This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 933 This Village Is Also Pretty

After Li Han finished speaking, Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu all showed very surprised expressions.

It feels like a problem.

Green onions cost one yuan per pound. If they were sold separately, there would be seven cents per pound for white onions and three cents for green onions. There seems to be nothing wrong with them.

Now divide 100 catties of green onions into 50 catties of onion white and 50 catties of light green. If you calculate the money, you should really pay 50 yuan.

But 100 catties of green onions, one yuan per catty, should be 100 yuan! Why do you sell them separately for 50 yuan less?

It's kind of weird.

The three of them couldn't understand the reason for a while.

Zhang Wenliang said with a smile: "This is similar to the question about where does one yuan go. It's really interesting."

Zhang Hailin said: "There should be a problem, but we didn't find out for a while."

Jia Xiudao: "Mr. Li Han, don't say the answer, let me think about it carefully."

Li Han smiled and said, "Okay, I won't say the answer."

The three of them thought carefully in their hearts. After a while, Zhang Wenliang laughed and said, "I see. I know what the problem is?"

Zhang Hailin and Jia Xiu also showed smiles one after another, and said at the same time, "I know too."

Li Han smiled slightly, it was not surprising that the three of them could find out the problem so quickly.

It is not difficult to find the problem.

The problem is that after dividing the onions into white and green, the white should not be counted as seven cents a pound, and the green onions should not be counted as three cents a pound.

Because, a pound of onion costs one yuan. In this catty of onions, there are both white and green.

In other words, whether it is scallion white or scallion green, it is part of a pound of green onion, and the price should be counted as one yuan per pound.

Sold separately, it should also be 1 yuan per pound for scallion white, and the same for 1 yuan per pound for scallion green.

That's right.

Onions cost one yuan per catty, if they are sold separately,

At first glance, there is no problem, but when you think about it carefully, there is a problem.

Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu all laughed.

Zhang Wenliang said: "Interesting, interesting, I really didn't find the problem at the beginning. Mr. Li Han's question is interesting!"

Zhang Hailin also said: "If I think about it now, I actually feel that if I sell it separately, there is no problem with 70 per pound of light white and 30 per pound of light green. But there is obviously a problem. Why is this? It's a bit strange."

Jia Xiudao: "I feel the same way. I know it's wrong, but I still feel that there is no problem. It's really strange."

Li Han actually felt a little strange, but he couldn't explain the reason.

This may be the reason why this topic gives people a very interesting feeling.

Several people continued to walk down the street.

It is very comfortable and leisurely to chat while walking.

At half past six in the evening, it was already dark, there was a restaurant in the town, and several people went to a restaurant for dinner.

After eating, I walked around the street for a while before returning to the hotel to rest.


Nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

Several people got into the car and continued to set off, targeting Meilin Village, where Wang Shao lived in Zhendong.

Leaving the town from the east gate of the town, the road that is not wide winds in the mountains and the scenery on both sides of the road is good.

About half an hour later, a large piece of Merlin appeared in front, which looked very beautiful from a distance, and the road passed through the Merlin.

Zhang Wenliang said: "After passing through this piece of plum forest, you will arrive at the entrance of Meilin Village."

Li Han said: "Is it called Meilin Village because of this piece of Merlin?"

Zhang Wenliang smiled and said, "Maybe it is."

Li Han said: "You can tell that Meilin Village is a very beautiful village. No wonder Teacher Wang Shao wants to go back to Meilin Village to live."

Zhang Hailin smiled and said, "Meilin Village is indeed very beautiful. Although I have only been there once, I am very impressed. However, compared to Mr. Li Han's Yuanxi Village, it is not as good. The difference is still very obvious."

Li Han said, "Has Teacher Zhang been to Yuanxi?"

Zhang Hailin said: "I have been there once, and I went there a few years ago. It's really beautiful, even more beautiful than the rumors. Especially the Tingxi Corridor, it's amazing!"

Li Han smiled and said, "I am very honored."

Zhang Wenliang said: "I always said that I would go to Yuanxi Village to have a look, but I never made it. Now it seems that I must hurry up and go as soon as possible."

Jia Xiu said: "Me too, I've always wanted to go to Yuanxi Village, but I haven't been able to make it, so I have to hurry up."

Li Han smiled and said, "Very welcome. If I am in the village when you go, I will invite you to dinner."

Zhang Wenliang and Jia Xiu both laughed and said that they must hurry up.

Zhang Hailin said that he had to go again and asked Li Han if he had anything to eat?

Li Han naturally said that of course there is.

While a few people were talking and laughing, the car had already entered the Merlin, and walking through the Merlin was definitely a visual enjoyment.

After a full two minutes, the car drove out of Merlin.

Li Han sighed with emotion, I didn't expect this piece of Merlin to be so big, it's really a beautiful place.

After exiting Merlin, after walking for less than a minute, I saw the entrance of Merlin Village.

The car could not enter the village, so Li Han parked the car in an open space next to the entrance.

Several people got off.

Zhang Wenliang said, "Let's go, let's go directly to the village. Old Wang should be at home."

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin did not tell Wang Shao that they were coming today. They just wanted to surprise Wang Shao.

Of course, Li Han and Jia Xiu also had no opinion.

Walking into the village, a few barks broke the tranquility of the village.

It's not like Yuanxi Village is full of tourists every day. Few outsiders come in here. I don't know whose dog found a few people, and then made a "beep" sound.

With this "wang", more dogs from a little further away also barked.

But don't be afraid, dogs are basically on a leash.

Some villagers heard the dog barking and went out of the house to check the situation. They saw Li Han and several others with curious expressions on their faces.

However, he didn't ask a few people who they were looking for, just looked at him curiously.

After walking for about ten minutes, a small building appeared in front of me, and the front of the small building was full of flowers and plants.

It can be seen that the flowers and plants are often taken care of.

"That's Lao Wang's house." Zhang Wenliang pointed to the small building and said.

Li Han and Jia Xiu nodded, and they almost guessed it just now.

"Pharaoh, are you at home? A guest is coming!" Zhang Wenliang let go of his voice and shouted loudly when he walked to the gate of the small building.

"Old Zhang, what are you yelling at? Why did you suddenly come to me today. Didn't you just join the cast of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan"?" A voice came from the room.

The owner of this voice is naturally Wang Shao.

He hadn't seen Zhang Wenliang, Li Han and others outside the yard. He just heard Zhang Wenliang's voice, very surprised, very surprised, and a little puzzled.

Zhang Wenliang just joined the cast of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", why did he suddenly come to him?

He walked out of the house while talking, and then saw four people outside the yard.

He couldn't help but be taken aback, Zhang Hailin was actually there. Another person is Director Jia Xiu Jia, who has a relationship with each other.

There was another young man whom he had never seen before, but soon, Wang Shao guessed the identity of the young man.

I couldn't help but be even more surprised that Li Han came to his house to look for him.



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