This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 567 The truth (please subscribe, please vote)

"Damn it, this beast actually attracted the elf here."

"Does he want us to block his knife?"

"Can't you see such a big Chinese refuge?" Su Yao started to curse directly.

Jiang Jing also looked disgusted. It was understandable that this person was being hunted by elves and wanted to find someone to ask for help.

But people from their shelter shouldn't be involved.

You must know that most of the people in the shelter are ordinary people, and they are completely unable to withstand so many elves.

And if Jiang Jing wasn't there, it's hard to imagine what would happen.

Jiang Jing sighed when he thought of this.

"Megromer, shoot down the armored bird."

Jiang Jing quickly gave the order, and the Metagross floated in the air, with a terrifying light emitting from its eyes.

Thought power like water flowed out from its body continuously.

It turned into a wave in the sky above the armored bird and slapped it hard.

Mustache saw the appearance of Metagross and thought he was saved, so Jiang Jing and the others came to save him.

The corners of his mouth also turned up. Chinese people are indeed big fools.

But the next second he knew he was wrong, so wrong

I saw a terrifying wave of telekinesis hitting him and the armored bird hard from the air.


For a moment, the armored bird felt as if his head was being hammered down heavily from high in the sky by an iron hammer.

For a moment, it felt as if its head was about to explode.


After letting out a cry, the armored bird with a mustache was directly smashed into the sea water.

This startled the poisonous algae dragon, but it recovered and continued to attack.

And it wasn't just it, but a large group of elves attacked together.

And being in the middle of the attack, the mustache naturally couldn't withstand the siege of so many elves.


A huge explosion formed on the water, and countless waves scattered around.

You can guess the ending of the mustache without even thinking.

The others looked at Jiang Jing, but they didn't expect Jiang Jing to be so cruel.

Just take action without saying a word.

Su Yao was also a little surprised. Although he scolded him fiercely, he would still be hesitant if he was asked to take action.

After all, attacking humans is completely different from attacking elves.

Although the others thought Jiang Jing's move was a bit cruel, they didn't dare to say anything.

Because Jiang Jing's aura was too strong, no one dared to speak for fear of being beaten.

Toxic Algae Dragon and the others did not leave after killing Mustache, but continued to target the commercial building.

He quickly approached and started to attack at the same time.

Pillars of water collided with the walls of the building.


The whole building began to shake. This building could not withstand such continuous attacks.

Jiang Jing looked at Qiao Nan, who hadn't recovered much yet.

We can only rely on strength to repel them all.

"Let's go up and fight them off first."

"Go ahead, everyone!"

The elves were released again.

After a short rest, my elves have also recovered a lot of physical strength, which can fully support them to continue fighting.


The steel-armored crow was launched like a sharp arrow.

He completed the dive directly from the air, plunged into the water, and hit a lantern fish.

This is a level 70 lantern fish with high level and strong strength.

But it was completely unable to withstand the attack from the steel-armored crow.


He was hit by a move from the steel-armored crow and was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

When other elves saw this, they subconsciously avoided it.

After coming back to his senses, he also started to activate his skills.

At the same time, Tang Jian, Su Yao, Shang Qing, and Duan Song also released their elves and entered the battle again.

The battle has been going on since entering the Neon Kingdom.

Not much time to rest.

"Go, Metagross, let's go too!"

"Thunder Lord, I'll have to work hard on you this time!"

So a dozen elves rushed out again, and the skills of both sides collided immediately.


Jiang Jing was at the forefront, standing on top of Metagross.

When the eye of data is opened, golden light seems to flash through the eye, and the data of all the surrounding elves appear in its eyes.

The strongest among them is the Toxic Algae Dragon, and the others include a pair of Dark Tail Blackfish.

[Elf]: Ghost Tail Blackfish (Male)

[Attribute]: Water, ghost


[Level]: LV80

[Characteristics]: Adaptability


The opponent this time is a little easier to deal with. There are no overlord elves, only some elves around level 80.

