This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 934 It's Finally Done

Of course, Wang Shao also knew Li Han's intention to come to him.

This made Wang Shao very incomprehensible. Everyone knows that his character image is completely inconsistent with the real Heshen's character imagination in history. How could Li Han identify him?

Although I didn't understand it in my heart, the visitor was a guest. Wang Shao greeted warmly, "This must be Mr. Li Han? Welcome, very welcome! Director Jia, we meet again."

Li Han said: "I take the liberty to visit and disturb Teacher Wang Shao. I'm really sorry."

Wang Shao waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li Han is very polite. There is nothing to disturb. I am very happy that Mr. Li Han is here."

Jia Xiu said, "I was fortunate to meet Mr. Wang Shao last time, and it is a great honor to see Mr. Wang Shao again."

Wang Shao said: "Director Jia is very polite. I should be honored."

After a few polite words with Li Han and Jia Xiu, Wang Shao briefly exchanged a few words with Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin.

They are all old friends, and they should communicate more casually.

After that, Wang Shao invited four people to sit in the courtyard.

After everyone sat down, Wang Shao made everyone a cup of tea.

After chatting a few more times, he said to Li Han, "Mr. Li Han, I understand your purpose for coming here. It's just that I really don't plan to film anymore. I'm really sorry."

Li Han smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Wang is only fifty-one years old this year. According to the current statement, this age can still be regarded as a prime age. It's a pity to stop filming so early!"

Zhang Wenliang said: "Pharaoh, it is indeed too early for you to retire. The three of us are about the same age, and Lao Zhang and I are still very motivated, but you are living a retirement life here, you are going too far! "

Zhang Hailin also said: "Old Zhang is right, we are still very motivated, and we all want to leave some classic characters on the screen, why don't you want to film? If there is no good script, that's all. Now there is a best script in front of you, but you don't accept it, don't regret it in the future!"

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin really hope that Wang Shao can play the role of He Shen.

It can be seen from the script that Ji Xiaolan, Heshen, and Emperor Qianlong are three men in one play. If they perform well,

is likely to become a classic.

And their ideal partner is Wang Shao.

If it is another person, they are really worried about the other's acting skills. It would be a pity if these three characters failed to become classics because one person's performance was not good enough.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, they don't want to see Wang Shao stop filming so early.

They're not old yet, and they're still fully active on the screen.

If there is no good script, Wang Shao is unwilling to film again, that's all, they won't persuade him.

But now, with such a good script right in front of us, we must persuade Wang Shao to take over the play.

"The best script?" Wang Shao said to Zhang Hailin, "Old Zhang, is it an exaggeration to say that the best script is the best? Of course, I don't doubt Mr. Li Han's ability to write the script. It just feels a bit exaggerated."

Zhang Hailin shook his head and said, "I don't think it's an exaggeration. I do think it's the best script. Of course, it can also be said to be one of the best."

Li Han smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang is indeed exaggerating. However, I also think that the script is indeed very good. Mr. Wang, I take the liberty to ask, in your nearly 30 years of acting career, let the audience Very impressive, how many characters can be called classic characters?"

"Well..." Wang Shao pondered for a moment and said, "A character that impresses the audience... I'm afraid this will be a little difficult. I have created many characters, and they can be considered very successful. But to impress the audience very deeply. , it's hard to say."

Li Han nodded and said, "If the role of Heshen created by Teacher Wang can be 100% a classic. When the audience sees Teacher Wang, they will think of the image of Heshen created by Teacher Wang. I wonder if Teacher Wang will be interested? "

Wang Shao smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Li Han, the image of Heshen is not very good. I'm afraid that if the audience sees me in the future, they will all say 'Heshen is here'. It's not going to be a good thing!"

Li Han said: "Heshen's reputation in history is indeed not good. But the image of Heshen in our play, I believe not many people will hate it. On the contrary, I am afraid that many people will like it. Especially Wang Shao If the teacher plays the role of He Shen."

Wang Shao said: "Mr. Li Han, I actually have a question all the time. That is why Mr. Li Han is right, must I play Heshen? The real image of Heshen in history should be completely different from me. Yes."

In fact, Jia Xiu, Zhang Wenliang, and Zhang Hailin have always had some regrets about this issue.

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin are of course very happy that Li Han intends to invite Wang Shao to play the role of He Shen.

But to be honest, they also couldn't understand why Li Han was so optimistic about Wang Shao's role as He Shen?

Jia Xiu didn't quite understand it either. From the beginning to the present, it has not been understood.

Li Han smiled and said, "Because I think that if Teacher Wang plays this role, there is a high probability that this role will become a classic."

This answer is not an answer, but Li Han can only answer like this. He couldn't say that he chose people based on the image of Heshen of Teacher Wang Gang in his previous life, right?

Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, Jia Xiu, including Wang Shao himself nodded slowly, and it seemed that this was the only explanation.

After that, Wang Shao said: "To be honest, I really have some interest in this character now. Can you let me read the script first?"

Li Han, Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, and Jia Xiu all lit up and seemed to have a show.

Li Han smiled and said, "Of course you can."

Then give the script to Wang Shao. Wang Shao took it, said sorry, and started to read the script.

After watching a part of it, he said, "The script is indeed a very good script, and it is also one of the best scripts I have ever seen. However, no matter what happens, the person who gets the limelight is always Ji Xiaolan, and the person who suffers or gets calculated is always It's Heshen. If I really play Heshen, wouldn't it be a big disadvantage compared to Lao Zhang?"

Zhang Hailin laughed and said, "There's no other way. Our image is to play Ji Xiaolan. Old Wang, you can only be wronged a little bit."

Zhang Wenliang said with a smile: "Heshen also has moments of pride, and it's not that he suffers every time! I said, Lao Wang, hurry up and stop the ink. Mr. Li Han and Director Jia have come to the door in person. It's to give people face, isn't it?"

Wang Shao pondered, and after a while, he finally said, "It's okay. Since both Mr. Li Han and Director Jia are so sincere, then I will play such a role."

"Okay!" Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin laughed, and Li Han and Jia Xiu were naturally very happy.

Finally got it!


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