This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 11: Tianhe Hailing

"Don't say it anymore." Seeing this scene, Chu Mushen seemed a little upset, and Qi Bu Tian Dao.

He has lived for a long, long time, and now there are not many acquaintances left in the world.

Chu Mushen didn't know Qi Butian for a long time.

But Qi Butian's temperament and temperament, which are almost identical to Lin Dongming's, always remind Chu Mushen of Lin Dongming.

Lin Dongming is one of the few friends of Chu Mushen.

It stands to reason that both of them have a long, long time to live.

But Lin Dongming wasn't interested in swords, nor was he interested in fish, but he was very interested in that day.

Whether it is to spy on the secrets or to leak the secrets, it is a life-threatening behavior.

So Lin Dongming died.

The more powerful people are, the lonelier they will be. Guarding Tianhe City is the most difficult task and the most important responsibility in the world. He finally met a like-minded fellow Taoist, but in the end he didn't have the chance to fight side by side.

Thinking of this, Chu Mushen felt very angry in his heart.


Lu Qingshan didn't understand Chu Mushen's life experience and the reasons for his anger, but he could understand Chu Mushen's emotions at this time.

Qi Butian smiled and said to Lu Qingshan, "That's all I have to say. I have also reminded me of everything that should be reminded. The rest is up to you."

"There is one more guess." Qi Butian emphasized, "It's just a guess, or an inference, not a secret. What is the truth, we have to take a look at it slowly."

"I would like to hear the details." Lu Qingshan could feel that the guess that Qi Butian was about to say was not simple.

The same is true, although Qi Butian used the most understated tone, "Because human beings are always growing stronger and moving forward, the will of Heaven will fear that we will thrive and become stronger, so in the development of human beings for countless thousands of years, the strength has reached a certain level. When it reaches a critical value, it will drop a cataclysm for a purge."

In the world of scientific and technological systems, it takes only five thousand years for human beings to go from being naked to entering space.

In the world of the cultivation system, how could the monks stay where they were?

Lu Qingshan was silent.

"So, the Demon Race?" he asked.

"It should be what you think," Qi Butian said: "The demons are the disaster brought by the heaven, but they were stopped by Xia Zu last time, and they have come back now."

"Is there any evidence?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

An inference must be supported by actual evidence, even if it is not so strong, but it cannot be groundless.

Qi Butian looked at Chu Mushen and said, "Let Chu Jianxian introduce you to this."

Chu Mushen thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking about how to speak.

He suddenly asked, "Your world is also round?"

Lu Qingshan looked at the deep meaning in Chu Mushen's eyes and didn't know what to say, but he also understood that there was really nothing to hide now.

"Yes... There, the world is actually a ball, and everyone lives on the ball."

"Won't it fall?" Chu Mushen was rarely interested.

"There is a force called universal gravitation," Lu Qingshan thought for a while and confirmed, "In fact, universal gravitation also exists in the sky."

"That's it..." Chu Mushen nodded, "It sounds interesting."

"Unlike your world, the world we live in now is not a sphere."

"Going northward from anywhere in the sky, you will eventually see an endless sea."

"Boundary Sea."

"It's also called... Tianhehai."

"It is between the sky and the abyss, separating the two realms."

"The sea water of Tianhehai is drowning, drowning three thousand."

Chu Mushen sighed: "Since ancient times, the world sea has not been crossed, because the drowning in the world sea has the power to suppress, and it will involve all living beings above into the drowning, obliterating everything, and sinking.

Although some people occasionally go to other realms because of some chance or coincidence, large-scale contact between the two realms has always been impossible because of the existence of the realm, let alone a battle between the two realms. "

He pointed to the boundless and unpredictable Tianhe Haidao below: "However, 20,000 years ago, without any cause or omens, the spirit of Tianhe Hai dissipated the suppressive force that wiped out everything."

"Since then, the Tianhe and the sea are no longer separated by two realms."

"Afterwards, the abyss demons came with a large army across the boundless sea of ​​​​worlds, setting off a battle of Dao and demons."

"Tianhe has a spirit?" Lu Qingshan's eyes followed Chu Mushen's finger to look at Tianhe.

With such a huge sea, how powerful should its spirit be?

"Since ancient times, Tianhehai has always had its own will."

"The Spirit of the Sky, River and Sea is neutral?" Lu Qingshan couldn't help but ask again.

Since there is a spirit, there may be a bias.

"At least so far," Chu Mushen nodded. "If the spirit of the sky, the river and the sea really favored the demons, the sky would have been defeated long ago."

"Lin Dongming once tried to see the spirit of Tianhehai, asked the reason for the disappearance of the power of suppression, and asked it to restore the power of suppression and isolate the two worlds.

But it didn't respond, and didn't even show up... Such a big sea, as long as it doesn't want to show up, no one can find it. "

"It's the same for us, and it's the same for the demons."

"That's good." Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Spirit of the Heavens, Rivers and Seas may not be able to compete with Chu Mushen in frontal combat power.

But it is conceivable that once the Dao Demon War breaks out, the fiercest battle must be fought on the Tianhe Sea.

No matter which side of Dao and Demon can get the help of Tianhe Hailing, the home field advantage that it can bring will be extremely terrifying.

"Although it is neutral, the act of dispersing the power of repression, in terms of the strength of the Dao and Demon, is considered to be biased towards the Demon Race." Qi Butian said leisurely.

Isn't neutrality in a situation where the strengths of the two parties are not equal? ​​Isn't it a bias?

"The boundary sea separates the two worlds. This is its mission and responsibility."

"But it just dissipated the power of repression and violated its own responsibilities."

"It is the spirit of the realm, no one can let it do this, and no one can even find it, except..." Lu Qingshan murmured, UU reading has already reacted .

"This is the real evidence." Qi Butian patted Lu Qingshan on the shoulder and said.

Lu Qingshan smiled bitterly, "People living on this land may never have imagined that the gods they talk about every day are thinking of letting them die."

"Ignorance, isn't it a kind of happiness?" Qi Butian said: "Once you know that the sky is the enemy, how many people will still have the will to fight?"

"He's an exception." Qi Butian glanced at Chu Mushen, who didn't take it too seriously, pouted and added.

"Although the enemy is the sky, isn't it still fighting?" The reason for Chu Mushen's calmness is very simple.

The two things he was best at in his life were also the two things he did the most:

Eat fish, fight.

"Fighting with the sky is a lot of fun." Lu Qingshan seemed to be responding to the God of Chu Mu, and also seemed to be declaring war against the sky.


At this moment, a sudden roar came from Tianhe City, interrupting the conversation that was about to end here.

Lu Qingshan turned his head to hear the sound, and saw that in the extremely prosperous central area of ​​the city, there was a figure, incomparably majestic, rising suddenly.

"That is?" Lu Qingshan frowned.

"The people of the Tianhe Sea Longevity Clan," Qi Butian's face was not very good-looking, and he responded, "I'll go over and deal with it first."

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