For them, it can be solved with a lot of effort.

"Emperor Napoleon, it's your turn to take action!"


Emperor Nabo rushed out like a super motorboat and directly found the Toxic Algae Dragon.

I really came to the right place this time in Neon Country, there is no shortage of fights at all.

Lucario on the other side had the same idea.

It stood completely on the water, punched the air hard, and hit the sea spirit with bursts of energy.

It can almost be said to be one punch at a time.

After fighting against the poisonous algae dragon for a while, he realized that it was a bit sloppy.

The opponent this time is a bit too powerful, and it doesn't seem to be an opponent.

But now that we are facing each other, there is no reason to back down.

The only thought in its mind now is to tear all the humans in front of it into pieces.

Then he launched an attack without thinking.

Scenes like this are not uncommon throughout Neon Country.

Countless trainers also had to get involved in the battle.

Even various weapons were activated.

Many people don't know why these elves in the deep sea attack them humans.

Even if it’s just dumping nuclear wastewater, it won’t be like this.

It's not like water elves don't have the ability to purify.

Alliance Headquarters

In the island owner's office, there were several older men and women sitting in the huge conference room.

Some people even have gray hair and are over 60 years old.

Among them, sitting in the middle is the island owner Nie Kun.

He sat in the middle of the first row.

On the opposite side are countless screens, arranged in a grid pattern.

Inside each projection grid is a different face.

These faces are all upper-level trainers from the seven islands of the alliance headquarters.

"That's the way it is now."

"Kyogre and Groudon have both been born."

"And they are all rushing to the Neon Kingdom."

"We're just going to have to let everyone block them for now."

"But it can't be stopped for too long. They will confront you sooner or later."

"And according to the data, they all wake up automatically without the stimulation of the orb."

"Most people here believe that the discharge of nuclear wastewater from Neon Country caused a chain reaction."

"As the God of the Ocean, Kyogre is responsible for the safety of the ocean."

"So Kyogre woke up as soon as the Neon Kingdom dumped the nuclear wastewater."

"Then there was a great flood, and the elves attacked the city."

"As for Groudon, it may be that he simply sensed Kyogre's awakening and woke up accordingly."

Nie Kun opened his mouth and told the whole story.

After he finished speaking, the conference room was silent for ten seconds.

One of them spoke.

"I think this reason is too far-fetched. Can Kyogre be revived by dumping nuclear wastewater?"

"If this is the case, Kyogre will be able to wake up every day for a hundred years."

"I think it's for other reasons. Neon Country must have done other worse things."

"I think this is our mistake. We underestimated the Neon Kingdom."

"But they deserve what happened this time."

The person who spoke was a beautiful woman wearing a purple dress. From her appearance, she could only tell that she was in her thirties.

She has golden hair and delicate facial features. Although she is older and has crow's feet, her whole body still exudes elegance.

But when he spoke, there was a sharp smell.

She is the island owner of Sinnoh Island—Caroline Dighley Brevarn.

Carolyn for short, that's what everyone called her.

She is the youngest among the seven current island owners. Although she is the youngest, her strength ranks among the top three of the seven island owners.

He is a top genius. Even Shen Chuanjun, the top genius in the alliance headquarters, is slightly inferior to Caroline.

If there is anyone who is most likely to succeed the next head, she is among them.

"I think what Caroline said makes sense. The Neon Kingdom must have done something to wake up Kyogre."

"This disaster can only be said to be caused by themselves, so there is no need for us to get involved and wipe their butts."

Another person spoke, this person's voice was broad.

He himself is also a muscular man, with a Chinese character face, a beard, and is thick and thick.

He folded his arms and expressed his opinion.

He is the island owner of United Island - McGregor.

"Yes, I don't think there is any need to interfere in the affairs of Neon Country."

"As long as they can sustain it for a while, it will be solved when Rayquaza comes over."

"Isn't that what happened a hundred years ago?"

"I don't know if Rayquaza will be able to come this time. After all, the two elves woke up on their own."


