This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 562 Overlord Elves (please subscribe, please vote)

Similarly, when Matsushita Hirofumi stared at them, the other party naturally discovered him.


Amidst the roars of several elves, countless water elves also launched an attack on it.

A group of high-level elves such as Iron Claw Lobster, Mosquito Repellent Warrior, and Swamp King launched attacks one after another.

Dozens of water jets were instantly launched towards Matsushita Hirofumi's position.

At this time, Matsushita Hirofumi's Great Sword Demon also activated his skills upon seeing this.

Countless streams of water were instantly mobilized from its body.

Layers of spiral water flow condensed out of thin air and spread toward the surroundings.

The water jets that hit the water vortex were all blocked.

Its level 89 strength was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Even if it faces attacks from dozens of elves, it will be easily resisted.

At the same time, it also activated its skills, opened its mouth and condensed into a thick water column, and launched it towards the elves attacking in front of it.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Under the impact of the water column, a large number of elves were blown away. He was hit hard among the ruins and passed out.

The Great Sword Demon defeated dozens of elves with one move.

When the gap is too big, no amount of quantity is meaningful.



Not only the Great Sword Demon, but other elves also launched attacks.

They swept away a large area of ​​elves with just one move.

At the same time, he is not the only trainer coming from Neon.

There are also other members of his family. Their Panasonic family is one of the wealthiest consortiums in the entire Neon Country.

There are a large number of diamond-level trainers and countless gold-level trainers.

The collective took action and defeated a large number of water elves.

Just like two armies at war, one side suddenly received strong reinforcements and showed its strong combat capabilities.

Don't forget to capture them all after defeating them.

With tacit cooperation, thousands of elves were repelled by them.

It also attracted the attention of powerful water spirits.

An overlord water elf noticed this.

This is a dominant water arrow turtle, the size of a small mountain.

There was a terrible aura exuding from his body, and Matsushita Hirofumi's eyes became serious after feeling it.

This is the aura of level 90, and it is actually a wild elf overlord that is about to break through level 90.

There are not many such top-level overlords like Hirofumi Matsushita in his life.

If you want to see one, you need to go to the depths of the wild or the depths of the sea.

But this time the flood elves attacked the city, and the overlord elves that came out just appeared in front of it.


The Overlord Water Arrow Turtle roared loudly, and its roar resounded within two kilometers of the surrounding area.

After hearing its roar, countless elves rushed towards Matsushita Hirofumi.

Including a lot of powerful elves.

Matsushita Hirofumi frowned, the elf rushing over was much stronger than before.

There are dozens of elves above level 80 that he can sense.

There are even a few that are also overlord elves.

The tide of elves surged towards them like a tidal wave.

Panasonic Hirofumi also feels the pressure.

The scale of the elves' siege this time was too huge, and he was able to encounter so many powerful elves in this area.

Not to mention other areas, the loss of Neon Country this time can be said to be unprecedentedly terrifying.

"Do it!"

"Great Sword Demon, use the water cannon!"


Matsushita Hirofumi also immediately found the overlord Blastoise.

In his opinion, as long as the overlord Water Arrow Turtle is defeated, the other elves will naturally be defeated and flee.

This was the case with previous elven sieges.

But this time the scale was really too big, and it was the first time he had seen it in decades of his life.

As the strongest king of Neon Kingdom, he obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

I thought it would be enough to defeat the Overlord Blastoise.

Little did they know that the real leader was approaching, and there were more than one.

"Bang bang!!"


The melee began, and countless elves started a fierce battle.

Water elves are constantly being defeated and conquered.

But soon new water elves filled in.

At the beginning, Matsushita Hirofumi and the others had the upper hand. Even if there were several overlord elves, they were still no match for him.

But as time went by, more and more elves came to attack.

At the same time, a group of elves above level 80 came.

Level 80 elves, which are usually rare to see, were everywhere today.

Panasonic Hirofumi, who belatedly realized something was wrong, finally realized something was wrong.

Why is it that the more Elf fights, the stronger he gets?

Originally he had the upper hand, but now they are evenly matched.

And there is an Overlord Iron Claw Lobster that is not inferior to the Overlord Blastoise.

