This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 930 This is not good news

After successfully passing the audition, Zhang Wenliang naturally couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Zhang Wenliang couldn't help being a little excited when he thought that he was about to play such a historical celebrity.

Then we can know from the script that the rivalry between Ji Xiaolan, Heshen, and Emperor Qianlong is very interesting.

Absolutely hilarious and full of laughter.

I don't know who will play the roles of Heshen and Emperor Qianlong?

Zhang Wenliang is very concerned about this issue. In such an interesting and fun play, he hopes that the other party is someone who is easy to deal with.

If it's someone with a good relationship, then of course it's even better.

"Mr. Li Han, I wonder if the actors for the roles of Heshen and Emperor Qianlong have been confirmed?" Zhang Wenliang asked.

Li Han explained the situation of Zhang Hailin and Wang Shao.

Zhang Wenliang was a little surprised when he heard it. He knew both of them well, and they had a good relationship.

I didn't expect to cooperate with the two of them this time.

Of course, things are not settled yet.

After Li Han explained the situation, he added: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang Hailin and Mr. Wang Shao are familiar with each other. Do you think they are interested in this?"

Zhang Wenliang said: "There should be no problem with Zhang Hailin. After he sees the script, he should agree with great joy. On Wang Shao's side... I guess there will be some trouble."

Li Han said: "Mr. Wang really doesn't plan to act again in the future?"

Zhang Wenliang said: "He did say so. However, it's not a big deal. If there is a good script, I believe he will also be moved. And our script for "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth" this time is definitely the best. One of the great scripts. Just…”

Li Han smiled and said, "Just being a role like He Shen makes people instinctively resist."

Zhang Wenliang also smiled and continued: "That's true. However, the Heshen in the script is obviously different from the Heshen in everyone's imagination. The Heshen in the script is actually a very interesting person. Wang Shao After reading the script over there, it may be of interest."

Li Han said: "I hope so. After the audition in the past two days,

It feels like we can only try to invite Teacher Wang Shao again. "

Zhang Wenliang nodded and said, "I will also help to persuade me when the time comes."

At this time, a girl at the front desk went outside the audition room and said, "Mr. Li Han, Director Jia, and Teacher Zhang Hailin have arrived, and are resting in the lounge now."

Li Han's eyes lit up and said, "Okay, we got it. Thank you!"

Then he said to Zhang Wenliang, "If Teacher Zhang is willing, you might as well go see Teacher Zhang Hailin with us."

Zhang Wenliang laughed and said, "Okay! That's exactly what I mean. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Li Han nodded.

Afterwards, Li Han, Jia Xiu, and Zhang Wenliang went to the lounge where Zhang Hailin was.

Seeing Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin was extremely surprised, "Old Zhang, you are..."

Zhang Wenliang smiled and said: "Thanks to the trust of Mr. Li Han and Director Jia, I have now decided to play the role of Ji Xiaolan in the drama "Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan". Lao Zhang, it seems that I may want to call you 'Emperor' 'Yeah."

"This... It turns out..." Zhang Hailin quickly understood, and then laughed loudly: "Old Zhang, you didn't tell me earlier. To be honest, I am really surprised now."

Zhang Wenliang said with a smile: "I just finished the audition, and you are here before I can tell you."

Zhang Hailin wanted to say something else, but now was obviously not the time, Li Han and Jia Xiu were still beside him.

"Mr. Li Han and Director Jia, I'm really sorry, I was rude just now." Zhang Hailin apologized.

Li Han and Jia Xiu both smiled and said it didn't matter.

Then, Li Han took out the script and let Zhang Hailin read it first.

After Zhang Hailin watched it, he finally understood why Zhang Wenliang agreed to play the role of Ji Xiaolan.

Although this kind of subject matter is unpopular, this drama will definitely not be unpopular.

His previous judgment was wrong.

The probability of this drama becoming popular is not small, but almost 100% certain.

Zhang Hailin is also excited. This is one of the best scripts he has ever seen. He must get the role of Emperor Qianlong.

What happened next came naturally.

Zhang Hailin went to the audition, and Li Han was very satisfied with the effect of the audition.

He was right before, except that Zhang Wenliang was very suitable for the role of Ji Xiaolan, and now Zhang Hailin is also very suitable for the role of Emperor Qianlong.

Then, things were naturally settled, and the role of Emperor Qianlong was played by Zhang Hailin.

Now, only Heshen is left.

At this time, Zhang Hailin also knew that Li Han wanted Wang Shao to play Heshen.

He pondered: "Pharaoh really doesn't want to film anymore. But if there is a very good script, he shouldn't be able to come out again. Maybe let him read the script first."

Jia Xiu nodded and said, "We also have this plan. Mr. Li Han and I plan to visit Mr. Wang Shao in person."

Zhang Hailin said in surprise: "Mr. Li Han also want to go in person?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Wang Shao is an elder, so we young people should pay a visit."

After hearing this, Zhang Hailin nodded slowly, and his evaluation of Li Han rose to a new level.

Zhang Wenliang said: "Mr. Li Han, Director Jia, Lao Wang's hometown is in a village in Panshi County, southern Hunan. Lao Zhang and I visited once many years ago. Otherwise, let's go with you."

Zhang Hailin also said: "Old Zhang said it well, and I have the same intention."

Li Han thought for a while, and after discussing with Jia Xiu in a low voice, he said, "Alright, then it will be hard for the two teachers Zhang."

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin laughed at the same time: "Mr. Li Han is very polite."

Well, let's go.

Jia Xiu asked his assistant to book four air tickets to southern Hunan at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

After that, the actors for the roles of Ji Xiaolan and Emperor Qianlong have been determined, and the news of who they are, spread throughout the legendary film and television company.

And then slowly spread to the Internet.

Along with it, news spread that Li Han intends to invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen.

Both news caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin are both famous old actors, and they are very picky about scripts.

This time, they both joined the crew of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", which surprised many people.

Two people can actually star in such an unpopular subject.

It's really weird.

Is it because after two people read the script, they thought the show would not hit the street?

It's very possible!

This made many netizens excited.

I feel more and more that this show is really not going to hit the streets.

The major film and television companies and brokerage companies frowned slightly.

It's not good news to have Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin, two veteran actors joining in!

Could it be that Li Han really has the ability to make such an unpopular subject popular?

For the first time, major film and television companies and brokerage companies were a little worried.

But it's okay, not too worried.

They still believe that "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth" will hit the streets with a high probability.


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