This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 563 Future battlefield (please subscribe, please vote)

The Overlord Roaring Whale King's body length alone is over a hundred meters, and the size difference between it and the Three Creation Dragons like Kyurem is not small.

The larger the body, the more terrifying the damage caused by the impact.

So even though the Overlord Megalodon is only level 89, Jiang Jing is sure that a Overlord Megalodon with level 90 or above will not be a match for the Howler King.

The advantage of size is too great. The average size of megalodon is only more than one meter.

Megalodon might be larger, ranging from three to five meters.

But it is still dozens of times worse than the Overlord Roaring Whale King. If the two sides collide, the Overlord Megalodon may be smashed into mincemeat.


The Overlord Roaring Whale King let out a roar, and the sound waves penetrated the waves and hit Jiang Jing and the others.

The distance between them was only more than three hundred meters, but the sound waves created by the roar hit the elf like a hurricane.

Jiang Jing looked around, the sea level was getting higher and higher.

Now only scattered tall buildings can be seen, and the height of the sea has reached fifty or sixty meters.

This area has completely turned into an ocean.

Moreover, Jiang Jing and the others were also surrounded at this time.

Not only the Roaring Whale King, but also other water elves surrounded him.

The strongest among them is the group of roaring whale kings. They can set off huge waves at any time.


The huge waves hit the steel-armored crow.


The steel-armored crow flapped its wings vigorously and turned into sharp arrows, which directly broke through the huge waves.

It is a level 81 seven-star elf, and the huge waves cannot defeat it at all.

At the same time, it continued to attack. A large number of megalodon sharks had been defeated by it, and the next opponent became the roaring whale king.

The steel-armored crow also immediately approached the overlord, the Roaring Whale King.

The Roaring Whale King naturally discovered the provocation of the Steel Armored Crow.

It immediately started attacking.

It jumped out of the water and opened its huge mouth. It didn't take much time for the terrifying water to turn into a huge spiral water column in its mouth and shoot out.

Water cannons!

The water cannon it released was so huge that it was no worse than the scene when several megalodon sharks released water jets together just now.


Huge spiral water columns penetrated the air and shot out.

Tang Jian and Qiao Nan in the distance also changed their expressions after seeing it.

This power was beyond their imagination.

"Steel-armored crow, use iron hoof light!"


The steel-armored crow also felt a burst of pressure and flapped its wings vigorously in the air.

At the same time, he frantically mobilized the energy in his body, continuously gathering the steel energy in his mouth, and finally turned it into a huge energy column and released it.

Iron hoof light!

The iron hoof light is indeed a skill with a power of 140, and its power is indeed much stronger than the cannon light cannon.

The skills of both sides fiercely clashed in the air.

Bang bang! !

The confrontation between the two sides instantly created a huge energy aftermath.

This time there was no absorbing barrier outside, and the aftermath of the confrontation between the two sides rushed towards the surroundings unscrupulously.

The entire sea surface was also washed out of the bowl surface depression.


The skills of both sides collided for a while and then exploded.

The energy fluctuation lifted the steel-armored crow and flew some distance away.

The overlord Howler King also had to turn over to resist the aftermath.

This round was a close contest between the two sides.

Jiang Jing's brows furrowed. From this fight, it was clear that the Overlord Roaring Whale King was really powerful.

In his eyes of data, the Overlord Howler King's mastery of skills is also terrifying.

Many skills have reached a superb level.

This is rare. Although the previous Megalodon leader was level 80, he only had two skills that he had mastered to perfection.


The Overlord Howler King roared loudly, and launched other Howler Kings to attack together.

Wherever Jiang Jing looked, there were fifteen King Howler Whales, and all of them had exceeded level 80.

This made him feel unusually shocked. The Roaring Whale King himself was rare.

It is even rarer to see a Roaring Whale King with a high talent level.

All six of them felt heavy in their hearts, wondering how many powerful elves had come ashore.

Qiao Nan was also a little anxious at this time. While fighting, she was also silently communicating with the Megalodon and other water elves.

