This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 247 Evolving a Six-Star Golden Monster (Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 247 Evolution - Six-star Golden Monster

"Bang bang!!"

Every time it goes down, there will be a violent metal collision sound.

"Come on!"

The metal monster's body was repelled, and it let out a painful roar, the power of the superb metal claws is really strong.

Even with its steel body, it still feels intense pain.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Not only Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui also launched an attack again.

I saw Geng Gui put his hands together, and a purple energy ball quickly condensed in front of it, which was a shadow ball.

I saw it forcefully, and the shadow ball directly hit the metal monster.


Because the metal monster had to guard against the attack of Emperor Nabo, it had no way to resist the shadow ball fired by Geng Gui.

The shadow ball exploded, and all the power bombarded it instantly.

I saw it let out a painful roar, and then transformed the pain into strength and swung its arms. The sharp claws on it were covered by steel energy and struck at Emperor Nabo.

"Bang bang!!"

The metal claws of the two elves collided in the air.

It's a pity that the metal monster's grasp of metal claws is not as strong as that of Emperor Nabo, so it can't produce such a strong effect.

Those who can only be beaten are retreating steadily, and they have to guard against the attacks of Steel Armored Crow and Geng Gui from behind.

In just a short while, countless scars were added to its body.

The metal monster endured the pain in its body and continued to fight. It would never just admit defeat.

It can be said that not many elves can resist the siege of the three elves.

Even Boss Kedora couldn't resist it.

But to add Boscodola's siege.

"There are many~"

I saw that Boss Kedora also started to attack, and it directly charged towards the metal monster.

The sharp claws were instantly wrapped in silver-white steel energy.

Then he slammed down on the metal monster's body.

Metal claws!

"Come on!"

Seeing this, the metal monster also shot out from its body and collided fiercely with Boscodora's attack.


With a loud noise, Boss Kedora was shocked back a step.

But the body of the metal monster flew out directly.

It hit the ground hard, the ground cracked, and it was embedded in it.

Lucario and Fengsugou next to them frowned, and it hurt to watch.

If they were replaced, it would be impossible to withstand it.

Lucario changed his position and thought about it. He faced one who could still fight back and forth, but it was a bit difficult for two.

The three were left to be beaten, and the metal monster was strong enough to last for so long.

The metal monster got up from the ground, his whole body hurting, and the blow from Bos Kedora just now directly caused huge damage to it.

This is the strength of Boscodora.

At the same time, it also felt that something inside itself was beginning to loosen.

It was overjoyed that this method really worked.

"Come on!"

The metal yelled for everyone to continue, but it was able to catch it all, and even provoked it casually.

Are you tickling me? Haven't you eaten yet?


Upon seeing this, Emperor Nabo immediately launched a big move.

The body jumped up and began to spin crazily in the air, then charged towards the metal monster.

The metal monster didn't hesitate when it saw this, and burst into a sky-high aura, and a large amount of steel-type energy came out of its body.

As if the flames were burning, with this powerful aura it began to attack Emperor Nabo.


The two elves collided together in the air.

Peck drill vs slam!

The air became manic at this moment.


A loud explosion was formed in the training room.

Emperor Nabo and the metal monster were all rushed out.

"Come on~"

The metal monster was smashed to the ground again, and it controlled its body to continue floating.

It can still continue to fight, and it feels like more than half of the bottleneck in the body has been cracked.

Soon, it is about to evolve.

Let the storm come harder.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora came out again, and this time it also burst out with a huge momentum, and the majestic energy was crazily stimulated.

It strode towards the metal monster with strides.

And the metal monster is not false at all, its whole body is superimposed and turned into a steel spaceship and charged towards Boss Kedora.

It launched the skill slam again, and the two berserk energy clusters collided fiercely in the training room.

Bash VS Bash!

This time the collision metal monster is still not an opponent, it feels as if it has hit an iron mountain.

It was as if an egg had hit a rock, shattered all over, and lost consciousness in an instant.

The whole body flew out and hit the ground heavily, with a loud noise, the mosaic entered the ground.

It lost consciousness in an instant, and its body felt broken.

