This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 10: God does not allow me, I will defy the sky

The last two sentences come from behind me, not in front of me.

Lu Qingshan turned his head in shock - even in the previous conversation with Chu Mushen, he had learned many extremely shocking secrets, but now someone directly pointed out that he is not from this world, he is still infinite Shocked and surprised.

However, with his current mentality and strength, he would not panic.

What came into view was a very tall man, wearing a very low-key gray robe, with a very unique temperament.

The man's face was in his prime, but his supposedly jet-black hair was mixed with dozens or hundreds of strands of silver, which was difficult to hide.

It was this sliver of silver that made Lu Qingshan instantly reflect the identity of the person who came.

Contemporary celestial mysteries master, make up the sky together.

"You're here." Chu Mushen also put down the spoon in his hand, and when his eyes flashed, he also filled Qi Butian with a bowl of fish soup.

Qi Butian was unceremonious, sat down, took the bowl, and drank it all.

"First meeting, let me introduce myself," Qi Butian put down the bowl in his hand and said, "Tian Ji Guan, Qi Butian."

Without waiting for Lu Qingshan to answer, he said to himself: "You don't need to introduce yourself. Although it's the first time I've seen you, in fact, I've been following you for a long time."

"Follow me?" Lu Qingshan looked at the deep meaning in Qi Butian's deep eyes, not knowing how to react.

"Because of King Qing, I had a conversation with Qingyun Jianxian in Chang'an." Qi Butian looked at Lu Qingshan with interest for a long time, and then said slowly.

"At that time, what I told him was that no one knew what Dongming Guanzhu saw in the Mirror of Heaven, but the name of the year was Tianyuan, which means Luozi Tianyuan, and Tianyuan pointed to you."

Before the end of his life, Lin Dongming, the former national teacher of Daxia and the former master of Tianjiguan, used the Tianji mirror to steal the Tianji, predicting that Daxia would be in unprecedented chaos, and set the new year's name as Tianyuan.

"You can't make a piece of jade if you don't cut it, so I hope he will carve your rough jade."

"It was my words that made Qingyun Sword Immortal, who was still swaying, designate you, who was not in the sixth realm at that time, as the young master." Qi Butian said amazingly.

"But in fact, I actually concealed something in the first half of the sentence." Qi Butian looked at Lu Qingshan and smiled.

"At that time, Dongming Guanzhu saw some amazing things in the Mirror of Heaven and told me, so it's not that no one knows about it."

"If no one knows, what's the point of him risking his life to spy on that first-line secret?"

Cultivators above the eighth realm no longer have lifespan restrictions, but as long as they are living beings, the source of life cannot be infinite.

Once the source of life is exhausted, even if the lifespan is infinite, there will only be a death ending.

Therefore, no matter the level of cultivation, spying on the secrets of heaven is a taboo among taboos.

To pay such a high price, just to fall with the secret?

Lin Dongming would not be so stupid.

"I have never told anyone else, including you, the following words." Qi Butian said to Chu Mu.

Chu Mushen was silent.

In fact, he did not want to know the secret of the year.

Because he knew what a heavy price Qi Butian would pay if he told all this.

But Chu Mushen did not stop Qi Butian after all.

Qi Butian's mood gradually calmed down, and he continued, saying from the beginning: "Twenty thousand years ago, Xia Zu successfully landed in the ancestral realm, ended the first battle of Dao and Demon, and brought the world down."

"But the good times didn't last long, and Xia Zu quickly disappeared from people's sight."

"Before disappearing, he left the secret of breaking through the ancestral realm to Master Dongming."

"The secret of the ancestral realm, I think you know it now." Qi Butian said.

"So when the second Dao and Demon War was about to start, Master Dongming made a decision to find the outsider through the Mirror of Secrets and find a way to break the game."

"Then, he saw you in the mirror, and saw you wake up from the corpse pool in the corpse refining cave."

Qi Butian looked at Lu Qingshan with a smile and said, "You are not a native of this world, you are from outside the bureau."

