This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 248 Schrödinger's Strength (ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket)

That's right, they were all members of the school team in the spring game, and none of the substitutes came, mainly because they all knew themselves.

They have the lowest probability of being able to enter the school team, and if they come, they will be soy sauce, so it is better not to come.

The National Day holiday is coming soon, they might as well go out for a few days if they have this time.

"Brother Jing, you're a bit late." Liu Bin came over to say hello.

Ten of their sophomores sat together in a group and were chatting at this time.

At the same time, they are also observing other people, all of whom are their potential opponents.

"There are a lot of people here today. There are dozens of people just before the start." Jiang Jinghuan looked around and said.

Su Wei said excitedly beside him: "Of course there are many, and this year's situation is a bit special."

"Seven or even eight of the ten main players who used to be on the school team are seniors."

"However, half of our juniors in Xiamen University occupy half, and now there are only five more places after graduating from seniors."

"We have a group of people competing for five places, and the pressure of competition is indeed a bit high."

Su Jincheng said: "Then the senior seniors in the last class are not good at it."

Su Wei whispered: "It is said that Director Xu who has already left is related, and he was responsible for the enrollment of that class."

"Hey, that's the end? And let Lin Shaocong become the captain in his junior year."

After hearing this, Jiang Jing said, "Tsk tsk, so there is another reason."

"Brother Jing, look over there, the coach of our school team has changed directly this time, and she is still a beautiful woman."

Following Liu Bin's gaze, Jiang Jing looked at a tall, bulging figure, delicate-looking Yu Jie standing on the edge of the arena.

This is Han Wenxiu, the coach of Xiamen University's summer team.

Han Wenxiu is still very famous in Xiamen University, mainly because of her beauty.

But she is also capable, a certified gold-level trainer, she is only in her early thirties, and there is still a high probability of becoming a diamond-level trainer in this life.

As for why he came to be a coach, there are many versions.

While Jiang Jing and the others were chatting, many people also discovered him.

"Look, Jiang Jing is here."

"It's really Jiang Jing. With his strength, there is a high probability that he will be the main player of the school team this time."

"Isn't there only four places left for those? The competition pressure is too great for me to go here."

At the same time, Han Wenxiu was operating the tablet in his hand on the side of the arena.

Suddenly, a female assistant next to her whispered, "Sister Han, Jiang Jing is here."

After hearing this, Han Wenxiu said indifferently: "If you come, you will come, and you are not a big shot."

That's what she said, but she still raised her beautiful eyes and looked towards the auditorium.

No one in Xiamen University was right. Jiang Jing, a freshman, led the school to an unprecedented championship in the spring competition.

Now everyone expects him to create another miracle and lead Xiamen University to the championship in the summer competition.

As the head coach of the school team, he is very clear about the difficulty of the summer split.

In Jiang Jing's strength spring competition, everyone did not take out the elves that were cultivated in advance, and there was no gap in the training time.

He is naturally the top.

But now all his advantages are gone, and it is unrealistic to bring someone to the championship as a sophomore.

It is estimated that there are many people who think the same as her.

Another time, there were several people sitting together watching Jiang Jing. They were the current members of the school team.

One of the figures was wearing a black baggy hip-hop suit with his hat turned backwards.

There are still four golden rings on his hands.

He looked at Jiang Jing and said, "He must be Jiang Jing, I feel disgusted just looking at him."

Can he not hate it? Every time I wanted to exchange steel stones, I was cut off by this guy.

So now he is very upset when he sees Jiang Jing, and he is also Fang Rui, one of the main members of the school team.

A boy next to him asked curiously: "Brother Rui, did Jiang Jing offend you?"

Fang Rui snorted, "That's right, damn it, he's so handsome, he just hates it."

That classmate: "..."

Fang Rui looked at Jiang Jing, suddenly had an idea, and suddenly had an idea.

He planned to do something later to vent his anger.

"A lot of people in Jiangjing are looking at you, including the school team." Liu Bin said.

"I saw it too!" Jiang Jing replied.

Still, one of them caught his attention.

This person was Fang Rui, and he looked at him as if he had done something to offend him.

He thought for a while, this Fang Rui seemed to have a steel elf.

Then there is a high probability that the steel stone will be needed. I heard Director Liu say a few times before that he exchanged all the steel stones, and the others will be gone.

This guy should know, no wonder he looked at himself wrongly.

Fang Rui used to play the fifth position in the school team, Lin Shaocong the first position, and now all the seniors have left.

He was promoted in an instant and became the number two person in the school team.

But thinking of this, he suddenly realized that Lin Shaocong hadn't come.

