This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 20: irresistible rule

In the sea area around Qingcang Island, the sea water is constantly boiling.

The corpses of the sea monsters floated on the water, and they kept floating up and down with the tumbling of the sea. They were already cooked, and Lu Qingshan could even smell the smell of meat.

The sudden change caught everyone present by surprise.

Neither the Kraken side nor the Wind Clan side had expected the current scene.

"What's the point of this move?" Lu Qingshan was puzzled.

Because from the current situation, the sudden temperature rise of the sea water seems to be the only victim of the Kraken, and the Wind Clan cultivator is suspended in mid-air, safe and sound.

Things obviously can't be that simple.

The sudden heating of the sea water and the panic on the side of the Kraken indicate that the initiator of all this should be...


And the Kraken was clearly the one who helped Tianhehai, so why did they turn against each other now?

Unless.... this move has another purpose, the destruction of the siren is just incidental.

Thinking like this, Lu Qingshan raised his head and suddenly noticed that Feng Mo, the great cultivator of the Feng Clan, was trembling inexplicably at this moment, and his face became extremely pale.

"This..." Feng Mo lowered his head and stared blankly at the boiling Atami.

His breathing began to become rapid.

In the sound of his rapid breathing, those monks of the Wind Clan, and some people, suddenly seemed to think of something, and their expressions changed greatly.

Especially Feng Sheng and Feng Bai, the two honored monks, took a few steps back and stared at the boiling sea water.

“Boiled sea...”

"It is said that in the depths of the Tianhe Sea, there is an incomparably hot world-destroying magma, and once it erupts, it will bring irresistible destruction to all things in the sea.

It can completely boil that sea area, and no creature can survive and become fly ash.”

"These magmas have been suppressed by the Tianhehai, flowing quietly, and cannot easily erupt."

"But since ancient times, these world-destroying magmas have erupted several times, each time because there were too many sea monsters in the Tianhe Sea, which affected the balance of the Tianhe Sea.

Therefore, Tianhehai took the initiative to disperse its suppressive force and clean up the excessive number of Krakens in order to maintain the balance of all things. This is the rule of the operation of heaven. "

"Once this seabed magma erupts, only the power of Tianhe Hai can suppress it and restore calm to the sea again."

"What sea-monster invasion is just a pretense, everything is to cover up the fluctuations of the magma on the seabed, until now it's a done deal."

Feng Mo murmured.

"The real purpose of Tianhehai is to destroy Qingcang Island, these sea monsters are just burial objects."

There was anxiety in his eyes.

"The three of us join forces to suppress this sea area and see if we can stop the eruption of magma!" Feng Mo was not ready to sit still.

At this point, the battle with the Kraken also lost its meaning.

What everyone has to do now is to save their own lives.

This made them completely free to work together to Zhenhai.

"Okay!" Feng Sheng and Feng Bai answered without hesitation.

Feng Mo's eyes showed strange awns, his hands clenched together, and he screamed in the sky.

At this moment, there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes.

At this moment, Feng Mo's body erupted with an earth-shattering aura, which belonged to the aura of a cultivator with the title of honor.

At the same time, Feng Mo's body radiated colorful light.

These rays of light surrounded the surroundings, filled all directions, and finally condensed in front of Feng Mo, turning into a halberd.

A colorful halberd containing the avenues of wind and ink.

This long halberd contains the power that he has gained from his cultivation of wind and ink for hundreds of thousands of years, as well as his understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Feng Mo stretched out his hand and grabbed the halberd of the avenue.

An indescribable breath suddenly rose into the sky.

This breath is so strong that it even provokes the world.

"Peace me!" Feng Mo roared, and the halberd of the avenue immediately came out of his hands, fell from the sky, and slammed into the Tianhe Sea, trying to suppress the restless and turbulent world-destroying magma deep in the sea.

Feng Sheng and Feng Bai, the two honored monks, condensed their own Dao transformation at almost the same time as Feng Mo, a starry sky sword and a silver gun, blasted into the sea of ​​​​Tianhe.

