This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 936 Instant petrification on the spot

Merlin Village.

Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Hailin are really good at fishing.

It didn't take too long to get a good harvest.

A carp that weighs two pounds and a dozen crucian carp with a palm width.

Sufficient for fish for lunch.

At this time, Li Han had already cooked a few side dishes.

Then the fish was descaled and the abdomen was cut open, then the pot was boiled with oil, and two more dishes were served.

Get it done.

Start eating.

A meal is naturally enjoyed by the host and guests.

After eating, Wang Shao began to pack his things. He was going to leave with Li Han and the others to report to the crew.

After some final preparations, the crew will officially start filming.

Start shooting early, show early.

After everything was sorted out, the group set off.

After arriving at the entrance of the village, get on the car and return to the original road.

After passing through Panshi Town, all the way to the provincial capital of Hunan.

It's getting late. I will stay in the provincial capital for one night tonight, and I will fly back to the capital tomorrow morning.

After finding the hotel, Li Han went to the car rental company to return the car.

Or the guy from before.

After seeing Li Han, the young man winked for a while.

Li Han is a little helpless, why does this guy have so many dramas?

After completing the formalities and paying the money, Li Han said, "I'm very sorry, the purpose of my rental car may not be what you think."

The young man smiled and said: "Everyone is young, don't be embarrassed to admit it. It's nothing, although it is a rental car, but it is not based on ability."

The girls at the front desk still remember Li Han.

Seeing Li Hanlai returning the car,

Another quiet discussion.

They still feel a little pity, such a handsome young man, if he owns such a luxury car, how good would it be?

"Don't you know that you can't talk about guests like this behind your back?" A voice came.

It could be heard that the speaker was very dissatisfied with the girls talking about the guests behind their backs.

The voices of the girls stopped talking, and they all cried out in their hearts that they were unlucky. How could the manager hear them?

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Yan Yongzheng, the manager of the company, frowning at them.

"I'm sorry, Manager Yan, we won't anymore." Several girls said one after another.

Although they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with talking about it in their hearts, they still apologized on their lips.

Yan Yong nodded, then glanced outside, the young man who was walking out was the one the girls were talking about just now, right?

Yan Yong didn't care at first, and after a look, he was ready to leave.

But suddenly, he felt that the young man seemed a bit like... Li Han.

He had been to Yuanxi Village and was fortunate enough to meet Li Han once.

Is it really Li Han?

Yan Yong's surprise was no small matter. It was too late to think why Li Han came to rent a car? He ran out in a hurry.

He's going to check if it's Li Han?

If he doesn't confirm it clearly, he will definitely regret and regret it for the rest of his life.

When a few girls saw Yan Yong running out suddenly, they were a little stunned.

What's the situation?

Manager Yan, who has always been calm and strict, why was he so reckless all of a sudden?

Strange in my heart, I kept looking at Yan Yong.

At this time, the young man in charge of receiving Li Han who had just sent Li Han away walked to the front desk and said, "What is Manager Yan doing?"

A girl said: "I don't know, we are watching."

The young man nodded and followed along.

I saw that Yan Yong ran straight to the young man who had just returned the car and was leaving now.

Then it should be shouting something, the distance is a little far, and I can't hear it clearly.

Only to see the young man stop, then turn around, looking at Yan Yong with some doubts.

Yan Yong seemed a little excited, and then said something?

The young man smiled, then nodded, as if to say two words, "I am."

Then I saw that Yan Yong suddenly became very excited and excited, and his face seemed to be a little red because he was too excited.

The young man and the girls at the front desk became more and more confused.

What's the situation?

Why is Yan Yong so excited and excited? It was the first time they saw Yan Yong so excited and excited.

Is there something wrong with that young man?

If you don't understand, keep reading.

Yan Yong was talking and gesturing, as if he wanted to invite young people to come and sit in the company.

Young people don't seem to agree.

The two of them stood talking like this, not knowing what to say? I saw that Yan Yong was always very excited.

The conversation between the two seemed to be quite pleasant.

After a while, the two walked outside together. It seems that the young man is leaving, and Yan Yong is going to send him along.

The young man and a few girls at the front desk became more and more confused.

"Who is that young man?" the boy and the girls asked at the same time.

Then they all shook their heads. But one thing is certain, that is, Yan Yong knew the young man. And what is the identity of that young man?

Is it the son of the company boss?

There is this possibility.

"Manager Yan, is this flattering?" The boys and girls felt contempt in their hearts.

Of course, it's also possible that they guessed wrong.

After a while of random suspicion, Yan Yong came back, his steps were still fast, and his face was still a little excited.

The young man quickly left the front desk, and the girls also hurriedly pretended to be busy. Although they were full of doubts, they dared not ask Yan Yong.

"Xiao Xiang, wait a minute, don't go." Yan Yong shouted after seeing the young man who was leaving.

The young man's name was Xiang Yuan, and when he heard the words, he felt a "squeak" in his heart, "Is that young man not going to complain to Manager Yan just now?"

There is no problem with my reception, I just teased him for the purpose of borrowing the car, no need to complain, right?

Xiang Yuan felt a little nervous in his heart.

Yan Yong didn't know Xiang Yuan's anxiety at all, so he approached and said, "Xiao Xiang, go to my office and tell me in detail the scene when the gentleman came to borrow the car yesterday. Live, the more detailed the better."

Xiang Yuan became more and more uneasy, hesitated for a while, and said, "Manager, I shouldn't have any problems during the reception, right?"

Yan Yongdao: "No problem! Don't worry, I don't want to investigate any problems with your reception. Xiao Xiang, your luck this time is really good!"

"Ah?" Xiang Yuan said, "Manager, why do you say that?"

Yan Yong said: "You, and you..." Yan Yong pointed to the girls at the front desk, and then continued, "I really don't know what your vision is? Do you know who the gentleman was just now?"

"Who is it?" Xiang Yuan and several girls asked at the same time.

Although he was asking, he was thinking, "Isn't he the boss' son? We are not you, so how could we know each other? Besides, why do we have to know each other?"

However, Yan Yong's next sentence made them instantly petrified on the spot.

Yan Yongdao: "That gentleman's surname is Li, and his name is Li Han. That's right, that's Li Han, Li Han from Yuanxi Village."

Xiang Yuan and the girls were petrified in an instant.


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