This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 189 Evolution Emperor Nabo

Chapter 189 Evolution—Emperor Nabo

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone, Jiang Jing was like the protagonist on the stage, and the spotlight cast such a dazzling light on him.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Jing stepped onto the arena and came to the player's seat.

The female assessment teacher opposite also looked solemn, because she was talked to by the leader yesterday, and she should do what she was asked to do.

Don't fulfill the opponent's full score goal just because the opponent is Jiang Jing.

You even have to use all your strengths.

She thought to herself: Jiang Jing, if you can still win despite my all-out attack, then you are the strongest genius I have ever seen.

I have seen so many geniuses over the years, I wonder if you are the best one?

So he asked seriously, "Candidate Jiang Jing, are you ready?"

Jiang Jing replied seriously: "I'm ready."

The assessment teacher nodded, and selected the strongest one from the row of poke balls in the black mechanical box next to it, a high-grade ball, and threw it out.

Jiang Jing also took off an elf ball from his belt and threw it out.

"Go, Boss Cordora!"

The two elf balls were opened in the air, and under the gaze of everyone, two figures appeared in the white light.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora's huge and strong body stepped heavily on the ice floor.

At the same time, he announced his debut with a loud roar. This domineering way of debut shocked everyone present.

A group of candidates in the examination room began to tremble involuntarily when they heard Boscodora's roar.

Some even lowered their heads and dared not look at Boscodora's face.

The opposite elf is an ivory pig.

The body of the ivory pig is very tall, covered with brown fur, and its hooves and claws are white.

It has a pink, pig-like nose covered in light brown fur.

The eyes of the ivory pig were exposed, with blue and white saddles on the outside of the eyes.

It has long, white, curved tusks made of ice.

Jiang Jing's data eyes scanned the past.

【Elf】: Ivory Pig

【Attribute】: ground, ice


【Level】: LV36

[Characteristics]: slow

[Skills]: Bingshuo (specialized), White Mist (skilled), Hold on (skilled), Frozen Wind (specialized), Frozen Teeth (specialized), Primal Power (skilled), Double Combo (skilled) Fine), Crash (Specialized), Mud Throwing (Proficient), Fine Snow (Proficient), Crazy (Proficient), Bumping (Proficient)


As soon as the ivory pig came out, he felt the strong sense of oppression brought by Boscodora.

Its elf instinct told it that this was an extremely terrifying opponent, and it needed to be careful.

Jiang Jing looked at the ivory pig and smiled without speaking.

Boss Kedora looked at the ivory pig with disdain.

Seeing this, the assessment teacher thought: This is an ivory pig who looks down on me!

Although you are the champion of the national competition, you can't underestimate the ivory pig, otherwise you will suffer a lot.

"The battle begins!" the invigilator shouted.

The sense of anticipation of all the candidates was brought to the climax in this sound.

The voice just fell!

"Ivory pig, use Icespark!"

"Boss Kedora, use rocks to block! Slam!"

Since the full score can only be obtained by defeating the elves within one minute, you can't stay where you are, and you need Boss Kedora to take the initiative.

The ivory pig started to run, and the ground began to shake.

Blue energy bloomed in its eyes, and a huge water-blue ice ball was formed in this way, and then launched towards Boscodora.

At the same time, ten dark brown boulders condensed out of thin air in the sky, projecting down towards the ivory pig in a ring shape.

The projection speed of the boulder is extremely fast, and its shape has already begun to evolve in the direction of the stone cone.

The ice puck and the boulder collided in the air, and with a loud noise, the two exploded instantly.

A mix of ice and rocks fell to the ground.

The remaining seven boulders continued to cast down towards the ivory pig.

At this time, the ivory pig exuded a soaring aura and was wrapped in a layer of orange energy.

It hit Boss Kedora.

The huge boulder slammed on it, and it was smashed into pieces by its huge ivory.

After smashing several boulders with ivory in a row, he was hit hard by the remaining boulders.

All were suppressed by him.

But its speed still suffers.

On the opposite side, Boss Kedora roared, bursting into the sky, and his whole body was covered with brown energy, as if a flame was burning violently.

This scene is the same as the Super Saiyan outbreak.

The gravel on the ice was shaking constantly, as if it would break apart at any moment.

Then it rushed towards the ivory pig at an extremely fast speed.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora smiled ferociously, life and death were unpredictable.

The ground shook violently, and tiny cracks would appear on the ice with every step Boscodora took.

While everyone was watching, the two sides collided violently in the middle of the arena.


A huge explosion formed in the middle of the arena, and the huge aftermath of energy spread towards the surroundings.

The strong wind generated by the powerful aftermath headed towards the auditorium.

A group of candidates hurriedly put their arms around their bodies.