The three cultivators of the honored realm worked together, even Tianhehai, at this time, a huge sea crack appeared in the roar, spreading out to both sides, as if to reveal the seabed that had not seen the sun for ten thousand years.

This collision shocked everyone.

This is the ultimate encounter between manpower and nature.

The light of the avenue forms an endless turbulent flow, blooming in the night.

After an instant, the sea was divided into a bottomless crack.

Through the crack, far in the depths of the ocean floor, a river of magma is flowing uneasy.

It is in the very deep seabed, but it seems to appear in front of everyone's eyes, and all the details can be seen very clearly.

It has a specific shape, but it is indescribable, and its color is not fiery red, but pure and transparent like gold, emitting infinite light and heat.

Light and heat filled the entire seabed.

This is an extremely rare picture for thousands of years.

Because the cultivators of the honored realm are extremely rare, the cultivators who fight with Tianhehai are even more unprecedented.

Can Tianhehai really be shaken by monks?

It is definitely possible, no matter how big it is, it is only a sea after all.

But Feng Mo, Feng Sheng and Feng Bai did not possess such powerful power.

It's like a pebble made a few ripples on the lake. The means of the three honored monks allowed the world to glimpse the scene of the Tianhe seabed, but that's all.

The rift that separated, silently healed at an absolutely gentle but steady pace.

The magma on the bottom of the sea, like a sand river bursting its banks, is surging upwards.

Every grain of sand contains infinite coercion.

with a snap.

The long halberd, the long sword of the starry sky, and the silver spear, with the light sound, all scattered into the sky and scattered with the wind.

The most powerful weapon for a monk is the avenue.

The avenue is a part of heaven and earth.

Tianhehai is also a part of heaven and earth, and an extremely powerful part.

It has the rules of heaven and earth.

Even a cultivator of honorable title cannot ignore the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, in this duel, the three powers of the Wind Clan were defeated without any surprise.

The reason for their loss was not their lack of strength. After all, Tianhehai was strong, but at this time they were only fighting against this small part of the sea area, which was less than one thousandth of that of Tianhehai.

They just lost to the rules.

irresistible rules.

Man cannot compete with heaven.


At this moment, the three cultivators were in a state of confusion, with blood oozing from the corners of their mouths.

What is even more frightening is that the magma river deep under the sea is surging upwards.

The magma river is composed of countless thousands of tiny golden rubble, which ignites the brilliance and looks down, like a blue dragon swimming in the sea, fierce and hot.

In the sky, Feng Mo's face suddenly turned pale, looking extremely painful.

I don't know if it was because the confrontation with Tianhehai was backlashed after the defeat, or because it was painful because of the inability to prevent the eruption of this world-destroying magma.

The Tianhehai used the seabed magma to destroy the Qingcang Island, just like Haotian descended the thunder tribulation to destroy the world.

A breath of divine violence and majesty, UU reading www. is getting closer, more and more obvious.

"We have tried our best, and the will of God cannot be violated." Feng Sheng sighed in his heart and said to Feng Mo.

"Fengmo, we have to quickly get the clan to evacuate this sea area. As for the mortals on the island, save as many as you can." Feng Bai reminded.

Feng Mo looked at the glittering seabed, the magma river rising from the seabed, and the dead sea monster, silent.

Qing Cang Island.

Not everyone knew the end was coming, but everyone was awakened from sleep by the sudden rise in temperature.

Countless people were covered in sweat, but felt extremely hot, and the air became hot and dry, but they didn't know what happened.


"Just follow what Feng Bai said," Feng Mo said with difficulty and pain in a long unwilling sigh: "Qingcang Island, we give up..."

His hair and robe fluttered in the air.

He was about to use the escape technique to leave.

At this moment, his figure suddenly stopped.

Because, a figure rose from Qingcang City, then hung over the Tianhe Sea and stopped in front of them.


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