This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 935 I have a lot of ingredients here

Wang Shao let out a long breath. He wondered if his decision to accept the invitation was right?

But it should be right.

When this drama is filmed, the effect should be very good, and the ratings should be very gratifying.

The unpopular subject does not mean that the work will not be popular.

Although the people in the show are basically Ji Xiaolan, Heshen, as Ji Xiaolan's opponent, suffers a lot from Ji Xiaolan's hands.

But as Li Han said, He Shen in this drama is not annoying, but sometimes it makes people feel a little cute.

After watching it, the audience does have a chance to like this character.

Of course, what I like is only Heshen in the play, or Heshen played by him.

Maybe, he can really create a character that impresses the audience because of this role.

If that's the case, let's try again.

I have been in the industry for nearly 30 years, and I can't guarantee 100% that I have a role that impresses the audience very deeply.

This is indeed a pity.

Now that you have a chance to make up for such a regret, try it again.

I am not old, and I still have the energy to make up for such a regret.

As for those claims on the Internet, Wang Shao has also seen that if he knows that he accepts the invitation, there will certainly be some rumors outside.

For example, the reason why I retire is because I can't receive dramas and the like.

But Wang Shao didn't care.

Zhang Wenliang laughed and said, "I really didn't expect that this time I would work with the two of you. It seems that the three of us have never worked together before. I can't wait."

Zhang Hailin said: "This time thanks to Mr. Li Han and Director Jia, I hope that the performance of the three of us can satisfy Mr. Li Han and Director Jia."

Li Han and Jia Xiu said at the same time that they completely believed in the performance of the three people.

After some fun,

Wang Shao, the host, invited four people to lunch.

The four were naturally invited.

Wang Shao said: "What do you want to eat? I still have enough ingredients here. There are a variety of vegetables in the vegetable garden, chickens in the chicken coop next to it, pork and beef in the refrigerator, and there is a pond over there. , there are fish in it, carp, grass carp, silver carp, and so on.”

Zhang Wenliang said with a smile: "Yes, Old Wang, you are completely self-sufficient!"

Wang Shao said with a smile: "If you live in the countryside, you must be self-sufficient, right?"

Zhang Wenliang said: "Unfortunately, your ingredients are far inferior to Mr. Li Han's."

Wang Shaodao: "Mr. Li Han's Yuanxi Village is famous all over the country, and even internationally, such as the island country, it has become famous. Naturally, I can't compare it here."

Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Wang Shao's ingredients here are already very rich."

The food is indeed plentiful. As for what to eat for lunch? A few people decided that the chickens don't need to be killed, they just go to the pond to catch two fish.

There is fish, and then it is enough to fry two small dishes.

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin volunteered to go fishing. Li Han and Jia Xiu went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables and acted independently.

Before picking vegetables, Jia Xiu had passed the news that Wang Shao agreed to play the role of He Shen back to the company.

Legendary Film and Television officially announced to the outside world that the actor of Heshen has been confirmed, and Wang Shao will play the role.

When the news came out, the outside world was extremely surprised.

Wang Shao actually accepted the invitation, which was really unexpected.

Are the previous rumors true? The reason why Wang Shao chose to retire was because he could not receive the drama.

Otherwise, why did you accept the invitation so quickly?

You know, Li Han's drama is not only an unpopular theme, but the role of He Shen he is going to play is also a notorious figure in history.

Also, the characters don't match up at all.

What do you think, Wang Shao shouldn't take this drama!

Unless there is really no other play.

However, Wang Shao, an old drama player and an absolutely capable actor, has never heard of any big boss who has offended him, so he shouldn't be able to receive the show!

It's really weird.

Many people from all walks of life have discovered that since Legendary Film and Television announced that it will shoot the first TV series, all kinds of strange and incomprehensible news have continued to appear.

For example, the drama is the most unpopular subject, Li Han invited Wang Shao, whose image was completely inconsistent with the character's image, to play the role of He Shen, and Wang Shao accepted the invitation, etc.

However, when I thought that this was Li Han's drama, I was relieved.

Li Han's works, no matter what works, are there any incomprehensible parts?

Every time.

So, it is not surprising to everyone. So used to it.

For most netizens, although it is difficult for them to understand that Ma Shao joined, they are still very happy.

In any case, it's always a good thing to have more veteran actors joining Li Han's drama.

Maybe it will increase viewership a little bit.

Most netizens are still looking forward to Li Han to create another miracle.

For Ma Yuan and other actors, they were completely unhappy, completely surprised and incomprehensible.

Doesn't Wang Shao care about the criticism of him in the world?

It doesn't matter if it is said that he chose to retire because he can't receive the drama?

An actor, or an actor who is regarded as an old drama bone, should not be very concerned about his reputation, right?

Really incomprehensible.

Wang Shao, plus the previous Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin, the three leading actors in "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth" turned out to be veteran actors.

what is this?

Just because it's Li Han's drama, the three old drama characters chose to join in regardless of the unpopularity of the subject matter?

Is Li Han's drama really that attractive?

Ma Yuan and other actors are difficult to understand.

But that's fine. The three leading actors are all old actors, but they still hit the street in the end. Isn't that more exciting?

Moreover, it is enough to prove that the reason for the flutter is that the script is not good.

The three leading actors are all old dramas and they are all on the street. It's not the script, what is it?

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan and other actors got excited again.

Plenty of entertainment media also lavished coverage.

The news that Wang Shao is going to play the role of He Shen in the drama "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" has spread all over the Internet.

It quickly hit the hot search list.

Moreover, the rankings continue to rise.

When the actors in the entertainment industry met, they were all envious and full of emotion.

Wang Shao hasn't been on the hot search list for several years, right?

Even though Wang Shao is an old actor, he doesn't have many chances to be on the hot search list.

It wasn't much before, and it hasn't been on for several years now.

But now, because of joining Li Han's crew, he has been on the hot search list in an instant, and the ranking is still rising.

How can this not make the actors in the entertainment industry feel and envious?

It seems that if you want to get on the hot search list, you only need to find ways to get involved with Li Han.

Well, the method is still very simple.


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