This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 55: "Bing"

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"I'm at this level, how precious is the blood **** sand for me?"

The Blade Demon Sovereign spoke slowly: "So, rest assured, this blood **** placer vein, as long as Wu Wu is delivered to you, it will be yours, and no one can take it away."

"You have the Blood God Placer Vein in your hand, and you can use it to trade blood spirit crystals at that time."

"If you can't find someone to trade, just let your father help you get the bottom," The Blade Demon Sovereign snorted coldly: "Blood spirit crystal exchanges blood divine sand, it's not for you to give it to you for nothing, they have nothing to say. "

They were referring to those ninth grade magic repairs who followed the Blade Demon Venerable.

"Even if there is, hold it back for me!" The Blade Demon Lord was full of domineering, and smiled boldly.

From the beginning to the end, he has not actually tried to use Qing Ge to gather that blood **** sand ore vein.

His true purpose has always been to find one for Qing Ge, so that he can reasonably obtain the origin of the blood spirit crystal.

But Qing Ge didn't know his thoughts, but he was still willing to be wronged for the sake of the King Realm of Senluo and for him, to be the son-in-law who came to the door.

This is Qing Ge's filial piety, his essentials!

Chi Pu and Diao Feng on the side could feel the joy of the Blade Demon Venerable at this time, and could roughly guess his thoughts.

Both of them felt sour in their hearts.

It's okay, even if my father likes you again, what's the use when you leave the Senluo King Realm?

They thought so at the same time.

"My child understands, thank you father," Lu Qingshan thanked.

"Okay, then the matter is settled like this." The Blade Demon Lord was in a good mood.

"Father," Lu Qingshan suddenly remembered something, and said: "I have one more thing I forgot to tell you."

"you said."

Lu Qingshan thought for a while, carefully considered the language, and selectively revealed the matter of Yu Luo.

"You dug the corner of the black sand?" Hearing the words, the Blade Demon Venerable frowned slightly, looking at Lu Qingshan in surprise.

He couldn't believe that Qing Ge would still have this kind of high-end operation.

The style of painting is wrong.

Lu Qingshan hurriedly said: "The child has never been able to see the contradiction between the Black Sand Demon Venerable and his father, plus a momentary impulse, just..."

That's it.

Hearing this explanation, the eyebrows of the Sword Blade Demon Sovereign were unscrewed at once, and he calmed down: "Little things, good birds choose woods and dwell, since it is you who love me, it is not if you dig the corner of the wall... "

In fact, it was forced to dig.

"If I help you take care of this, don't worry." The Blade Demon Venerable continued.

It's not in vain that I call you so many dad.

Lu Qingshan secretly said in his heart, but said happily, "I'm working my father."

The Blade Demon Lord nodded lightly.

"By the way, father, I have one more thing to tell you." Seeing the dust settled on Lu Qingshan's side, Diao Feng suddenly said.


"I want to go to the Secret Law Inheritance Hall again and try to practice the Second Seal Society of "Bing"," Diao Feng explained.

As soon as the voice fell, Chip and Lu Qingshan turned their eyes to Diao Feng at the same time.

His second brother has reached such a realm?

Chip thought secretly.

In his mind, Diao Feng is the opponent he really looks at.

After all, Diao Feng has the same strength as him.

As for Qing Ge, it was nothing more than a blood doted by his father.

No matter what, it can't conceal the fact that he is still a sixth-grade.

The two are not of the same level.

Therefore, now suddenly I heard that Diao Feng's strength was going to be one step higher, and Chip subconsciously paid attention, then turned his head and left the "Qing Ge" behind.

As for Lu Qingshan's side.

He was attracted by the word "Bing".

He was very interested in the Explosive Seed Secret Art that Qing Ge had once shown.

"Okay, then I will open the secret law inheritance hall, and you can enter by yourself later." The Blade Demon Venerable answered calmly.

"Father, I want to see it too." Lu Qingshan said suddenly with a move in his heart.

"You only succeeded in the practice of the first seal meeting not long ago, so what's the fun?" Diao Feng couldn't help but stop.

——The sourness in his heart has not completely receded at this time, and he is in a state of uncomfortable looking at Lu Qingshan.

"It's okay to look at it, it's not a big deal," the Sword Blade Demon Sovereign said: "It's just a long experience, even if it is impossible to master the Second Seal Society, it may be instructive."

With the consent of the Blade Demon Lord, Lu Qingshan immediately gave Diao Feng a provocative look - he had already plunged into Qing Ge's arrogance.

As for the Sword Blade Demon Venerable would agree to his request, it was also in his expectation.

Very simple compensation.

He just agreed to such a "difficult" thing as Zuo-in-law, it was when the Blade Demon Venerable felt a little guilty for him.

At this time, his request, as long as it is not too excessive, will generally be accepted.

The fact is also true.

What else did Diao Feng want to say, but the Blade Demon Venerable had already got up and left.

"The Secret Law Inheritance Hall has been opened, you two can go there by yourself."

