This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 188 College Entrance Examination

Both elves have been upgraded, and Prince Bo has also been upgraded to level 31. After a while, he can be upgraded to level 32 to prepare for evolution.

At that time, you can almost go to the double match in their dojo with Su Wei to test your strength.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jing is full of confidence in the future.



Prince Bo and Geng Gui have also woken up now. After a careful feeling, they can feel the huge energy in their bodies. They know that this is because they have upgraded and become stronger.

This made them very happy, Prince Bo was jumping up and down happily, while Geng Gui was floating in the air and turning around.

"Prince Bo, you are ready to evolve now."

"It is estimated that a lot of the effect of the magic candy is still in your body, so you can probably upgrade to another level in a short time, and then you can evolve."

"Evolve into the final form—Emperor Nabo!"


Prince Bo nodded earnestly, planning to train well in the near future to make himself better.

In this way, he can evolve into Emperor Nabo, and his strength can undergo an earth-shaking change just like Boscodora.

It can already imagine that its handsome figure and strength after evolving into Emperor Nabo will definitely attract the admiration of countless beautiful elves.

Jiang Jing was very satisfied with the changes of the two elves.

With his own strength, he can go for the bronze badge assessment, but he needs six elves of level 25 or above for the bronze badge assessment.

He only has five elves now, and the metal monster can't come out to meet people yet, so he actually only has four elves.

However, he remembered that there seemed to be special rules, as long as trainers who participated in large-scale competitions above the provincial level could relax the conditions.

As long as four spirits meet the 25th level, it is enough, but in the assessment, six assessment spirits need to be defeated.

This was not difficult for Jiang Jing at all.

In order to confirm his conjecture, he secretly flipped through the assessment rules of the bronze badge in class, and the result was the same as he thought.

Participating in the national competition can indeed fulfill this requirement, and he suddenly remembered a video he had seen before.

It said in the past that someone suggested that as long as you participate in the national competition, you can automatically get the bronze badge, but I don't know why it didn't work.

The game and considerations involved are beyond his knowledge as an ordinary senior high school student.

Now that the college entrance examination is less than a month away, he has to put all his energy into his studies, otherwise he will be embarrassed if he fails the exam.

It's really embarrassing to think that the champion of the National High School Elf League can't even pass the provincial champion.



In the backyard of a certain villa at this time, this is a huge training room, fully half the size of a football field, and it is also open-air.

The sun shines in, and countless high-tech training equipment can be clearly seen.

At this time, there were two people, who looked like father and son, standing inside.

"Father, how long do you plan to stay this time?" Su Jincheng asked curiously.

Su Yao said with a smile: "I plan to stay for four months this time before leaving."

"I'm going to teach you something in these four months."

Su Jincheng said with some surprise: "Really? Will my strength undergo an earth-shaking change?"

Su Yao nodded and said: "Yes, your strength will undergo earth-shaking changes."

Speaking of this, Su Yao said with some shame: "Actually, it's also my fault. When you were young, you stayed in the wild, and the time to teach you was short."

"Most of it is still taught through video."

"This causes your strength to be far behind your talent."

Su Jincheng smiled freely and said, "It's nothing."

At this point, Su Yao patted Su Jincheng on the shoulder and said, "I watch every match you have."

"In our opinion, your talent is not bad compared to Han Xinyi, Zhang Xiuxian, and Su Wei."

"But you just can't beat them, you can only be ranked fifth."

"With your talent, this ranking is completely inappropriate."

"So I can only take you through special training. I believe that after four months, your strength will definitely undergo a radical change."

Su Jincheng nodded and said, "Well, I will work hard."


At this time, he was far away in a super luxurious training ground in the imperial capital.

There are more than a dozen elves doing training.

Among them was Xiao Zhimo's Nido King.

At this time, Xiao Zhimo and Xiao Jungui were watching the training of the elves.

Xiao Jungui asked suddenly from the side: "Have you figured out where the gap is between you and Jiang Jing?"

After hearing this, Xiao Zhimo was stunned for a moment and said, "I've been thinking about this issue for the past few days."

"I feel that the gap between us is not that big, but it's a gap everywhere. It's an overall gap, which is terrible."

"I feel that there is not much difference in command between the two of us, and there are no complicated tactics."

"But it feels like his Boscodora is just too powerful."

"My skills hit it as if it didn't hurt at all."

Xiao Jungui nodded after hearing this and replied: "There are only two reasons for this situation, either its Boscodora level is higher than yours."

"Either his Boscodora completely suppressed your Nido King in terms of talent."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhimo thought for a while and said, "So, it's impossible for him to be higher in level than my King Nido."

"He came from an ordinary family, and the elf food he used in the early stage is completely inferior to my Nido King."