This made him understand that this siege would most likely involve an elf overlord above level 90, otherwise he would not be able to command these elf overlords.

It might even be the legendary elf, but that would be a disaster if it were true.

Not only him, but other heavenly kings were also attacked by different elf overlords.

This time the elves attacked the city and released almost all the water elves in the sea area around Neon Kingdom.

Not to mention the top elves among them.

Everyone is exhausted. No matter how many top trainers there are, there are still not as many elves in the ocean.

"Oh ho~"

A figure appeared in the ruins not far away, looking coldly at everything that happened in front of it.

It exudes terrifying energy fluctuations, and countless energies are released from its body, as if it will launch an attack at any time.

If Qiao Nan could recognize it at a glance here, it was a Suicune.

And the energy fluctuations emanating from this Suicune are no weaker than her Suicune.


Jiang Jing and the others were flying in the air, heading towards the nuclear power plant.

Suddenly a huge wave hit, and the entire ground was completely submerged by sea water.

Now I can only see a strip of the sea, and everything I look at is blue ocean.

There are a lot of construction debris and ruins floating on the sea.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the water and mobilized energy along with the huge waves to form a huge water column and launched it towards Jiang Jing and the others in the air.

The water column as thick as a well can tell that this elf is not weak.

Jiang Jing and the others reacted a few times, and soon the elf moved slightly and dodged away.

Jiang Jing opened the Eye of Data and scanned it.

What attacked them was a megalodon.

【Elf】: Megalodon

[Attribute]: Water, evil


[Level]: LV80

[Characteristics]: Rough skin


At the same time, after this attack skill ends, other attacks will follow.

A group of megalodon sharks surfaced and began to attack them.

Dozens or hundreds of water jets were launched.

Jiang Jing was surprised. He had just entered Neon Country and encountered a level 80 Megalodon shark.

Elves of this level can only be encountered deep in the wild.

You can even have it in some secret realms.

But they actually appeared here, and there were quite a few of them.

A group of megalodons attacked them, and their levels were not low.

There may be very few at level 80, but there are quite a few megalodons at level 6 and 70.

They activate their skills at the same time, and their power can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The water jets they emit can even merge into larger water jets.

"Damn it, where did so many high-level megalodons come from?"

"Isn't this something you can only encounter in the deep sea area? Why did you come to the Neon Country?"

Su Yao was a little shocked. He often goes to the wild, so he has a good understanding of the distribution of elves.

It should be difficult to encounter an elf of the level of the Megalodon.

The result appeared in front of them so suddenly.

Moreover, the water cannon skills fired by dozens of megalodon sharks were merged and fired together.

They also began to resist.

"Steel-armored crow, use the cannon!"

"Metrogross, use the destruction death ray!"

"Fossil pterosaur, use the destruction death ray!"


Several elves activated their skills one after another.


The steel-armored crow opened his mouth and quickly mobilized the steel energy, turning it into a spiral beam of light and blasting out.

Others, such as the destruction and death rays, were also blasted out together.

The skills of the two sides completed the bombardment in the air.

"Bang bang!!"

The collision produced a loud noise, and the mutual repulsion and competition of energy was also extremely fierce.

Although there are many megalodons, each of Jiang Jing and the others are top trainers.

If you pick one out individually, you can beat ten of them one at a time.

Therefore, the skills of six elves are enough to withstand the skills of a group of megalodon sharks.


Under the attack of six skills, the huge water column also shattered.

At the same time, the six people also separated to fight on their own. If they didn't fight off this group of megalodon sharks, they might continue to be entangled by them.

"Steel-armored crow, use steel wings!"

As the leader, Jiang Jing naturally faced off against the leader of the Megalodon.


The steel-armored crow flapped its wings, and its entire steel wings were instantly enveloped and enlarged by silver light.

It slapped hard and fired countless arrows towards the leader of the megalodon.


The megalodon was not afraid at all after feeling the strong aura from the steel-armored crow.

Directly fight head-on and quickly mobilize water energy.

In the sea, as a water elf, its strength has been strengthened.

The next moment, a huge spiral water column blasted up.

Water cannon!

