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Chapter 559 Groudon, God of the Earth (please subscribe, please vote)

Chapter 559 God of the Earth - Groudon (please subscribe, please vote)

The moment it was launched, the entire sky seemed to be blasted through.

In front of the flame pillar was Team Lava's mechanical spaceship.


Only a shrill cry was heard, and the next moment the spacecraft was hit by a pillar of flame.


With a loud noise, the mechanical spaceship exploded instantly.

The monstrous red flames dyed the surrounding sky red.

The sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless members of Team Lava were unable to avoid being swallowed up by the blazing flames.

Countless screams disappeared halfway through.

Even though Xu Jing and Shen Chuanjun were already one kilometer apart, they were still affected by the explosion.


They can feel a wave of heat coming towards them.

The Tyrannosaurus and the Biting Land Shark were both thrown hundreds of meters away.

When he finally stabilized his body, a huge red pillar suddenly poked out from the invisible barrier.

If you look carefully, it is the thigh of a certain elf, with sharp claws and black and red thighs.

White gas was rising all the time, and a terrifying pressure instantly filled the surrounding sea.

Finally its entire body appeared above the sea.

I saw it stepped into the sea and caused huge waves due to its excessive force.

This is a body as huge as a tall building.

The body is extremely huge, and the red armored skin radiates amazing heat.

Even after it came out, the sun became even brighter.


The huge body is over 100 meters tall by visual inspection, and can only be looked up at.

"not good!"

"Groudon is out, run!"

Yes, this huge figure is the legendary God of Earth - Groudon.


Xu Jing and Shen Chuanjun's expressions changed drastically when they saw Groudon coming out.

Seeing the huge waves, they quickly urged the Tyrannosaurus and the Biting Land Shark to stay away.

At the same time, Groudon's entire body was submerged in the sea.

At this time, it was already in the depths of the sea, and even Groudon's body of hundreds of meters would be buried.

But it was not afraid at all, as the surroundings were surrounded by temperatures of thousands of degrees.

The seawater in contact is instantly evaporated into water vapor.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature is also rising crazily.

Countless water elves in the sea were frightened when Groudon came out.

Feeling endless fear, I scrambled to escape somewhere else.

Some of the slow ones suffered, and were instantly burned to coke by the ultra-high temperature.

In just a few seconds, countless tons of water had evaporated.

But the most indispensable thing in the sea is water.

Even if tens or hundreds of tons have evaporated, it is completely invisible from the surface.

At the same time, Groudon also began to exert his own power.

The rock energy in the surrounding air was mobilized crazily by it.

I saw huge rocks forming out of thin air under Groudon's feet in the depths of the sea.

Although it is said to be a stone, it can actually be said to be very huge.

Each boulder is about 10 meters long and wide.

Groudon stepped on the stone to levitate it.

After the big wave broke away, Groudon's body also floated up.

At the same time, you can see that the river around its body turned into red-yellow magma exuding high temperature in an instant.

In a matter of seconds, everything within a few hundred meters was covered in magma.

Xu Jing and Shen Chuanjun were flying high in the sky, and like them were the surviving members of Team Lava.

Everyone was silent and could only look at Groudon in the sea with shocked expressions.

Xu Jing swallowed involuntarily.

It's not like he hasn't seen Groudon before. There are video materials about various legendary elves in the alliance headquarters.

He had watched Groudon Kyogre's video countless times.

But when you see it up close, you still feel extremely shocked.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was now hundreds of meters in the air, but he could still feel the astonishing high temperature.

Groudon only appeared in videos before, but now it is real.

He looked at Groudon below, and his huge body began to walk in the sea.

He began to observe Groudon carefully.

Groudon is an elf covered in red, flaky skin.

The dark side of its body is gray, with large spikes extending from its head, torso, and tail.

At the same time, Groudon has four claws on each hand, four bulldozer-like teeth protruding at the end of its tail, and three claws on each foot, with gray markings on the soles of its feet.

