Lu Qingshan looked at everything around him coldly.

Because the Sea-Monster Eight Kings didn't launch an attack for the first time, obviously they had no plans and were waiting for something.

At this moment, an ethereal ripple that was invisible to others floated up in the void, sweeping across the body of the Eight Kings of the Sea-Monster.

At the moment when the ripples passed by, the eight sea-monsters standing on the giant whale seemed to have received some information.

Almost at the moment when the Eight Kings of the Sea-Monster made a move, in Qingcang City, hundreds of Qinghe appeared and roared loudly.

These blue cranes are huge, about a hundred feet in size, and there are monks on them.

These monks are dressed in simple clothes, but each of them has a perseverance on their faces, and a cyan three-petal lotus is printed on their eyebrows.

Lu Qingshan, who had a certain understanding of the Longevity Clan through the jade slip, immediately recognized it as a unique symbol of the Wind Clan.

In other words, these monks who appeared were all Wind Clan monks.

Possessing the title of honor, above the boundless sea of ​​​​boundary, among the countless immortals, there are seven wind clan cultivators!

The heads of the azure cranes are three particularly miraculous cranes that are cyan and purple, and there is a monk standing on each crane head.

The three monks are all old men, with cold eyes, tall and incomparably tall, with blue lotus totems on their brows, and their eyes are bright.

The breath from their bodies was as deep as an abyss and as majestic as a sea.

This kind of breath... Honored cultivator!

These three old men are all honored monks!

"Sea Dragon King," Feng Mo, the old man of the current generation and the highest cultivation level in the Feng Clan, took the lead and said, "Are you still immortal?"

"Feng Mo," the most powerful of the eight sea-monster kings, known by Feng Mo as the existence of the Sea Dragon King, with a grim face, "This time, we are bound to win."

"It's bound to win? In front of our Feng Clan, are you little monsters also worthy?" Although Feng Mo's expression was solemn, he was not too worried.

As one of the seven longevity clans, the strength of the wind clan is beyond doubt.

There are three Wind Clan with the honorific title of Realm cultivator.

The Sea-Monster Eight Kings, the strongest Sea-Dragon King, is only equivalent to a four-step combined Dao cultivation base, and there is still a huge gap between them and the respected monks.

There are four steps to join the road.

When entering the Nine Realms for the first time, it is a step of joining the Tao, corresponding to the ordinary ninth grade in the Demon Race cultivation system.

The two-step combination path corresponds to the low-level Demon Venerable of the Demon Clan's cultivation system. The combat power of the monks at this stage, in simple terms, is equivalent to twice the combat power of the ordinary ninth-rank.

The three-step combination, with five times the combat power of ordinary ninth-grade demons, is equivalent to a medium demon in the demon cultivation system.

The four-step combination, with ten times the combat power of the ordinary ninth-grade demon cultivator, corresponds to the high-level Demon Venerable of the Demon Race.

In the realm of Dao, one step at a time, each step, the combat power can be said to undergo a qualitative transformation.

The difference between the three-step combined path and the four-step combined path seems to be only a small rank difference. In fact, the difference in combat power is even larger than the gap between the nine and eight levels.

And the threshold of the cultivator of the honored title is twenty times the combat power of the ordinary ninth-rank, and the corresponding demon cultivation system is the top demon venerable.

Of course, it is also a cultivator of the honorable realm, and the gap is extremely large, because the honorable realm is a new realm.

The range of combat power of a cultivator with honorable title is very exaggerated. The minimum is 20 times the combat power of ordinary ninth-grade magic cultivators, and the highest can even reach 40 times the combat power of ordinary ninth-grade magic cultivators.

The three cultivators of the Wind Clan can't reach the ultimate combat power of the honorable realm, but each of them has at least 20 times the combat power of the ninth rank, and facing the eight sea-monster kings with a maximum of ten times the ninth rank combat power, What is there to fear?

Strength is the source of confidence.

"It's not that simple." Lu Qingshan, as a bystander, saw everything very clearly.

With such a big gap in strength, will the Kraken side be clueless?

But they still attacked, what does this mean?

This shows that they must have something to rely on.

What reliance can make the Sea-Monster Eight Kings not afraid of this huge gap in strength?

Lu Qingshan couldn't think of it for a while, so he could only wait for the follow-up.

His doubts were quickly answered.

Faced with the terrifying aura of the three venerable monks of the Wind Clan, the Sea-Monster Eight Kings were under too much pressure and could not support them for long.

A blue ripple appeared from the bottom of the sea and continued to spread in all directions on the sea surface.

