This star just wants to learn

Chapter 565 Why is Pu Tong here?

Network IP addresses are a good thing.

It was precisely because of the address displayed on the account that netizens confirmed the fact that Pu Tong and others had arrived in Kyoto...

The quality of the video taken by passers-by at the airport is very blurry. Even if a few people in the video do look very similar to them, all guesses are just guesses until the person himself shows up.

"Like" doesn't necessarily mean "is". Just to watch the excitement, you have to provide evidence, right?

With the release of Yu Wanwan's new video, this speculation has become self-evident. The boy singing through the window in the video is obviously Pu Tong!

Although it was difficult to see his specific face clearly through the foggy windows, the voice, figure, timbre, and even the song all proved his identity...

They were the group of six people who were in the situation at the airport that day. After all, the IP addresses of the six of them had also been changed from Jiangnan to Kyoto.

Everyone can understand that several other celebrities are running around, but Pu Tong is a high school student. Shouldn't he still be in school now? Why did he suddenly come here?

They couldn't guess, they couldn't guess Pu Tong's thoughts at all. This guy would do a lot of work every now and then. Who could predict him?

Apart from Yu Wanwan, who is a perfect match, I am afraid no one else can understand his thoughts...

There are hearts painted on the foggy windows. I am afraid these two people are not trying to sweeten them to death.

The only thing that makes the CP party feel that there is a fly in the ointment is why Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan live across the street. Why don't the young lovers live together openly?

If you can't see Pu Yu and the two posting, they are going to make a fuss!

Pu Tong, the person involved, only learned about it early the next morning. He studied very late last night and went to bed without looking at his phone at all. Who would have thought that Yu Wanwan recorded his song and posted it?

With the intention of eating melon. He glanced at Yu Wanwan's comment section and was almost frightened to death by a sudden comment.

"When will the young lovers live together?"

Hammer, oh, the heaven-defying CP fans are almost done, but they are still underage. What are they doing? While playing in the mud.

Lin Yuxi and Iori Yukino can also be regarded as his and Yu Wanwan's top CP fans. They are always thinking about listening to the corner, and the other fans must be similar...

It can only be said that this is the case with CP. People will only think that the progress of their favorite CP is too slow. If it could be fast-forwarded, they would have fast-forwarded to "five births".

Pu Tong rubbed his brows. Fortunately, in addition to the people who gathered around the window to enjoy the little couple's candies, there were also many people who focused on the creation of this song.

Although the song "Girl Opposite Look Over" is simple, this simplicity is the song's advantage. Because of this, it is extremely contagious and infectious, and its degree of brainwashing is not ordinary.

Many people who have no interest in this song will have the brainwashing lyrics and melody echoing in their heads after listening to it once, and they will never get rid of it.

Putting aside this "suspected show of affection" video, this song is a love song full of youthful excitement.

The lyrics express the boy's inner appreciation and love for the girl, showing his innocence and childishness when he opens his heart. The melody is also full of youthful vitality and is very distinctive.

This short song completely conveys the flirting between young boys and girls in a healthy way. The cheerful and generous young people are as bright as the sun, and they are as playful, humorous and clever as naughty boys.

Apart from Pu Tong, they really couldn't imagine that there was another person who could write a true campus feel in the song...

Whether it is "My Deskmate" or "In Memory of You", the campus songs he writes always have a sense of youth and campus that other singers cannot write.

It can only be said that only high school students understand high school students best!

Yu Wanwan made such a casual comment, and three hot search terms appeared around him overnight, namely "The girl opposite looks over", "Putong Yu Wanwan's love", and another " What is Pu Tong here for?"

The vast majority of netizens and passers-by are still more concerned about his purpose of coming to Kyoto. After all, he is still in school. What else can make Pu Tong forget about studying?

There are also different opinions on this discussion forum. Some people say that he is a love brain and came to Kyoto just to accompany Yu Wanwan. Others say that he came to Kyoto to see a doctor. The reason is that the only thing that can make Pu Tong give up studying is health.