While they were protecting themselves, a huge roar of pain filled the entire arena.

The moment the ivory pig collided with Boscodora, it felt like a praying mantis placed in front of the carriage, and then was knocked out mercilessly.

The body flew out involuntarily.


It hit the ground heavily, the ice was hit hard, and a deep hole was instantly blasted out.

A sharp pain hit the door of the ivory pig, and it couldn't bear the momentary pain, and it fell into a coma in front of its eyes.

As for Boss Kedora, he was taken a step back by the shock.

He stepped heavily on the ice, forming a large sunken footprint.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora's roar filled the arena.

There was silence at the scene, and everyone was shocked.

The assessment teacher stared blankly at the ivory pig who had lost the ability to fight. Is this the end?

She felt that the battle had just begun, it was only a dozen seconds, right?

She came back to her senses and turned her head to look at the time, her pupils shrank instantly, and 18 seconds passed and it was over.

The other candidates were also confused, with a confused expression of who I am, where I am, and where I am going.

It wasn't until half a minute later that he came back to his senses.

"Fuck, is this the end?!"


"What the hell, just now I was instantly killed by her ivory pig, and now he is instantly killed again, the gap is too big."

"Who will tell me that this is not true!"

"I lost it. As expected of Jingshen, when Boshi Keduo pulled it out, I was almost scared to pee."

"The gap between the TV and reality is huge, it's really shocking."

The other candidates were whispering, their voices getting louder and louder.

The staff had to pick up the loudspeaker and shout: "Everyone is silent."

The audience had to be quiet.

This voice also brought several invigilators back to their senses.

The three exchanged in amazement, nodded and scored a perfect score of 50 on the tablet.

The assessment teacher tidied up his mood and showed a gratified smile: "Candidate Jiangjing, congratulations on passing the assessment."

Jiang Jing could not restrain his smile and said, "Thank you."

The reason why he smiled so brightly was because Boss Kedora had upgraded again.

The moment the battle ended, Boss Kedora felt another burst of power rushing out of his body, quickly circulating to every corner of his body, and his whole body began to be strengthened in both directions.

It seems that its physical fitness has improved a little, and it knows that it has become stronger again.

This feeling is wonderful, it likes it very much.

I don't know why since I evolved here, I feel more and more domineering.

[Spirit]: Boss Cordora (hard stone)

[attribute]: steel, rock

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV33→LV34

[Characteristics]: Hard head

[Skills]: Impact (Specialization), Hardening (Specialization), Mud Throwing (Specialization), Metal Claws (Specialization), Head Hammer (Specialization), Rock Blocking (Specialization), Iron Wall (Specialization) ), Slam (Specialization), Iron Head (Specialization), Rockfall (Specialization), Metal Sound (Specialization), Sandstorm (Specialization), Hold (Proficiency), Dragon Tail (Specialization), Cannon Light Cannon (rough knowledge)


Jiang Jing frowned, and after reaching level 34, he learned a new skill—cannon light cannon.

Cannon Light Cannon: Concentrate the light on the body and release it at one point, sometimes reducing the opponent's special defense.

In this way, Boss Kedora has another long-range attack, which is still a steel-type skill, and his strength has gone up to a higher level.

Finally, it is no longer just the two long-range attack skills of rock blockade and rock avalanche.

Jiang Jing was now in a happy mood and took Boss Kedora back into the ball and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Boss Kedora!"

Turning around and returning to the auditorium, all the candidates looked at him as if they were looking at a fairy.

Shocked and amazed.

One of them said tremblingly after seeing Jiang Jing: "The god of Jing is amazing!"

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Then go back to your seat and continue to sit and watch other people's college entrance examinations.

Since the college entrance examination required the mobile phone to be handed in, everyone felt regretful that they didn't take a video of Jingshen's battle.

The college entrance examination is still going on, because the difficulty of the fourth round is too great.

Almost everyone was defeated after less than a minute of persistence, and only a few strong ones could persist for a few minutes to get some points.

In one morning, the fourth practical college entrance examination ended.

At the moment when the college entrance examination is over, all candidates suddenly realize that they have graduated.

They are no longer high school students, and three years of high school life is over.

And they are also liberated, so they no longer have to face the table full of test papers.

You don't have to get up at 5:00 in the morning, and don't go to bed until 12:00 or even 1:00 in the evening.

They can finally enjoy their lives to the fullest.

They can sleep until they wake up naturally every day, do whatever they want, and hang out together.

Everyone instantly forgot about the actual combat assessment just now.

Countless people frantically rushed out of the gate of No. 1 Middle School, chattering, and various chattering sounds filled every corner of the gate.

Some people came out and met their classmates and said excitedly:

"Damn it, the last match was too difficult. I only lasted for more than a minute before it was over."