"Then there is only talent, or both?"

"Both talent and level are higher than my Nido King, forming an accumulation of advantages in this respect?"

After hearing this, Xiao Jungui said, "That's right, I thought so too."

"And you also overlooked one point, that is the factor of attribute resistance."

"Your Nido King's ground-based skills can form a huge restraint on Boss Kedora, and it is impossible to do so little damage."

"It's most likely due to attribute resistance, and Boss Kedora's attribute resistance is not low."

"The accumulation of the three directly formed a huge gap, so if your Nido King can't completely surpass Boscodora in other aspects."

"Then your King Nido is still no match for Boss Kedora."

Xiao Zhimo said with a serious expression, "I understand."

Xiao Jungui looked at the elves who were training not far away and said: "The battle between elves mainly depends on three factors: level, talent, and attribute restraint."

"These three aspects occupy a great factor in a battle."

"There is another term for level, which is called energy level. Every elf has energy in its body."

"And the amount of energy is your level."

"And grades are closely related to physical fitness. A higher grade will naturally feed back physical fitness."

"So high-level elves don't have much worse physical fitness."

"We can see that in a battle, a high-level elf can defeat or even crush a low-level elf."

"In the early stage of the game, the strongest elves rely on their levels to crush and pass the level, and there is no need for complicated battles."

"But it's different after that."

"You will find that some elves are stronger than you even though they are not as good as you. Why is that?"

After hearing this, Xiao Zhimo blurted out: "Talent?"

Xiao Jungui said: "That's right, it's talent!"

"Talent is a very mysterious thing. It involves a lot of things, such as nerve response, skill comprehension, injury recovery, will to fight, etc. can all be classified as talent."

"It's too complicated, and it has an impact on the battle, but it's not big."

"In the public's perception, good talent represents three major components: the speed of level improvement, high comprehension, and strong innate physical fitness."

"And the physical fitness can completely affect the battle."

"Let me give you an example, just take your King Nido."

"The attack strength of Nido King with three-star talent of the same level is calculated as 1."

"Then the attack strength of a four-star talent of the same level is 2."

"And every time you upgrade a level, the attack power of the three-star talent will increase by 0.1."

"And the attack strength of the four-star talent can be increased by 0.6, and the gap will be directly widened."

"So their energy level is not as good as yours, but their physical fitness is stronger than yours."

"The gap between you is doomed at the moment of birth, and the gap between you will only get bigger with each subsequent level."

"Of course, if you can improve your talent the day after tomorrow, you can also make up for your physical fitness."

"So people's level is not as good as yours, but they can defeat you, relying on talent."

"Their bodies can even make skills more powerful through a stronger energy recovery rate."

"That's why you didn't fight."

"Next, let's talk about the last factor, which is attribute restraint."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhimo said: "Can attribute restraint also surpass talent?"

Xiao Jungui shook his head and said: "Restraint of attributes is beyond talent, even if you can form a huge restraint."

"At the same level, your talent is one star behind your opponent, or take your Nido King and Boss Kedora as examples?"

"Your Nido King's three-star talent, Boss Kedora's four-star talent, and your ground skills can greatly restrain Boss Kedora."

"Skills can cause huge damage when hit on it."

"If you switch to Bos Kedora with the same three-star talent, you can beat him with two or three moves."

"But four stars are different."

"Physical fitness and defensive power can be said to have reached a huge level. If the same restrained moves are hit on the body, Boss Kedora will still suffer a lot of damage."

"But you might need four or five moves to beat the opponent."

"But in the battle, it is impossible for them to give you time to use the power of the earth four or five times in a row for you to fight."

"This is the suppression of talent."

"But attribute restraint can make your battle easier."

"In a battle with elves with the same level of talent, your attribute skills can restrain the opponent and you can easily defeat the opponent."

"These three factors can determine the victory of a match."

"If you are completely inferior to the opponent in these three aspects in the battle, then you will definitely lose."

"Of course there are exceptions, that is, you can only win after you have accumulated a huge advantage by practicing other aspects to the extreme."

"But such examples are too few to serve as reference conditions."

Xiao Jungui took a sip of mineral water and continued:

"Of course every trainer has a different concept and point of view."

"These are actually my perceptions and the opinions of the public."

"If you have an opinion of your own, you can say it."

Xiao Zhimo also nodded after hearing this. He knew all these things, but he still had a new experience when he said it from his father this time.

So if he loses, he loses because of his level or talent.

"Or the combination of the two is the only way to lose."

Xiao Jungui said: "Actually, there are other reasons for your loss. I'll talk to you next time."

Xiao Zhimo nodded, he needs to think about it.


