This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 56: 'shortage'

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Killing Wu Mozun, this is a name that resounded through the Burning Moon Realm and once dominated the kingdom of kings.

He is one of the most powerful demon lords in Jianluo's line. Even if the scope is expanded to the entire Burning Moon Region, he can still rank in the top ten.

Jianluo King City.

Yingzun Mansion.

Killing Wu Mozun with his hands upside down, his eyes solemnly looked at a picture scroll hanging on the wall, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Above the picture scroll is a world of nothingness, and in the center of the world is a mass of twisted flesh and blood.

Killing Wu Mozun looked very focused.

His appearance looked heroic and majestic, without the slightest hideousness of the demons.

This is because the higher the cultivation base of the Bingmo clan, the closer the appearance to the human clan.

By the Ninth-Rank realm, it was no longer much different from Human Race.

Not only are they like this, but most of the demons in the abyss are like this.

At low-grade, there are all kinds of gods, demons, and ghosts, all of which look like evil spirits.

But when you reach the high-grade realm, you will more or less show a humanoid appearance.

Even the monster race is like this, once the cultivation base is high, it will transform into a human form.

It seems that the human form coincides with the laws of heaven.

Finally, Killing Wu Mozun's eyes changed a little.

Behind him, at some unknown time, there appeared a middle-aged man wearing bright red armor and looking at him, who was not more than 30 years old.

Appear silently.

He had been standing behind Killing Wu Mozun for a long time, but he didn't dare to disturb him for a long time.

The middle-aged man is the eldest son of Killing Wu Mozun, named Yinglie.

Killing Wu Mozun didn't turn his head, and said lightly: "Why are you looking for me?"

"I heard that my father found a son-in-law for Mingyue?" Ying Lie asked respectfully after hearing Wu Mozun's questioning.

Killing Wu Mozun turned around, his complexion didn't change much, but he was not angry and pretentious, making Yinglie feel a deep sense of oppression.

"The news is pretty clear." Killing Wu Mozun didn't make any waves, said flatly.

As the eldest son of Killing Wu Mozun, Ying Lie is now close to the 9th-Rank realm, but even so, facing the killing of Wu Mozun, he still has instinctive awe and dare not be a little bit presumptuous.

He half-downed his head, hiding the expression on his face in the shadows, and slowly said: "Father is planning to use the Blood God Placer vein as the dowry of the bright moon?"

"Why?" Killing Wu Mozun looked like an eagle, and uttered a bland question, "No?"

"It's not impossible, it's just..." Forced by the momentum of Killing Wu Mozun, Ying Lie lowered his head.

But after hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "Blood God's placer vein, even if it is our Ying's family, there is only one. Is it necessary to give such a precious thing as a dowry for the moon?"

"I know father, you love Mingyue, but as Mingyue, even without this dowry, there are too many people in the royal city who want to marry her."

"Furthermore, even if you want to prepare a dowry for Mingyue, why should you send out the only blood **** placer vein?

The married daughter is just the water poured out. I think the purple gold vein is already of sufficient specifications. Although it is not comparable to the blood **** sand vein, it is also very valuable. "

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Wu Mozun slammed his hand, impatiently: "I make a decision, but it is not your turn to comment."

He said coldly: "I'm not dead yet."

Ying Lie's face changed drastically, and he quickly said in fright, "Father, I didn't mean that..."

"I don't understand your careful thoughts?" Killing Wu Mozun said coldly: "I don't care what you think, since I have made a decision, I won't change it easily.

If you intervene in this matter again, or make troubles with Mingyue, then don't blame me for being rude then. "

After saying this, Killing Wu Mozun's eyebrows were upside down, and his whole body exuded a terrifying power.

Knowing that these people had no good intentions towards Ying Mingyue, he didn't hesitate to spend his blood, and exchanged the veins of the blood gods for a lifetime worry-free.

Ying Mingyue is his reverse scale.

Now, Yinglie may have touched his bottom line, and suddenly made him chill.