"Finally understand the feelings of the previous seniors, it's too difficult."

"It's so difficult, who can get full marks?"


Everyone looked at the boy who spoke, and saw him dancing with his hands and said, "Do you know how long it took Jiang Jing to defeat the elf?"

"How long?!" Everyone asked curiously.

"Eighteen seconds! It took only two moves and it was over." The boy said proudly, as if he was the one who did it all.

"Eighteen seconds!!" Everyone exclaimed.

"That's right, let me tell you..."

In just a few minutes, it took only eighteen seconds for Jiang Jing's fourth assessment to let everyone know.

Jiang Jing and Liu Bin knew about it when they met?

"Brother Jing, did you really end the battle in only eighteen seconds?" Liu Bin asked excitedly, putting his arm around Jiang Jing's shoulder.

Jiang Jing nodded and smiled, "That's right!"

Liu Bin was shocked and said: "I lost it, brother Jing is awesome!"

"I can't beat that 36-level Bi Diao at all, the level difference is too much."

"Persist for a few minutes and lose."

"Among us, Ye Zijin seems to have won, and it took nearly two minutes."

"Brother Jing, you actually ended the battle in eighteen seconds. You are no longer human."

"It's a god!"

"No wonder everyone calls you Jingshen!"

Looking at everyone's amazed eyes, Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Haha, it's actually not that exaggerated."

"The one on the opposite side just has an advantage in level, but it's actually not that strong."

"If your level is a few levels higher, you might be able to win."

At this time, Lao Lin also came over and said, "Congratulations, Jiang Jing, you should be the first person in Fujian Province to get full marks in the actual combat assessment."

"A new record for the college entrance examination has been created, especially your 18-second record is estimated to be passed down to every senior year of high school."

After hearing this, everyone was very envious. Who didn't want their deeds to be known to countless people.

But they know that this has nothing to do with them, because they don't have that strength.

Lao Lin continued: "Let's have a dinner together at noon."


At noon, everyone in Class 1, Grade 3 went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner together.

Everyone is about to separate, the mood is not very good, and the heart is full of reluctance.

An hour after everyone ate the meal, the audience began to leave.

In the afternoon, after Jiang Jing returned home to take a nap, he was informed that his school team would go to dinner with his juniors in the evening.

At 6:30 in the evening, the former school team members assembled again.

Person No. 30 sat in the most famous food stall in front of the school.

All seats are filled.

This is the same as last year, senior Shi Lei and the others also had dinner with Jiang Jing and the others who were still in the second year of high school.

Peng Yu also came today, and everyone sat at a big table and chatted while eating.

"Brother Jing, what are you going to do after graduation?" Liu Bin asked curiously after taking a sip of a drink.

Jiang Jing thought for a while and said, "I'll probably take a few days off first, and then Su Wei invited me to participate in the competition."

"After the game, maybe go on a trip."

Liu Bin looked forward to it: "Then I will be different. After studying for so long, I should take a good rest and play with him for a month."

"Then go on a trip for another month, and finally train the elves honestly."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "No problem!"

Then the two drank a drink and drank it down.

Everyone exchanged cups and bowls and talked about a lot of topics.

I also said a lot of heartfelt thoughts, and everyone expressed their reluctance when chatting.

Jiang Jing was also reluctant to give up, but unfortunately there was no other way, life is like this.

There is no never-ending feast.

I don't know when we will meet again next time.



Jiang Jing was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock.

Get up from bed.

I glanced at the time and it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

He got up and walked through the metal monster's huge body and said, "Get up!"



"Come on~"


Several elves also got up slowly with sleepy eyes.

When he came to the living room, Boss Kedora was still sleeping on his stomach in the living room.

It's true that ordinary people can't afford Boss Kedora. With its growing body, Jiang Jing's family can hardly hold it.

"Boscodora has woken up!"

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora slowly opened his eyes, shook his head, looked around and stood up cautiously.

It's afraid of crashing something in the living room.

Otherwise, Jiangjing Jiangma will scold it again.

Jiang Jing was used to seeing this, and Boss Kedora didn't particularly like staying in the poke ball.

Anyway, Boss Kedora is used to living in the living room.

After Jiang Jing came to the bathroom and finished washing, he saw Pikachu and Fat Ding chatting in the living room, and there was an extra figure.

This is a cute gray elf - foam chinchilla.

Foam chinchillas have tufts of hair on the top of their heads, ears, and neck.

Its large ears are on the side of the head, and the red parts on the inside are covered by fur.

Bubble chinchillas have large brown eyes.

It has small dotted noses.

At the same time, its limbs are somewhat round, its tail is very long and has very fine fur.

