This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 558 The absolute leader of the mission (please subscribe, please vote)


"Ping Pong!!"

Countless energy and gravel hit the body of the super Metagross, making a special sound.

But these won't do much harm to it.

Thunder Lord's thundering roar successfully destroyed the Golden Shield skill and caused damage to it.

But this did not satisfy Tang Jian. He wanted to use the Thunderous Roar move to severely damage the super gold or directly defeat it.

But now it only caused minor damage.

This was already regarded as Lei Gong's top ultimate move, but the result was that he was very disappointed.

But it still had one more move, and he didn't believe that Metagross could withstand a few more blows.

"Thunder Lord, use Z move: Ultimate Voltage Thunder Flash!"


Lei Gong just launched his ultimate move, Thunderous Roar, but his body recovered very quickly.

There will be no exhaustion at the end of the ultimate move.

It can also continue to launch ultimate moves.

So it launched the Z move without any hesitation.

Moreover, he has not used many Z-moves and still has plenty of physical strength.

And he still has some special powers, which he no longer hides and has been released.


Endless electric current surged out from its body.

The entire arena has turned into a thunder and lightning field at this moment.

And the aura on Lei Gong's body was also rising steadily.

A strong sense of oppression was released from its body.

Even the Super Metagross was affected by its sense of oppression.

However, it has only a little impact, and the battle has continued until now.

Even though Metagross seems to be getting beaten all the time, it doesn't suffer much damage.

It also has complete combat power, which Tang Jian has no idea about.

He thought that Metagross didn't have much physical strength anymore.

This is the power of the current Super Metagross. Its extraordinary defense gives it super endurance.

Even if Lei Gong strikes with thunderous roar, it will not be able to seriously damage it.

This is the horror of the seven-star talent.

Thunder God relies on its high output to be able to fight back and forth with Metagross.

But once the Super Metagross starts to really exert its power, the only way left for Thunder Lord is defeat.

"Super Metagross, use Z move·Supreme Spiritual Destruction Wave!"

After Jiang Jing finished issuing the skill, he also raised his left hand and switched out the Z pure crystal of the super power system.

Pink light was inspired from the Z Pure Crystal and quickly injected into the body of the Super Metagross.

Metagross began to launch Z moves after being injected with Z power.

The "X" mark above its head shines with astonishing light.

Amazing mental power was released from its body.

The layers of thought power spread out like ocean waves.

In the next moment, the entire space underwent tremendous changes.

It has turned into a pink space, and Thunder God has also entered.

But it didn't care about these, but concentrated on activating its own skills.

I saw it continuously extracting electrical energy particles from the air.

The super thunder stone in its body also took effect at this time.

Half of its super thunder stone has been used by itself, and half is left.

It can greatly improve its strength in normal battles.

Now running at full strength, it condenses countless lightnings in a breath.

Behind all the lightning, there seemed to be a pair of invisible hands that brought them all together to form a huge thunder ball.

Countless currents were crazily compressed inside.

It soon turned into a golden sphere, and the currents surrounded it like lines.

Being able to release Z-moves to this extent is enough to show how deep Raikou's mastery of Z-moves is.

Once released, the power will be terrifying.

Qiao Nan looked at Thunder Lord on the arena with a serious face.

Her Suicune was defeated by this move last time.

Now she doesn't have much confidence that she can resist this move.

She was a little curious whether Jiang Jing could withstand it with his strength.

At the same time, they were also pulled into the illusion in an instant.

I saw countless red waves of spiritual destruction emitted from the space, all of which were uniformly released towards Lei Gong.

They were all released at the same time, sealing all the directions that Lei Gong wanted to avoid.

Thunder God also felt the huge danger and immediately released the thunder ball.

The huge thunderball was instantly launched along with the terrifying current all around, and was launched towards the Super Metagross at an extremely fast speed.

The ultimate Volt Thunder Flash!

At the moment when the thunder ball was launched, countless lightning bolts turned into golden snakes and spread out to clash with the wave of mental destruction.

The two sides collided fiercely.


In the face of the thunder balls launched, countless waves of mental destruction were also blasted over.

"Bang bang!!"

Facing the waves of mental destruction launched, the lightning balls were running rampant and could not be stopped at all.

But with Super Metagross in it, it is impossible to successfully break through.