There are also blue spikes growing in the seams of its skin, which can be seen when Groudon is accumulating strength.

Shen Chuanjun looked at Groudon solemnly and said slowly: "What should we do now?"

"Groudon just woke up like this. You can also see its terrifying strength. It is simply not something we can deal with."

"Fortunately, we are in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean and there is no one around."

"If it were next to a city, the consequences would be disastrous."

Xu Jing also came to his senses and smiled bitterly.

He initially looked for Groudon without much thought, just wanting to see Groudon.

Who would have thought that they would be found by Team Lava in the end, and most importantly, Groudon would be awakened for no apparent reason.

They didn't do anything? !

But did it wake up on its own?

He remembered that the alliance headquarters had records about Groudon and Kyogre.

Normally the two of them never appear alone.

As long as one wakes up, the other one will also wake up.

Moreover, Groudon and Kyogre will find each other to fight as soon as they wake up.

Could it be that Kyogre's awakening stimulated it?

Xu Jing's mind is now full of doubts that cannot be answered.

"Forget it, the current situation cannot be solved by just the two of us."

"Hurry up and shake people!"

After Xu Jing finished speaking, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and started making calls.

"Hey, Dad, let me tell you something. Don't be angry. It's like this..."

A few minutes later, Xu Jing hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

"As expected, I was scolded so badly that you can't blame me!"

"Xu Jing, what's wrong, we are not where we were before."

"This place is almost close to the area where humans live."

"The next five hundred kilometers is Neon Country!"

Shen Chuanjun suddenly said next to him

After hearing this, Xu Jing's eyes suddenly widened: "What did you say?!"

He turned around and looked around, then took out his cell phone to locate it, and saw that it was indeed not in the original place.

"What's going on? Why are you here all of a sudden?"

"Damn it, isn't Groudon on his way to the Neon Country now?"

Xu Jing was completely panicked, and he was no longer as relaxed as before.

"It's over, something big is going to happen!"

At the same time, deep in the sea, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the sea.

As soon as this behemoth appeared, all the surrounding water elves were frightened and swam away.

But in the next second, an invisible energy spread out.

All the water elves swam back again.

In an instant, tens of thousands of water elves gathered around him.

At the same time, more water elves gathered.

Then all the water elves swam towards the distance under the control of the giant beast.

Just after they left, the weather on the sea quickly changed from sunny to cloudy.


In a moment, the entire sky was covered with dark clouds, and huge thunder filled the surrounding sea area.

An invisible pressure permeated the sea.

"Everyone is here, let's get ready to go!"

Jiang Jing arrived at the airport in a private car. As soon as he got off the car, he entered the airport like countless others to look for Tang Jian and the others.

When they found the person, Tang Jian and the others looked unhappy.

"What's wrong? Everyone doesn't look good?!"

Su Yao was the first to speak: "Bad news, our flight to Neon Country has been cancelled."

"The weather in Neon Country is very bad now. It is said that it is already a thunderstorm and it is raining heavily."

"The typhoon has arrived and flights have been cancelled."

"This is very bad news."

Jiang Jing also frowned after hearing this. What does this mean?

After hearing this, Jiang Jing immediately took out his cell phone to contact President Zhou.

"President Zhou, this is how it is now..."

half an hour later

The top floor of the Elf Association headquarters

Jiang Jing stood on the top floor, and Qiao Nan and others stood beside him.

President Zhou was wearing a suit and looking at the sky not far away.

Jiang Jing watched a black spot approaching quickly.

Half an hour ago, he reported the situation to Chairman Zhou.

Ordinary planes can no longer go to Neon Country, but there are other places where aircraft can fly.

Just like the huge aircraft that Jiang Jing once destroyed, Hua also owns.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t have it, and ordinary people can’t mobilize it.

Of course, if you want to buy one, the price is astonishingly expensive.

Rich people will choose to buy such an aircraft.

Jiang Jing doesn't need it now. He has Metagross, and the Shuidu brothers and sisters are enough.