Foam chinchilla is an elf who loves cleanliness. It always uses its tail as a broom to clean up the dust in the house. With it, you don't have to do hygiene.

They clean each other up with their tails, which is how they greet each other.

It spends a day cleaning the tail that is dirty by cleaning its body and nest with clean spring water gushing out.

The care of the tail is never neglected, and the tail is always beautiful, and the side with the fluffy tail will appear a little more majestic.

This foam chinchilla was picked up by Jiang Ma. It appeared in the Taiyu community two days ago and passed out.

He was healed by some kind aunts, fed it something to eat, and then took it to find the owner.

As a result, I asked around about the elves that no one lost, so I had to send them to the police station.

Find the elf doctor to communicate and find that it is an abandoned elf.

As for why it was abandoned, I don't know, and then it was brought here by Jiang Ma.

Because Jiang Ma thought that the foam chinchilla could help with cleaning, so she didn't have to do the work.

As a result, new partners appeared in Jiang Jing's big family.

When the foam chinchilla saw Jiang Jing, it ran over and threw itself into his arms.

It feels fluffy, and people can't help but want to rub the foam chinchilla.

The foam chinchilla enjoyed being touched by Jiang Jing in this way.

Foam chinchilla::.ヽ(*`).:

"Morning Foam Chinchilla!"

"By the way, it's time for you to have breakfast."

Jiang Jing put down the foam chinchilla and began to prepare breakfast for the elves.

Then I went downstairs to the breakfast shop in the community to buy breakfast by myself.

After returning home, Jiang Ma also got up.

After breakfast, Jiang Jing sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone while watching TV.

He has been living like this for three days.

During these three days, he didn't train or study. He just stayed at home to sleep and play with his mobile phone.

I went downstairs to buy breakfast by myself, and my mother cooked meals for lunch and dinner.

In the past three days, he has seen several people go out to travel and play everywhere.

Anyway, he just went out and let himself go, just like a salted fish himself.

But today is the last day of such a leisurely day, and he will start training tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Su Wei sent him a WeChat message.

[Su Wei: Brother Jing, we need to prepare. I will drive directly to your door to pick you up to Master Lin Tianyi's ashram in a week. 】

[Jiang Jing: Okay. Huh? You actually have a driver's license? 】

[Su Wei: Hey, it took just over a month to pass the driver's license test. 】

Seeing this, Jiang Jing suddenly felt that he could also consider getting a driver's license.

It might come in handy someday.

After chatting with Su Wei, someone sent him a wechat message again.

[Senior Shi Lei: Jingshen, how are you doing recently (dog head)]

[Jiang Jing: ...It's okay, don't call me Jingshen, it's shameful. 】

【Senior Shi Lei: Hehe, I think it's interesting that your classmates call you that. 】

【Senior Shi Lei: Alright, I won't tease you anymore, it's like this, why don't you come out to eat hot pot today? My treat! 】

[Jiang Jing: OK, no problem. 】


Jiang Jing looked at senior Shi Lei in front of him, and now he almost couldn't recognize him at all.

I saw the current senior Shi Lei wearing a black T-shirt with the Dragon King Scorpion printed on it.

The lower body is a pair of cropped pants and a pair of basketball shoes.

Another wolf tail perm, wearing sunglasses, a cool look.

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "Senior Shi Lei, you have changed so fast, I almost can't recognize it."

Senior Shi Lei hugged Jiang Jing and laughed, "That's because you haven't experienced college life."

"When you go to college, you may have changed more than me."

"Let's go, let's eat Haidilao!"

"When the two arrived, the door just opened, and there was a seat as soon as they entered."

After the two sat down, they ordered a lot of things.

While they were waiting, Senior Shi Lei spoke first: "I heard about your 18-second deeds."

"This time the provincial champion is probably none other than you."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "This is pretty much what I expected. I have already taken the college entrance examination. Isn't it just for the status of the number one scholar and the bonus."

Senior Shi Lei smiled and said, "No problem!"

The two chatted for a while, and things came up, and the two began to chat while eating.

"Brother Jiang Jing, I'm here today. Besides looking for you, I'm here to introduce Xiamen University to you."

"Let you have a clearer understanding of Xiamen University."

Jiang Jingtou thought to himself: I knew Senior Shi Lei that you came here to play the emotional card.

Senior Shi Lei said calmly: "In the past two years, our Xiamen University has really been unsatisfactory in the college student league."

"Last year it was already the top 16, and this year it is still the top 16."

"Those who don't know think that our Xiamen University has declined in the past two years, and we don't accept it."

"You probably know the College Student League. The freshman team is called the Spring Season of the National College Student Elf League."

"Not many people pay attention to this. Our results have always been the top eight. Last year and this year we have already reached the top four."