Not only that, but the appearance inside the body was also broken.

In the next second, the metal monster regained consciousness, and suddenly an extremely mysterious force poured into his body, and he reacted quickly.

Majestic energy instantly filled every corner of its body.

"Come on~"

The metal monster let out a loud roar, and terrifying energy erupted from its body.

In the next moment, countless energies surged out from its body, and its body was instantly enveloped by dazzling white light.

"There are many~"




Seeing what happened to the metal monster, the four elves knew that it was going to evolve, so they stopped attacking one after another.

Jiang Jing also turned on his phone to record this wonderful scene.

The entire training room was shrouded in dazzling light, and the body of the metal monster was rapidly expanding.

The body began to swell and became even bigger.

The metal monster inside felt that his body was undergoing a brand new change.

Every corner of the body is undergoing a transformation, and the energy in the body is also increasing explosively.

It also started to work quickly in its head.

It knows that it has evolved, and is evolving towards the final form of a quasi-god.

It is excited, it has waited too long for this day.

After evolution, it can appear in front of everyone.

It can appear above the arena to meet the cheers and applause of all.

It's a metal monster, no, it should be said that a metal monster is finally about to rise.

Five seconds later, the light of evolution began to dissipate.

The whole room returned to normal light.

Jiang Jing also saw the final form of a brand new elf—metagro, the iron dumbbell.

The evolution of the metal monster, the quasi-god of the steel and superpowers.

One of the few quasi-gods who are not dragons, with extremely terrifying strength.

It is said that only by evolving to the final form can the true strength of the quasi-god be revealed.

Looking at the handsome golden monster now, Jiang Jing's heart was surging.

His quasi-god can finally be dispatched.

Metagross is a combination of 2 metal monsters.

This is the first way Metal Monster evolves.

The body of an ordinary golden monster is blue, but Jiang Jing's body is silver-white.

Its body is discus-shaped, with thick legs protruding from the four directions of the body.

Moreover, its two eyes are red, and there is an "X"-shaped silver metal cross on its face, and its eyes are respectively in the lower right and lower left corners of the "X"-shaped cross.

Its belly has a large mouth with sharp teeth.

Jiang Jing stepped forward and quickly opened his data eyes to quickly scan the past.

[Elf]: Metagross (Lucky Egg)

[Attributes]: steel, super power

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV39→LV40

[Characteristics]: Eternal and pure body

[Skills]: Impact (Specialization), Iron Wall (Specialization), Iron Head (Specialization), Mind Head Hammer (Specialization), Mind Force (Specialization), Electromagnetic Levitation (Specialization), Slamming (Specialization) ), metal claw (specialization), chasing (specialization), bullet punch (specialization), miracle eye (specialization), mental power (specialization), ghost face (specialization), high-speed movement (specialization) ), Arm Hammer (Though Tong), Comet Fist (Though Tong), Light Wall (Though Tong), Reflecting Wall (Though Tong)


The four brains of the Metagross are connected together to form a complex neural network, and it is an elf smarter than a supercomputer.

Through the parallel processing of four brains, any calculation takes only a moment.

It can analyze and defeat opponents with more powerful computing power than supercomputers, and calmly push opponents into desperation.

It can also retract its four legs and float in the air, and fold its legs to fly.

Not just spiritual power, it also prides itself on strange power. It can grasp its prey with its four legs and seal the opponent's movements with its claws.

After firmly holding down the prey with its four claws and huge body, it will bite with the teeth on its abdomen.

Since the magnetic force will increase when the temperature drops below 0 degrees, the golden monsters inhabiting the snow-capped mountains will be particularly energetic.


It is said that there are two ways of evolution of the metal monster. One is that four iron dumbbells are fused and evolved into two metal monsters, and then fused and evolved into a metal monster.

The other is to directly evolve an iron dumbbell into a metal monster after reaching a certain level, and then evolve into a metal monster.

There are pros and cons to both approaches.

The first type of metagros evolved with better talents, and the talents of the four iron dumbbells added together would be extremely terrifying.

However, the consumption of resources is too great, and one iron dumbbell is already difficult enough, so we still need four.