The selection was about to start, and it was a little strange that he, the captain of the school team, didn't come.

There are not a few people who have discovered this, and they are all a little puzzled.

Discussions started randomly, but there was no result from the discussion.

The time gradually came to nine o'clock, and the selection started on time.

I saw Han Wenxiu wearing a microphone on his ears and saying, "Everyone, be quiet."

Her voice was clear and clear, with a taste of calmness and prestige.

As soon as the voice fell, the entire arena fell silent.

I saw Han Wenxiu said neither humble nor overbearing: "Hello everyone, I am Han Wenxiu, and I am also the head coach of Xiamen University's summer games."

"I'm sure everyone knows me, so I won't introduce much here."

"The purpose of everyone coming here today is to participate in the school team selection."

"I counted, and there are a total of 60 people participating in the selection today."

"There are quite a lot of people, but now there are only five places for the main force of our school team."

"There are ten substitute places, all we have to do is to compete for these fifteen places."

"It's just the first round, there's a second round."

"But if you don't even get in the first round, it will be difficult to get in the second round."

After saying these words, the atmosphere in the entire battle hall became tense in an instant.

15 out of 60 who want to enter the school team, 25% probability.

But the largest number of them are the seniors, and the elf levels of each of them are not bad.

Han Wenxiu continued to say, "Two rounds will be carried out first to select fifteen people."

"The selection method is also very simple, draw lots to select the opponent."

"Each game is a three-on-three battle, and the elves can only be replaced once during the battle."

"The game ends when all three elves on one side lose their ability to fight."

"I've finished talking about the rules, and the selection will start directly."

"I'm here to wish everyone can enter the school team." Han Wenxiu walked to the side after finishing speaking.

She talks really fast.

He speaks clearly, without a word of nonsense in his mouth.

Director Cao and Team Leader Chen also came over when she announced the rules.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of people here. Every year, the selection of the school team is a battle between dragons and tigers."

"That match was wonderful. It seems that the two of us are not too late." Team Leader Chen said in a relaxed tone.

Director Cao also smiled and said, "That's right, come here today to watch Jiang Jing's selection."

On the other side of the large LED screen, the heads of sixty people began to appear. They were disrupted and regrouped, distributed, and formed a battle table.

In the next second, a battle table was formed, with a total of 30 battles.

Everyone nervously set their eyes on the large LED screen and began to look for their avatars and names.

Jiang Jing saw his name with a glance.

Game 9: Sophomore Jiangjing VS junior Yu Shicai.

After the battle table came out, the entire arena erupted in an instant.

Some are happy, some are depressed.


All I saw was a national curse, and it was Jiang Jing's opponent Yu Shicai in the first round who made the sound.

He suddenly felt hopeless, he couldn't even pass the first round, could he?

It is impossible for him to win when he meets Jiang Jing.

As for the faces of the others, they were more normal.

Liu Bin's opponent was also a junior, but Cheng Cheng and the others were not so lucky.

They are all senior seniors.

As for Su Wei and Su Jincheng's luck, they met the two seniors who were picking on them last time.

Their strength is really weak, and they don't even have elves trained in advance.

It can be said that they have a high probability of passing to the second round.

Now that the battle list is released, the selection will officially begin.

There are four arenas in the middle of the arena, and three staff members are arranged in each arena.

One referee, two record data.

Jiang Jing sat on the auditorium and watched the elves fighting in the arena.

Especially senior seniors, he was very curious about their grades.

Although they are all seniors, their grades are not that high.

There is still a big gap between elves and elves.

Elf talent is generally still dominated by Samsung.

And it's not all 47 and 48 as he thought.

On the contrary, it is generally around level 44 or 45.

Of course it's not without strength, but it's not very high either.

At most around level 46, this discovery made him a little disappointed.

He thought how strong it was.

Time passed slowly, and after a while, it was Jiang Jing's turn.

He stood up and walked out of the auditorium.

Countless eyes looked over.

Jiang Jing came to the arena in the corner as if he didn't see these gazes.

After standing on the player's seat, he quietly waited for his opponent, Yu Shicai.

Half a minute later, Yu Shicai also came over, and he smiled and said, "Jiang Jing, this time I will be your opponent."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Then ask the senior to enlighten me."

Yu Shicai waved his hand and said, "I can't talk about teaching you, but I'm honored to be able to fight with junior Jiang Jing."

The referee announced at this time: "Both parties, please release the elves."

The two took out the elf ball and threw it out.

"Go, Great Wang Yan!"

"Go, Steel Armored Crow!"

Two elf balls were opened in the air, and two white rays of light shot out from the balls, revealing their figures in the air.