"It was even close to entering the top three."

Jiang Jing knew this, college was different from high school.

The university competition system is still ten people participating in the competition, and the rest are substitutes.

But it's no longer a one-on-one single-player match.

It is a group arena where you can fight until you are defeated. Each of the two sides can use three spirits.

Ten people and thirty elves, no need to follow the order, arrange people to fight at will.

The winner is the champion, and the opponent continues to challenge.

Until the last remaining elf is the winner.

In other words, as long as your strength is strong enough, there is no problem with a series of twos and a series of threes.

It couldn't be more suitable for a player like Jiang Jing.

Players like him will probably be very sought after in college.

But there is one thing that is not good.

Because there is no limit to the age of the sophomore elves.

And the sophomore to the senior are united together to participate in the summer college league.

Although it is said that seniors may not necessarily participate in the competition.

That is, the most popular college elf league.

At that time, students from ordinary families like Jiang Jing will be at a complete disadvantage in an instant.

Many schools knew that Jiang Jing was an ordinary family, so there must have been no elves trained in advance.

Then other people of his age could instantly produce extremely high-level elves when they were sophomores.

In the face of the huge level gap, Jiang Jing is at a huge disadvantage, and it is estimated that he will be knocked back to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

It takes time for a freshman like him to grow up after a freshman year. If he is faster, he may slowly get up in his junior year.

If it is slow, it is estimated that it will take a senior year or even after graduation to fully grow up.

This is a point that other universities need to carefully consider.

Wouldn't it be a loss if it was recruited at a huge price and didn't play a role at all in the Spring Split.

Senior Shi Lei continued: "Of course everyone is most concerned about the summer league."

"Maybe not too many people pay attention to the spring league."

"Because the intensity and quality of the matches in the summer league are definitely higher."

"Our Xiamen University's strength has actually increased in the past two years, and our strength is all for the semi-finals. I feel that there is no problem in reaching the semi-finals."

"But I don't know that God is against us from time to time. Our luck is too bad. Last year, we met the imperial capital in the top sixteen, and this year we directly encountered the demon capital."

"We're going to fight them with our heads, so naturally we lose."

"The outsiders don't look at who your opponent is, they just look at the result."

"Your Xiamen University is stagnant in the top 16, so you are naturally weaker than the schools in the top eight."

"That's unreasonable. I can only smash my teeth and swallow it myself."

"This year, the school is estimated to plan to reform again, to strengthen its strength again, and to hit the top four."

"In the next session, no matter what you say, you will hit the semi-finals and wash away the shame."

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "I understand, I know."

"Senior Shi Lei, I actually know the situation in Xiamen University quite well."

"Xiamen University has produced those two or three people in the past two years to bring you together. The level of other people is actually quite average."

This sentence made Senior Shi Lei a little embarrassed, scratched his head and smiled: "Haha, I let you know all of this."

"However, that's how the university competition system is. As long as you are strong enough, you can drive the entire team."

"And think about it, if you come to our Xiamen University, they won't be alone and helpless. You can join forces to hit the semi-finals and even the championship."

Jiang Jing joked: "Then if I go to the imperial capital and the magic capital, wouldn't I be guaranteed the runner-up right away?"

"Even with my joining, it might be possible to directly hit the championship."

After Jiang Jing finished speaking, he calmly picked up a piece of beef roll and put it in the dipping sauce, then put it in his mouth.

Shi Lei was speechless in an instant, and suddenly said: "I think the treatment conditions proposed by Xiamen University will definitely be the best in the end,"

Jiang Jing nodded but did not object.

"This is quite possible."

"By the way, let me ask another question." Jiang Jing changed the subject.

Shi Lei asked curiously: "What's the problem?"

Jiang Jing began to say: "You also know that my family is relatively ordinary, and I haven't cultivated elves in advance."

"Don't you think I can beat others in my sophomore year?"

After hearing this, Shi Lei was silent for a while and smiled wryly: "I don't know, and I'm not sure what the school thinks."

"I guess they may have considered this issue as well."

"After all, other people have been trained several years in advance, and the gap in level is estimated to be huge."

"But I think even if you can't do it for a year or two, you can definitely grow up in your junior or senior year."

Jiang Jing took another sip of sour plum juice and asked curiously: "Suddenly thought of a question, senior Shi Lei, you should have elves that you have cultivated in advance, right?"

Senior Shi Lei whispered: "Let's keep our voices down, we did cultivate elves in advance."

Jiang Jingdao: "Then how far in advance will you start, five years? Ten years? Or start preparing from the year you were born?"

"I'm very curious about this. There are all kinds of versions on the Internet. I don't think it's credible."

Senior Shi Lei said after hearing this: "I know a little bit about this."