"Father calm down...Father rest assured, I never meant to disobey my father at all. Mingyue is also my sister, so why should I find Mingyue trouble?" Ying Lie explained nervously.

"Also?" Killing Wu Mozun's eyes turned cold, "What does it mean? She is!"

An invisible power centered on Killing Wu Mozun's body, spreading out, directly pressing on Yinglie, pressing him out of breath, and even directly kneeling down on his knees.

Ying Lie said with a painful expression: "Father, I was the one who failed to speak...I promise, I will be optimistic about other people and protect the bright moon..."

In the next moment, Ying Lie felt that his power as heavy as a mountain suddenly loosened.

"It's best to be like this," Mozun Wu was still angry, and turned around, not paying attention to Ying Lie, "Go back."

"Yes." Ying Lie got up with difficulty, bowed respectfully, and walked back carefully.

After staying away from the Demon Lord's Mansion, Ying Lie stopped after confirming that she was no longer within the range of Demon Lord Wu's perception.

He raised his head and looked at the Demon Sovereign Mansion, the respect in his face had long since disappeared, turned into yin, hideous, angry, and unwilling.

"Old stuff, it's still so horrendous after a fate," Ying Lie said, his eyes were full of madness, "Fortunately, the way of heaven has eyes and will kill your life..."

At the same time, Mozun's mansion.

"Cough...cough..." Killing Wu Mozun suddenly coughed violently, spitting out a mouthful of dark golden blood.

He gasped slightly, "It was just a slight movement, and it turned out to be...this injury is really getting more and more serious."

Looking at the picture scroll on the wall again, Killing Wu Mozun sighed, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes, and murmured: "Although the world falls into decline, the emergence of'desolation' is inevitable.

But who would have thought that the ‘desolate’ in the Burning Moon Realm would actually appear in the King City of Sword Luo...

According to the spreading speed of the ‘desolate’, the day of a decisive battle with the human race is imminent. "

"It's a pity that I underestimated the power of'Huang', and I ended up with this ending," Mozun Wu remembered something, and his face turned pale again. "It's because we have no chance to witness our demons take the human domain."

His prestige is well-known all over the world, and his combat power is extraordinary. If it is not a special situation, who can cause him incurable and serious injuries, so that he can only wait for his death to come?

Everything comes from this ‘desolate’.

The so-called ‘desolation’ is what inevitably appears when a world falls into decline and falls into extinction.

It is a harbinger and symbol of the destruction of the world, and a monster bred by the world's lifelessness.

It has three extremely terrifying characteristics.

One is phagocytic.

The ‘desolate’ is like a black hole, it will not directly attack life, but it will swallow all the energy within its envelope, forming a realm of nothingness—the wasteland.

Once there is no energy, even the Demon Lord can't live for too long.

It's like no air, everyone has to die.

At most, it is the difference between some people dying fast and some people dying slowly.

The second is randomness.

The location, timing, and number of its appearance are all random and no trace can be found.

The third and most terrifying point is that it has proliferation.

When ‘desolate’ first appeared, it would only occupy a very small area, and then under constant swallowing, the wilderness area would gradually expand until it enveloped the entire world, turning the world into nothingness and chaos again.

Finally, after tens of thousands of years, all reincarnation, the wasteland dissipated, energy recovered, and life reappeared.


'Huang' unexpectedly appeared in the King City of Jianluo.

I don’t know if they should be considered bad luck or good luck.

This is because the rate of the spread of ‘desolation’ is synchronized with the rate of decline of the world.

It was not fast at first, it was a slow process.

But once it crosses a certain critical point, it will rush at an unimaginable speed.

It's like a snowball. Once it becomes a trend, it will roll faster and faster, and bigger and bigger.

But if it is discovered in time, it may be able to inhibit its formation, or at least delay its spread.

If the ‘desolate’ appears in a desolate place, it may have spread to the point where it is irretrievable before they will find out.

But its birth location, but it happened to fall in the King City of Jianluo.

So, they just discovered it just after it appeared.

