This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 4: 1 big head

Remember [New] for a second,! The site of the Xisha Plateau is not small, it can even be said to be huge.

This time the sand bandits were "team building", and almost all the sand bandits who could be named came.

In addition to the fact that no one wants to miss such an opportunity, more importantly, if such a grand event does not come, how will you be in the sand bandit world in the future?

Just like the feudal lords of the Eighteenth Route, not everyone wants to go, but since it is the general trend, even if it is out of face consideration, they must participate.

There are many sand bandits, but not many people with outstanding cultivation.

Fortunately, the reason why the Chicken Soup Temple is strong is all stronger than the Chicken Soup Saint Monk.

Moreover, the sand bandits are also full of confidence in their own combat power.

They are not the opponents of Daoist disciples in frontal combat, but this situation of ambush and interception is precisely the strength of the sand bandits.

They set up numerous ambushes on the Xisha Plateau early on.

If one fight is not an opponent, then fight one more, then all kinds of insidious means will come out.

In the world of evil cultivation, there is no such thing as benevolence, righteousness and morality. Being able to live is the biggest truth, no matter what tricks it uses.


After Lu Qingshan entered the airspace of the Xisha Plateau, he looked around.

It doesn't seem to be much different from when he first came here more than ten years ago.

He followed his line of sight all the way west until he could only see the vast horizon.

The leader of the "sand bandit group", Huang Sharon Wang, is said to be wandering in the westernmost area of ​​the Xisha Plateau.

There is no way, the Jitang Temple is to the east, and King Huang Sharon wants to be faster when running, so naturally it can only be the case.

King Huang Sharon kept saying that he wanted the dragon elephant to pay his debts with blood, that he would destroy the Jitang Temple and avenge the sand bandits and his son who had died under the dragon elephant monk for so many years, but how many people believed this?

I am afraid that the first person who does not believe it is King Huang Sharon himself.


In the west of Xisha Plateau, there is a resplendent Buddhist temple.

The one-colored glazed roof makes the entire Buddhist temple reflect the rays of the sun in the sunlight, which is extremely eye-catching.

At this time, there were more than a dozen monks gathered in the Buddhist temple, but the strange thing was that these dozen or so people were not monks, and they had a bandit vibe that was incompatible with the Buddhist temple.

Sand bandits.

When they surrounded the Jitang Temple, they killed the monks in this Buddhist temple, and then occupied the magpie's nest.

This time around the chicken soup temple, many sand bandits came.

At this time, the Buddhist temples were crowded with the leaders of the sand bandits who could be called by the outside cultivators.

Among them, there are even six monks in the eight realms, and the rest are in the seven realms.

King Huang Sharon seemed to stand out among these people.

Because he has the terrifying cultivation of the Five Tribulations Realm, he is the undisputed number one sand bandit in this huge area.

Even for thousands of years, the sand bandits have never produced this kind of goods that can only be strong.

This is because most of the sand bandits are from evil cultivators, and evil cultivators focus on quick success and combat effectiveness, at the cost of sacrificing their future.

Therefore, it is rare for an evil cultivator to break through to the Eighth Realm, let alone to the Five Tribulations Realm.

"Even the most ordinary Buddhist temple is so luxurious. Compared with them, our life is not as good as the dogs they raise!" The leader of the boning bandits, the Daoist Zuo Hu, was quite upset and vomited fiercely. Mouth spit on the ground of the extremely clean Buddhist temple.

He is one of the six eight-level monks in the sand bandits, and after reaching the level of a catastrophe, he can no longer advance an inch.

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"Let's not talk about luxury and richness, we just want a place to live. We don't have to be like gerbils. It's hard to drill holes everywhere in the desert to hide!" Another sand bandit leader, the bird controller, said helplessly.

This has always been a dilemma for the sand bandits.

At this time, a burly man at the center of all the sand bandit leaders spoke up, "The reason why we usually can't have a place to live is because we are not strong enough.

If we are fixed in one place, it is easy to be approached by Longxiang or other sect monks who claim to be righteous.

In order to survive, we cannot be fixed in one place, we can only keep changing points. "

"But this time is different from the past," he said in a deep voice. "Now that we have so many people gathered here because of the Chicken Soup Temple, why can't we sit down and talk about the alliance."

"King Huang Sharon, what do you mean?" No one answered for a while, and after a moment of silence, the leader of the Feiyuan Bandit, Feiyuan Dao Cai spoke up.

The burly man known as the number one sand bandit in the Western Regions, namely King Huang Sharon said slowly: "Yes, none of our sand bandits have the strength to establish a stronghold.

This is because we can't deal with the encirclement and suppression of the righteous monks after the establishment of the stronghold, even my Huangsha bandit is the same. "

"But..." King Huang Sharon's eyes swept across the faces of all the leaders of the sand bandits present, "What if we were together?"