"Junior Jiang Jing, there is actually a saying in the elf world called the ten-year golden period."

"It's not clear how this theory came about. That is to say, the ten years from birth to ten years old of an elf may be the period of their fastest growth."

"Whether it's savvy, level-up speed, physical fitness, etc., they are all in the peak state."

"Of course, the golden period of different elves varies. On average, it is almost 10 years."

"Like us humans, between 15 and 25."

"After the golden period, even the most talented elves will have different functions in varying degrees."

"Of course this has something to do with cultivating elves in advance, but it's not very big. I'll talk about this later."

"The most important thing is the running-in training between the trainer and the elves, to cultivate bonds and tacit understanding."

"If it is hatched too early, the elves will be hatched from a young age, and they will have feelings."

"But at that time, you were too young and immature to train elves, and you didn't have that idea.

Generally, the parents are raising and training the elves, so the elves are not trained by you, it is equivalent to other people's elves.

When you are able to grow up consciously, there is already a gap in the running-in and tacit understanding between you, and it is too difficult to cultivate a bond. "

"For some ordinary people, they feel that this kind of tacit understanding and fetters do not require training."

"Just live together often."

"But for some top trainers, they know that the tacit cooperation with the elves is the most important part of cultivating bonds."

"This involves being able to learn mega evolution and Z moves in the future."

"It's not that just having an emotional foundation is enough."

"If there is not enough training and cooperation, it will not meet the requirements."

"So it is generally too late to cultivate elves at most five years in advance, and three or four years is the best."

"Of course, some quasi-gods such as dragons may need more training time, so they will be trained in advance for another year or two."

"And mega evolution and z-moves are best learned during the golden age of elves."

"Otherwise, after the golden period, all functions will decline, and it will be difficult to learn again."

"Unless you are really talented, but you don't dare to bet on this thing."

"So the so-called early training mostly starts at the age of 12 or 3."

"Further ahead, it starts at the earliest age of 10."

"Going forward, the mind is still immature."

It was only after Jiang Jing heard this that he suddenly realized that most people were only three or four years ahead of schedule.

The gap is actually not that big. With my elf talent, it can be said that I can shorten the gap or even overtake in about a year.

And it's not difficult for your elves to leapfrog the challenge. In fact, there is no need to worry too much about it.

Of course, other people don't know their own specific situation, and they may feel that they will not be able to keep up.

Senior Shi Lei said: "In the years of early training, with the improvement of the later level, the improvement of the level will only become more and more difficult."

"The gap can't be fully opened."

"At most, there will be better results in the sophomore and junior years."

"But there is a new problem here, that is, there are not many poor families who can enter the school team."

"After all, someone like you, Junior Jiang Jing, is very rare."

"Everyone is in the sophomore year, take out the elves that were cultivated in advance, hey, everyone, take a look, everyone is about the same level."

"It didn't widen the gap, so I made a joke about it."

"A few days ago, I used such pre-trained elves with a teammate, and found that the levels are similar, and I can't beat the ones that should be defeated."

Speaking of this, senior Shi Lei smiled wryly.

After hearing this, Jiang Jing felt that the meal at Haidilao was worth it, knowing so much about the cultivation of elves in advance.

This gave him a lot of confidence, but he still needed to think carefully about which school to go to.

Then the two chatted about Shi Lei's senior.

Senior Shi Lei is indeed in Xiamen University's school team now, but he is acting as a substitute.

The main force of the school team is ten people, and there are twenty people on the bench.

Senior Shi Lei and senior sister Yu Siya are one of them.

They still have a chance to play in the spring league, and they are the ones who play some junior colleges and weak schools.

Only the strong main players will play, which is very similar to high school.

Senior Shi Lei was not very happy when he talked here, it seems that it hit him quite hard.

After all, he was the main force of the school team in the No. 8 Middle School, and he still played at the fifth position, but after entering Xiamen University, he could only play as a substitute.

When the sophomores, juniors and seniors reorganize the school team, he may not even be able to play as a substitute.

How can ordinary people accept such a change.


After eating Haidilao, the two separated.

Jiang Jing went home to rest, while Senior Shi Lei continued to find someone to play with.

Xiamen University was also on vacation, so he returned to Rongcheng from Xiamen City.


The league calendar 2018, June 16th, is a hot summer, the weather is hot, and Rongcheng is also ridiculously hot.

Standing in the sun for a few minutes will make you sweat and thirst.

And Jiang Jing finally started elf training, and he came to the old place—Longxiang elf training hall.

The lady at the front desk was shocked to see that Jiang Jing had come to train after graduation.

"Jingshen, you've already graduated, why are you still here for training, don't you take a break?" the young lady asked puzzled.