I want to stop this pointless battle.

But it was of no use, all the water elves seemed to have fallen into a violent state.

Anyone who sees humans will launch an attack, especially the humans on Neon Island.

Qiao Nan felt an invisible power in it, and she wanted to purify this power.

Then it began to frantically mobilize the water-bending power in its body, and energy surged out of its body like ribbons.

Soon the energy was injected into a Gyarados on the sea.

At the same time, her water flow on the water surface is also exerting force, and it also has the power of purification.

One person and one spirit launched their skills at the same time to attack the giant tooth shark.

The originally red and chaotic eyes of the megalodon suddenly became clear.

It looked around with some confusion as to why it appeared here.

Then countless memories flooded into his head, and it began to turn around and leave.

At the same time, he called the other giant tooth sharks and planned to go together.

As a result, it roared for a long time, and the other megalodon didn't react at all.

Megalodon:? ? ?

Qiao Nan frowned when she saw this scene. It seemed that the idea of ​​using a megalodon to stop other elves was no longer possible.

In this case, it would be impossible for it to restore clarity to all the elves.

Unless the source is found, and who is the source?

Could it be the legendary elf?

Only they have such ability.

She suddenly thought of Kyogre. Has Kyogre awakened?

Thinking of this, her phone vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a message posted by Chairman Zhou in the WeChat chat group.

[President Zhou: Urgent notice! ! 】

[Kyogre and Groudon have both woken up and are on their way to the Neon Kingdom. 】

【Everyone, please pay attention to your safety! ! 】

[Remember your mission and don’t show off. 】

[All countries and alliance headquarters have sent kings to the Neon Kingdom, be careful not to conflict with them. 】

Qiao Nan was shocked when she saw the series of messages.

She summarized the information in a split second.

The most important thing is that Kyogre and Groudon wake up.

This time it's not ambiguous, but straightforward.

The power possessed by the awakening of two elves with the ability to destroy heaven and earth is extremely terrifying.

Unfortunately for Neon Nation.

If they turn neon into a battlefield, the entire island may be torn apart and sunk into the sea.

Of course, the current Neon Country is not much better.

"Suicune, let's go!"

Qiao Nan immediately continued to activate his abilities.

Her choice was very different from others. She chose to purify these elves and let them regain their consciousness.

This way there is no need to fight.

So she and Suicune activated their special power and spread it out, enveloping a dozen elves around them.

Under their strength, more than a dozen elves regained their composure.

After they recovered, they looked at each other for a while and then turned and left.

Qiao Nan also smiled, and quickly activated her power to surround the other elves.

But in just a short time, she had already restored dozens or hundreds of elves.

Qiao Nan didn't see a smile on her face at this time.

Because she suddenly discovered one thing, that is, her special power was consumed too much.

In just this moment, she had consumed a lot of special power, but her recovery speed was not ideal.

The same is true for Suicune. Suicune didn't fight much, but you can already see the exhaustion on his face.

In this case, just restoring all the surrounding elves would be her limit.

But there was nothing else she could do.

So she took Suicune and flew to Jiang Jing's side.

And Jiang Jing was completely high at this time.

He has released all the elves except the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

Although Wind Speed ​​Dog and the others can't fly, Jiang Jing has his own way.

The first is that the Wind Speed ​​Dogs have a huge stone underneath them.

Then, under the control of the giant gold monster's telepathy, all the stones floated into the air.

In this way, the goal of every elf being able to fly into the sky is achieved.

However, one drawback is that it cannot release physical skills and can only launch long-range attacks.

Although the Overlord Roaring Whale King is very strong.

When Tang Jian and others saw Jiang Jing acting like this, they also imitated him.

But facing Jiang Jing's few main elves was still not enough.

If it weren't for other howling whale kings to share the pressure for it, it would have been lying down by now.

He also saw the group message sent by President Zhou.

He was also extremely surprised. He didn't expect Groudon and Kyogre to wake up like this.