At the same time as the ripples spread, the boiling sea-monster, and even the aura emanating from the sea-monster Eight Kings, has risen a lot.

A big chunk visible to the naked eye.

The Sea Dragon King even faintly has an aura that can rival that of a cultivator.

But this is not the end, a powerful coercion suddenly descended on Qingcang Island.

"This is..." Lu Qingshan was startled.

He could feel the power contained in the ripples and the coercion that was born out of thin air, from...  

Tianhehai? !

Lu Qingshan's eyes locked on the gloomy sea under the night.

The mysterious spirit of Tianhe Hai, who keeps the human race out of the door, is helping these sea monsters?

With a bang, even Lu Qingshan felt as if a mountain was pressing against him at this moment, and his cultivation was suppressed a lot by the influence.

And this pressure is rising like crazy.

"You Wind Clan are also kind and righteous people, just for a dying demon, do you really want to pull your own clan into the abyss?" The voices echoed, and the eight sea-monster kings all sneered at the Wind Clan cultivator, sarcastically. Meaning beyond words.

With the help of Tianhehai, the Sea-Monster Eight Kings will not hesitate even in the face of the three honorable monks.

"It seems that you still don't understand a truth... External forces are external forces after all, so it's nothing to worry about." Feng Mo suddenly laughed.

The farther you go on the road of cultivation, the less help the cultivator can give to the cultivator. This is a well-known truth.

Feng Mo smiled slyly, even though he was under the terrifying pressure brought by the Tianhe Sea, his whole body still rose with a bang, a frantic explosion, and even made the sea near the island tremble, making the sea start to roar.

Although the pressure of Tianhehai is strong, it is not the pressure of the whole Tianhehai after all, but only the power condensed together in this sea area, which is less than one thousandth of the power of the entire Tianhehai.

No matter how strong Tianhehai is, it is definitely not comparable to the ancestral monks.

Then its one-thousandth of the power can never completely limit the cultivator of the title, let alone let a four-step sea monster defeat the cultivator of the title.

This is the iron law.

"I let you go last time, but this time you still dare to come, then I won't be polite anymore." Feng Mo's old but oppressive voice echoed suddenly.

Under the pressure of Tianhehai, he rushed towards the Eight Kings of the Kraken.

The speed of Feng Mo has surpassed Thunder, and the whole person almost turned into an electric light, and he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This kind of speed is simply beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

The sea roared, and the waves rose into the sky, forming a tornado, trying to block Feng Mo.

"It's just part of the coercion of this sea area!" Feng Mo's eyes showed a fierce look, his right hand suddenly twisted like a snake, and he waved forward at an incredible angle, like a python swallowing the moon.

The majestic force rushed out, with an aura that eclipsed the world.


The two collided, making a dull sound.

That mighty tornado was immediately torn apart by the wind and ink.

He rode the wind and waves out, and his figure continued to move forward, and he was already close to the Eight Kings of the Sea-Monster.


At the same time, in front of Feng Mo, a green tiger appeared, rushing towards the Sea Dragon King with its teeth and claws.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

The Sea Dragon King's face changed greatly. He didn't expect Feng Mo to break through the pressure of Tianhehai so easily.

He roared loudly, and his figure changed.

In front of the Sea Dragon King, there is a giant whale that is also condensed. Although it looks like a lake, its power is equally terrifying, and it strikes forward.

A killer and a whale rushed up the sky at the same time, and then met, bursting with infinite light, illuminating the night.


Earth-shattering, cracks burst out from the void of this world, bottomless, and the scene was terrifying. Fortunately, the world was stabilized, and the cracks quickly healed themselves.

Feng Mo's face was dignified, with blue veins bulging on his face.

Just now, the coercion of Tianhehai increased several times, pressing down on him.

On the other hand, Lu Qingshan felt that the sense of oppression suddenly disappeared, and the whole person became more relaxed.

He instantly realized that this was Tianhehai's coercion to face the entire Qingcang City, and concentrated on Feng Mo alone.

Although he was under unimaginable oppression, Feng Mo was still strong. He let out a long whistle, and a black spear appeared from between his eyebrows, towards the Sea Dragon King.

This is an invincible instrument with supreme power.

Bang bang bang!

The black spear released terrifying fluctuations, and just being affected by these fluctuations, hundreds of sea monsters were overwhelmed, and their bodies exploded directly, turning into scarlet blood flowers, dyeing the sea below red.

Finally, the black spear had already killed the Sea Dragon King.

"help me!

! "The Sea Dragon King felt the majestic power and the cold murderous intent in the black spear, and knew that this was definitely not an attack that he could stop, so he screamed and screamed for help.

