This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 5: Qin Yitian's history

Remember [New] for a second,! Of course, King Huang Sharon did not die by mistakenly committing a heavenly mystery.

Tianji is not so idle, nor does he meddle in his own business.

The one who killed King Huang Sharon was the flying sword of a certain sword cultivator "cruising".

The Xisha Plateau is vast, and it is impossible for King Huang Sharon to easily reveal his position - such vigilance, as a sand bandit, King Huang Sharon cannot fail to possess.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan could only use the stupid method of "finding a needle in a haystack" to find King Huang Sharon.

Compared with other cultivators who focus on themselves and let go of the radar-like carpet search of spiritual sense, Lu Qingshan, who has the skills of mind and eye, has a more advanced method - "cruising" flying swords.

It's just that Lu Qingshan didn't expect that luck would be so good.

He had just released the flying sword for less than a quarter of an hour when King Huang Sharon suddenly flew up from the Buddhist temple and fell within Fuyao's attack range.

And it seems that to show his confidence and strength, King Huang Sharon didn't put on any posture after hanging in the air, a leisurely attitude of waiting for Daoist Feidu.

Of course, it can't be said that King Huang Sharon is pretending to be too big. As the leader of the sand bandit, he will die, but not for such funny reasons.

Just according to common sense, above the sky, the view is unobstructed, and any attack comes, King Huang Sharon has enough time to respond.

But in Lu Qingshan, the so-called common sense is rarely used.

He didn't know the ambitions of King Huang Sharon before that, and he didn't know King Huang Sharon's strategizing.

From his point of view, King Huang Sharon just appeared within his attacking distance, and he was almost defenseless and hung motionless in the sky, just like Bai.

As a top swordsman, with such a moving target placed in front of Lu Qingshan, Lu Qingshan's first reaction was nothing but shooting him.

Invisible Sword ......

King Huang Sharon, the most powerful sand bandit in the Western Regions, explained it like this.

It was so simple that even Lu Qingshan felt a little too smooth.

There is nothing wrong with going well, Lu Qingshan is not a masochist.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lu Qingshan is strong enough to kill a Five Tribulation Realm cultivator with just one flying sword.

In fact, Lu Qingshan was stuck in the integration state because his primordial spirit had not yet completed the unity of heaven and man with his physical body. Therefore, although he had spent ten years in Zhongling, he had only accumulated a considerable amount of experience. value, the combat power has not been improved by leaps and bounds.

For the current Lu Qingshan, the Five Tribulations Realm cultivator can fight, and he has a high probability of winning, but he must go through a big battle, and it is basically impossible to kill with a single sword.

As for why King Huang Sharon died so easily?

The reason is very simple. Swinging is invisible and breathless, and King Huang Sharon did not see the enemy in his field of vision, so he did not take any precautions at all.

Under such circumstances, Lu Qingshan's role is no longer a sword repairer, but an assassin, or a "sniper".

Do you know the gold content of assassins overstepping kills and spikes?


After solving the problem of the sand bandits in Jitang Temple and sending the head of King Huang Sharon to Jitang Temple, Lu Qingshan quickly left Jitang Temple thanks to Juezhen's gratitude, without staying any longer.

When he came to the Western Regions this time, he had three things to do. Helping Jitang Temple to solve the problem of sand bandits was his first thing.

Now, Lu Qingshan is going to do the second thing.

On the next journey, he began to march towards his destination with the help of the state-to-state teleportation circle.


There are seven continents in the sky, namely the seven domains of the human race.

The area of ​​the Seven Domains is so vast that even the most powerful cultivator cannot fully explore it.

But in fact, what really occupies most of the sky is the boundless sea.

Most of the monks of the human race are concentrated in the seven regions, but the sea area is not a complete no-man's land, and there are also many overseas monks and overseas forces.

However, these overseas monks are only active in the offshore area, and few of them really go deep into the sea.


Shengzhou, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the edge of the adjacent sea area, above the deep sea area.

A sword light flew from afar and finally hovered above.

Lu Qingshan stood on the sky and looked into the distance.

In front of the sea is still the sea, boundless and unpredictable.

It's just strange that the sea in front is not blue, but a very strange gray.

What is even more bizarre is that this piece of sea actually hangs horizontally in the air, like a spectacular waterfall.

Moreover, this waterfall did not fall from the sky, but flowed backwards from the sea below to the sky, rolling turbulently towards the sky.

There is no end in sight, let alone the way back.

This place, at a glance, knows that it is definitely not ordinary.

In fact, it is indeed unusual.

This place is called Burial Sea, which is one of the forbidden areas of the human race.

"Is it here?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Well." Qin Yitian's Nuonuo voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's heart.

"Young Master, have you really decided?" The next moment, a red light floated out, and Qin Yitian's slim figure appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

"Of course," Lu Qingshan spread his hands and said easily: "You are my sword, you should be."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "So you shouldn't hide it from me at the beginning. If it weren't for that sword, I don't know how long I would have been kept in the dark."

At Longcheng Pass, the master of Qinglong summoned the holy demon soul shadow with the Taoist weapon Huanling blood wheel, and wanted to suppress Xie Qingyun, but was smashed by Lu Qingshan with a sword.

That sword is naturally Dragon Sparrow's magical power.

The problem is that at that time, it had not been a month since the opening of the Mingyue Great Array was broken and Xie Qingyun quietly sneaked into the Unbounded Realm.

Logically speaking, the cooldown of Dragon Sparrow's breaking spell has not expired, and this magical power cannot be used.

Lu Qingshan thought so too, so he didn't think about using the sword for the first time.

It was not until Qin Yitian's resolute and cold "Young Master, use the sword!", that Lu Qingshan made the crucial sword at that dangerous and dangerous moment.

Since then, Lu Qingshan knew that Qin Yitian must have something to hide from him.

Under Lu Qingshan's "forced questioning" can't say forced questioning, because as soon as Lu Qingshan asked, Jianling girl honestly confessed - concealing it has already made Qin Yitian very guilty, and deceived Lu Qingshan to her decisively It can't be done.

Things are also very simple.

With Lu Qingshan's cultivation reaching the peak of the integration state, 70% of the sealed divine power of the dragon bird has been unsealed, which is enough to break the one-month cooling time limit of the dragon bird's magic-breaking magical power.

It's just that with the unblocking of Longque's divine power, Qin Yitian's memory was also unblocked by 70%.

And the part of the memory she unsealed was too dangerous.

Qin Yitian, who is familiar with Lu Qingshan's, chose to temporarily hide this unsealed divine power, so as not to be discovered by Lu Qingshan.

Until the moment when the ghost of the holy demon appeared, Qin Yitian couldn't care about anything else for the time being, and immediately released the divine power of the dragon bird to help Xie Qingyun kill the demon.

Of course, her "secret" can't be hidden.


Qin Yitian was a little embarrassed, "Because it's too dangerous here, I'm afraid..."

"Dangerous things, haven't I experienced enough? Even if it is a forbidden area, your son can handle it." Lu Qingshan's sharp eyes stared at the endless void at the end of the sea of ​​burial. Light excitement.

"Let's set off," Lu Qingshan laughed loudly: "Find your origin and retrieve the part of your divine power that was deprived of you."

Qin Yitian's secret is actually very simple.

She finally remembered where she came from.

After that, Lu Qingshan was like a child playing in the water, without any fear, he strode into the sea of ​​burial that rushed to the sky.

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