This star just wants to learn

Chapter 932: Deploying troops

"Congratulations to Pu Tong for successfully beating a centenarian?"

Iori Yukino's congratulations will come later. Of course, her congratulations are as informal as ever. What does beating a centenarian mean? Those who don't know think that they don't have martial ethics...

"This month has just started a few days ago, and the final data has not been released yet. We still don't know who beat whom."

Agron is only in his sixties, so why is he already a centenarian? Pu Tong will not carry this pot.

"Then you are also beating up an old comrade who is over sixty years old."

Iori Yukino didn't care about that much. Given the age difference, Eglen was already in his sixties, so Pu Tong actually dealt such a heavy hand.

Being defeated head-on in the field she was best at, she was really afraid that her old comrade's inner defenses would be completely defeated, and wouldn't Pu Tong turn into a murderer in disguise?

Is she being alarmist? She is obviously thinking about Pu Tong. Pu Tong only needs to consider coming up with a world-class classical music, but she has much more to consider...

"No, buddy?"

Pu Tong almost believed her lies. Aiglen, a master in the field of classical music, challenged himself and chose the field of Hetty that he was best at. It would have been good if he didn't yell about bullying the younger ones. How could he still say that he bullied the old man? ?

To be honest, he really has no research on classical music at all. Even if he was asked to do a music appreciation, he couldn't understand it. The reason why he was able to come up with Butterfly Lovers was all due to the "careful teachings" of the aunt at the former orphanage.

Who knows the love that middle-aged people have for this piece of music? They listen to it whenever they have nothing to do. They have to listen to it several times a day. I have been listening to it for more than ten years. Can I not remember it?

"According to what you say, then Pu Tong will have to challenge Feili next, wouldn't he beat the old man twice?"

Yu Wanwan was almost laughed to death by these two people. Why should age be considered for artistic exchanges? When we meet our opponents, wouldn't it be better for musicians to only let their works speak for themselves? How strange is it to rank based on seniority?

"Wanwan is right."

Iori Yukino slapped her thigh, followed by Feili, an old aunt in her fifties, and Pu Tong, who really knows how to bully the weak and old...

I just finished beating a sixty-year-old man, and then I beat a fifty-year-old man.

She had already planned for Pu Tong, and next she would fight Charlie, who was in his forties, then Gaia, who was in his thirties, and finally compete with the sixteen-year-old Hetty.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to sort them directly by age, from the elderly to the children, punching the Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking the Beihai Kindergarten?

"Quick, quick, let's win Feili first, and get rid of these two Lao Deng first, step by step, don't rush!"


"That's not what you just said."

Just now he kept saying he respected the teacher, but now he started to beat Lao Deng violently. I can only say that Iori Yukino is like this, he will come up with whatever he thinks.

"That's right, sister. Now that you are calling me Huan, if you are overturned later, won't you be slapped in the face?"

Opening champagne at halftime is really not recommended. After all, Algren is a top international musician. What if there is any backup plan?

It’s only the beginning of the month and there are too many things that are uncontrollable.

The outcome of the challenge depends purely on the data. There are too many operability in it, and it is not a scam to invite trolls, but a sudden wave of popularity is still very likely to make a song popular again.

Iori Yukino frowned. She was most disgusted by the fact that these people who had the chance to win were still talking about it, so coquettishly!

"If you really want to beat up Lao Deng, I can give you this opportunity." Pu Tong smiled mischievously, "Anyway, our challenge is only creation, and I don't necessarily have to sing... Are you coming for the second round?"

"Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto" was performed by Liu Mu's orchestra, but he was the composer, and the same is true for the following games.

"I see that you want to go so much, why don't you go and fight Feili until dawn?"

Iori Yukino waved her hands hurriedly, her whole body was feeling bad. What Feili was good at was high notes. She could break glass when she was nearly fifty. She went to compete with others in high notes, not to deliver food?

"Me, are you talking about me?"

She could imagine herself shouting at the top of her lungs and then being easily beaten.

Seeing Iori Yukino suddenly getting excited and nodding her tail, Pu Tong suddenly thought of a scene he had seen on a variety show before. A buddy came on the show and said he would sing a high note that would destroy the whole world. The judge was teacher Han Hong. ,Then……

I don’t know if Iori Yukino and Feili really fight, will there be a hellish scene?

"Thinking about it this way, we may not be able to handle this battle..."

Yu Wanwan sighed, "Not only you, but any of us are not good at high notes."

"Marshal Pu Tong, you have no generals available!"

Although he could tell that Yu Wanwan was joking, Pu Tong really didn't know anyone who could sing high notes. Yu Wanwan had a soft and melodious style, Iori Yukino had a lively and cute style, and Xie Mu was a deep man with a sense of storytelling. bass.

From this point of view, it seems that he really has no one available.

Not to mention if you come by yourself, if you ask him to sing high notes, he really won't be able to sing at all, he doesn't have the talent, and the hardware can't keep up and run.

Pu Tong sighed, and happened to see Lin Yuxi who was hesitant to speak. He understood, this guy probably didn't want to recommend his sister, and he was a little embarrassed to speak.

Lin Yuran is indeed one of their company's candidates who is relatively good at high notes, and she can also master the high notes and dramatic accents she sang before.

"Ran Ran, forget it." Pu Tong thought about it and gave up the idea, "Ran Ran might give it a try, but she is currently growing up and her voice is changing. It would be bad if she hurts her throat."

Lin Yuxi was stunned when she heard this. She only thought about how to make her sister shine, but she forgot to consider this level. Pu Tong, the master, is really good at loving his apprentice. In comparison, she, the elder sister, is a little unqualified.

"I think of someone..."

Yu Wanwan paused, "Do you still remember the high-pitched work that Aunt Su Tang sang in the last "Masked Singer" competition?"

I have an impression of this Pu Tong. They watched the competition offline at that time and were deeply impressed.

"You mean, let Aunt Su try it?"

Aunt Su Tang's high notes are indeed good, but just good. It is not the ceiling in China, and it is even more difficult to evaluate in international occasions.

"Who said Aunt Su... I'm talking about Song Tianhou who collaborated with Aunt Pu Tong at that time, the real high-pitched queen!"

I remember that it was because the two of them sang together at that time that Su Tang's high notes seemed a few points worse after comparison.

This person's high notes are also the existence of shattering glass cups. I feel that it is really worth a try.

"Okay, okay, I love watching Lao Deng being beaten up, I can't wait!"


We should think long and hard about deploying troops and generals.

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