A group of people expressed their opinions, and Nie Kun understood what everyone was thinking.

So he said: "Everyone, please be quiet and let me say a few words."

"Neon Country still needs to be saved, just complain."

"There are nearly 200 million people in Neon Country, so we definitely can't just sit back and watch."

"We are mainly looking for Rayquaza right now, but of course there is no guarantee that we will be able to find it."

"Even whether the other party is willing to level Kyogre and Groudon."

"We must also be prepared and use the high-tech weapons we have developed."

"And our last trump card is Lugia. In the end, we really have no choice but to ask it to take action."

After Nie Kun finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

"That's okay, I agree!"

"I agree!"

After everyone heard Nie Kun's solution, they all agreed.

Nie Kun also breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone agreed that it would be fine.

I'm just afraid that people won't agree.

After the meeting, Nie Kun said to the middle-aged man next to him:

"Let them set off quickly and get to Neon Country as quickly as possible."

"Rachel and the others are not feeling well now. The strength gap is too big. Kyogre and Groudon are recovering quickly."

"They would be in danger if they were to return to their heyday."

The middle-aged man nodded solemnly and said: "They have already set off. They are taking our most advanced aircraft. At any cost, 40 minutes will be enough to reach the Neon Kingdom."

"That's good!"

"We have to work harder to find Rayquaza on the other side."

"I have a feeling this is the beginning, and things like this will only increase in the next few years."

After speaking, Nie Kun sighed and quickly walked out of the office.

He took out the elf ball and released a flying dragon.

"Flying Dragon, go to Secret Realm No. 3!"


After hearing the command, the Tyrannosaurus flapped its wings vigorously and rushed out with strong wind.

The middle-aged man braved the strong wind and watched the Tyrannosaurus disappear from his sight.

Rachel touched the sweat on her forehead, and the temperature in the air was getting higher and higher.

Looking at the countless flames underground, I felt a burst of anxiety in my heart.

"It's too hard to resist, this Groudon is too strong!"

They have been dealing with Groudon for half an hour, and the elves' energy and physical strength have been consumed tremendously.

But it seems that Groudon is getting stronger and more energetic.

Xu Jing and Shen Chuanjun could only watch from a distance, because they were not strong enough.

He is only a diamond-level trainer now, and there is still a long way to go before he is a king-level trainer.

Facing Groudon, they couldn't withstand it at all, and just an ordinary flame vortex might kill them.

Xu Jing looked at Groudon, recalling information about Groudon in his mind.

Groudon is said to be the embodiment of the earth, and has long been described in mythology as the spirit that created the land and expanded the continent.

It has the power to make rain clouds disappear and evaporate water to expand the earth with strong light and high temperature. It once appeared as a savior to people suffering from floods.

Legend has it that in order to seek natural energy, it constantly fought with Kyogre, and finally Rayquaza mediated the battle between them.

After the desperate battle with Kyogre, he has been sleeping in the lava underground. It is said that the volcano will erupt once he wakes up.

After the elves came to reality, both Groudon and Kyogre had their own secret realm.

This time they found Groudon from a secret realm, which was a huge volcano.

After the volcano erupted, Groudon also woke up.

However, Xu Jing felt that there were other powerful auras in the secret realm, and he felt that they were also legendary elves.

However, due to Groudon's awakening, he couldn't care about anything else and could only run away.

"Sister Rachel, our support will arrive in half an hour, please hold on a little longer."

After hearing this, Rachel cursed: "Can't Nie Kun let them leave earlier?"

"There's still half an hour, how can we hold on?"

"Five elves on my body have lost their ability to fight."

The battle with Groudon is very dangerous, and an ordinary attack on the body will cause serious damage.

Although she was very careful, her elves were affected during the battle.

She brought a total of 12 elves with her, and seven more elves.

But it took a lot of energy, and she wasn't sure if she could hold on.

Not to mention the others.

"Thanks to book friend C Tianya Passer for the 100 starting coins.

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