Jiang Jing put down the test paper in his hand and finally heaved a sigh of relief, put down the pen and moved his body.

I looked up and looked at the larger font written next to the blackboard: 15 days before the college entrance examination.

In the past few days, Jiang Jing had completely buried himself in the test papers, studying day and night.

Except for training the elves at night, everything else is devoted to study.

A few days ago, team leader Chen sent out a brand new treatment condition.

It can be said that he copied all the things Uncle Chen sent him.

It's just that an extra 500,000 was added to the signing fee.

Jiang Jing knew that this was definitely not the final offer, so he was not in a hurry, and turned around and sent Xiamen University's conditions to other schools that wanted to recruit him.

For example, Magic Capital, Imperial Capital, Renmin University of China, Zhejiang University, Magic Jiao, Fudan University, Nantah University, and more than a dozen schools.

Their previous treatment conditions were good, but compared with the imperial capital, they were far worse.

When he sent them the conditions of the imperial capital, he fell silent for a moment, saying that he would discuss it carefully after returning.

Among them, the most positive responses were the Imperial Capital and the Demon Capital. They all said that they would discuss it immediately when they went back.

Especially Li Ji, he did not expect Xiamen University to be so open-minded and offer better conditions than him.

How could this be tolerated, he directly applied for better conditions and treatment from above.

The above said that it needs to be discussed before an answer can be given.

This made Li Ji a little dissatisfied. In the past, his own applications were answered as quickly as possible. Even if he wanted to discuss, he would give a reply time.

But since the deputy team leader came, the higher ups have become more and more perfunctory.

Now there isn't even a definitive answer.

He was a little worried, would it make them unable to recruit Jiang Jing because of this matter?

The demon capital on the other side is also a bit big headed. They know that Jiang Jing is a genius, but the treatment conditions of this imperial capital and Xiamen University are too outrageous.

This is something few people have enjoyed before.

It's too introverted.

But he had to go for a match, because Li Muyu had already said hello, and he would be the first to recruit if he could.

As long as it doesn't reach the bottom line, it's fine, but now it's almost the bottom line.

I think Li Muyu's treatment was better than this when he entered school, but now he is almost catching up.


At this time, in Su Jincheng's home, Su Jincheng was training with his father Su Yao.

Since being recommended, he hardly goes to school, and stays at home for training every day.

At this time, two elves are actually fighting.

Jiang Jing himself commanded, and the two of them watched from the side.

Su Jincheng said: "Father, I have a doubt?"

Su Yao smiled and said, "Tell me, let me see if I can try to answer."

Su Jincheng said: "In the national competition, the last four people in the imperial capital and the demon capital are not high in elf level, and their talents can also be confirmed to be three stars. Why is there such a big gap?"

"They almost all got crushed all the way through."

"Especially in the finals and semi-finals, the level and talent are almost the same."

"Actually, I don't know how I won. I just expanded my advantage and won by fighting."

Su Jincheng smiled and said, "So that's the case!"

"Then let me tell you, listen and see if it makes sense."

Su Jincheng listened curiously. Dad seldom told him about this knowledge, and it was all from the mouths of other trainers in his family.

Su Yao began to say: "Public trainers, it shouldn't be said that more than 80% of the trainers judge who wins and loses based on three aspects of the battle."

"Level, talent, attribute restraint."

"Except for the restraint of attributes, which can be seen on the surface, levels and talents are hidden parts."

"It's impossible to know without instrumentation."

"So most people look at attribute restraint, as for level and talent, they have to be judged in the battle."

"In addition to these three, there are many other factors that also affect the battle."

"For example, the trainer's command and tactics, as well as the status of the elves, as well as actual combat experience, skill mastery, etc."

"It is determined by many factors, which is why the duel is popular."

"The battle process is extremely beautiful and complex, and at the same time very simple."

"Like your national competition, everyone's level is the same, talent is the same, why are they so powerful when their attributes are not restrained."

"Not to mention that the mastery of skills is similar."

"It's time to look at other aspects."

"There is a word called advantage accumulation, which means that all aspects are similar."

"But there is still a gap, but it is relatively small. Although our talents are also three stars, there is still a gap."

"In the past, talent was not a five-star system, but a point system, from one to one hundred."

"Twenty points to one star, three-star talent is 41 to 60."

"You 41 and I 59 are both three-star talents, but there is still a gap between us, although there is no qualitative gap."

"But the gap has already been created at this time."

"Then there is the difference in levels. You are level 31 on the second day and I am level 31 on the 30th day, but the gap is there again."

"The last thing is skill proficiency. There is also a gap in specialization."

"It's like proficiency is like a test score. You have just improved to 120 points for proficiency, and other people's skills have already increased to 138 points."