His mourning directly set off a storm and a huge vortex.

The sound of bang roared into the sky.


The ocean-like aura came overwhelmingly, hitting the black spear, and the power swept in all directions.

A dazzling light rose into the sky, covering everyone's sight.

When the light dissipated, what appeared in place was no longer the figure of the human race cultivator, but a huge sea dragon!

This sea dragon is all black and looks extremely ferocious.

This is the body of the Dragon King.

At this moment, the Sea Dragon King has already opened its skin and flesh, the scales have been lifted in a large area, the flesh and blood are like the lake, and there is a look of horror in the eyes that look at Feng Mo.

However, at this moment, a nourishing force was born from the sea, quickly flowing into the sea dragon's body, and repairing its body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sea is immortal, and the sea dragon king is immortal.

The sea area was still violently tumbling, and bursts of shocking slaps spread throughout Qingcang City, as if something was brewing.

"The situation is not right, let's take action together!" The other two cultivators of the Feng Clan, Feng Sheng and Feng Bai, noticed something was wrong, and immediately made a decision to take action together to solve the eight sea-monster kings and these sea-monsters together, so as not to have too many night dreams , with branches.

Killing intent flickered in their eyes, and they said loudly, "Children of the Wind Clan, follow me to slay monsters!"

With an order, the Wind Clan cultivator above Qinghe rushed forward along with the three Honored Realm cultivators.

Feng Mo, Feng Sheng and Feng Bai took the lead and launched their strongest combat power.

The cultivator of the honored title is arrogant, and the scene is simply unimaginable.

Their magical instruments swept across the sky, like an eternal fairy light, all invincible, and the sea monsters were swept away, and they died in one blow, and the blood was surging.

It was a horrific and **** massacre.

Most of the sea area turned into a sea of ​​blood in an instant, and the pungent **** smell drifted to Qingcang City with the fierce wind, rushing into people's mouths and noses.

With the help of Tianhehai, the Sea-Monster Eight Kings raised the courage to meet the three honorable monks of the Wind Clan.

One of the Kraken Kings turned into a different species, with a lion head but a crocodile tail, holding a trident, and followed the Sea Dragon King to kill Feng Mo.


The weapons intersected, the void exploded, and the sound moved hundreds of thousands of miles.

The strong aftermath hits everywhere, and anyone who is shot will immediately fall down and become a corpse.

The aftermath of this level of fierce battle is too terrifying.


The alien siren king with the lion's head perished!

Because Feng Mo's strength is too strong, it is also a crushing trend to fight against two.

The black spear swept across, and the spear was brilliant, slashing the neck of the alien siren king, causing his head to fly out, carrying a large amount of blood.

Tianhehai can indeed radiate nourishing power and continuously heal the injuries of the Krakens.

But it cannot be brought back to life.

It can save the wounded, but the demon cannot be resurrected after death.

"No!" The Sea Dragon King shouted. He didn't expect the alien sea monster king to die so easily.

At the same time, there is a feeling of being deceived.

This is sending them to death. Tianhehai simply cannot make them have the strength to compete with the cultivators of the honored realm!

"A dead beast!" Feng Mo, who cut off the head of the alien siren king, snorted coldly, holding a black spear, and slaying forward again, seeing the power of the Tianhe Hai as nothing, his whole body rushing like a stormy sea.

His strength is really strong, with nearly thirty times the combat power of Ninth-Rank.

The black spear traversed the sky, moved towards the Sea Dragon King, and fell on its crest, as if trying to cut it in half.

In the face of this menacing attack, the Sea Dragon King was completely panicked, and with a roar, the scales on its back automatically fell off, forming a shield, rushing upwards, and stopping in front of the black spear.


Feng Mo's fierce spear fell down and stuck on the shield made of scales, but failed to perform!

The Sea Dragon King is dangerously blocking Feng Mo's ultimate move.

Gollum Gollum!

Feng Mo was about to launch an attack again and take the head of the Sea Dragon King, but now it is a mutation.

A monstrous heat wave broke out under the sea.

The sea water tumbled visibly to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, the temperature reached an incredible level.

White mist rises up.

The seawater of the Tianhe River is not ordinary water. At this moment, there are signs of evaporation. It can be seen that the temperature in the seawater at this time has reached a terrifying situation.

The first to suffer was the sea monster in the sea.

They immediately let out shrill screams, and their bodies were instantly scalded.

No matter how hard the scales are, in the face of this temperature, it is useless, and instantly turns red.

This high temperature, this fiery heat, makes this sea area a cauldron, and the sea monster is the seasoning!


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