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "I've rested for three days, and it's time to get up and train."

The young lady said speechlessly: "Jingshen, you have only rested for three days, you are working too hard."

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "No, I spend some time training every day, and I will also have fun and relax the rest of the time."

"Okay, I'll go first."

"Your Pachiris is quite cute." Jiang Jing touched the Pachiris on the front desk, then turned and left.

After Jiang Jing left, the two young ladies at the front desk chatted.

"I'll go, Jingshen must have worked too hard. I played like crazy for three months after the college entrance examination."

"It's no wonder that Jingshen can achieve such results. He is too strong. Sure enough, those who can achieve outstanding results are all working hard behind the scenes."

"My teacher really didn't lie to me."


When he came to his old private room, Jiang Jing took out the poke balls and released them all, saying:

"Everyone come out!"

"There are many~"



"Come on~"


Five elves lined up in a row.

Jiang Jing looked at the five elves and said, "Everyone has rested for three days, and they will start training from today."

"High school life has come to an end, and our strength has been recognized by everyone."

"The next thing we have to do is to continue to work hard, because our next opponents are all college students, and our strength will only become stronger."

"They are menacing and eyeing, and what we have to do is to conquer them with strength."

"And soon we will have a new partner."

"Do you have confidence!"

"There are many~"



"Come on~"


Several elves instantly ignited their fighting spirit.

"Very well, let's start today's training."

"This holiday, no matter how you say it, there must be a radical change."

The five elves began to train vigorously,

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora came to the sandbag and slapped it with his palm.

Metal claws!

Silver-white energy instantly covered the sharp claws, and then hit the sandbag hard.


The sandbag shook violently, and a deep depression appeared on it.

It can be clearly seen that the skin on the surface of the depression has begun to crack and fade.

This is being hit too many times, and it is almost reaching the limit of endurance.

Then Boss Kedora continued to use skills, practiced all the skills he knew, and then started training new skills.

He hasn't used it since he learned the skill of Cannon Light Cannon.

"Boss Kedora, show off your newly learned skill—Cannon Light Cannon!" Jiang Jing said expectantly.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora responded with a cry, closed his eyes and began to recall the way of using the cannon in his memory.

I saw light spots began to continuously appear on the surface of its body, and after a while, its whole body was covered with light spots, covering its body.

Boss Kedora opened his eyes, then opened his mouth, and all the light spots scrambled to gather in its mouth to form a silver-white energy cluster, and then quickly formed an energy column and blasted it out.

The huge silver-white energy column blasted out thickly like a bucket.

Cannon Cannon!

It hit the sandbag hard.


The cannon light cannon kept impacting on the sandbag, and it kept shaking, and was directly thrown out by the impact. If it wasn't for the rope fixed on it, it would have been rushed out long ago.

After three seconds, Boss Kedora stopped releasing it. It is not yet proficient, and its power and release speed are still relatively slow.

But the power shown right now is amazing enough.

The sandbag fell from the air, then fell from its fixed position at the top and hit the ground.

Boss Kedora and Jiang Jing glanced at each other.

Jiang Jing: "..."

He hurried over to have a look, and he was relieved. Fortunately, the bolts that fixed the position were loose, otherwise he would lose money again.

"Boss Kedora, continue training."

"There are many~"

Jiang Jing continued to watch the other elves train.

He looked at the object of his attention—Prince Bo.

It has been almost a month since the last upgrade.

If he had stepped up his training during that time, Prince Bo might have evolved by now.

But it's not too late now, Prince Bo is very close to evolution now.


Prince Bo was seriously spraying out a jet of water to hit the sandbag.

In fact, it has not been so easy these three days, because all it thinks about in its mind is the evolution.

It has once again felt the feeling of fullness that was about to evolve at the beginning, and the body has a bloated feeling of being full.

This is the critical state that Jiang Jing said, and it can evolve further.

He is very positive about this matter, and it can't wait to evolve into Emperor Nabo.

It intends to compete with Zhao Boss Kedora after the warm-up training is over.

It also needs to emulate Geng Gui to evolve under tremendous pressure.

Thinking of it here it is more motivated.


The arms of Prince Bo were quickly covered with silver-white energy claws that looked like substance.

Then hit the sandbag hard.


He hit the sandbag several times in a row, then kicked it out, jumped up with his strength, and then used his strength to punch out a second time.

It has already practiced this set of combos extremely proficiently.

It has a hunch that once it evolves, Jiang Jing may arrange for himself to fight against powerful elves.


After an hour, the training is over.

The five elves began to rest, Prince Bo ate a piece of energy cube, and after resting for five minutes, he came to Bos Kedora.


Prince Bo raised its arm and began to speak.