"Every point is a gap, but it is not big, and it is extremely easy to make up."

"But in the battle, it means that the skill speed of this move is released faster, stronger, and more varied."

"The gap in your three aspects is not very big if you take it individually, but if you add it all up, the gap will be big."

"And not to mention the battle experience, the imperial capital and the demon capital are obviously richer than you."

"It's easier to fight against each other."

"If they didn't underestimate you in terms of mentality, it would only be more difficult to fight."

"The problem of mentality is also a factor that I will talk about next."

"People will look down on those who are weaker than themselves. This is human nature."

"The same is true for elves. For them, as long as they feel that the other party is weaker than themselves in cognition, they will form a contemptuous psychology."

"And it's the same with us. When I played against the Lava and the Rockets that day, I also felt contemptuous."

"But people can control themselves. What you have to do in the battle is to restrain your contempt and compress it to the minimum."

"Then pay more attention to the opponent."

"And you are still young, you can't do this. When you are young and frivolous, it is normal to be unable to suppress it."

"For them, your Fujian Province is weak."

The same is true when Su Jincheng thinks about it. If he is in the imperial capital and the magic capital, he will have the same idea.

They pushed sideways all the way here, and a simple frontal attack could defeat each other.

The annual champion is either the imperial capital or the magical capital. Other identities have no chance at all.

How could it be possible to pay attention to their Fujian Province, and even if he accidentally lost, there would be someone who was stronger behind him to cover him up.

With the confidence, naturally, I don't pay so much attention to it.

Under such a state of mind, they were suddenly caught off guard, and I naturally panicked.

This reminded him of the battle between Jia Shipeng's Giant Pincer Mantis and the opposing King Kong Gorilla in the finals.

If beating the King Kong orangutan is not counted as attribute restraint, whether it is shooting speed or reaction, the actual combat experience is better than the giant pincer mantis.

However, Jia Shipeng relied on his attribute advantages and his desperate style of play to draw a draw.

Su Yao continued: "Actually, everyone in the imperial capital despises you Fujian Province, and this is your advantage."

"I can guarantee that no more than three of them will be able to suppress their emotions and fully release their elves' strength from the very beginning."

"Xiao Zhimo counts as one, and Li Chaoning counts as one."

"However, the two of them, Li Chaoning, are about the same strength as your Han Xinyi, so the draw is normal."

"Xiao Zhimo was wronged. He was completely suppressed in other aspects, so he lost."

"He is either a talent or a level, and if he can't widen the gap with Boscodola in other aspects, he will naturally lose."

Su Jincheng nodded, and only then did he understand.

"You can think about these things carefully. I still have some things that I haven't said, such as tactics, psychological games during battle, whether the mentality is calm, etc."

"This is what you need to learn later."

"In the case of similar levels and talents, whether you win or not depends on these."

"You still have a lot to learn."


Time passed unknowingly like this.

The time for the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer.

Now there are less than three days until the college entrance examination.

The third year of high school in the whole school is full of tension and impetuous atmosphere.

People who are poor in their studies are nervous, and those who are average in their studies are extremely nervous, looking forward to their supernatural performance.

A good academic performance means that you will perform abnormally and fail to enter the ideal university.

Jiang Jing was not in a hurry, he was just reluctant to part with his friends.

Like friends from the school team, they will probably go to different universities after graduation, and it is estimated that there will not be many opportunities to meet each other in the future.

Jiang Jing asked Liu Bin, his target university is Xiamen University for the time being, and he has a higher probability of being admitted.

I just don't know what school I will choose in the end.

In the actual combat class this day, there is nothing to review for the current theoretical study, and everything that should be reviewed is reviewed.

The next step is to practice actual combat. After all, the proportion of actual combat scores in the college entrance examination is a little higher.

So most people started to want to see if they could hug Buddha's feet temporarily and improve their actual combat ability.

For example, Jiang Jing is watching the battle between Liu Bin and Dong Leshan right now.

The two elves are Black Luga and Roentgen Cat.

That's right, Liu Bin's luke cat has evolved into a roentgen cat.

Already at level 29.

Originally, it could only be evolved at level 30, but now it has evolved one level earlier.

The roentgen cat is a four-legged beast-like elf that looks like a full-grown lion.

Its face, hind legs, torso and the back of its front legs are blue, while most of its body is covered in fluffy black fur.

Body hair is longer on the shoulders and at the base of the tail and forms a mane on its head.

Eyes are yellow with red sclera. The ears are round with yellow interiors.

The tail is long and thin, with a yellow four-pointed star at the end.

Standing with Hei Lujia, it is obviously more handsome, setting off Hei Lujia like a villain.

Peng Yu asked from the side: "Who do you think can win between the two?"