"Our human race has gone through millions of years, but we still haven't succeeded in defeating the Dao of Heaven. Even Xia Zu has not been completely successful."

"But now, we have a second chance."

Qi Butian quietly looked at Lu Qingshan.

In this extremely serious and solemn situation, Lu Qingshan's first reaction turned out to be:

This group of dog planners, the background setting is very rigorous...  

According to the logic described by Qi Butian, the original outsider was not just him, but all players.

All players are not from this world, they are all game-breakers.

The player is the savior - what a gamer-like setting.

But now, no more players, no more games, it's a real world.

Therefore, the tasks that should have belonged to all the players were all pressed on him, and on Lu Qingshan, who was the only outsider.

Is this going against the sky?

In some ancient Long Aotian, the most common words in the mouth of the protagonist with the arrogance of dominance are the words "I want to defy the sky". If you taste it from the perspective of the audience, it seems quite interesting.

Even if it is substituted into it, it can also bring some pleasure out of reality.

But on such a day, Defiant was placed in front of him like this, asking him to become the protagonist in the biography, Lu Qingshan didn't feel the slightest pleasure, some were just heavy.

Because, this is no longer an interesting story, but the most real and difficult struggle and struggle, a heroic cause that the human race does not know how many cultivators have tried again and again, and even sacrificed their lives.

Lu Qingshan thought and remained silent.

He knew that Qi Butian was waiting for his answer.

He admits that he has never been a selfless person.

So, logically speaking, what does the rise and fall of this world have to do with him?

But Lu Qingshan's mind never flashed the thought of "it's none of my business" from beginning to end.

Yes, he is not from this world, but he did come to this world and felt so many joys and sorrows, so many fetters and concerns.

If not, how could he take over Sword Sect?

But the problem is that now it is not just Jianzong, but a thousand-year history of the human race that is hundreds of thousands of times heavier than Jianzong.

Lu Qingshan's original intention to come to Tianhe City at the beginning was just to meet Chu Mushen, complete the advanced tasks of the Five Tribulations Realm and solve some doubts. Who would have thought that this line of business would eventually become like this?

He raised his head quietly, his eyes met Qi Butian, then shifted, and finally landed on Chu Mushen, who had always been very calm.

"How can I become a Sword Immortal?"

There is only one way to become a Sword Immortal, and there is only one way.

This is something many people know.

From this point of view, this question seems to be too simplistic.

But this is not what Lu Qingshan asked, and Chu Mushen also knew.

After Li Qiubai and Xie Qingyun returned to the ruins one after another, the only sword immortal in the human race now, if anyone can solve Lu Qingshan's confusion, he is the only one.

"Do you have any experience or experience, senior?"

"This issue is very complicated," Chu Mushen said. "In simple terms, I became a sword fairy by eating fish and fighting."

"Senior, if you said these words, you didn't say anything."

"Because that's exactly what I did." This is the experience of Chu Mushen.

"But I can add one more thing. If you want to become a Sword Immortal, you must first live."

"Live as long as possible."

"I know this, it's the so-called..." Lu Qingshan no longer bothered with the answer of Chu Mushen, and said softly.

"Where there is life, there is hope."

"Haha, it's good to have this awareness," Chu Mushen glanced at Lu Qingshan meaningfully, "I hope you will remember this truth at some point."

Yes, who doesn't understand this truth?

Don't Li Qiubai understand?

Xie Qingyun doesn't understand?

But they still died.

"You have to understand one more thing, besides you know the secret of the ancestral realm, he knows it, I know it, and there is also a "person" who knows it." Qi Butian reminded.

Lu Qingshan looked expressionless and raised his head.

Omnipresent, omnipotent. UU reading www.

That's heaven.

There are no secrets in broad daylight.

"It knows all this, so it definitely can't hold you."

"It will definitely stop you."

"And the best way to stop you, once and for all, is..."

"Kill you."

The moment the voice fell, Qi Butian's hundreds of strands of black hair turned into silver threads.

This change caused his white hair to change from the original looming to the current black hair.

prematurely senile.

Qi Butian seemed to be aware, but he didn't care.


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