Is it possible that he did not give up studying when he came here, but came here just to study?

There is even more outrageous speculation. A silly netizen said that he has transferred his registered residence in Kyoto and will be the master of Jing from now on...

Pu Tong was almost laughed out of anger. He transferred his Huizi account. Everyone in the comment area had different opinions, but few people suspected that he had come to the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, there was speculation about him coming to the Spring Festival Gala from the beginning, but after discovering that all six of their IP addresses were changed to Kyoto, many netizens ruled out this option by default.

No matter what, it would not be possible for all six of them to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. Except for Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan, there are obviously not enough seats for the other four of them.

"Releasing a correct answer?"

Pu Tong smiled and wondered if netizens' jaws would drop when they saw their names on the Spring Festival Gala program.

Six? Wrong, it's eight. They will have to fight for them all when the time comes.

It was only early eight o'clock after he washed up. Most of the guys were probably still sleeping in at this time. He didn't want to disturb everyone, so he went out alone quietly.

Naturally, Pu Tong had something serious to do when he got up so early. He had to go see Wei Mingfeng. After all, they had arranged everything about his math competition training.

Being suddenly thrust into someone else's digital competition training camp seemed a bit like taking a back door, and the person who helped him was a big shot at CCTV. The "connected person" was undoubtedly convinced...

It was extremely cold in the winter morning in the north. Even though he wore a few extra layers of clothes, he still felt a bit chilly. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, his face would have frozen.

When Pu Tong was approaching his destination, Yu Wanwan and the others seemed to have just gotten up and asked him to come out for breakfast.

[You guys eat, I have something to do. ]

[Leaving so early. ]

Yu Wanwan knew that he was going to report to the training camp today, but he didn't expect that he would get up so early and go out alone before dawn.

[What a pity, Aunt Yun carefully prepared breakfast. ]


Pu Tong couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the news. If he remembered correctly, Iori Yukino seemed to be clamoring to try bean juice last night. As a "special delicacy" in Kyoto, she naturally didn't want to let it go.

Several other people had never drank it, so they all agreed and planned to try it this morning.

Although people have different tastes, bean juice is indeed not very popular. At least Pu Tong doesn't dare to try it easily, so he still doesn't get involved in this kind of thing.

This bean juice is very delicious, comrades drink it first.

It can only be said that there was a reason why he woke up so early. As long as he had something to do and went out, the carefully prepared bean juice had nothing to do with him...

Good luck to Sakura!

This was his third visit to the CCTV building. Different from the bright scenery during summer vacation, the buildings looked a bit gray in winter. When walking on the road, it felt like being surrounded by a group of "reinforced concrete monsters", which was very depressing.

"Good boy, I haven't grown so tall in half a year!"

Wei Mingfeng, who was on the roadside, saw him coming, walked up quickly and patted his shoulder, obviously paying more attention to him.

The first time he met him, Wei Mingfeng was mostly curious. The second time he met him, it turned into admiration. Today, he was a bit serious this time.

"The age of seventeen or eighteen is the time to grow taller." Pu Tong smiled. During this period, his height had indeed grown rapidly. In the past, Sakura Girl's head was at the same level as his shoulders, but now it only reaches his chest.

As a unit of measurement for height, Iori Yukino is still very stable.

"You kid, you dare to hang up on me..." Wei Mingfeng put his arm around his shoulders, as if he was still brooding about what happened last time.

"Uncle Wei, I'm really sorry. I was anxious when my results came out last time."

Pu Tong scratched his head and just hung up Wei Mingfeng's phone number. They had a good relationship.

But who would have thought that there were a lot of big shots around him at that time, and his behavior somewhat hurt people's face...

"It doesn't matter if you hang up the phone." Wei Mingfeng gritted his teeth, "Don't say half of what you said. What on earth is your public service announcement about?"

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