Although they knew the existence of Huang, it was the first time they had witnessed and contacted this thing with their own eyes.

Therefore, even if it is said in the classics, there is no way to eliminate waste except to solve the problem of world decline.

At that time, the first reaction of the senior leaders of Jianluo's line was still to try to eliminate the ‘desolate’.

They sent many seventh-rank and eighth-rank magic repairs into the wasteland, hoping to destroy the wasteland.

The result is that the wasteland is like a huge mouthful of gluttonous food, come and eat one by one, and no one can get out of it.

Under this circumstance, Killing Wu Mozun decided to personally enter the venue to investigate the situation.

One is because the yigao people are bold and have sufficient confidence in their own strength.

The second reason is that the ‘famine’ is still in its infancy.

He believes that in this situation, even if he can't eliminate the ‘famine’, there is absolutely no problem in keeping his life safe.

After entering the wasteland, he saw the source of the wasteland at a glance-a group of squirming flesh and blood, which continued to converge, with a dark hole in the middle.

A breath of desolation and death drifted out from it.

That is the mouth of "Huang".

He tentatively attacked the mouth.

Then he knew that in the wasteland, no energy could be used.

——He was still asleep and treated him as a ‘waste’ without anything. At the moment he acted, a terrifying might suddenly exploded.

The big **** mouth suddenly opened, revealing sharp fangs, and bit him.

As one of the top ten in the Burning Moon Region, he was unable to resist the attack of ‘desolate’ at all.

It was like the fangs of the **** of death.

The first time he retreated quickly, he wanted to leave the wasteland.

But even so, he was attacked by the ‘desolate’ at the moment he left the wasteland.

Just such an attack made him unable to bear as the Demon Venerable, and caused him an incurable horrible injury.

Had it not been for the wasteland to be small, and he had retreated fast enough for the ‘huang’ to launch a second attack, he would have died on the spot.

At this time, his body was still full of wild aura.

This breath is constantly devouring his life.

"Huang cannot be destroyed artificially. Only before it spreads can the human domain be taken down."

This is the final conclusion reached after the discussion of the soldiers and demons.

The famine appeared because of the decay of the world and the strong lifelessness that gave birth to it.

However, Huang survived by lifelessness.

But as long as the human domain is taken, the abyss's decline is stopped, and the death is extinct, Huang will die by himself.

Without the wasteland, the wasteland will gradually disperse, and the abyss will definitely change back to its original appearance.

And what they can do now is to slowly accumulate strength for the upcoming big decisive battle and prepare for it while reducing resource consumption.

"Xia Daozu..." Demon Slayer Wu muttered this, even among the demons, it was a name like a thunder.

If it weren't for fear of this Xia Daozu who hadn't been born for 20,000 years, with the power of their demons, why should he prepare so much?

It is directly possible that a large army can crush the realm, crush and take down the human race.

"Obviously it is a human race that is so much weaker than our demons, how can there be an ancestral figure?" Killing Wu Mozun murmured.

In terms of overall strength, the demons completely crush the human race.

But even though there are so many strong people, among their demons, there has never been a figure in the ancestral realm.

But the "weak" human race can produce a Xia Daozu.

This is really hard for them to understand.


In the city of Senluo, on the huge square where the war boats were parked in front of the Qingwang Palace, the scene was very lively.

Today is when Lu Qingshan left the Senluo King Realm.

A few feet away in front of him, there are people who are seeing off.

Most of them were servants of the Qing Palace and Qing Ge's original subordinates.

Behind him stood Yuluo, Meng Cang and Ye Ying.

This is all the hands that Lu Qingshan will bring with him when he is going to Jianluo King City this time.

Yu Luo has nothing to say, this is Lu Qingshan's only loyal dogleg.

As for Meng Cang and Ye Ying, they were the manpower that the Slash Blade Demon Clan later transferred to him.

One is to compensate him for Pu Qu, but also to make him available in Jianluo King City.

Both of these two are eighth rank magic repair.