Although the other one only needs an iron dumbbell, it will be much easier, but the talent may not be superimposed.

This one of Jiang Jing didn't have this worry anymore, it was directly a five-star talent, and it was the top among them.

It touched the head of the giant metal monster, and it felt a little cold all over, and it was also unusually hard to the touch.

This kind of physical defense is also top-notch.

"Congratulations, Metagross!"

"Megro is now your new name."

"Come on~"

Even the sound of the giant gold monster has changed, and it already has a machine feeling.

It floated in the air, feeling its huge body now, it felt that its speed began to slow down.

Probably because of the weight gain again.

Other elves also gathered around to see the new form of the golden monster.

He looked mighty and domineering, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body.

"There are many~"

Boshi Kedora stretched out his sharp claws and hit the Metagross. This blow felt like hitting a strange metal on the Metastas.


There was a crisp sound, Boss Kedora was a little surprised, the current giant golden monster is a bit hard.

Although it didn't use its full strength with this claw, it still had half the strength, and it could only hear a crisp sound when it hit it.

Its sharp claws were actually shaken, and the result is completely different now.

Then it stretched out its hand and touched the body of the giant metal monster.


Steel Armored Crow looked at the giant gold monster enviously, this guy has completely surpassed himself now.

It is now level 38, but the giant golden monster is already level 40.

I don't know if I still have a chance to surpass it.

After a few elves communicated briefly, they instantly discovered that the golden monster is completely different now.

Jiang Jing said: "Okay, everyone, don't forget, we still have one thing to do."

"Come on!"

After hearing this, the elves quickly distanced themselves, knowing that they could absorb the colored airflow again next.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora feels that it is about to upgrade again, and with this wave it directly upgrades to another level.

Other elves also hold the same idea as it.

This is a level 40 promotion talent, and they can absorb a lot of colored air currents.

Jiang Jing touched the golden monster, closed his eyes and felt his chest boiling like never before, and he couldn't help it any longer.

That's why I called out to let the elves prepare.

I don't know why it was so hot this time.

He let go of the restriction on his chest, and this time before he started guiding, a large amount of colorful air flow gushed out.

The training room was instantly filled with airflow, and everyone was caught in the colorful airflow and couldn't see other elves clearly for a moment.

This scene reminded them of the time when Geng Gui and Emperor Nabo improved their talents at the same time.

Now one elf in the giant metal monster can be compared with two elves.

That being said, they can all suck.

So I didn't care about it, and let go of the absorption.

As for the golden monster in the middle, he saw that the star whirl above his head quickly transformed into a colorful tornado, and countless energies from above his head turned into silver-white steel-type energy and yellow super-power-type energy.

The energies of the two attributes blended with each other, and then poured into its body like ordinary spiral patterns.

As soon as you enter, you will have a wonderful reaction with your body.

And the moment I came in was so comfortable.

That feeling reminded me of the first time I ate elf food, there was such a delicious thing in the world.

That sense of happiness is now being experienced again.

After a while, it felt comfortable all over its body, and instantly recovered from the injuries it received from the battle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A mysterious power in its body was suddenly channeled out, which made its eyes burst into dazzling light.

The fusion of this mysterious force and the colored air flow made its body undergo another transformation.

In an instant, it was as if entering a hot spring in the winter, and the frozen body instantly came alive.

It's comfortable and doesn't want to move at all.

As if he was floating in the clouds, countless pairs of soft hands helped him relax his body.

It knows that in the process of improving its talent, it will experience several kinds of enjoyment, and every time it goes through one weight, its body will become more comfortable.

The giant metal monster closed its eyes, it now feels like a hill, only a dozen meters high, and not big in size.

But after continuously absorbing energy, he felt that he was growing crazily, his body size expanded crazily, and the substances in his body became more and more abundant.

In just a few minutes, it felt that it had grown into a giant mountain several hundred meters in length and several kilometers in length and width.

It feels that it is stronger than ever before, and the colorful airflow in the entire training room is also pouring into its body crazily.

The other elves are also absorbing crazily, and their energy and physical fitness are also constantly increasing.

As for the colorful airflow in Jiang Jing's chest, it was still releasing energy continuously.