It then began to increase its output, and the magical stone slab in its body began to operate at full capacity.

And the natural control is also running like crazy.

And the entire illusion became solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire space was filled with waves of mental destruction and was divided into two parts.

One part is used to attack Thunder God, and the other part is used to resist the Z move - Ultimate Voltage Thunder Flash!

Metagross felt the energy in his body drain away like running water.

At the same time, the energy particles of the super power system in the air were continuously extracted by it.

The collision of skills between the two sides became somewhat stalemate for a while.


Faced with the impact of countless waves of mental destruction, Lei Gong could only continuously launch lightning to resist.

It consumes energy faster, but its recovery speed and energy extraction speed are not as fast as Metagross.

So after holding on for a while, it couldn't bear it anymore.

The same is true for the thunder ball. Faced with a steady stream of waves of mental destruction, it exploded after reaching its limit.

"Bang bang!!"

After the thunder ball exploded, the violent vibration shattered the entire illusion.

And Lei Gong was also surrounded by waves of mental destruction.

He let out an unwilling roar!

Even a few people in the audience could feel Lei Gong's unwillingness.

Only Qiao Nan can understand Lei Gong's psychology.

Because her Suicune was defeated exactly like this Thunder Lord.

But it was Latias who defeated Suicune and it was Metagross who defeated it.


The entire arena was shrouded in smoke again.

Jiang Jing's eyes lit up, and the smoke could not block his sight.

He knew everything that happened in the arena.

Soon he saw what he wanted to see.

The corners of Jiang Jing's mouth raised slightly, he had gotten the result he wanted.

The battle is over.

Tang Jian's brows were furrowed and never relaxed.

He stared at the arena, eager to know the outcome of the battle.

Although he knew that the probability of victory was very low.

But there is still a trace of hope in my heart.

As the smoke dissipated, everything on the arena appeared in everyone's sight.


The roar of the super giant Metagross appeared in everyone's ears.

The super Metagross was still suspended in the air, with wisps of telekinesis surrounding its body.

A lot of scars can be seen on its body, but it does not appear to be seriously injured.

It still has strong combat power, which can be said to be extremely terrifying.

Several people in the audience felt extremely shocked.

They thought that the super Metagross would be severely damaged no matter what.

It didn't occur to me that nothing happened at all.

On the other hand, Lei Gong had no movement at this time.

It is already lying on the ground, no, it is embedded in the ground.

The rocky floor of the entire arena is not made of ordinary soil.

It is an extremely tough soil with some special materials added to it, so most of the skills will not cause much damage to the ground.

But now the entire ground has been destroyed by several elves and is completely torn apart.

At this moment, Lei Gong was already embedded in the earth.

The entire body was embedded inside, and it didn't move at all, completely buried in dust.

The outcome is decided!

"I declare that Thunder Lord loses the ability to fight and Super Metagross wins."

"Because of Tang Jian, all three of your elves have lost their ability to fight."

"So you have lost this battle with Tang Jian."


President Zhou pressed the button, and the image of Thunder God on the large LED screen instantly dimmed.

In this way, Tang Jian's three elf heads have all darkened.

And the heads of the three elves in Jiangjing are still on.

This is a battle with a big gap from beginning to end.

Jiang Jing completely crushed Tang Jian in terms of strength.

Tang Jian also sighed silently after hearing President Zhou's announcement.

He had already anticipated his ending, and now he couldn't help but sigh when he saw this result.

He actually lost.

Before the battle, he didn't believe it when he heard that Qiao Nan lost to Jiang Jing.

Some of them were disapproving and thought that Jiang Jing had nothing to be afraid of, but he actually lost.

Only now that we are facing each other can we understand the power of Jiang Jing.

He had to sigh, Jiang Jing was really too strong.

He even felt that this was not Jiang Jing's full strength.

He knew that Jiang Jing also had special powers.

What's more, he also has the legendary elves.

He didn't use these in the previous battle.

What does this mean? It means that Jiangjing is releasing water.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and said:

"I lost. This time I am convinced that I lost."

"You are really strong, even us kings are no longer your match."

"It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach."

Jiang Jing took back the golden monster and said with a smile: "Excuse me. King Tang Tian, ​​you are not considered a front wave!"

"You are a prodigal like me!"

