This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 932 Why is 50 yuan less?

An hour later, several people boarded a plane to the provincial capital of Shonan.

About two and a half hours later, several people walked out of the Shonan Provincial Airport.

Zhang Wenliang said: "Panshi Town, where Lao Wang is located, is about a three-hour drive away. You can take a bus there, but it's not so convenient to go back. Why don't we rent a car and drive it by ourselves?"

Li Han and several others have no opinion. It is indeed much more convenient to drive by yourself. You can leave whenever you want.

After lunch, I rented an urban off-road vehicle worth about 800,000 yuan from a car dealership.

The car was rented by Li Han.

Mainly because the words of Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu are easy to be recognized by others, delaying some unnecessary delays.

It was also interesting when Li Han rented a car.

The young man in charge of receiving Li Han showed a smile that saw through everything many times. It is estimated that the young man thought that Li Han rented such a luxury car for the sake of a girl.

He has seen this kind of thing a lot.

Li Han just smiled and didn't explain. After completing the formalities, he drove away.

After leaving, the girls at the front desk shook their heads and sighed, saying it was a pity, such a handsome young man can't work hard to earn money to buy such a luxury car?

Not to mention buying a car for 800,000 yuan, you can buy a car for 300,000 to 400,000 yuan!

what a pity.

Li Han didn't know the girl's thoughts. He had already received Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu to set off for Panshi Town.

This car is really good.

Li Han didn't intend to rent such a good car. He mainly considered that Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin were traveling together.

Otherwise, he can just rent a general one.

Panshi Town is quite remote, but the road is still easy to walk. After leaving the provincial capital, the scenery along the way is not bad.

While chatting and admiring the scenery along the way, everyone seemed very comfortable.

Four thirty in the afternoon,

Rock Town has arrived.

This is a rather quaint town, and Li Han likes towns with a quaint atmosphere.

Therefore, Li Han was in a very good mood and said with a smile: "This town is very beautiful!"

Zhang Wenliang said with a smile: "This is also an ancient town, but it's just that it hasn't been developed into a tourist town, and it's not very popular."

Li Han said: "This time is better. If it becomes a tourist town, it will lose some of its original flavor more or less."

Zhang Wenliang said: "That's true. Old Wang does not live in the town, but in Meilin Village in the east of the town. It will take about half an hour in the past. Shall we take a break?"

Li Han thought about it and said, "Even if it's past now, it's already five o'clock when it arrives. It feels a bit late. How about we stay in the town for one night tonight and come back tomorrow morning?"

Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu have no opinion.

So, Li Han stopped the car in front of the best hotel in town, got out of the car and opened four rooms.

It's still early for dinner, so naturally I'll go for a walk around the town.

Li Han was very interested in going for a walk in the town.

Of course, Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu are also interested.

So, the four of them came out of the hotel and walked down the town street.

The street is not wide, and there are no high-rise buildings on both sides. They are all one- and two-story attics, which look very simple.

There were not many pedestrians on the street, and anyone passing by would glance at the four of Li Han curiously.

After walking for a while, I came to a small square.

It's quite lively here, at least a lot more lively than the previous street.

There are also stalls on the side of the square to do business, selling some vegetables, fruits, as well as nail clippers, ear scoops and other small things.

"Do you want to buy green onions? It's the last order, and it's cheap." The stall owner said when Li Han and the four walked past a stall.

All four stopped.

The stall owner is an old man of about seventy years old, and there is a small pile of green onions on the stall in front of him.

There is only this small pile of green onions, and nothing else.

It may be that the old man came to town to sell vegetables today, and there is still a small pile of green onions left to sell.

After the old man wanted to sell these green onions, he went home, so he took the initiative to ask people whether to buy them?

Before asking the four of Li Han, they should have asked others.

Of course, the four of Li Han had no plans to buy green onions. They were just staying for one night. What did they buy green onions for?

However, the four of them nodded in unison, and then asked at the same time, "Master, how do you sell green onions?"

Then, all four were slightly stunned, and then all smiled.

It seemed that all four of them thought of going together. That is to buy this little bunch of green onions.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, even if it is a favor for the old man.

Otherwise, the old man still doesn't know when he will be able to sell it.

The old man said, "I used to sell for two yuan a catty, and there are about two catties left here. If you buy it, just give three yuan. How about it?"

Of course there is no problem.

Jia Xiu said, "I'll come."

Then, Jia Xiu gave the old man a ten-yuan note and asked the old man to stop looking for it.

The old man insisted on looking for money, saying that Jia Xiu was willing to buy his onions, he was very grateful, and he must not charge more.

Seeing that the old man really insisted on looking for money, Jia Xiu didn't insist, and finally received the seven yuan that the old man asked for.

Li Han, Zhang Wenliang, and Zhang Hailin also nodded their heads. Since the old man insisted on looking for money, then accept it.

After the old man thanked him again and again, he left.

Looking at the green onion in Jia Xiu's hand, Li Han suddenly thought of an interesting question and said, "I have an interesting question about buying green onion. Are you interested in hearing it?"

"Okay, let's hear it." Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu said at the same time.

Li Han nodded and said, "That's right. It was said that someone went to buy scallions, and he planned to buy 100 catties, so he asked the onion seller, how much is a catty of onions?

The boss said that if you buy 100 jin for a dollar a pound, it will be 100 yuan.

The onion buyer asked again: 'Should the white and green onion be sold separately? ’

The scallion seller said: 'You can sell it, 7 cents a pound for white scallions, and 3 cents a pound for green scallions. ’

The onion buyer said 'yes', and then asked the boss to completely separate the white and green scallions. He wants to buy them separately, 50 jin for white scallions, and 50 jin for green scallions.

The boss did so. Divide 100 catties of green onions into two parts, white and green, and then weigh them. The white and green are exactly 50 catties each.

People who buy green onions pay according to the agreed price. A pound of green onion is seven cents a pound, and 50 pounds is 35 yuan. Then the green light is 30 cents per pound, and 50 pounds is 15 yuan.

Finally, 50 catties of scallion white and 50 catties of scallion green add up to 50 yuan.

So, the person who bought the green onion paid 50 yuan, and then walked away with 50 catties of light green and 50 catties of light green.

After leaving, the boss suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He used 100 catties of green onions, divided into 50 catties of white and 50 catties of green onion.

100 catties of onions should be sold for 100 yuan! After selling them separately, why did they only buy 50 yuan?

How is this going? "


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