Jiang Jing watched Hei Lujia's use of sparks and Roentgen cat's use of charging both collided.

Jiang Jing said: "Judging from the data on paper, the two are now evenly matched."

"Whoever is stronger depends on the performance on the spot."

"However, Old Dong was indeed a little impatient just now, and kept asking Helujia to attack head-on."

"The Roentgen cat responded very calmly."

"The result now is that Hei Lujia casts his skills continuously, and continues to fight without taking a break."

"Especially the spark just now, it was obviously cast in a haste, and the power was not fully released at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flame column fell into a disadvantage after colliding with the lightning, and was pressed forward step by step.

Hei Lujia wanted to increase the output, but a feeling of exhaustion hit his heart, it was too anxious and hadn't adjusted yet.

The mobilization of energy slowed down immediately, and Luo Qinmao seized the opportunity to release a huge electric current to impact Hei Lujia's body in one breath.

After clicking it frantically, Hei Lujia screamed and fell to the ground.

Liu Bin laughed when he saw it and said, "Haha, I win."

"Old Dong, you lost!"

Dong Leshan hugged his head and said unwillingly:

"Ham, I was really too anxious just now, even if you are still playing tricks on me."

"You look like you've been hit hard, I thought you were going to lose."

"What the hell, how could I have such an idea? It's all because you guys watched the battle below and made me nervous." Dong Leshan laughed and cursed as he said this.

Xiao Peng said beside him: "Old Dong, your mentality is not very good now, not stable enough!"

"When others give you a hint of weakness, you can't wait to rush forward."

"You have to change this."

Jiang Jing watched from the side and didn't say a word. In this match, the opponents were playing at the same level and talent.

There are no complicated tactics, and at first launch the skills to test the strength.

Then it was time for a head-to-head confrontation. Dong Leshan's character was relatively reckless. Seeing that the initial test Roentgen Cat was not that strong, he rushed decisively.

Then I found out that I was fooled, a few attacks on it destroyed the rhythm of the battle, and I could only exhaust my life and constantly release skills to resist.

If Jiang Jing faced this kind of battle, he might be the same as Liu Bin.

It's just that he can't use it now, he can usually attack calmly step by step and directly rely on the suppression of talent and level to crush the opponent.

Up to now, he has not encountered a difficult match that allows him to play a psychological game.

Jiang Jing said at this time: "Okay, let me summarize."

"Old Dong, your problem is that you are too impatient."

"You need to pay attention to this."

"During the battle, don't let the outside world interfere with your mentality, and calmly think about the battle."

Dong Leshan nodded helplessly and said, "I understand."

Then Jiang Jing said: "Abin, don't be complacent, you also have problems."

"It's understandable that you were not powerful enough to show weakness earlier."

"I used all my strength later on, but the skills were still not fully released, and they were not released until the end."

"Your Roentgen cat is a little slow to shoot. It's not that you don't master the skills well, it's that you are not able to switch freely and decisively enough."

Liu Bin looked at the Roentgen cat and said, "Did you hear that?"

After hearing this, the Roentgen cat lowered its head and barked to show that it knew.

After Jiang Jing finished speaking, he said, "Let's do this for today's match. We'll coach tomorrow, and we can go directly to the exam the day after tomorrow."

Then everyone started to leave.

A group of people from Jiang Jing went to eat, and then prepared for the evening training.


The next morning, in the classroom of Class 1, Senior Three.

Next to the blackboard, there are only zero days left before the college entrance examination.

Lao Lin looked at the crowd under the podium, feeling a little bit reluctant, and said, "Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, and today is also the last day I will teach you."

"To be honest, I'm a bit sad. We've been together for a year now. I remember exactly what kind of character each of you is and what elves are."

"Getting along day and night for a year, I really feel reluctant to part with everyone."

"Okay, I won't say anything provocative."

"The first thing to talk about is the theoretical assessment, the admission ticket, fountain pens, 2B pencils, erasers, and rulers. Finally, prepare a pencil case to put everything in it..."

"Then there is the actual combat assessment. The process is the same as the midterm and final exam."

"The venues for the four assessments are all different."

"Of course, the strength of the elves will also rise to a higher level. It will not be so easy to get high scores."

"No one in Fujian Province has ever been able to get a full score..."

Lao Lin finished after talking about a bunch of precautions.

The next step for everyone is to pack up the textbooks and clean up, and hold the book tearing session by the way.

After a while, everyone started.

Jiang Jing didn't dare to tear up his own books, so he tore up Liu Bin's books one by one. The feeling was really unparalleled.

There is a carefree feeling in my heart.

Liu Bin himself tore more vigorously, and after a while, the entire first floor of the academy was covered with shredded paper.

