This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 18: Siren 8 King

The vast sky, rivers and seas, rolling waves, endless as far as the eye can see.

A sword light traveled westward, and the man in the sword light was wearing a black-gold blue dragon robe.

Looking through the ancient books of Tianhe City, Lu Qingshan already knew the ancestral places of the seven longevity clans.

After setting off, Lu Qingshan's first target was the Wind Clan.

There are two reasons.

One is that the ancestral land of the Tibetans is farther away than the ancestral land of the Wind Clan, and the other is that the hard-to-break bones should be placed last.

The Wind Clan is located on a large island called Qingcang, west of Tianhe City.

The Tianhehai is really too huge, even with Lu Qingshan's current speed, it took a full seven days to approach Qingcang Island.

In the twilight, the smoke and birds in the villages along the Qingcang Island can be seen vaguely.

Qingcang Island is the ancestral land of the Wind Clan, but it does not mean that there is only the Wind Clan on the island.

In fact, Qingcang Island is so large that it is unimaginable.

Even the people who live on this island land, there are many people who don't even know that the place they live in is actually an island.

The population of Qingcang Island is also an extremely large number.

With such a large population, the uncultivated people on Qingcang Island are the most numerous.

This is the easternmost part of Qingcang Island, but Lu Qingshan did not settle there, but flew towards the west coast of Qingcang Island.

There lies the largest city on Qingcang Island, Qingcang City, under the jurisdiction of the Wind Clan.

There, you can see the people of the Wind Clan.

When the night was the darkest, Lu Qingshan finally arrived at Qingcang City.

Although it is night, the city is brightly lit and prosperous.

In Qingcang City, there is no such thing as Guan Yi, and anyone can enter this city.

The reason is also very simple. The Wind Clan has absolute dominance on Qingcang Island, and Qingcang City belongs to the Feng Clan. They have absolute confidence.

Lu Qingshan did not swagger into the city with his sword, but entered the city from the city gate just like everyone else.

After entering the city, he looked around.

It is indeed not like the city of the human race. It is not the difference between richness and poverty, but the whole temperament and style.

Lu Qingshan raised his head slightly and saw a towering mountain pass in the distance.

Five kilometers outside Qingcang City, there is a towering crater.

It is said that in the early years, the crater occasionally erupted with hot black smoke and magma.

However, these eruptions would all be intercepted by the formations set up by the Wind Clan, which would not cause any damage to Qingcang City, but instead became a spectacular sight in the eyes of the people of Qingcang City.

And in the seabed near the crater, there is also a large amount of magma gushing out from time to time.

The magma on the sea floor evaporates the sea water and forms water vapor, which turns the island into a hot sea, shrouded in fog, like a fairyland on earth.

However, this crater has been quiet for many years and has become an extinct volcano.

But no matter what, it is the most iconic existence in Qingcang City, and it is called Huxiaokou by the people on the island.

Lu Qingshan's eyes locked on Huxiaokou. He didn't think much about it when he came, but when he really saw this crater, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

Where does the familiarity come from?

He couldn't help but lose his mind.

No matter how prosperous the city is, in the dark, pedestrians on Qingcangcheng Road are still a lot rarer.

Compared with the fireworks from the coastal villages when they entered the island, in Qingcang City, most of the people had cultivation bases, and their cultivation bases were not low. At first glance, Nascent Soul cultivators could be seen everywhere.


While Lu Qingshan was still thinking about it, he heard an unusual voice.

Very sudden and strange, there is no buffer time at all!

A loud noise like thunder.

"Tsunami, it's a tsunami!"

As soon as Lu Qingshan came back to his senses, he heard a voice shouting.

He looked around, and a huge wave was rising from the coast, rushing towards Qingcang City, a city standing on the coast.

Like a huge sea beast in the night, it opened its **** mouth towards Qingcang City.

Fortunately, most of the people in Qingcang City were monks. This was a natural disaster in the eyes of others, but it was not a big threat to them.

But in the absence of wind and rain, such a big wave suddenly appeared, which is extremely strange no matter how you look at it.

"Is this a plot?" Lu Qingshan laughed at himself, knowing that this wave was unusual.


The waves came overwhelmingly towards Qingcang City, but outside Qingcang City, a cyan mask soon rose up, protecting Qingcang City within it.

This is the large formation used by Wind Clan to intercept the magma that erupted from Huxiaokou.

The turbulent wave bombarded the cyan mask, like bombarding a city wall, and immediately disintegrated into water droplets all over the sky.

Such a loud noise awakened Qingcang City from the darkness.

Thousands of monks flew out of their homes.

The tide is still surging, hitting Qingcang City endlessly.

It's just that it's impossible to break through the great formation set up by the Wind Clan, and it's just a futile attack time and time again.

"Natural disaster or man-made disaster?" Qin Yitian asked.

"Man-made disasters are more likely." Lu Qingshan replied.

Because he felt some unusual violent aura.

as predicted.

The next moment, the sea rolled over, and with a roar, countless sea monsters broke through the sea.

There are also some huge crests emerging from the sea.

The sea-monsters that broke through the sea flew out in unison, roaring and floating on the sea.

There are too many sea-monsters, thousands, tens of thousands, or even more than 100,000. Seeing the black tide in the past, it is extremely suffocating.

Hundreds of thousands of sea-monsters are earth-shattering. Among them, the monsters with the lowest cultivation base are all at the level of rank five, which is equivalent to the cultivator of the human race. Especially Lu Qingshan also felt the breath of some rank eight sea-monsters.

This scene is enough to make any cultivator startle, even the nine-level cultivator will take a deep breath.

what's the situation?

Lu Qingshan couldn't help frowning, realizing that something was wrong, but he felt that this seemed to be an opportunity to win over the Wind Clan.

After all, if there is no "accident", how could the Wind Clan, who has been working hard for many years without success, change his mind easily?

However, it is imperative to find out the origin and purpose of these sea monsters.


A roar of filial piety shook the entire sea area, and even in the inland area tens of thousands of miles away from Qingcang City, this huge sound could be heard.

This sound made many cultivators in Qingcang City tremble, and even those with low cultivation levels fell to the ground.

Beneath the sea, the aura of terror was shocking.

A huge deep-sea giant whale that could not be seen, suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea.

There are several figures on the back of the giant whale.

Not only one, but eight auras rose into the sky.

There are a total of eight figures on the back of the deep-sea giant whale, and the breath of each figure is impressively... Rank 9!

These eight people are the kings of the Kraken, who are transformed into human beings, namely the Eight Kings of the Kraken.

Moreover, none of the eight sea-monster kings were first to enter the ninth rank. They were all powerful and unparalleled, and could be compared with the monks who combined two steps, three steps, or even four steps.

They exuded momentum, but did not attack immediately, as if they were provocative, telling the owner of this island that they were coming.

"The enemy of the Wind Clan?" Lu Qingshan made a judgment.


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