"We have so many road sand bandits to build a sand bandit city together, then which sect dares to come to trouble us?" Huang Sharon Wang Tu was poor.

When the action that he started to surround the Jitang Temple evolved into the current situation, King Huang Sharon's mind was not on revenge for his son at all, but drifted further afield.

The strongest sand bandits are still sand bandits.

He wants to change, he wants to turn himself into a man.

"You and I are well aware of the arrogance of those cultivators of the righteous way. If they are crushed, they naturally don't mind taking us to make a name for their sect in their spare time.

But once we are united, we will be hurt if we try to move.

Under such circumstances, how would they dare to attack us? These righteous monks are reluctant to sacrifice their own disciples to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. "Huang Sharon Wang laughed.

After his words, everyone fell into thought and frowned.

A stable place to stand, all the sand bandits naturally long for.

The reason why they think is because they understand that once they form an alliance to build a city together, to some extent, they will lose their freedom.

Everyone present is the leader of the sand bandits, and they have always made their own words before their own hands, and they are used to this feeling.

But if so many people build the city together, they can't pay each other back, right?

At that time, it will not have to be a strong and a weak priority.

King Huang Sharon is the strongest among the sand bandits. No matter what, his status will not be challenged. Naturally, he wants to promote an alliance.

But it is unknown what the leaders of the sand bandits who are a little weaker are thinking.

When the boss is used to it, no one wants to change their status.

"I know what everyone is worried about." King Huang Sharon broke the silence by himself. He continued: "After the city is built, the primary and secondary must be divided, otherwise the city will be destroyed without the righteous monks attacking it."

"However, your subordinates are still under your control, and others will never interfere. I can guarantee this."

"In addition, after the city was built, we established a sand bandit alliance. All affairs in the city were negotiated and decided by the sand bandit alliance. There is absolutely no assertion that I or anyone is arbitrary."

"Everyone's status in the sand bandit alliance, we will decide by the fight..."

Before Huang Sharon's words were finished, some people couldn't help but sneer after hearing this: "Bidou? Who doesn't know that you are the strongest, Huang Sharon, hehe..."

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning of the words is already obvious.

King Huang Sharon was neither angry nor angry, and continued: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Competition is not a simple fight, but a gambling fight."

King Huang Sharon took out a plate, then pointed to the plate and said:

"You are free to choose anyone present to challenge, and the number of challenges is unlimited, but you cannot challenge the same person.

However, there is a stipulation that the challenger must first put out 10,000 top-quality spirit stones into this plate as gambling money, and the challenged does not need to take anything. "

"The spirit stones in this plate will be considered as our expenses for building the city in the future. If there is any surplus after the city is built, it will be collected in the internal treasury and will never be refunded."

"If the challenger wins, it will be recorded as a victory. If the challenger loses, 10,000 Spirit Stones are not allowed to be taken back."

"Finally, your status in the Sand Bandit League will be calculated by the number of games won."

"What if someone won the same number of games?" someone asked after interjecting.

"If it's the same, add an auction between the same people. The auction fee and the gambling capital are used together, and they are all put on the plate. In the end, whoever pays more will be the bigger one."

After King Huang Sharon finished speaking, all the leaders of the sand bandit thought about it in their hearts, and after thinking about it, they thought it was reasonable.

At least in this way, people with high status in the Sand Bandit League should also contribute more family property to build the city, so as not to have the situation of hollowing out their family property for others to make wedding dresses.

"One challenge will cost 10,000 top-quality spirit stones..." Several weak sand bandit leaders couldn't help but grinned.

The sand bandits do not know when they will die, so it has always been day by day, with little savings.

For these weak sand bandits, 10,000 top-quality spirit stones are almost their entire net worth, and they will never be willing to gamble.

There is no doubt that their status and right to speak in the Sand Bandit Alliance will be the lowest at that time.

But from another point of view, it seems that nothing has come out, and it seems acceptable to have a safe place for whoring?

Other powerful sand bandits also have flashing thoughts.

They naturally want to strive for high status, although at the same time they have to pay more, but it is worthwhile to think about it.

From this point of view, King Huang Sharon does things very well, and he can take care of all the sand bandits, which means that there is a bit of watertightness in it.

"Can the challenged admit defeat?" This is what the weaker leader of the sand bandit asked.

The gambling capital for a gambling battle is 10,000 top-quality spirit stones. It is conceivable that in order to ensure that the water is not empty, the weak sand bandits must be selected to challenge.

After all, he is also the boss, even if he is weak, he doesn't want to be beaten as a sandbag.

"Yes." King Huang Sharon nodded.