Now it is 100% certain that the Neon Congress will be used as a battlefield.

And Groudon and Kyogre will definitely fight.

Then the people of Neon Country will suffer.

They, the top kings among humans, are also dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may die. This is something Kyurem deeply understands.

One move directly killed several top king-level trainers.

Now two of them appeared directly. You can imagine how dangerous it will be behind.

Of course, trainers at their level can still run away if they want to, but it's hard to say for the people in Neon Country.

Especially the area around the battlefield.

Thinking of this, he felt that it was necessary to get rid of these elves as soon as possible to save people.

Or just stop Kyogre and Groudon.

"Jiang Jing, I have a way to bring them back to their senses. We shouldn't waste time here."

Qiao Nan quickly started flying over and said.

Jiang Jingting looked around, everyone was engaged in fierce confrontation.

A large number of elves surrounded them. It would take an unknown amount of time to deal with them.

Their time is precious now and they cannot waste it here.

So he nodded and said, "Then leave it to you, senior sister."

Qiao Nan nodded and looked at the overlord Roaring Whale King in front of her. She began to use her special power with all her strength.


"Oh ho~"

After Suicune roared, he also started to help release the purification power.

They released the power of purification with all their strength, and a blue energy barrier seemed to spread out from their bodies.

The barrier spread extremely fast, almost covering all the elves within a few kilometers in just a few seconds.

They were purified instantly, but Qiao Nan and Suijun's faces were unusually ugly and pale.

She overestimated her abilities.

I originally thought I could purify all the elves within a few kilometers around me.

Now it is discovered that with her current abilities and Suicune's combined, the limit is that she can evolve half of them.

At this time, Emperor Nabo, who was playing happily in the sea, also felt a purifying power.

Thinking of this, the water drop slate in its body started to move on its own.

A pure power spread out and merged with Qiao Nan's purification power.

Emperor Napoleon himself also mobilized all his strength.

With its seven-star talent, the energy it can mobilize is also extremely huge.

With the help of the Water Drop Slate, all the water elves were purified and regained consciousness in an instant.


After the group of elves regained consciousness, they also stopped attacking.

"Did you make it?"

Qiao Nan said tiredly to the big-mouthed gull.

Her face was pale and her speech was weak. She lay on the back of the big-billed gull and breathed a sigh of relief.

The consumption this time was too great for her.

Suicune also fell into the water and passed out.

If it weren't for Emperor Nabo's help just now, there is a high probability that the two of them would be drained directly.

Jiang Jing shook his head and said, "Senior, you'd better take a good rest. You guys are really too reckless this time."

Qiao Nan nodded and said nothing. She was too tired now.

At this time, the elves who had been restored to the country also left one after another.

Tang Jian and the others gathered over without any opponents.

"Good guy, Qiao Nan's ability is really impressive."

"But don't push yourself too hard. You won't be able to participate in the next mission like this."

Tang Jian said with some concern.

Qiao Nan shook her head and said, "I can do it. Give me some time and I can recover."

After saying that, she took out a small bottle from her pocket, poured two blue capsules out of it and swallowed them.

After swallowing the capsule, her complexion improved slightly.

"Okay, let's start the mission quickly!"

"It will be really difficult when Kyogre and Groudon come."

Jiang Jing said at this time.

Several people nodded, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

So a few people set off quickly and started looking for traces of living people.

"Das give (help)!"

After flying like this for less than a minute, they heard someone calling for help.

I saw a man and a woman on the sea holding the door panel and asking for help.

But the Japanese they speak is not Chinese.

Several people looked at each other.

Jiang Jing saw that they were a little hesitant and said, "Just help if you can do this easily. If it's too much, forget it."



After hearing the instructions, Metagross' eyes bloomed with telepathy.

A man and a woman floated from the sea and quickly landed on the top floor of a tall building.

"Thank you!"

After the two were rescued, they kept bowing and thanking each other until everyone in Jiang Jing disappeared from sight.

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