Diao Feng opened his mouth, finally flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

"Second brother, why are you in such a hurry," Lu Qingshan's tone was full of sarcasm, "I don't recognize the way, second brother won't wait for me, what should I do if I get lost?"

Lu Qingshan is telling the truth.

How would he know where the secret law inheritance hall is located?

But when Diao Feng heard this, it meant another thing.

Qing Ge just learned the word "Bing" in the Hall of Inheritance not long ago, how could he not recognize the way?

This guy is just thinking about disgusting me now.

Diao Feng said bitterly.

But he didn't want to get angry with Qing Ge who was about to leave Senluo King Realm.

Therefore, he simply snorted and slowed down in accordance with Qing Ge's intention.

See what else can you say?

Here, Chip's eyes flickered as Diao Feng and Lu Qingshan left the hall one after another.

Today’s performance of "Qing Ge" seems normal, but for some reason, it always makes him feel a little different from the past.

This is the keen intuition that he and Qing Ge have gradually produced during the long-term confrontation.

Therefore, the Blade Demon Venerable couldn't find anything abnormal, but he was vaguely aware of something by intuition.

"Why do you think about this? He is about to leave the King Realm of Senluo, I still care about him?"

Chip reacted suddenly, shook his head, and dispelled the inexplicable thoughts in his mind.

There is no need to focus on someone who is no longer a threat.


Lu Qingshan is still very much looking forward to the word "Bing".

This is one of the supreme secret arts of the demons.

Once the training is successful, it will have an unparalleled blessing effect on one's own attacking ability.

Diao Feng was in front, and he followed behind.

The two did not talk too much, and walked calmly to the position of the secret law inheritance hall.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

The majestic hall stands in front of you, like a sleeping lion, majestic and deep.

Standing in front of the main hall, Lu Qingshan felt a little small inexplicably.

Without a word, Diao Feng pushed open the hall door and walked in.

Lu Qingshan quickly followed.

In the hall of the mystical inheritance, there was an endless black mist rolling around.

The black mist flows naturally, forming some specious patterns.

"All perceptions have been shielded." Lu Qingshan found that his spiritual sense was isolated, unable to penetrate the black fog.

Diao Feng, who entered the hall before him, was completely shrouded in a thick black mist. I don't know what the situation is.

Lu Qingshan carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

But before he thought about it for too long, the black mist separated some, and it suddenly surged towards him.

In an instant, the black mist enveloped his body.

At the same time, an obscure message began to flood his mind.

The booming voice echoed in his mind.

"Move fast like a dart."

"Everything is done."


The mentality of Bing Zi Jue and a lot of information are coming.

Lu Qingshan's mind was ethereal, carefully contemplating the information.

After a while.

"The limitation of the Bing Zi Jue turned out to be this..." He was shocked in his heart.

It's not because the restrictions on Bing Zi Jue training are too strict.

Quite the opposite.

As the supreme secret technique of the demon clan, the highest secret technique of the soldier demon clan, the cultivation conditions of the soldier word tactics are too simple.

In fact, I can't say that, but for him, it is really simple.

Once the Bing Zi Jue is completed, practitioners can use this secret technique to liberate and awaken the power in the sword to bless themselves.

But not all the strength of the weapon can be liberated and awakened, and not all the strength can be blessed to oneself.

People need to have the same type of blood for blood transfusion, especially for strength.

Therefore, there is a "extremely harsh" prerequisite for Bing Zi Jue practice.

The practitioner must use the weapon that is the same source as his own strength as the medium.

The sword is a dead thing, a thing refined by the day after tomorrow.

The practitioner is a living "person."

The two are not the same thing at all, how can they come from the same source?

However, this problem is easily solved in the face of the "furnace" talent of the soldiers and demons-all soldiers and demons, from birth, will have a magic weapon in their bodies.

Just like Jia Baoyu, he brought his own birth equipment.

And this demon soldier bred by the demon himself is naturally from the same source as them.

This allowed them to meet the prerequisites for the practice of Bing Zi Jue.

In addition, in the vast abyss, it is no longer difficult to find the Demon Clan who can practice the Art of War.

But now, in addition to the Bingmo clan, people who can practice Bingzi Jue finally appeared---Lu Qingshan.

In other words... Jian Xiu!

Yes, it was Jian Xiu, not just him Lu Qingshan.

All sword cultivators can try to practice military tactics.

Sword repair repairs the natal sword.

In the perennial cultivation, the natal sword has already become a part of the sword repair life, how can it not meet the condition of the same origin?

The black mist had penetrated into Lu Qingshan's body at this time, slowly wandering through his body, interrupting his contemplation.

"This is..." Lu Qingshan was shocked.

These black mists turned out to follow a mysterious route in his body.

——No wonder Diao Feng, who has clearly learned the word'bing', has to visit the Secret Art Inheritance Hall specially.

It turns out that the Hall of Inheritance has an extremely significant auxiliary role in the practice of the word ‘Bing’.

They can experience the sensation of the black mist in the body, so as to grasp the route more accurately.

In an instant, Lu Qingshan was immersed in the operation of this strange route.