Jiang Jing felt that there were enough colorful airflows today, more than the combined sum of Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui that day.

And then the elves were all satisfied, and among them, the giant golden monster had absorbed an unknown amount of colored air currents.

Jiang Jing secretly began to look forward to it.

It wants to know whether the talent of the giant metal monster can be raised to six stars this time, and how many levels can be raised.

Before he knew it, half an hour passed, and Jiang Jing's chest finally stopped emitting colorful air currents.

Countless energies stopped, and other elves could be seen in the training room.

The colored airflow is also getting less and less.

Finally, another minute passed, and after the last ray of colored air was absorbed by the giant golden monster, it finally fell asleep comfortably, lying on the ground and sleeping.

The other elves felt a little full, and the next moment they involuntarily released their own energy fluctuations.

They're all upgraded at the same time, which is still pretty spectacular.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora felt the huge energy in his body, and it directly increased by one level in one breath, and it is now level 44.

It feels that it is too powerful now, and no elf will be its opponent.

It's going to go all the way across.

Both Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui have been promoted to level 42. They have not taken the magic candy yet, and they can be raised to level 43 by using it again.

The upgrade speed is really as fast as riding a rocket.

The Steel Armored Crow has been raised to level 39, which is only one step away from level 40.

Lucario has broken through to level 30. The speed is so fast that it feels like it hatched a few days ago, and it will be level 30 in a blink of an eye.

Brother Fengsu is almost at level 29, which is a little short of the level of the main force.

The last and most important thing was the metal monster. He walked over and hugged the metal monster's arm and hugged it.

Then let the elves vent their energy in the training room.

He carried the giant golden monster into the bedroom.

At the same time, he opened his data eyes expectantly and began to scan the body of the giant metal monster.

[Elf]: Metagross (Lucky Egg)

[Attributes]: steel, super power

[Talent]: ★★★★★★

【Level】: LV40→LV43

[Characteristics]: Eternal and pure body



Six... star talent? !

Damn, Jiang Jing's eyes widened when he saw it, and his expression was in disbelief.

How could he be promoted to a six-star talent?

He finally saw the elf with six-star talent.

He didn't expect that the first person in the team to be upgraded to a six-star talent would be a golden monster, he thought it would be Geng Gui.

Now that he has been promoted to a six-star talent in one go, his previous guess is very likely to be true.

The talent of the flash quasi-god itself is at least a four-star talent, but it has been gradually lost over the long years.

That's why they were dumbfounded when they first hatched.

However, in the subsequent training and training process, its talent gradually recovered after continuously absorbing the colored airflow, coupled with the superposition of the colored airflow.

Its talent has already reached the limit of five-star talent, and this upgrade directly allowed it to break through the limit and reach the limit of six-star talent.

And the level is also raised by three levels in an extremely terrifying way.

In the past, it was not only one level up, but this time it was directly up to three levels.

It seems that upgrading to a six-star talent has greatly improved the golden monster.

He was a little curious about what was so special about the elves with the six-star talent.

But all this will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.


The next day, the golden monster suddenly opened its eyes and woke up from sleep.

It took a moment to open its eyes before it realized it was there.

Mainly because it had a very long dream.

In the dream, it became the strongest elf in Jiang Jing's hands, and finally set foot on the arena.

It finally showed its own strength in front of everyone.

Ordinary elves are not its one-hit enemies at all.

Even a stronger opponent will be easily killed in one move.

As for those quasi-gods with a much higher level, it is enough to fight.

In this way, it was invincible all the way, and no elf was its opponent.

Just like that, I don't know how many games I played and how many powerful opponents I played.

In the end it was paired with the most powerful group of elves - the mythical beasts.

It wakes up just when it attacks and wants to fight them.

It knows it doesn't have these dreams for no reason.

This dream seemed to indicate something, and its head was working quickly.

"Megro, you're awake!"

Jiang Jing also got out of bed at this time, he turned off the alarm clock and looked at the golden monster.

"Come on!"

The body of the golden monster began to float up, and it said that it was fine now.


The other elves at breakfast looked at the golden monster from time to time, because it also found that the breath of the golden monster was extremely terrifying.