Director Zhou Sheng originally wanted to reprimand everyone for this behavior of tearing up books, but when he saw that Jiang Jing was also tearing up books, he stopped talking for a moment.

Everyone's books were torn up, the toilets were cleaned, and they left one by one.

During the college entrance examination, the theoretical assessment is randomly assigned, each class is in a different school, and each student is in a different class.

Jiang Jing and his class were randomly assigned to different classes, which happened to be in No. 1 Middle School.

In the afternoon, they organized to go to the examination room together.

After reading it, everyone began to go back to their respective homes. Their No. 8 Middle School is also a test center, and it needs to be completely closed. The first and second year of the college entrance examination are all holidays.

Their dormitory 303 was also separated in the afternoon.


The league calendar 2018, June 6th, the weather is fine, the first day of the college entrance examination.

Jiang Jing was sitting in the classroom of Class 3 of No. 1 Middle School at this time.

This desk is completely different to the touch. There is actually an air conditioner. The cold wind is blowing, so cool.

I don't know where the decoration of the whole classroom has left them in No. 8 Middle School.

He was a little gloating. In this hot weather, if the students from the No. 1 Middle School were assigned to their No. 8 Middle School, they might not be able to perform well.

It was the first Chinese language test, and there were less than ten minutes before the end of the test, and he had already finished writing it.

The current Jiang Jing can say without hesitation that he is a top student, and after a final estimate, the score of 135 should be no problem.

For those in the elf department, those who can test 135 in Chinese are top-level academics.

Due to the arrival of the elves, there was an extra elf subject, and the questions of the college entrance examination completely changed.

Soon after the exam was over, Jiang Jing left the exam room and came to the teaching building to wait for Liu Bin and the others to go out together and go home for lunch.

In the afternoon, it was mathematics, which was not difficult for Jiang Jing.

The same was true for the elf class the next morning. He answered the answers with ease, and there was no abnormality in his performance.

After the foreign language test in the afternoon, it symbolizes the official end of the theoretical college entrance examination.

Tomorrow, there will be an actual college entrance examination in the arena of No. 1 Middle School.

A few people were walking out, Jiang Jing said: "Everyone has to work hard tomorrow!"

"Strive for a better score in the test and get into the ideal university."

Everyone said: "Come on!"


In the evening, Jiang Jing stayed in the living room and watched TV with Jiang Ma.

Jiang Ma looked at the laid-back Jiang Jing and asked doubtfully, "Xiao Jing, you're not going to practice anymore, are you still in the mood to watch TV with me here?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "It's okay, just take a rest tonight, recharge your batteries, and it won't affect tomorrow's performance."


On the third day, Jiang Jing was driven outside the examination room by Father Jiang again.

Anyway, Father Jiang has made up his mind to take him to the exam every day these days.

Anyway, the project is not urgent now, and he has time.

"Brother Jing, you are here!"

Liu Bin, Ye Zijin, and Cheng Cheng were already waiting at the door.

Jiang Jing came over and said, "You guys are here so early!"

Liu Bin said beside him, "Of course."

"Brother Jing, you are the only one in Fujian Province who is sure to get a perfect score in this practical college entrance examination."

Jiang Jing wondered, "Is it really so difficult to get a perfect score?"

Liu Bin said beside him, "Of course it's difficult."

"The elves used in the assessment all gradually increase in level with the number of games."

"Assessors will score based on the attributes of the elves in the battle, how often, whether they can win or not."

"50 points per game, with a full score of 200."

"The first two games are okay, but it will be difficult to get a high score in the fourth game."

"The elves they use in the assessment are all at least level 36."

"Whether we can beat or not is a question."

"Even if it can be defeated, it must be defeated within one minute to get full marks."

"The highest score in the past was only 191 points. It is said that two 9 points were deducted because of the overtime defeat."

"Level 36, no wonder it's so difficult to get a high score."

"Okay, you can go in." The staff said with a loudspeaker.

Then a group of people began to enter No. 1 Middle School to meet their first actual college entrance examination.


At this time, two people were sitting leisurely in the coffee shop drinking milk tea.

These two people are Su Lun and Jia Shipeng, and Jia Shipeng asked curiously: "Do you think Brother Jing can get full marks in the college entrance examination?"

Su Wei casually took a sip of Raw Coconut Latte and said, "Isn't this a sure thing?"

"The fourth round of the assessment is a level 36 elf with a two-star talent."

"It's not difficult for Jiang Jing at all."

"One minute, I think thirty seconds will be over without a fight."

"Who is Jiang Jing? He is the strongest high school student in the country this year!"

"If he can't get full marks, who can get full marks?"

After hearing this, Jia Shipeng nodded and said, "That's right!"

