This star just wants to learn

Chapter 931: First victory

“Not really…”

When the school bell of Huailin No. 1 Middle School changed to “Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto”, Pu Tong realized that things were not simple.

His memory still stayed at the time when he just finished playing this song, when Liu Mu excitedly rushed to the stage and held his hand, saying that he would do his best to perform this song perfectly.

From the current situation, she did it. Her team did a great job in deconstructing and restoring this song, and successfully made “Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto” a sensation on the entire Internet as soon as it was released.

This song is the original traditional Chinese music. It is not only combined with the excellent culture of Yue Opera, but also because of the love story of Liang Zhu, which successfully made this song deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

What’s more, there is Pu Tong’s celebrity effect. He is a super popular idol known to all ages in China. With such a work, it is inevitable that it will detonate the domestic music scene.

But this song is not only powerful in China, but there are many people abroad who pay attention to this battle, and there are also many people who are waiting for the works of the two.

Agren's sonata is a very common European classical music style. Although it has some innovations in melody and content, the form is still the same old style.

Those who don't like classical music will still not like this song. Those who like classical music are a little tired of this style, so the expectation is not high.

In contrast, it is a bit curious what kind of work Pu Tong, who has never studied classical music, can produce.

Classical music in the Chinese music scene is not popular. Everyone thought that Pu Tong would follow the mainstream classical music in the world. Who knew that he actually handed in such an answer.

A piece of classical music full of Chinese style successfully refreshed everyone's ears. When they first appreciated Chinese classical music, they encountered Liang Zhu, which was a feast for their ears.

What's more, Pu Tong's story is a bonus. An extremely wonderful story echoes this music. This is a double feast of vision and hearing.

They not only appreciated classical music that is completely different from mainstream traditional music, but also witnessed the romance of the Chinese people through the love story of Liang Zhu.

If they had voting buttons in this duel, they would definitely vote for Pu Tong's work.

It's hard to judge which of the two songs is better, but in terms of perception, Pu Tong's "Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto" is better.

Classical music has been a bit "elegant" since its birth. Whether it is popular among the aristocracy or a certain appreciation threshold, it seems to emphasize that this is not the art of ordinary people.

Perhaps classical music has an "arrogant" spirit in its bones, so everyone does not like this niche art form imperceptibly.

But Pu Tong's classical music is different. Compared with the elegant art that the traditional aristocracy likes, it is more approachable.

Whether it is the form of telling a story or writing a supporting script for this song, they can really feel Pu Tong's sincerity and appreciate the appeal of this work.

He is not the kind of high-ranking artist. He is more like a craftsman who pays more attention to the public experience and always puts the audience first.

This is so rare. As a foreign netizen said, among the top international musicians, only Pu Tong treats everyone as an ordinary person, and also treats himself as an ordinary person.

Pu Tong laughed when he saw this hot comment. Aren’t we all ordinary people? He just wants to bring out excellent works to be liked by more people, so he will naturally pay more attention to everyone’s listening experience.

In order to let everyone really understand this song, he specially wrote a script. Sincerity is not a big deal, this is what he should do.

Because of his experience in script writing in previous times, he wrote the story of Liang Zhu quite smoothly this time. He originally planned to use it as a supplementary explanation, but he didn’t expect it to become the finishing touch.

[Look at this. ]

Pu Tong received a spreadsheet from Yu Wanwan as soon as he got home from school. This is the detailed data of the two songs counted by Jiang Yun.

At present, the data of "Liang Zhu" in all aspects is higher than that of Agren's classical music, whether it is the number of plays or the evaluation, it has achieved a certain lead.

[Congratulations, you won the first game. You should be able to win. ]

Pu Tong frowned. It is not recommended to open champagne at halftime. The song has only been released for a few days, and these data are only temporary.

The deadline for their competition is a full month, and it is hard to say who will be higher or lower by then.

Of course, that is what he said, but the trend of music is basically a burst of momentum, then decline and finally exhaustion. The gap was opened at the beginning, and it would not be overtaken later unless there was an accident.

Although Pu Tong did not pay much attention to the victory or defeat of this duel, the important thing is that he made more people aware of Chinese culture through this song.

Pu Tong did not realize that this song would be so popular in advance. After all, in his impression, Liang Zhu in the original world did not set off a craze internationally.

This song is naturally not bad, but because the mainstream classical music market abroad has been formed, this song is difficult to be noticed.

However, here, due to the celebrity effect of music Pu Tong, this song has been noticed by more people. Compared with its artistry, more people are actually moved by this story.

This is why this song is higher than Aglen's sonata in terms of data.

If he wins, it won't be because of the level of his art, but because of people's hearts...

But he won't think it was his own achievement. After he finished playing the piece, the rest of the content was actually completed by Teacher Liu Mu and his team.

After all, Pu Tong didn't know violin and classical music. All he could do was take out the melody and write a script.

The reason why the song Liang Zhu was so popular was closely related to the excellence of the song itself and the strength of the performance team.

The reason why Liu Mu excitedly held his hand at that time was just because she saw an opportunity... an opportunity to bring Chinese traditional music to the international horizon.

She successfully seized this opportunity and restored the song very well. Pu Tong felt that he was taking advantage of others.

[It's time to prepare for the next match, Master. The next opponent is Fei Li, who is good at high notes. Do you have any clues? ]

So soon?

The result of this first match is still uncertain, and the second match has already started?

What to do, just let it go.

Let him do something else, but singing high notes is not going to kill him!

This thing is determined by the timbre conditions. It's not that he doesn't work hard enough. If he forces it, I'm afraid his voice won't want it.

How was the schedule arranged? I encountered two of the toughest opponents right at the beginning. After beating the classical school, there came the extreme school.

[If I give up directly, will I be scolded? ]

Yu Wanwan:?

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