Boss Kedora asked about the current level of the riverview giant golden monster.

When I learned that it was already level 43, I was shocked instantly, it was already so high.

This wave of giant gold monsters took off directly, and they were only one level away from it.

No, it has to be upgraded quickly, or it will be overtaken by the giant golden monster.

However, it can feel the energy in its body. Fortunately, it is not far from the next upgrade.

It may take half a month to reach level 45.

The other elves are also under a lot of pressure now, and the giant golden monster has now become the highest level existence in Jiangjing's team.

Especially Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui, now they just want to raise their level as soon as possible, otherwise they will only be pulled further away.

After breakfast, Jiang Jing took out something from his backpack.

A spoon-like thing, this is the prop - bending spoon.

"Megan monster, try again to see if you can absorb this spoon."

"Come on~"

The giant metal monster nodded, and a yellow light burst out of its eyes.

It had tried to absorb and bend the spoon before, and when it entered its own body, it felt stuck, unable to eat.

This time, it still wrapped the bending spoon with its mind and moved towards it quickly, and quickly blended into it after touching the "X" on its head.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, it didn't feel like it was holding on.

This shows that it succeeded, it can absorb two props.

It carefully felt that in the unknown place inside the body, both the lucky egg and the bent spoon were inside, and they were clearly separated, and no one would disturb the other.

"Come on~"

The golden monster opened its eyes and told Jiang Jing the good news.

Jiang Jing was a little excited when he heard this. This is good news.

When Boss Kedora reaches the six-star talent, he can also equip another item, which will greatly strengthen the strength of the elves in the arena.

However, the wind speed dog is a bit disadvantaged, it has a single attribute, but it can be equipped with life orbs and flame orbs at the same time.

In this way, BUFD can be stacked, and its strength can be strengthened to an extremely terrifying level. At that time, it may be possible to instantly kill the opponent with one move.

After fantasizing for a while, Jiang Jing led the elves to the training room.

There is no class today, and he has enough time to test the current strength of the giant gold monster.

Jiang Jing looked at the countless training equipment.

"Megan monster, come on, show off your current strength."

"The first is to slam!"

"Come on!"

After the giant metal monster finished speaking, its body folded up instantly, and a terrifying aura erupted from it.

All the elves felt a powerful aura erupting from their bodies.



Lucario and Wind Speed ​​Dog stood on end straight, they felt the severe danger from the giant golden monster.

As soon as Jiang Jing finished speaking, the giant metal monster next to him rushed out.

Carrying the momentum of rushing to the sky, it also carried a huge wind when it rushed out.

The gust of wind blew in his face.

Jiang Jing felt that this was too terrifying.

This speed was ridiculously fast, and he heard a loud noise in the next second.

I saw the super steel spaceship formed by the giant metal monster hit the sandbag fiercely, and the huge force directly blasted it out.

It hit the ground directly and fiercely, and all the materials inside leaked out.

In the next breath, the golden monster is back.

Jiang Jing's eyes widened, and he was instantly stunned.

Is this the current strength of the giant golden monster?

This is too scary.

This speed can be possessed by the giant golden monster? You didn't lie to me, did you?

The other elves were also stunned. This speed, power, and strength have improved much compared to before.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora's eyes immediately became serious.

This speed is too fast, this power is too strong, it is more than a little faster than yesterday.

"Come on~"

The golden monster also showed surprise, this is my strength?

Are you already that strong?

Then it started to try again, its body folded and then launched, and it had already rushed out for almost 20 meters in one breath.

Jiang Jing looked at the current giant gold monster, the current one has already shown the horror of the six-star talent.

Its basic physical quality has been raised to an extremely terrifying level.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora said that he wanted to fight the giant golden monster.

As he said that, he directly charged towards the giant golden monster, and his whole body exploded with a soaring aura.

And there was excitement in the eyes of the giant metal monster.

A super aura erupted all over his body.

The aura of soaring sky erupted all over his body, and he rushed out with a big stride.

The ground shook slightly.

The giant golden monster also exploded with a soaring aura, and the steel energy was burning crazily in its body, and its aura was not weaker than Boscodora at all.

