This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 561 Nuclear power plant explosion (please subscribe, please vote)

Rachel on the other side was wandering around in her back garden.

Surrounded by green trees, elves are doing their own thing.

Rachel watched the projection in front of her turn off and sighed:

"Oh, it looks like it's going to be lively next time!"

"Xiaoxi, connect me to Ding Zheng, Stuart, and Mary!"


In front of her was a robot that instantly contacted three people.

It projects onto three screens.

two hours later

On the top floor of the Island Master Building on Chengdu Island.

A huge red aircraft was parked on the tarmac.

Rachel looked at the people around her, four of them in total.

Rachel felt that four people were enough, and no more would be conducive to action.

She knew very well that this time not only their Chengdu Island, but also other islands would send people there.

Although they all belong to the alliance headquarters, they are managed separately.

It's equivalent to seven countries coming together.

Usually, everything big and small is decided by the island itself.

Therefore, various actions are carried out alone, with little cooperation.

Because each island feels that its own island is the most powerful.

Several people boarded the aircraft, and a minute later the aircraft was launched like a sharp arrow. The speed was extremely fast, and only bursts of roar could be heard.

At the same time, there are also aircraft heading to Neon from other islands such as Fengyuan and Sinnoh.

The entire Neon Kingdom became the center of the world in just one hour.

The top trainers from all over the world choose to go to Neon Country.

Jiang Jing and the others also received the message on the aircraft.

"Jiang Jing, I just received a notification that the sea elves have begun to attack the city, and they have also caused floods."

"The entire Neon Country has been surrounded from all sides."

"But the situation around the nuclear power plant is the worst. It has been completely submerged by floods and elves."

"You go to the nuclear power plant now, and of course try to ensure your own safety."

"And Ji Changkong and the others have also arrived in Neon. You can meet up after they arrive."

"I understand, President Zhou."

Jiang Jing hung up the phone and looked at the big screen in the conference room.

I saw the map of Neon Country appearing on it, and Neon Country appeared in red on the map.

But the surrounding area has been shrouded in layers of blue light, and it is spreading continuously.

"King Jiang Jingtian, we have ten minutes to reach Neon Kingdom." The young lady next to me said.

Jiang Dingding nodded. The Black Hawk aircraft was indeed fast.

It is indeed a top-notch aircraft that cost three billion to build.

He looked out the window again and saw the aircraft flying through the dark clouds.

It was a huge area of ​​darkness, and you could even see lightning striking from time to time.

They have left China and arrived on the sea.

The weather also changed from sunny to overcast, and the aircraft even shook more.

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

"We will arrive at Neon Country in less than ten minutes."

Jiang Jing spoke slowly to relieve the atmosphere, mainly because the atmosphere inside the aircraft was too heavy.

They also heard what President Zhou said just now.

Now that the Neon Kingdom has been completely surrounded, the elf riots and floods are on an unprecedented scale.

None of them had ever encountered such a situation.

It's not like they've never encountered elves siege a city before, but never on such a large scale.

A group of elves rushed out of a small forest on the outskirts of the city.

In this case, the nearby Elf Association sent hundreds of powerful trainers and police to take action.

In addition, it is enough to deploy the Heavenly King to deal with the leading elf overlord.

But like this, the entire neon country is completely surrounded, and it's still on the sea.

Seventy percent of the entire Blue Star is ocean, and who knows how many powerful water elves there are in it.

If they go there, they might face a sky full of water elves.

Even if we want to get rid of the leading elf, it may not be possible.

How powerful it is to be able to allow so many water-type elves to launch an siege.

Maybe it's the work of Kyogre, the legendary ocean god.

If it weren't for Kyogre, it would be okay. Even if he couldn't be beaten, he could still run away.

But facing these elves with the ability to destroy heaven and earth, they may not be able to escape.

Tang Jian exhaled and said, "I have been prepared for a long time."

"But to be honest, Jiang Jing, don't be pushy. You have to run away when you should. No one will tell you anything."