"His Royal Highness, most of the resources in the Blue King's Mansion have been packed and brought, and you can set off at any time." Yu Luo respectfully said, and at the same time handed a mustard seed.

The mustard seeds are the resources accumulated over the years in the treasure house of the Qingwang Mansion.

Green Snake and Wu Sen, standing among the people who were seeing off, looked a little embarrassed when they saw this scene.

They had already discussed how to join forces to exclude Yura and seize his position.

Just wait to do it.

As a result, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and people are not as good as the sky.

In the blink of an eye, His Highness Qing Ge was going to be Jian Luo Zuo's son-in-law. In order to marry the only daughter of Wu Mozun, Ying Mingyue, the news that he would leave Senluo King Realm and head to Jianluo King City quickly spread throughout Senluo. The capital has set off a huge wave of joy.

Although the two of them were surprised at first, they didn't think it was anything.

The reason why Chi Pu, Diao Feng, and Qing Ge were reluctant to go to Jianluo King City was because they stayed in the Senluo King Realm and had the opportunity to become the master of the Senluo Realm in the future.

To leave is to give up this opportunity.

But for those of them who are subordinates, this problem is completely non-existent.

——No matter where he stays, just lick His Highness Qing Ge well.

Qing Ge went to Jianluo King City, and they just followed.

It was not until they learned that the people that His Royal Highness was going to take to the King of Sword Luo this time were only Yu Luo and the other two people, and they realized that something was wrong.

The two of them immediately found His Highness Qing Ge, and for a while, they understood reason and moved with affection.

"Reluctant to part with your Highness", "I want to serve by your Highness"...Such as these words.

It's a pity that all of this was useless, Qing Ge was not moved at all, and directly shot them back.

This makes them extremely depressed.



Lu Qingshan nodded slightly and put away the mustard seeds.

Then, he turned to his subordinates and said loudly: "His Royal Highness is about to leave the Senluo King Realm and will not be able to return in a short time.

The reason why I didn't take you with me is that this trip is just to marry that Ying Mingyue. The momentum is so great that it is unnecessary.

The second is that my father is still in the Senluo King Realm, so you should follow me. It's better to leave you in the Senluo King Realm to serve for my father and for the Senluo King Realm.

After I leave, you need to work harder. I hope that when I come back, some of you can become the demon commander, and even advance to the eighth rank! "

Lu Qingshan looked at Wu Sen and the green snake in the crowd.

"I'm waiting to live up to your Highness's expectations, so naturally I will work hard!" Wu Sen and Green Snake suddenly realized, and quickly responded loudly.

That's it.

Just talk about why His Highness went to Jianluo King City and refused to bring them both. This is the reason!

After Lu Qingshan finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the Realm Lord's Mansion where the Blade Demon Venerable was located.

There was reluctance in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

His Highness, he must be reluctant to bear his father.

In the crowd, everyone thought of it like You'd better be watching me, otherwise I will perform so hard and sensationally, just show it to the dog!

Lu Qingshan said bitterly in his heart.

In the distance, in the mansion of the landlord.

Sword Blade Demon Lord looked gratified, and a complicated color flashed in his eyes, "Even if Qing Ge is about to go to Sword Luo King City, he still thinks of my father..."

He was indeed paying attention to the situation on Lu Qingshan's side.


"Go!" Lu Qingshan no longer delayed his effort, drank, and jumped into the war boat.

Yu Luo, Meng Cang, and Ye Ying followed closely, and boarded the war boat together.


With a whistling sound that cut through the sky, the blood-stained warship soared into the sky, and soon it turned into a white spot and disappeared.

At the same time, in the other two palaces in the city of Senluo.

Both Chip and Diao Feng looked at the war boat going away.

"This idiot has finally rolled out. Without this **** stick, I can concentrate on fighting Diao Feng." Chip thought.

"Although it is a good thing for Qing Ge to leave, no one can help me share the firepower as soon as he leaves. It's a pity..." Diao Feng was a little emotional.

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