The spiral water column and the feather arrow collided together. Originally, they thought it would be an even collision.

Unexpectedly, under the impact of the feather arrow, the spiral water column could not withstand it at all.

Soon it turned into countless water flows and fell on the sea.

"Steel-armored crow, use the cannon!"


The steel-armored crow continued to activate its skills, and countless steel energy particles were extracted by it, condensed into spiral beams of light at the fastest speed, and shot down.

At this time, the other megalodons around the leader of the megalodon also activated their skills.

The spiral light beam clashed with several water columns again.

It's a pity that the gap between them and the Steel Armored Crow is too big. Even if they are several levels higher than the Steel Armored Crow, they still cannot escape the fate of being defeated.


Along with a loud noise, several water columns were shattered by cannon light cannons and continued to be fired towards the Megalodon leader.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Ho ho ho!!"

The Megalodon leader let out a shrill scream after being hit by the cannon.

Not only it but other megalodons also had the same result.

In just two rounds of fighting, several megalodon sharks had already been defeated by it.

Jiang Jing took out two more elf balls and threw them out.

"Go, Emperor Nabo, Metagross!"


Emperor Nabo fell into the water as soon as he came out, and at the same time, a group of megalodon sharks also quickly launched an attack on it.


Emperor Nabo instantly became excited when he saw so many opponents.

A strong aura erupted from its body, and its eyes also glowed with an astonishing blue light.

It was launched like a torpedo and collided hard with a group of megalodon sharks.


As soon as Metagross came out, it was suspended in the air. Jiang Jing picked the head of Metagross, completely unleashing the Steel Armored Crow's attack power.

It also rushed into the sea instantly and started its own battle.

The number of this group of megalodon sharks is quite large, there are hundreds of them, and their levels are not low.

There are many level 60 and 70 players, but under the siege of the six kings, they still quickly launched and lost.

Originally, Jiang Jing and the others thought they could leave after getting rid of the group of megalodon sharks.

Unexpectedly, this group of megalodon sharks actually had reinforcements.


A roar was heard, announcing that another group of elves were charging over at extremely fast speeds.

In particular, a group of elves are extremely large.

Jiang Jing recognized it, this was the Roaring Whale King.

The back of the Howler King is mainly blue, the belly and teeth are white, and there are four white spots on the back. The prototype is a blue whale.

It breathes through its nostrils protruding from the sea surface. If it takes in air in one breath, it can dive to a depth of 3,000 meters.

Jiang Jing felt that the energy fluctuations in this group of roaring whale kings were also extremely powerful.

Even stronger than the giant tooth sharks.

In particular, one of the roaring whale kings was actually several times larger than the other roaring whale kings.

His data eye also scanned it instantly.

[Elf]: Overlord Roaring Whale King

[Attribute]: Water


[Level]: LV89

[Characteristics]: Feeling of oppression


The Howling Whale King is the largest elf ever discovered. It swims leisurely in the ocean and likes to chase groups of prey.

Then it sucks it into the huge mouth and eats it, and then uses the big mouth to swallow all the weak tench in one breath.

In order to chase their prey, they often jump out of the water in large groups and raise large splashes. The appearance of jumping in groups is very shocking.

It will also sometimes make its large body jump on the waves, and use this to create an impact that can stun the opponent. In short, it is popular because of its huge size, and watching the King Howler is a very popular tourist attraction everywhere.

Because they eat too many fish elves, if the number increases too much, they will be driven away by the fishermen.

The small howler whale will be attacked by the megalodon and the broken steering wheel. Sometimes it will also be attacked by the broken steering wheel. At this time, the group members will unite to protect it.

Jiang Jing's eyes narrowed, and it turned out to be a level 89 Overlord Roaring Whale King.

This strength is a bit terrifying, and this is the first time he has seen such a roaring whale king.

The Roaring Whale King can be said to be the largest elf at present except for some legendary elves.

It can be said that it is the largest among ordinary elves.

An ordinary howler whale is the same size as a blue whale, with a body length of 33 meters and a weight of up to 181 tons.

A casual collision with this body type can cause huge damage.

Needless to say, the overlord roars like the Whale King.

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