Jiang Jing laughed: "Don't worry, I know it."

Tang Jian nodded. He knew that Jiang Jing often went to the wild and had killed several wanted criminals. He was definitely not a brainless person.

"Neon Country deserves it, let them dump nuclear wastewater."

"It's okay now, it's really backfired."

On the sea, a group of people took the elves out of the sea. As soon as they came out, they saw countless water elves washing up on the shore not far away.

One of the handsome-looking men said with a smile.

"Stop gloating about our misfortune. Kyogre is only thirty kilometers away from where we are now. At its speed, it will arrive in less than an hour."

"Save people first, focusing on Chinese people."

"The people of Neon country decide for themselves whether to save him or not!"


"I'm leaving first, everyone, I have other tasks."

One of the handsome men in a black coat came out and said.

If Jiang Jing were here, he would recognize him at a glance. This is Li Muyu.

Li Muyu is a rather special person. He clearly has the strength of a top king, but he did not choose to become one.

I don’t know why I got mixed up with a group of kings this time.

Ji Changkong looked at Li Muyu and nodded: "Go!"

"Mu Yu, it's thanks to you that everyone is safe this time."

Li Xingzhou suddenly thanked Li Muyu.

Their mission this time is to track the water fleet and prevent them from awakening Kyogre.

Of course, relying on the cooperation of several kings of China and the top trainers of the alliance headquarters, they also successfully stopped the water fleet.

A violent conflict broke out, and the respective elves were seriously injured.

But who knew that although the prevention was successful, Kyogre would wake up on his own.

So it was embarrassing, and all the Buddhist work they had done was in vain.

And facing Kyogre, they had no choice but to retreat first.

The place where Kyogre is is a huge ocean secret realm, and they came out of the entrance of a secret realm.

Kyogre came out from another entrance, and the two entrances were dozens of kilometers apart.

That's why they arrived near Neon Country.

After hearing Ji Changkong's words, they also took the elves to Neon Country to launch a rescue operation.

Ji Changkong's eyes were focused on the Gyarados not far away.

The size of this Gyarados is several times larger than the ordinary Gyarados.

He instantly recognized it as a powerful Gyarados Overlord.

The energy fluctuations on his body also seemed to be above level 90.

And there are actually quite a few overlord elves like Gyarados around.

He thought about his own strength, because there was a fierce confrontation in the secret realm to stop the water fleet.

His opponent was the leader of the water fleet, but the leader of the water fleet was really strong. He fell into a disadvantage alone, but he still teamed up with the people from the alliance headquarters to defeat the opponent.

But he didn't feel well either, as all the elves on his body were hurt a lot.

Now he is recovering from his injuries in the Poké Ball.

So it is not suitable to fight these powerful elves.

Thinking of this, he shouted to the Tyrannosaurus beneath him: "Let's go, Tyrannosaurus!"


After hearing this, the Tyrannosaurus flapped its wings and flew towards the Neon Country.

Others quickly followed, and their elves also suffered a lot of damage.

Even their elves were hurt more seriously.

The group of people suddenly rushed to the nuclear power plant.


As soon as they landed, a warehouse not far away exploded.

Huge flames shot out and even the surrounding floods could not drown them.

"No, the nuclear power plant exploded!"


An explosion instantly caused a chain reaction.

Other factories also exploded at the same time.

All the kings should stay away quickly.

And in the center of the explosion, an unknown number of elves were also wrapped in it.

There are also large groups of powerful elves among them.

Some even had barriers raised around them to withstand the explosion.

Menas, Iron-clawed Lobster, Gyarados, Sea Spinosaurus...

A group of top water elves roared in the explosion, and terrifying energy burst out from their bodies.

Just when the entire nuclear power plant exploded, a huge wave on the sea condensed in an instant and hit the nuclear power plant fiercely.

So from a distance, you can see the orange-yellow mushroom cloud formed by the huge explosion and the sea-blue huge waves slamming together.