"There are many~"

Facing Prince Bo's challenge, Bos Kedora did not refuse, and agreed. He said that he would not hold back, so you have to be careful.


Prince Bo said you should come as soon as possible, I can stand it.

Then the two elves reached a consensus and came to the middle of the private room to open the distance.

Geng Gui immediately floated up and looked up in the air.

The metal monster and the blue jay also flew in the air to watch the battle between the two elves, and cheer them on by the way.

Jiang Jing was watching the battle between the two elves.

Boss Kedora and Prince Bo looked at each other.

Then in an instant it started to move.

Prince Bo quickly rushed towards Bos Kedora.

Both arms were covered by silver-white steel energy, as if condensed into a solid body.

Metal claws!

Then Prince Bo jumped up and struck down on Boss Kedora's claw.

Boss Kedora's three sharp claws were instantly covered with silver-white energy and hit Prince Bo, piercing through the air and setting off a gust of wind.

Bo Huang nimbly avoided Bos Kedora's metal claws hitting it.

"Bang bang!!"

There was the sound of metal clashing in the air.

Prince Bo's metal claws drew a large yellow spark on Bos Kedora's body.

Prince Bo felt a huge force coming, and he was very familiar with this force.

Every time I played against Boss Kedora, I felt this way.

Then it felt a gust of wind blowing on the back of its head. It was cool and thin, and its body reacted immediately. It kicked Boscodora's chest and escaped away.

Then came its most familiar combo.

Five consecutive blows hit Boss Kedora's body, causing a little damage.

Prince Bo wanted to cry, but his attack could cause huge damage to other elves.

But it's not enough to face Boss Kedora, it's like hitting a piece of extremely hard steel, and the arm hurts from the shock.

But this is also beneficial. It feels that its arms are stronger and tougher after regular battles.

It can be said that there are good and bad.


The two sides attacked again, and this time the metal claws of the two sides collided together.

Prince Bo's body was sent flying like a cannonball.


Prince Bo slammed heavily on the ground, and the people who were thrown were all mixed up, his head was dizzy, and his body was in severe pain.

But it still endured it, because it felt like something was about to break in its body.

So he quickly got up, and instantly condensed the energy molecules of the water system at Boss Kedora not far away, and then released them at Boss Kedora.

water gun!

At the same time, when Boss Kedora saw this, he smiled, and his whole body began to be covered with countless light spots.

Then these light spots condensed in Boscodora's mouth as if received by wisdom, forming a silver-white energy column and released from its mouth.

Cannon Cannon!

It can be used proficiently within an hour of the newly learned skills, and the progress is too fast.

Intense energy filled the training room.

Jiang Jing's face changed slightly, these two guys were too messy.

Didn't it mean that you can't use powerful long-range attacks in internal battles?

If the explosion caused damage to the training equipment in the room, it would be over.

But it was too late to stop it now.

The two sides have reached a stalemate, and Boss Kedora is obviously releasing water.

When it saw the stalemate, it began to exert its strength gradually, and the silver-white energy column of the cannon light was outputting rapidly.

And kept rushing towards Prince Bo.


When Prince Bo saw this, his eyes widened, and he frantically mobilized the energy in his body to continuously output it.

The energy particles in the air are also continuously extracted by it, and its output is also constantly increasing.

It quickly reached its limit, but it still couldn't withstand the impact of the Boscodora cannon light cannon.

With the continuous impact of the cannon light cannon, Prince Bo's heart gradually lifted.

Every organ in the body is running at high speed, and it is crazily squeezing all the energy in the body.

In such a crazy output, for a moment, Prince Bo felt that something in his body was broken.

A wave of energy surged out crazily from an unknown place.

Quickly penetrate to every part of the body, and then form a wonderful reaction.

Prince Bo's body was instantly enveloped in white light.


"There are many~"

Seeing this situation, Boss Kedora knew that his goal had been achieved.

The release stopped in an instant, but it didn't stop immediately, which made it a little embarrassing.

Just trained, not very proficient yet.

The cannon light cannon stopped, but Prince Bo didn't stop, and the water jet continued to release.

Bombarded on Boss Kedora's body.

Boss Cordora: (ー_ー)!!

Several elves hurried over.

Jiang Jing also prepared his sunglasses and mobile phone to watch the evolved Prince Bo.

In the dazzling light of evolution, Prince Bo's body is growing.

The body is growing, and the contours of the body are constantly expanding.

The body size grew a circle, and a trident crown began to grow on the top of the head.

Five seconds later, the light of evolution dissipated, revealing a brand new elf inside—Emperor Nabo.


Emperor Nabo opened his eyes, and instantly felt the difference in himself.

Some of the author's settings are perfect, everyone has good ideas and suggestions for me to improve, hehe!

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