Jiang Jing looked at Da Wang Yan who was circling in the air.

He also had a little impression of Yu Shicai's senior. He played the No. 7 position in his freshman year.

His strength can be said to be comparable, only a little stronger than the senior he had fought against before.

He opened his data eyes and scanned Da Wang Yan.

【Elf】: King Yan

[attribute]: flight, general

[Talent]: ★★★

【Grade】: LV41

[Characteristic]: Perseverance



The level of only 41 is indeed a bit low.

But if you calculate carefully, for people in the same grade, those who have no pre-cultivated elves, this level is already considered the top.


The steel armored crow flapped its wings and felt that the opponent was not that powerful.

"The battle begins!" The referee announced immediately.

I saw two elves rushing out at the same time.

"Great Wang Yan, use air slash!"

"Steel armor crow, use rapid return!"

Da Wang Yan's speed is already fast, but it is still too slow compared to his steel armored crow.

Comparing the two elves in the air, you will find that if Dawangyan is the speed of an electric car, then the speed of the steel armored crow is a supercar.

When Da Wangyan stopped in mid-air and wanted to release the air slash, the Steel Armored Crow had already rushed in front of it.

The whole body has already impacted in front of it in the blink of an eye.

The steel-like body directly impacted on it.



There was a sound of collision, accompanied by Da Wang Yan's scream.

This blow was very effective, and it caused a lot of damage to Da Wang Yan.

After Da Wangyan was hit, she became angry and started to attack, but was easily dodged by the steel armored crow.

Da Wang Yan's skill release speed was still a bit slower.

This speed is good, Da Wang Yan's attack always misses.

Moreover, the Steel Armored Crow's attack was still strong. After dodging the attack, it launched its steel wings again.

After this blow, Da Wang Yan's half life was also over.

At the same time, he added another blow to the high-speed star, and Da Wang Yan couldn't get up completely.

That's the end of the first match.

Yu Shicai felt cold all over, the gap was too great.

Only when facing Jiang Jing can he truly feel the opponent's kung fu.

At this speed, his elves can't catch up at all, and the power of the skills is also outrageous.

With just three tricks, Wang Yan couldn't stand it anymore.

He let out a breath, his hands were already trembling, and he released the second elf.

"Go, rice spoon snake!"

When Jiang Jing's data eye appeared on the ground, it scanned the past in an instant.

【Elf】: Rice Spoon Snake

[attribute]: poison

[Talent]: ★★★

【Grade】: LV41

【Characteristics】: Moulting



It is still at level 41, which is completely stress-free for the Steel Armored Crow.

Sure enough, in the end, it was exactly as he thought, and the steel armored crow easily defeated the rice spoon snake with a few skills at absolute speed.

It only took five minutes after the two matches.

Yu Shicai took back the rice spoon and snake, he was already a little desperate.

My heart is already cold, and I can't find any hope of winning.

He could only release his last elf.

"Go, Heluga!"

His ace, Heluga, appeared on the arena floor in a burst of white light.

【Spirit】: Heluga

[attribute]: fire, evil

[Talent]: ★★★★

[Level]: LV44

[Features]: get up early



When Jiang Jing saw the level 44 of this Black Luga, he concluded that it was bred in advance.

Otherwise, the level of the king Yan and the rice spoon snake in front would not be three levels different.

Now that it has reached level 44, it is not an opponent that Steel Armor can deal with now.

So it decisively replaced the elf.

"Go, Emperor Napoleon!"

The figure of Emperor Nabo appeared on the ground in a cloud of water.

Yu Shicai seemed to regain a little confidence after Hei Lujia came out.

When directing, the mood also began to become a little excited.

"The battle begins!"

"Heiluga, use jet flame!"

"Emperor Nabo, use the wave of water!"


Hei Luga roared, and red light flickered in his eyes.

I saw countless blazing flames gushing out from its body.

The flames gathered in its mouth nimbly and turned into a pillar of flame, blasting it out.

Spit flames!


The emperor's face reflected orange-red flames, and it also started to activate its skills.

The air seemed to be moist in an instant, and the referee next to him felt it most clearly.

For a moment, he seemed to hear the sound of water flowing.

The next moment, the air condensed out of thin air, and countless water streams gathered together, and then turned into a corrugated water column and launched out.

Waves of water!

The entire arena instantly turned into a battlefield of water and fire.

The collision of high temperature and water flow, water and fire.

At the moment of the collision of the skills, a large amount of water vapor instantly evaporated on the entire arena.

The two sides confronted each other in less than a second.

The fiery flame was instantly extinguished by the water flow, continuously devouring the flame.