I saw a violent collision and loud noise from both sides.

In an instant, countless elves and people felt that their ears had become deaf.

The whole surrounding is an apocalyptic scene.

Even Ji Changkong and the others were blown away in the aftermath of the violent explosion.

The scope of the explosion spread to within two kilometers of the surrounding area.

People in the distance could see the explosion.

An unknown number of elves died among them, and almost no buildings were left intact.

In the distant city, everyone could only watch this scene in shock.

A wave of fear surged into their hearts in the shortest possible time.

This was a scene they had never seen before, and some even trembled with fear.

And there are not a few such people.

The whole explosion made the whole neon country feel something.

You can feel the earthquake directly from a distance.


The shaking of the earth made many elves in the mountains and wilds feel abnormal.

Some powerful elves also woke up from their sleep.

They also felt a huge sound in Jiang Jing in the air.

"What happened?"

Inside the aircraft, everyone looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

The driver in front suddenly said: "There was a huge explosion in Neon Country."

"It's very possible that the nuclear power plant exploded!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked.

The explosion of a nuclear power plant is no small matter. No wonder they were all hit in the air.

Jiang Jing's expression was solemn. He couldn't imagine how many elves and people would die in this nuclear power plant explosion.

The entire explosion process lasted a few seconds, and the impact completely disappeared.

Jiang Jing's aircraft stopped when they were still ten kilometers away from the nuclear power plant.

"King Jiang Jingtian, we are here. Due to the explosion of the nuclear power plant, we don't know how much nuclear radiation will be emitted."

"Although nuclear radiation now has no effect on those of you with strong physical fitness."

This is true, this world is so magical.

Nuclear wastewater is still a disaster for ordinary people, but for some trainers whose physical fitness is completely superhuman, it will not have such a strong effect.

Especially for top trainers like Jiang Jing and others with special abilities, it was as if they were facing the air.

Moreover, the elves' resistance to nuclear radiation is also extremely strong.

Even the weakest elves are like this.

At the same time, powerful elves also have the ability to purify, especially water elves, which Qiao Nan is considered professional at.

However, there is too much nuclear wastewater in Neon Country, and even if it is completely purified, it will cost a huge amount of money.

"Thank you for your hard work. The rest is up to us."

Jiang Jing and others came to the plane door, and as soon as they opened it, they could hear the sound of the violent storm coming from outside.


From their position, they could see lightning and thunder in the sky, as if they were about to hit the aircraft at any time.

There are rough waves on the sea all the time.

The weather today can be said to be extremely bad, but for top kings like Jiang Jing and others, it is nothing.

Jiang Jing took out the elf ball and threw it.


The steel-armored crow appeared in the air, and Jiang Jing jumped on the steel-armored crow's back.

At the same time, its body is also surrounded by a layer of invisible flying energy, acting as a barrier to protect him from the rain.

Qiao Nan, Tang Jian and others also released flying elves one after another.

The six people quickly flew towards Neon Country.

At the speed of their elves, they could reach ten kilometers in almost a few minutes.

However, the stormy weather still had some impact on them.

At this time, the Neon Country's champions, kings, and diamond-level trainers were already in place and scattered in various cities.

Start a counterattack against the sea elves.

Matsushita Hirofumi also came to the scene. As the first king of the Neon Kingdom, he must appear.

Because most of the cities now under attack have his industry.

Due to floods and elves' siege, most of the industry was destroyed, and an unknown amount of money was lost.


Matsushita Hirofumi was riding on a crow head, looking at the ruins on the city square and suddenly became furious.

This is his industry, and it will bring huge benefits every year.

But now it's all ruined, and it won't be possible to restore its former prosperity within a few years.

Thinking of this, he hated these elves so much that he immediately took out the elf balls on his cane and released eight of them at once.

"Come together and kill them all."

"Especially the leading elves!"

His eyes were fixed on a few elves not far away. They were the leaders, and their energy fluctuations were not weak.

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