This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 931 complacent about own operation

Then, what surprised the major film and television companies and brokerage companies was that Li Han actually invited Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen.

Not to mention that Wang Shao is basically in a state of retirement, just as far as the image of the character is concerned, I feel that Wang Shao is also very incompatible, right?

It is impossible for Li Han not to know this, but why did he still invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen?

Although Wang Shao can play the role, isn't it better to find someone who fits the image? It's not that I can't find it.

It's really weird.

Li Han's work is always surprising and incomprehensible.

Well, what are you thinking about? Isn't Li Han's unreasonable operation better?

Since that fellow likes to show off, then let him go.


For most ordinary netizens, they don't realize that there is something wrong with Wang Shao's character image.

Because they don't understand, what does the real Heshen's character image look like in history?

Seeing that Li Han intends to invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen, they are still a little happy.

Because Wang Shao, like Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin, are all veteran actors and absolutely capable actors.

In any case, it's always a good thing to have more veteran actors join the crew.

However, they were not happy for long before being poured a basin of cold water.

Someone anonymously said on the Internet, "I heard that Li Han intends to invite Mr. Wang Shao to play the role of Heshen. I don't know why Li Han would want to invite Mr. Wang Shao to play the role of Heshen? I just want to say that this is absolutely stupid. operate.

It's not that Mr. Wang Shao's acting skills are bad, but that Mr. Wang Shao's character image is very different from He Shen's character image in real history.

The real Heshen in history was a former imperial guard and a military general, handsome and physically fit, and quite heroic.

And Teacher Wang Shao... obviously not like this. I did not disrespect Teacher Wang Shao.

In fact, Mr. Wang Shao has always been my idol. I just objectively analyze and explain the situation.

Li Han's actions are not only irresponsible to history.

Moreover, if Mr. Wang Shao really accepts the invitation, it will also make Mr. Wang Shao controversial.

This is for sure.

So, I really don't understand why Li Han would do this? "

After this anonymous news was released, it quickly spread throughout the Internet under the promotion of some people with intentions.

Netizens who were very happy just now were a little dumbfounded when they saw it.

real or fake?

"It's true. There should be a big gap between Mr. Wang Shao's character image and the real Heshen's character image in history." A netizen who is familiar with history said so.

So, why did Li Han invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen?

Netizens can't help but start to wonder.

Of course, no one has stipulated that the image of the film and television must be consistent with the real human image in history.

It is not impossible for Li Han to invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen.

However, wouldn't it be better to find someone with a more suitable image to act?

Netizens couldn't figure it out, they were a little depressed for a while, and they were no longer as happy as before.

Ma Yuan and other actors saw such a situation, and they all laughed.

They are the initiators of the cold water.

It was Ma Yuan who sent the message anonymously. And the ones who fueled the flames behind were another group of actors.

This group of actors, including Ma Yuan, did not know each other at all. Even if they knew each other, they only knew the other's name, and they never formally communicated.

However, because they were rejected by Legendary Film and Television, they quickly formed an alliance.

What I think and hope all day long is the works shot by Legendary Film and Television.

They were already very happy when Li Han wanted to film "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", but now they want to invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen, which makes them even happier.

The post just posted anonymously on the Internet, although it will not make netizens feel any emotion towards Li Han, but at least let the netizens understand that Li Han's fellow is carrying out a slapstick operation again.

After "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" hits the streets, Li Han's show of action this time will let netizens understand.

It turned out that Li Han didn't succeed every time he acted.

Li Han's influence will be somewhat weakened.

This is called ambush.

It was a beautiful operation, and Ma Yuan and other actors were complacent.

In addition, this operation has another effect, that is, it will strangle the possibility of Wang Shao accepting the invitation.

Ma Yuan and other actors naturally did not want Wang Shao to accept the invitation.

In any case, it is always good to have one less veteran actor to join.

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin have already joined, and there is no other way, but they can stop Wang Shao from joining.

Although the possibility of Wang Shao agreeing to join is very small, just in case.

So, why do you say that it will strangle the possibility of Wang Shao joining?

Because, they have clearly pointed out that if Wang Shao accepts the invitation to join, it will be controversial.

They also said the reason for the controversy. People who didn't notice it before must have noticed it now.

Including the entertainment media must have also noticed.

Then, Wang Shao will definitely have more consideration. He must have thought, now that everyone knows my profile image, which is very different from the real Heshen profile in history, if I accept the invitation, wouldn’t it make people think I’m too thick-skinned?

Also, everyone must be thinking, the reason why I'm retiring now is because I can't receive the drama, right?

Otherwise, why choose a comeback for a character with a completely different image?

Wang Shao would definitely think so.

Then, if he had a certain possibility of accepting the invitation originally, it is completely impossible now.

This operation is simply too beautiful.

Ma Yuan and other actors are quite satisfied with their operation this time.


The next day, eight in the morning.

Li Han, Jia Xiu, Zhang Wenliang, and Zhang Hailin met at the Modu Airport.

An hour later, they will fly to the south of Hunan, go to Wang Shao's house, and try to invite again.

Several people have naturally seen relevant remarks on the Internet.

Jia Xiu said with some worry: "That anonymous guy must be a shameless guy. If he does it like this, Mr. Wang Shao may think more about it."

Li Han smiled and said: "Director Jia, don't worry, Mr. Wang Shao will not be affected by those remarks. If Mr. Wang Shao still refuses to accept the invitation, it can only be because he really doesn't want to play this role and has nothing to do with those remarks. relation."

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin said that they agreed with what Li Han said, that old guy Wang Shao could not be influenced by those remarks.

Jia Xiu said: "However, people who don't know the truth from the outside world will definitely think that Teacher Wang Shao's refusal to accept the invitation is because of the influence of those remarks. Wouldn't this make those who can't see the light secretly proud? "

Li Han said: "There is no way to do this. What the outside world thinks can only be left to them."

"But..." Jia Xiu wanted to say something else, but didn't know what to say.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly. After all, he still couldn't be as open-minded as Li Han.


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