Charged towards Hei Lujia, and everyone watching the battle felt as if a moment had passed before Hei Lujia was hit by the current.



Hei Lujia was directly thrown out.

His whole body was splashed with water stains, and he was drenched in a drenched chicken while breathing.

This blow worked well, causing a lot of damage to Hei Lujia.

But it's not over yet.

Then Heluga continued to attack, but Emperor Nabo stayed where he was, launching a stream of water, which could cause huge damage to it with one hit.

Then Emperor Napoleon launched the last move directly, the water cannon!

Hei Lujia was instantly killed with one move.

"Hei Lujia has lost the ability to fight, because Yu Shicai's three elves have lost the ability to fight."

"So the one who won was Jiang Jing."

"Hei Lujia~" Yu Shicai shouted in a panic.

This loss is too fast, why is it so strong?

He can't figure it out!

Han Wenxiu nodded approvingly at the edge of the arena. The average juniors are no longer Jiang Jing's opponents, and the same is true for seniors.

Only the top few people can probably cause Jiang Jing a little trouble.

A group of people in the audience gasped as they watched Jiang Jing's performance.

So strong, if it were them, there is a high probability that they would not be opponents.

As expected of Jiangjing.

Only Fang Rui had a different idea, he felt that Jiang Jing's strength was just like that. If you are lucky, you may be able to enter the main force of the school team, but if you are lucky, you will almost have to play as a substitute.

The gap with myself is still very large.

If he hadn't been exchanged for the Steel Stone by this guy, his strength would definitely have gone further.

When he thought of this, he became angry, and now seeing Jiang Jing's indifferent expression, he instantly felt uncomfortable.


There is nothing to be proud of when you win the first player.

Jiang Jing calmly returned to the auditorium, quietly waiting for the start of the next scene.

The first round took place in one morning, and 30 scenes were played.

Among the 30 people who advanced, it was a little surprising that Jiang Jing and his sophomores actually had six of them.

They are himself, Su Wei, Su Jincheng, Xiang Nan, Lin Botao, and Zeng Jun.

The others were unfortunately eliminated in the first round.

Especially Liu Bin, his elf level has never passed level 40, and elves that have not been trained in advance can't beat the seniors at all.

In the end, I can only regret that I lost, and I can only wait for the next session.

The remaining 30 people in the next five will compete in the second round.

The remaining 30 people are still the most seniors, with a total of 15 people, and more than half of them are substitutes from the previous school team, with strong strength.

What did they say this time that their goal is to enter the main force status.

Jiang Jing looked at the large LED screen, on which the heads of thirty people were still switching rapidly.

Thirty avatars were rearranged to form a new comparison table.

Jiang Jing saw his name after he switched, and this time he saw his name very quickly.

This time, his opponent was still a junior senior.

Taking a look, Jiang Jing immediately remembered the name. This seemed to be the fifth position in the previous spring league.

The strength can be said to be stronger than the previous Yu Shicai, but not much stronger.

The strength of this senior is indeed not bad. She has two pre-trained elves, both of which are level 45.

But Geng Gui, who was facing Jiang Jing, was completely unable to defeat him, and was easily defeated.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry you lost."

The senior sister on the opposite side watched this scene in disbelief, she was so defeated.

You must know that her two elves are both level 45 elves.

She knew very well that Jiangjing's Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui were not pre-cultivated elves.

This can win, how strong are these two elves.

Su Wei from the auditorium looked at Jiang Jing on the arena and said, "How do you feel that Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui have become stronger again?"

"When I saw the two elves of this senior, I felt terrified."

"But facing Brother Jing, he lost quickly. The gap is too big."

Su Jincheng said from the side: "Now Brother Jing's strength is completely invisible, and I feel that every time I see it, I will become stronger."

"It's exactly Schrödinger's strength, you never know how strong he is."

"And it would be too scary if Brother Jing can still challenge Lin Shaocong with his strength."

The others nodded in agreement.

On the arena, Jiang Jing looked at the distraught senior sister. He can be said to have entered the list of fifteen people.

He calmly returned to the auditorium, and there was still a game to come.

In the next match, Zeng Jun and Lin Botao were also eliminated one after another, their strength was still a bit weaker.

Even the elf level cultivated in advance is not enough.

It's a pity that Xiang Nan is the only one. His strength is extremely similar to that of his opponent, but in the end he still lost the match by one move.

"Fatty, don't be discouraged."

"Come back at the next selection."

Thanks to Liming Xue for rewarding 100 starting coins.

1,500 starting coins rewarded by the social king

Thanks to Tao Sai for the reward of 5,000 starting coins

Thanks to the book friends for writing the 100 starting coins rewarded by prosperity

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