been successful?"

"Mr. He, we all know that this drama is very unpopular, and the ratings are not optimistic. Why are you still willing to audition?"


The reporters have a lot of questions, but the main point of the summary is that the show is going to hit the streets in all likelihood. As a star actor, why are you still willing to audition?

He Huaiyong smiled lightly and said: "I auditioned for the role of Ji Xiaolan, but unfortunately, it should not be successful. As for why I auditioned? The reason is very simple, that is, since I think this drama is from Mr. Li Han, Then it's very likely to catch fire."

After speaking, He Huaiyong left. The live entertainment media reports will be released soon.

Netizens were very excited after watching it.

With so many star actors willing to audition, they can rest assured.

They were really worried before that not many actors would be willing to audition. In that case, Li Han would be embarrassed.

Also, even a powerful star actor like He Huaiyong said that Li Han's drama is likely to be popular, so maybe it will really be popular.

Is that fellow Li Han really going to create another miracle?

they say,

The possibility is absolutely there.

Now it looks like it's a lot more likely.

Netizens are all overjoyed.

The major film and television companies and brokerage companies shook their heads helplessly.

After all, they underestimated Li Han's influence.

Now it seems that there should be no problem in "Ji Xiaolan" with iron teeth and bronze teeth.

This is really regrettable.

However, even if a satisfactory actor is selected, it cannot be said that it will not be thrown into the street, is it?

They do not agree with He Huaiyong's view.

And Ma Yuan and other actors who held grudges for not signing a contract with Legendary Films snorted in disdain.

The subject matter is so unpopular, and the requirements for actors are quite high, as for?

Anyway, it is definitely going to hit the street, so why bother?

But that's fine too. The actors are carefully selected and the requirements are high, but in the end they are still on the street, which is even more exciting.


Director Jia Xiu was also interviewed by entertainment media reporters.

The reporter asked why a powerful actor like He Huaiyong failed to pass the audition?

Jia Xiu said that He Huaiyong failed to pass the audition, not because of acting problems, but because of He Huaiyong's character image, which did not match the character image the crew wanted.

The reporter asked again, what kind of character does the crew want?

Jia Xiu said that this is checked by Li Han himself, and everyone will naturally know when the actors are confirmed.

After the relevant reports were released, everyone in the outside world understood that Li Han was personally checking the choice of actors.

No wonder the requirements are so high, even He Huaiyong failed to audition.

I don't know what the character image in Li Han's mind is like?

This is very curious.


Zhang Wenliang arrived in the magic capital and came to the legendary film and television company.

Of course he also saw the reports from the media, and then he was slightly surprised and thought to himself, "Did the crew invite me to play the role of Ji Xiaolan, is Li Han's intention? My character image is very in line with the character image of Ji Xiaolan in Li Han's mind. ?"

After being slightly surprised, she was a little secretly happy.

It is always a pleasure to be recognized as a famous person like Li Han.

"Hello, I'll find Jia Xiu and Jia Jia." Zhang Wenliang said to a girl at the front desk.

The girl looked up and said with joy, "It turned out to be Mr. Zhang Wenliang. Mr. Zhang, please come with me. Mr. Li Han and Director Jia are waiting for Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Wenliang said "don't dare", then said "thank you" again, and finally followed the girl to a lounge.

Zhang Wenliang called Jia Xiu before, saying that he was going to Legendary Film and Television soon, and asked Jia Xiu if it was convenient?

Jia Xiu replied that it was convenient, and then told Li Han again.

Li Han and Jia Xiu went to the lounge to wait for Zhang Wenliang.

In the past two days, many people came to audition for the role of Ji Xiaolan, but Li Han always felt that Zhang Wenliang was more suitable for the role of Ji Xiaolan.

Therefore, Li Han attaches great importance to the arrival of Zhang Wenliang.

Seeing Zhang Wenliang come in, Li Han and Jia Xiu stood up to greet him.

After seeing Zhang Wenliang, Li Han was even more sure of his thoughts.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome! Welcome!"

"Mr. Li Han and Director Jia are too polite!"

The two sides exchanged a few words of greeting.

Zhang Wenliang had met Jia Xiu before, but it was the first time he had met Li Han.

After taking a closer look at Li Han, I saw that Li Han was not very sharp, just like an ordinary young man.

Apart from being handsome, he is no different from ordinary young people.

If it was someone who didn't know Li Han and met him on the street, he would never have imagined that this person would be the famous Li Han.

Sure enough, it is hidden in the city.

Zhang Wenliang was deeply moved. He was somewhat suspicious of Li Han's rumors before.

A young man has achieved such achievements, no matter how low-key he is, he should not be able to hide his edge.

But now, Zhang Wenliang completely believed it.

Li Han is not hiding his edge, but he has no edge at all.


After a few words of greeting, the guest and host sat down respectively, and the girl brought Zhang Wenliang a cup of tea in.

Jia Xiu said: "To be honest with Teacher Zhang, inviting Teacher Zhang to play the role of Ji Xiaolan is exactly what Mr. Li Han meant."

Zhang Wenliang said, "Sure enough," and then said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Han, I'm very honored."

Li Han said: "Mr. Zhang is serious. I should feel very honored that Mr. Zhang can come to Legendary Film and Television."

Zhang Wenliang added: "To be honest, I am very interested in this role. I am honored to be invited to play such a historical celebrity. And I believe that Mr. Li Han's script must be extraordinary. It's just..."

Li Han smiled, put the prepared script in front of Zhang Wenliang, and said, "I fully understand Teacher Zhang's concerns. This is the script, and Teacher Zhang can read it first."

Zhang Wenliang said: "Thank you Mr. Li Han for understanding. Then I will be rude first."

Li Han said: "Teacher Zhang please!"

Zhang Wenliang nodded, and after expressing his apology again, he picked up the script.

In any case, he will not be relieved until he has read the script after all.

Opening the script, a small story at the beginning made Zhang Wenliang's eyes brighten.

Then became inexplicably excited.


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