Su Wei said lazily: "It's really comfortable not to have to take the college entrance examination, but the leisure time is only a few days."

"After Jiang Jing finishes the college entrance examination, it's time for us to go to Lin Tiandao to participate in the competition."

"That group of opponents is not easy to deal with. Damn it, I have to work hard. I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed because I'm behind."

Jia Shipeng rolled his eyes and said, "You know it too, so you're still in the mood to relax here and drink Raw Coconut Latte."


Jiang Jing and the others came to the gymnasium of No. 1 Middle School.

One of them specially built an arena, the first floor of which is the arena for usual competitions, and now it has become the No. 1 examination room.

Then on the second floor and the third floor, more than 20 arenas were established.

It's really rich and powerful, and it's not comparable to their top eight schools.

Jiang Jing was in Arena No. 1 right now.

There were only one or two hundred candidates sitting in front of the empty auditorium.

In the actual college entrance examination, there are three assessment teachers who specialize in scoring, as well as an examiner and staff.

When everyone saw Jiang Jing coming together, their faces changed instantly.

"I'll go, this is Jiangjing!"

"Oh my god, we are actually in the same examination room as Jingshen."

"Do you want to go over and say hello later?"

"Sure, I want an autograph. My sister is a crazy fan of Jiang Jing. If he knows that I have Jiang Jing's autograph, he will go crazy with jealousy."

Everyone began to discuss, and at the same time, some people came forward to say hello, Jiang Jing found a seat and sat down.

After a while, the assessment time began, and the staff took the microphone and said, "The one who calls your name comes up for the assessment!"

"Everyone should keep quiet during the assessment time. Anyone who disturbs the assessment due to loud noise will be disqualified from the assessment."

"First, Li Zihan!"


A fair-looking boy stood up and walked over to the player's seat.

The assessment began with the order of the assessment teacher.

The two threw the poke ball at the same time.

The two elves showed their figures in a burst of white light.

The assessment teacher used a Bibi bird.

Jiang Jing opened his data eyes in an instant and scanned the past.

【Elf】: Bibi Bird

【Attribute】: general, flying


【Level】: LV26

[Characteristics]: strong chest muscles



A 26-level elf with one-star talent, which is more difficult for ordinary candidates.

After all, middle-level students use almost one-star talent elves, and the average level is around 25 or 26.

And the spirit used by the boys in the assessment was a level 26 rumbling stone.

It took several minutes to defeat Bibi Bird.

The assessors conducted the first round quite well, and even deliberately slowed down the speed of giving instructions to allow the candidates time to counterattack.

The same is true for the next few games.

Before I knew it, an hour passed, and more than 20 people had already completed the assessment.

Some of them were strong and some were weak, and the strong one ended the battle in a minute.

Weak ones may take six or seven minutes.

Some even lost, which is a bit embarrassing.

After a while, the Kung Fu staff continued to shout: "Next, Jiang Jing!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire examination room fell silent, and everyone looked at Jiang Jing.

They were also particularly curious about Jiang Jing, the strongest high school student in the country.

I saw Jiang Jing standing up, walking up slowly, looking into the eyes of everyone along the way, their eyes were full of anticipation, curiosity, and reverence.

Not far away, the four teachers also turned their heads to look at him with curiosity and scrutiny.

They had heard of Jiang Jing's name, watched his games, and were even his fans.

Only he, Jiang Jing, would bring such a big reaction.

When he walked up to the player's seat, one of the female assessment teachers touched the female assessment teacher next to him and whispered: "It's Jiang Jing, it's the first time I watched it from such a close distance."

"A little excited!"

The other said with a blank face: "Calm down, you are the invigilator now."

The examiner on the opposite side said: "Let's start!"

As he spoke, he took out the elf ball and threw it out.

Jiang Jing said yes, and also took out the elf ball and threw it out.

Just like that, the two elves appeared in everyone's sight.

A toucan looms in the sky.


The blue jay flapped its wings and appeared in the sky.

"This is... a blue jay?"

"Blue Jay! It's quite rare! I've only seen Jingshen use Blue Jay in the Rongcheng individual competition before."

Everyone started talking in low voices.

Jiang Jing opened his data eyes and scanned.

【Elf】: Toucan

【Attribute】: general, flying


【Level】: LV26

[Characteristics]: sharp eyes

[Skills]: Straight Drilling (Skilled), Pecking (Skilled), Calling (Skilled), Chasing and Hitting (Skilled), Random Hitting (Skilled), Swallowing Back (Skilled), Malicious Chasing (Skilled), High Speed move (skilled)


Interesting, it just happens to be a little higher than the blue jay.

"The battle begins!" Following the order of the assessment teacher.

