This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 929 A small story makes people applaud

This little story tells that the Empress Dowager, the mother of Emperor Qianlong, was sixty-five years old.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the ministers were in shifts, offering birthday gifts in turn to congratulate the Empress Dowager on her longevity and well-being.

First, Fukangan sent one, which was made of the golden crown of the enemy chief to create a "longevity without borders", which made Emperor Qianlong and the empress dowager very happy.

Then Heshen's birthday gift is a birthday screen decorated with 108 super large pearls.

One hundred and eight super large pearls form a "shou" character, which is dazzling.

It is rare for ordinary wealthy people to have such a large pearl, and when He Shen made one shot, it was 108, which was definitely a big deal.

This birthday gift made Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager even more happy, and even praised Heshen's intentions.

The ministers in the hall were also flirting with all kinds of flattery.

He Shen was complacent and very proud.

Next, it was Ji Xiaolan's birthday present.

Ji Xiaolan's birthday gift surprised everyone, his birthday gift was a blank piece of paper.

Holding a piece of white paper as a birthday gift to the Queen Mother is absolutely bold.

The empress dowager was naturally angry, and Emperor Qianlong was also very unhappy, and asked Ji Xiaolan to give an explanation, otherwise Ji Xiaolan would be convicted.

Many ministers in the hall gloated at the misfortune, wanton ridicule and sarcasm, saying that Ji Xiaolan was really an honest official, and even the Queen Mother's birthday gift could only take out a blank piece of paper.

He Shen, who has always been against Ji Xiaolan, is of course even more happy, looking forward to Ji Xiaolan being convicted by Emperor Qianlong this time.

When Zhang Wenliang looked at it, he was also very puzzled. This Ji Xiaolan took a piece of white paper as a birthday gift to congratulate the empress dowager. This is indeed very bold!

Of course, Zhang Wenliang knew that since Ji Xiaolan dared to do this, he naturally had his reasons.

But what is the point? This makes people very curious.

Zhang Wenliang suddenly became very interested, and couldn't wait to continue to look down.

Ji Xiaolan didn't panic, looked around in the hall, and then saw Heshen's birthday gift, the birthday screen decorated with 108 super-large pearls.

Then asked He Shen to do a favor, and the two moved Shouping to the middle of the hall.

Everyone was puzzled. What did Ji Xiaolan do when he didn't explain why he gave a blank sheet of paper, but moved the birthday gift from He Shen to the middle of the hall?

Of course, Zhang Wenliang, who was reading the script, was also very puzzled.

Just saw Ji Xiaolan unfold the white paper she brought, erect it, and then slowly move the white paper to the front of the screen.

Then everyone was shocked to find that the word "shou" slowly appeared on the blank white paper.

The word "Shou" shines brightly and dazzlingly.

The ministers in the hall were shocked, with expressions of disbelief.

Emperor Qianlong laughed, Long Yan was delighted.

The empress dowager also turned her anger into joy, and said loudly in surprise: "I saw it, I saw it, it's a 'shou' word."

The ministers were shocked, the Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager were delighted, and when He Shen saw it, he was a little furious.

This was his birthday present, but at this time he made a wedding dress for Ji Xiaolan.

It really makes no sense!

He Shen naturally did not want Ji Xiaolan to be so proud, and told the Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager that this birthday screen was a birthday gift from him, and Ji Xiaolan was completely opportunistic.

The ministers nodded and agreed.

That's right, Ji Xiaolan is indeed very smart, using a blank piece of paper to make the Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager happy.

But it can indeed be said to be opportunistic, borrowing other people's birthday gifts for Heshen.

Of course, this is actually a manifestation of Ji Xiaolan's cleverness and wit, but if people say it is opportunistic, there is no way.

Is it smart and witty? Or opportunistic? It all depends on how you say it.

Zhang Wenliang, who was reading the script, also believed that Heshen said that Ji Xiaolan was opportunistic, which was indeed difficult to refute.

Although Ji Xiaolan's method this time is clever and ingenious, there are still some flaws, which makes people a little regretful.

However, Ji Xiaolan's next sentence changed the situation in an instant.

Ji Xiaolan said, this is not the same as what the adults said. I am not taking chances, but I am clearly borrowing flowers to offer Buddha!

The Empress Dowager, also known as Lafayette.

In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor, the emperor or the empress dowager could all be called "Lafayette".

There is a saying that "Lafayette" is the special name of the Empress Dowager Cixi, which is actually inaccurate.

The title of "Lafayette" is not exclusively used by Cixi. The special titles of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty are actually called "Lafayette".

Ji Xiaolan's sentence "borrowing flowers to offer Buddha" instantly made the empress dowager even more happy, and said "yes" loudly.

Of course, Emperor Qianlong was also even more happy, and praised Ji Xiaolan's cleverness.

He Shen was naturally very aggrieved. He spent a lot of money and used 108 super large pearls, but finally made a wedding dress for Ji Xiaolan.

With such a precious birthday gift, the level of joy he gave the Qianlong Emperor and the Empress Dowager was not as good as Ji Xiaolan's blank sheet of paper.

Where does this get him to go?

It's just unreasonable, it can only be suffocated and uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenliang couldn't help but applaud, and he laughed: "What a Ji Xiaolan! He took Heshen's limelight with a blank piece of paper, leaving Heshen no reason to reason. Wonderful! Wonderful! Really wonderful! !"

Li Han and Jia Xiu looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Things should be fine.

Then, the two did not disturb Zhang Wenliang and let him continue to read the script behind.

Zhang Wenliang was more and more surprised. After only watching a small part, he raised his head and said excitedly: "Mr. Li Han, Director Jia, I accept your invitation. We will start the audition now. Bar."

Although Li Han personally invited him, Zhang Wenliang understood that he still needed to audition.

Li Han's invitation to him does not mean that he does not need to audition, but gets the role directly.

Although Liu Wenliang really wanted to continue reading the script that followed, he couldn't wait to join the crew even more.

He was absolutely certain that the show would definitely be a hit.

He was already very eager for the role of Ji Xiaolan.

He wondered if Li Han had invited other people to audition for the role?

In order not to be afraid of long night dreams, it is better to audition quickly and then settle down.

If it's a little bit slower and someone gets on board first, then it's far away.

Although this possibility is very small.

But no matter how small the possibility is, Zhang Wenliang is not willing to try.

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure you don't need to read the script first?" Li Han asked.

Zhang Wenliang shook his head and said, "I don't need to read it anymore, I'm pretty sure."

Li Han nodded and smiled: "That's good. Then please go to the dressing room, Mr. Zhang, and do some simple makeup first."

Zhang Wenliang said, "Then Mr. Li Han and Director Jia, let's go now."

He really couldn't wait.


After some preparations, Zhang Wenliang began to audition, and the result naturally made Li Han very satisfied.

Of course, Jia Xiu has no opinion.

The matter is so settled, the role of Ji Xiaolan is played by Zhang Wenliang.


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