Tang Jian is not very old either. He is only 39 years old this year, which can be said to be very young.

There are still more than 20 years left before retirement at the age of 60.

He can still stay in the position of King of Heaven for another twenty years.

Tang Jian shook his head and laughed: "I already want to know whether Ji Changkong can defeat you."

Jiang Jing's heart moved and he responded with a smile: "I'd also like to know."

With his current strength, there is no problem even if he challenges Ji Changkong.

I just don’t know how strong Ji Changkong is. It would be great if I could know the level of any of his elves.

Others also gathered over, and Qiao Nan stood up first and laughed:

"Jiang Jing, congratulations on your victory."

"Tang Jian, are you convinced now?!"

Tang Jian smiled bitterly and said, "I'm convinced, I'm convinced, Jiang Jing is the strongest in this mission."

"We all listen to you!"

Jiang Jing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he thought about it and figured out what was going on.

He looked around, and everyone else had no objections.

This is the case in the elven world, strength is the right to speak.

If you are strong enough, others will listen to you.

It has nothing to do with age.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing also said: "Okay, but this is my first time leading everyone on a mission. If there are any shortcomings, I hope everyone can point them out so that I can correct them."

President Zhou patted Jiang Jing's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Jiang Jing, we are all experienced in this task and know how to do it."

"If you have any questions, I can ask everyone for their opinions."

"Okay, it's getting late. Everyone, let's go back and make preparations."

After chatting for a while, they all separated.

Jiang Jing was also walking towards the elevator while chatting with a few people.

After leaving the Elf Association headquarters, he could clearly feel that the attitudes of several people talking to him had quietly changed.

In the past, he was a junior, and everyone spoke with the attitude of an elder.

This is true even if his strength has defeated most people.

But it's different now. Jiang Jing defeated Tang Jian and Qiao Nan with strong strength.

Now he has no opponent among the kings except Ji Changkong.

And they also noticed Jiang Jing's progress.

With Jiang Jing's current rate of improvement, he might be able to challenge for the championship in a few years.

So they all already treat Jiang Jing as an equal.

Jiang Jing booked a hotel by himself, which was the Pangu Seven Star Hotel.

He also recovered from the joy of defeating Tang Jian.

Now he is the leader of this mission.

Their mission this time was very difficult.

It is not easy to deal with the legendary elves who have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

And their mission is still to protect people.

His instinct told him that there was a high probability that this mission would be very dangerous.

Various legendary elves may appear.

Needless to say, the scene at that time will definitely be very chaotic.

Carrying out tasks in chaotic situations is also a huge test for him.

Countless problems that he might encounter appeared in his mind.

Then think about countermeasures.

Because the scope of the task is too broad, it does not know the grasp and scale of it.

We still need to consult veteran kings like Tang Jian for specific details.

at the same time

Two huge figures appeared out of thin air on the Pacific Ocean.


The two elves are the biting land shark and the violent flying dragon!

"Holy shit, it's finally out!"

Xu Jing sat on Liebite Lu Shark's back and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was panting heavily, and at the same time, its condition could be said to be very bad.

The whole person was covered in dust and smelled of burning.

On the other side, there was a handsome man sitting on the back of the Tyrannosaurus. If Jiang Jing were here, he would definitely recognize that this was Shen Chuanjun.

In the past two years, they have been looking for the legendary elf - Groudon.

But I didn't expect it every time, and it wasn't until recently that I tracked Team Lava and found Gudora.

And not long after they came out, another huge mechanical spacecraft rushed out of the air.

The entire spacecraft's appearance is red, with clear lava marks printed on it.

This is the emblem of Team Lava, and obviously this ship belongs to Team Lava.

After the spacecraft arrived, the door opened, and dozens of elves rushed out of the spacecraft one after another.

"Hurry up!!"

"The spacecraft was severely damaged and can no longer support high-speed flight."

After hundreds of people flew out, a huge pillar of flame suddenly flew out of the air.

How big is the entire flame pillar? From Xu Jing's direction, it can be seen that the entire flame pillar seems to be ten meters in diameter.

As soon as the blazing flames were launched, Xu Jing could feel that the surrounding temperature instantly rose by more than ten degrees!

Thanks to the oblivion for the crazy tip of 100 starting coins.

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