"Everyone, what's my idea?" He paused and continued.

"I have no opinion." Nanyang Daoist, the leader of the Nanyang Bandit, was the first to agree, and while speaking, he gave Huang Sharon a very subtle look.

He was the trustee found by King Huang Sharon.

"Neither do I." The Taoist Poultry Controller who wanted a place to settle down the most answered.

The left Hu Taoist nodded.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and a consensus was quickly reached.

"Okay, to show my sincerity, then I'll start by throwing bricks to attract jade," Huang Sharon Wang took a deep breath and took out a piece of butter-like object exuding a delicate fragrance.

"The best dragon saliva jade, this piece is worth 10,000 high quality spirit stones," he threw the dragon saliva jade into the plate, and then picked it up with his finger, pointing to the person with the highest cultivation level, the Feidu of the Second Tribulation Realm. Daoist, "The first one, Feidu Daoist, please."

After the words of King Huang Sharon fell, he flew away from the Buddhist temple - how could the battle between the eight realms be carried out in the Buddhist temple, only the vast sky could let him let go of his hands and feet.

King Huang Sharon had already left, and Feidu was still standing there.

His face was changing, and he knew that King Huang Sharon was going to establish his prestige.

He is now faced with a difficult choice, should he fight, or should he simply surrender?

Surrendering directly is too weak, but it would be good to sell King Huang Sharon.

It's not weak in the face of battle, and if you lose, you will definitely lose, but at least it will look better on the face...  


Here, King Huang Sharon is already hanging high above the sky, waiting for Daoist Feidu.

He was in a very happy mood.

It is conceivable that once the sand bandit city is established, as the first city owner, he will become the first person in the history of sand bandits.

Well, the name of the city will definitely not be called Sand Bandit City at that time, it has to be changed to a better name.

When time passes, after a thousand years, who will remember that the Sand Bandit City was established by the Sand Bandits?

King Huang Sharon kept thinking about it in his heart.

Suddenly, a chill appeared on his back.

This is the premonition ability of high-level cultivators in the face of dangerous whims.

He quickly regained his senses and looked around, but saw nothing.

Just as he was wondering, between the electric light and flint, King Huang Sharon felt like a faint shadow flashed in front of him.

Before he could realize what it was, an unbearable pain erupted from his neck.

The next moment, he was like falling into an ice cellar, his body could not be moved out, and he was sluggish in place.

It was only at this moment that a fierce sword intent burst forth from his body, and while tearing apart his primordial spirit, it also separated his head from his body.

"It's blood." Just before his death, King Huang Sharon finally realized that the shadow he saw was the blood he spattered.

But, what was it that killed him?

This question, Huang Sharon Wang is destined to not understand.



Inside the Buddhist temple, King Huang Sharon had just left, and Daoist Feidu was still hesitating.

Suddenly there was a crashing sound.

Then, the glazed roof of the Buddhist temple was smashed into a big hole by a heavy object falling from the sky.

With a bang, the heavy object fell from the big hole and landed in front of everyone.

It was a headless corpse.

The first reaction of a group of sand bandit leaders was to stay sluggish.

Until Daoist Feidu said tremblingly, "King Huang Sharon?"

It was the body of King Huang Sharon.

The question is, where is his head?

They didn't wonder too long.

The next moment, the head of Daoist Feidu was so abruptly separated from the body for no reason.

It was as if a sword had slashed across his neck.

Oh, it turns out that King Huang Sharon's head is missing like this...

They subconsciously thought.

Without any trace or sound, the head of Daoist Feidu was separated.

What a horrible thing?

This made all the leaders of the sand bandits present lose their temper, and they could no longer feel any other emotions except fear.

"Escape, escape!" Someone yelled.

The Buddhist temple here seems to have become a place where evil ghosts seek their lives, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

Without any hesitation, and without caring about the corpses of King Huang Sharon and Daoist Feidu, all the leaders of the sand bandits immediately fled and left here with the men they brought.

As for building a city?

Go to the **** city!

Surrounding the Chicken Soup Temple?

Fuck it too!

King Huang Sharon is and I'm still lying around!

In the seventeenth year of Tianyuan, King Huang Sharon gathered 23 road sand bandits to discuss alliance affairs in a Buddhist temple. Unexpectedly, they "mistaken the secret", and King Huang Sharon and Feidu Daoist died on the spot!

On the second day, they had been gathering on the Xisha Plateau for dozens of days, and the sand bandits, like a pile of mice, disappeared completely, not a single one remained.


On the same day, a guest was welcomed in the Chicken Soup Temple.

A young swordsman.

He brought a very unique gift.

A bulging cyst.

Inside the cyst was a big head.

The owner of the head is...

Wong Sharon King.

Chapter 4 A Great Head

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