The two elves rushed out in an instant.

"Toucan, use high-speed movement!"

"Blue Jay, use Peck!"

The two elves quickly flapped their wings and rushed towards each other.

The speed of the toucan suddenly increased a lot, like a sharp arrow.


The blue jay showed a disdainful smile, and suddenly increased its speed. It was as fast as lightning, even faster than the toucan that used high-speed movement.

The other candidates exclaimed: "It's so fast!"

The two sides approached their opponents in a very short period of time.

The blue jay flapped its wings and watched the toucan try hard to charge towards him.

The speed was terribly slow, and it rushed over directly.

The sharp beak quickly pecked at the toucan's body.

Then it turned around in the air, the toucan endured the pain and wanted to fight back, but the blue jay's sensitivity was too strong.

The assessment teacher also shrank his pupils, and the speed of the blue jay scared him a lot.

The blue jay circled directly to the left of the toucan, and pecked at it vigorously again.

This blow severely injured the toucan, and after it let out a scream, its body fell directly towards the ground.


Then nothing happened.

All the candidates and the assessment were dumbfounded, so this is the end?

too fast.

One of the invigilators glanced at the time, and it took eight seconds from start to finish.

It's ridiculously fast, the gap is too big.

Is this the strength of the strongest high school student in the country? I got to know it today.

Suddenly Jiang Jing looked at the blue jay with a happy expression, because the blue jay had upgraded.

[Spirit]: Blue Jay (Evolution Strange Stone)

[attribute]: flight

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV25→LV26

[Characteristics]: strong chest muscles

[Skills]: Divine Bird Slam (Skilled), Pecking (Specialized), Staring (Skilled), Arrogant (Skilled), Grinding Claws (Specialized), Random Hitting (Specialized), Pecking (Specialized), Provoking (proficient), high-speed movement (specialization), high-speed star (specialization), malicious pursuit (specialization), extreme speed return (specialization), ghost face (rough knowledge)


The level was a few days slower than the metal monster before it rose to level 26, and at the same time learned a new skill-ghost face.

Ghost face: Stare at the opponent with a terrifying face, making it frightened and greatly reducing the speed.

The assessment teacher took the toucan back a little unsteadily and said, "Candidate Jiangjing, congratulations on completing the assessment."

As long as you can defeat the assessment elves in the first round, you will get full marks.

The three assessment teachers gave him a perfect score of 50 points on the tablet.

After Jiang Jing thanked him, he took it back and returned to his position under the adoring eyes of everyone.

"I'll go. As expected of Jingshen, she's too strong."

"Looking at his blue jay, I'm afraid that my elf won't even fight, it's too powerful."



The actual combat assessment of more than two hundred people will take a day to complete.

The actual college entrance examination lasted for four days. In the next two days, Jiang Jing also easily defeated the assessment elves and got full marks.

If the first game is a one-star level 26 elf.

The second game is a one-star level 28 elf.

The third game is a two-star level 31 elf.

The fourth game was terrifying, a two-star level 36 elf.

This led to the opening of the gap in the fourth game.

Many people couldn't get a point in the fourth game, because the elves were defeated not long after the start.

Only the last one left today.

Everyone from Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School stood at the gate of No. 1 Middle School.

"Jingshen, can you sign me?" The two girls asked expectantly.

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, he took their notebooks and signed his name in a hurry.

Due to signing more, his signature is becoming more and more like that of a celebrity signature.

After signing, the two girls ran away excitedly.

In the past few days, he has signed countless times, and more than half of them have his signature.

Liu Bin said with a smile, "Brother Jing, it's up to you whether you can get a perfect score this time."

Jiang Jing said to himself: "Don't worry, I still have some confidence in this."

"Okay, you can go in."

Everyone: "Brother Jing, come on!"

"Jingshen, come on!"

Jiang Jing walked into No. 1 Middle School amid the cheers of everyone, and disappeared in front of the school leaders.

Looking at Jiang Jing's back, Lao Li sighed, "Whether you can get full marks depends on today's match."

Coach Luo next to him also said: "Yes, if you really get a full score, it will be another miracle for Fujian Province."


Jiang Jing sat on the seat and watched the candidates fail miserably one by one.

The level difference between the two sides is too great, and the gap of more than ten levels is not so easy to make up.

So this round progressed very quickly, half an hour later it was Jiang Jing's turn.

The staff swallowed a bit, took the microphone and said, "Next, Jiang Jing!"

At this moment, all eyes focused on him again.

They all had the same idea, can Jiang Jing get full marks?


In this chapter, some patches will be made on the factors that affect the outcome of the battle. If you have any suggestions for the battle, you can put forward any suggestions, and I will make patches later.

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