After dozens of breaths, he slowly recovered.

The operation route is complicated and mysterious, and it seems to be infinitely powerful and very unique.

Coupled with the obscure and incomprehensible cultivation method reverberating in his mind.

It's really a mysterious and abnormal secret technique against the sky...

---So he can't understand at all.

It's like a heavenly book.

He understands every word, but when combined, he is confused.

Lu Qingshan wondered, but couldn't figure it out.

It's a pity that all his talent points are on Kendo.

Hmm....... It also points to the inexplicable and not much effect of seeking the phoenix.

It's a pity that I can't wash some.

In short, although there is a secret method, he can't get in.

The supreme secret method is not so easy to repair.

This requires extremely high talent and unremitting efforts...

"After receiving the secret law inheritance ‘soldier’ tactics and meeting the requirements for learning the secret technique, does it cost 1500w experience points to learn?"


In the next moment, about the operation route of the ‘bing’ tactic, the mystery, the obscure principles, and so on, the heart is blessed, and it is instantly understood.

He seemed to hear a demon whispering in his ear, and all doubts were solved.

He truly captured the most basic principles of the Bing Zi Jue.

"After spending 1500w experience points, you have realized that the word'Bing' will be printed once!"

"Bing Zi Jue (The Supreme Secret Art of the Demon Race): Acts fast like a dart, and can do everything.

Awaken the weapon, liberate part of its power and bless yourself, thereby gaining infinite combat power and attacking Wushuang. "

"According to the different attributes and qualities of the Liberation Awakening weapon blade, and the level of the secret technique, you will gain different degrees of combat power improvement."

"This secret technique lasts for a short time."

"Currently able to liberate the awakening weapons: Wangchuan (Zhengming Sword·Water), Peach Blossom (Zhengming Sword·Wood)."

"Current Secret Art Realm: One Seal Meeting."

"Prerequisites for promotion to the Second Seal Society: Increased natal sword fit (LV greater than 10)!"

"Upgrading to the second seal will require 50 million experience points!"


Lu Qingshan opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

The word ‘Bing’ is surprisingly the one that consumes the most experience among all the skills he is currently learning.

Just a preliminary mastery, it cost him 15 million experience points.

Not to mention the 50 million experience points needed to upgrade to the Second Seal Club.

This not only proves the power of this secret technique, but also shows the mystery of this secret technique-the more powerful and difficult the skills to learn, the more experience points will be consumed. This is a rule.

But so what?

Lu Qingshan admitted that this secret technique was difficult, and he couldn't understand it at all in the last second.

But now, he will.


At this time.

The black mist covering Diao Feng's figure finally dissipated.

There was some excitement in his eyes.

Because he realized that after this experience, he was already touched.

It was just that when he saw Lu Qingshan, who was looking at him for a while, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"Every time someone in the Inheritance Hall guides a person to practice, the loss is not low. You are clearly still far from the Second Seal Society. You have to follow it forcibly and waste resources." Diao Feng taught aggressively.

"I'm happy," Lu Qingshan replied, pouting his lips, "Moreover, not only is I happy, but my father is also happy, but you don't."

"But you don't want to be useless." He laughed.

The harm is not high, and the insult is very strong.

Diao Feng's face suddenly sank, and his mood became gloomy again.

"Naive!" He is now anxious to go back to consolidate this sentiment, so he finally thought about it, and he didn't argue with Lu Qingshan anymore, snorted and went back home.



In the Qingwang Mansion.

Yura wandered in the mansion, familiar with the environment, but his expression was heavy, thinking about something.

With ambitions, he surrendered to Qing Ge in order to get ahead.

It was just that during this period of time, he clearly felt Qing Geyuan's clinging and squeezing him.

This made him a little difficult.

However, he was also mentally prepared for these difficulties.

He is here to fight, not to enjoy himself.

"First get familiar with the city of Senra, and then find a way to break the deadlock and establish your own analyzed and set a two-step strategy for himself.

He has a big advantage.

That is, His Highness Qing Ge valued him more and gave him a lot of power.

Power is resources. If you have resources, you don't have to worry about not being able to establish your own contacts.

"His Royal Highness." As he walked, Yu Luo suddenly saw Qing Ge who had just come in through the gate, and it should be Qing Ge who had just returned, and he quickly saluted respectfully.

Lu Qingshan looked at the respectful Yuluo in front of him, paused, as if thinking about something, and after a while, he suddenly said: "Clean up, and I will leave Senluo Capital City with me in a few days and go to Jianluo King City."

"Huh?!" Yuluo who had just received the news was confused and shocked.

I have just arrived in the city of Senluo, why do I have to change places again?

Moreover, it is Sword Luo King City?

But Lu Qingshan didn't explain much to him, and he already walked past him without looking back.

——Shuiyue Guanzhu said that the battle among the dragonfinch will not be a winner in a short time.

But there is one more question, what if?

What if the confrontation between the two suddenly decides the winner early?

Lu Qingshan didn't dare to gamble.

The only thing he can do is to speed up as much as possible.

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