Then the two sides rushed out suddenly.


The two of them collided fiercely.

There was a loud noise, and the sound of metal colliding came from the air, and at the same time, large sparks formed.

In the next second, Boscodora's body backed up crazily.

It retreated a large distance directly, and the giant golden monster also retreated a distance.

But not as far as Boscodora.

In this collision, the golden monster had the upper hand.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora, who was somewhat unwilling, jumped up and surpassed it so quickly.

Jiang Jing's tongue twitched inwardly, the six-star talent was even more terrifying than he imagined.

Boss Kedora actually fell into a disadvantage in the head-to-head confrontation.

If the two sides fight with all their strength now, it is really not certain who will win and who will lose.

However, the two elves did not fight any more after this blow.

"Megro, show off your four newly learned skills."

"Come on!"

The golden monster accelerated and came to the sandbag. Its front quickly swung, and then it hit the sandbag hard like a hammer.


A large piece of the sandbag was directly sunken, and at the same time, it began to shake violently.

When swinging, the air seems to be hammered.

Jiang Jing was opening his data eyes at this time, and he found that after using the arm hammer, the level of mastery was directly improved from rough to proficient.

I'm going, it's too fast.

Comet Punch comes after using the Hammer Arm.

Comet Fist is the signature skill of the Metagross, it swooped down from the sky, its limbs hit the body in front of it, as if a comet had landed.

At the same time, the limbs hit the sandbag at the same time, and the sandbag shook violently again with a loud noise.

The power of this blow is still very impressive, and after using this move, it has also improved from rough to proficient.

Then there is the reflective wall. The light wall skills have all been upgraded to the plastic level in a short while, which is terrifying.

He has no doubts about the power of this six-star talent, and he will be able to train these four skills to the level of specialization in less than a month.

Looking at the golden monster who was training hard, he guessed how terrifying those elves with six-star talent had been trained for hundreds of years.

Can it have the power to fight against the beast?

The elves were training for the next day, and Boscodora was obviously stimulated, and he worked very hard during training.

How could it accept that the giant golden monster surpassed itself in one go.

If it wants to upgrade, its strength must be one step closer.

Even it has to be upgraded to a six-star talent, who wouldn't want to see the horror of a six-star talent.

Including Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui, and Steel Armored Crow have the same idea.

In the next few days, the giant golden monster was adapting to its evolved body, and at the same time its progress was ridiculously fast.

The skills that have been trained by it to the level of specialization before have shown visible progress again.

In the league calendar 2019, on September 28, the weather was fine.

Jiang Jing watched as the elf in the living room took out three boxes from his backpack and opened them.

I saw that the boxes contained the same thing.

A purple bead with a crystal clear halo.

This is the fifth-level magical candy. Eating it can make elves below level 50 upgrade by one level without side effects.

Tomorrow, he was going to participate in the school team selection. Although he was sure that he would enter the school team, the number of places in the school team obviously couldn't satisfy him.

What he wanted was the captain's position.

As the captain of Xiamen University, Lin Shaocong's elf strength is definitely around 47, 48, or even 49.

And the highest level of his current elves is Boss Kedora, which is only level 44. It is a bit unrealistic to want to fight the opponent beyond the fifth level.

Well, I hope it's on the giant golden monster now, and now he doesn't know how many levels the six-star talented elf can beat the opponent.

If the Metagross can be upgraded to another level, he will be even more hopeful.

As for Lucario and Wind Speed ​​Dog, there is no rush to use them. You can wait for them to level 39 before taking them.

They don't need to participate in the competition for the time being, they can wait until the magical candies are fully utilized.

The three guys, Metagross, Emperor Nabo, and Geng Gui, floated over.

They each took out a five-level magical candy and swallowed it.

After they took them, Jiang Jing began to take out bags of elf food from his backpack, as well as energy cubes, ores, and various snacks.

They started to get hungry within half an hour after taking it.

So began to feast on it.

The appetites of the three elves are frighteningly large, especially the golden monster, which has a huge appetite.

The elf food that it could eat for a meal before could only be stuffed between its teeth.