Either one is better than an aircraft.

Soon the black spot enlarged in front of everyone's eyes. Jiang Jing took a closer look and saw that it was a huge black aircraft.

It's somewhat similar to the transport plane in X-Men.

I saw the aircraft staying firmly on the top floor, and huge wind and waves blew on several people.

"Okay, everyone, come up!"

"If it weren't for the mission this time, the higher-ups wouldn't have let me mobilize the Black Hawk aircraft."

"You must know that the cost of building such an aircraft is as high as three billion."

"Okay, Jiang Jing will leave this mission to you. You must come back safely."

President Zhou looked at the people who got on the aircraft and said seriously.

Jiang Jing looked at President Zhou's serious assurance: "President Zhou, don't worry, we will come back safely."

Then he turned around and walked into the aircraft.

The entire black aircraft was larger than imagined.

After entering, in addition to the operation room, there are also conference rooms and lounges.

Several people entered the conference room. Directly in front of them was a piece of transparent glass that allowed them to see the cab in front.

Several people found a seat and sat down.

A beautiful woman wearing black slim-fitting overalls and glasses held a plate and placed it in front of everyone.

"My dear kings, at the speed of the Black Hawk aircraft, we will be able to reach Neon in three hours."

Jiang Jing nodded silently after hearing this. This speed was considered good in the stormy weather.

I saw the entire aircraft shaking slightly, indicating that it had begun to take off.

Jiang Jing watched the water in the cup on the table swaying slightly, but not a bit spilled.

It is enough to illustrate the stability of the aircraft.

Neon Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant


"Hoo ho!!"

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and countless torrential rain poured down.

The violent storm raged crazily throughout the nuclear power plant.

The entire sky has completely darkened.

But the machines in the station have not stopped yet and are still running crazily.

Three men in black raincoats were now on the ground outside the nuclear power plant, silently watching countless amounts of nuclear wastewater being discharged into the sea along thick pipes.

The ocean has turned black and gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Coupled with the violent stormy weather, the entire ocean is like a black devil that may rush into the sky at any time.

"Yoshino-kun, is this really okay?"

"I have an ominous feeling!"

"We may have done something very wrong."

One of the three, a middle-aged man with glasses, said with a frown.

Standing next to him was a thin, middle-aged man with white hair.

He just let out a heavy sigh and said, "There's nothing we can do, we've tried our best."

"It's not something we can change."

"Before, just secretly discharging it had already attracted many elves in the ocean to attack."

"Now that we are fully discharging, no one knows what will happen."

"I'm tired, that's it."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The other two people also sighed silently when they saw this.

Less than ten seconds after they walked, huge waves suddenly formed on the sea.

He immediately took a picture towards the shore.

The big wave rushed to the top, and an unknown number of elves rushed out of the waves.

The first to bear the brunt were several stinging jellyfish.

After they rushed out, they opened their mouths and activated their skills.

They exuded terrible energy fluctuations, and dozens of water columns condensed and shot out in an instant.


The water column hit the discharge pipe. Under the impact of the water column, the pipe shattered in less than a second.

The nuclear wastewater in it sputtered along with pipe fragments.

Not only pipelines but also countless warehouses and buildings were all attacked.

They shattered one after another, and this wave of attacks from the stinging jellyfish caught everyone off guard.


"Bang bang!!"

Many staff members were also affected, and it is unknown how many people were seriously injured.

Suddenly there were screams and the sound of houses being destroyed.

"The elves are rioting!!"


At the same time, countless elves jumped out of the ocean.

Gotha duck, mosquito-repellent swimmer, white sea lion, spiny shellfish, giant claw crab, gem starfish, Gyarados, strong crocodile, iron claw lobster...

Almost all are water elves that can be seen on a daily basis.

Some of them are strong or weak, and they all rush to the shore from the sea to attack.

Destroying buildings everywhere, the incident suddenly caused huge damage to the nuclear power plant.

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