The three elves ate from morning to night, and their level was finally raised.

Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui have been upgraded to level 43, and the giant golden monster has also been upgraded to level 44.

In the past two days, the golden monster has been promoted to five levels.

If you let other people know, you can't be scared to death.

After another two days like this, Boscodora finally upgraded again.

It's raised to level 45.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora thumped his chest excitedly.

Majestic energy was released from its body.

It has finally upgraded again, who knows how much pressure it has been recently.

Now I can finally vent out the depression in my chest in one breath.

Jiang Jing looked at the upgraded Boscodora, and the accumulation of the elves was almost used up this time.

It will take a while to improve further.

The next chance that the colored air flow can be used is only when the armored crow reaches level 40.

All that's left is to wait for Lucario and Wind Speed ​​Dog to reach level 40, which is still a long time away.

However, I have reached my limit. From October to April tomorrow, there will only be more than five months. I don't know how many levels my elf can improve.

And selection is coming.


"Brother Jing, the selection for the school team will be held tomorrow, are you nervous?"

At this time, at a roadside barbecue stall on Mao Street, Liu Bin asked curiously while biting a meat skewer.

Jiang Jing ate a bunch of leeks and said, "This tastes good, you can eat more."

"I don't have anything to worry about. It's a matter of getting a lottery for me to enter the school team."

"Abin, you should worry about yourself, you have to work hard."

Liu Bin smiled wryly and said, "It's too difficult for me. I have already left five seniors this year, which means five places have been vacated."

"We don't know how many people in our sophomore, junior, and senior years will compete for the five places."

"For example, even if I am in the school team, I am the last one, so I don't need the seniors and seniors in the junior and senior years to compete."

"It's too difficult, and I basically have no such possibility."

"So the mentality is a bit messed up."

Su Wei took a sip of Fat Boy's Happy Water beside him and said, "Ah Bin can't just give up. Although it's difficult, we still have to try."

"Even if you can't get in now, there will be the next session, the next session."

"I believe that with your strength and talent, you will be able to enter sooner or later."

Su Jincheng took a sip of herbal tea hotly and said, "In this selection, apart from Brother Jing, he is the most stable."

"Our other probabilities are actually not high, mainly because of the level."

"If the selection can be made a few months later, it is estimated that the probability will be higher."

Jiang Jing said: "Tomorrow, everyone will do their best. Anyway, there will be another chance for selection in three months' time."

"Don't put too much pressure on everyone."

Liu Bin suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Jing, don't put too much pressure on you."

"I know your target is Lin Shaocong, but the level gap between the two of you is a bit big now."

"Unless the elf you secretly cultivated also has the strength of Boscodora, the probability is a little higher."

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "You guessed it all, I will guarantee to enter the school team first."

"As for the captain, it's not too late to say in a few months."


In the 2019 league calendar, September 30th is the first day of school team selection.

In fact, in mid-September, many students who thought they were strong began to prepare for the selection of the school team.

In each grade, there will be members of the previous school team, who were eliminated in their sophomore and junior years.

But now they will not give up the opportunity to enter the school team.

This is the case every year, there will be a few senior seniors relying on the advantages of grades to suppress the juniors and sisters to enter the school team.

The same is true this year, and many people have this idea.

Jiang Jing got up early in the morning, watching the elves eating in the living room.

"Golden Monster, Boss Kedora, Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui, today's game is up to you."

"Come on~"

"There are many~"



They are all ready. Isn't the preparation for so long just to defeat those powerful opponents?

After breakfast, Jiang Jing looked at the villa next door when he went out.

He hasn't seen Lin Shaocong in the past few days, so he might not be here, right?

Today is the day of selection, so he should be there too.

Jiang Jing set off to the battle hall, the selection venue this time was the same as the freshman year.

On the way, he saw several juniors and seniors who were also heading to the battle hall.

Although the selection has not yet started, the tense atmosphere has already begun to permeate.

When he walked in, he suddenly found that there were quite a lot of people inside.

As far as the eye can see, there are forty or fifty people.

On average, there are more than a dozen students in each grade.

And ten of their sophomores came over.

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