This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 568 Mission: Blocking Kyogre (please subscribe, please vote)

The alliance headquarters is divided into seven islands, and there is an island owner on the island, which is equivalent to the champion.

There are four kings and eight gym leaders below. This is the apparent strength of each island.

Then there are various diamond-level trainers, some strong and some weak.

There is no difference between a weak one and an ordinary diamond-level trainer.

Strong ones even have the strength of a gym leader.

None of the gym leaders in the alliance headquarters are weak, and the benchmark is the mid-level king of China, that is, Duan Song's level.

There are 56 such heavenly king alliance headquarters, plus 28 heavenly kings and seven island owners.

This strength is stronger than China, Lighthouse, Bear, Neon, the Sun Never Sets Empire, etc.

The trainers present now are either kings or gym leaders. Even if they are neither, they are still trainers who can compare with Duan Song in terms of strength.

There are a total of 19 such powerful trainers. Such a powerful force cannot be matched even by China.

But even such a powerful force is helpless against Groudon.

When the skill hits Groudon's body, although it will hurt, it won't cause much damage.

After fighting for so long, even a mountain has been destroyed.

But Groudon is still the same, even stronger.

He activated his skills angrily and was hit by the flame vortex and was instantly severely injured.

They persisted for half an hour, and most of the trainer's elves couldn't stand it anymore.

Compared to Groudon's side, the other side was much more miserable, with deaths already appearing.


Countless thunder and lightning struck Kyogre's body, and golden lightning filled Kyogre's body.

Although the lightning filled Kyogre's body, it had little impact on it.

Every time it turns over, it will set off a huge wave and slap it hard towards the surroundings.

Under the impact of the huge waves, it took a lot of effort for the surrounding elves to resist.

The number of people on their side is slightly worse than that on Groudon's side.

Even if there are twenty or thirty more people, they can't make up the difference.

Although there are champions like Elizabeth, it is still a drop in the bucket.

After all, kings like Rachel also have the strength to be champions in some countries.

So there is more than a little difference between them in terms of strength.

Facing Kyogre in the ocean, he was no match.

If it weren't for the electric spirit paralyzing Kyogre, which would hinder its speed.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to withstand it at all.

Even if it lasted half an hour, they couldn't stand it anymore.

Every time Kyogre attacks, a large number of elves will lose their ability to fight.

Even if each heavenly king carries more than 10 elves with him, he can't withstand it.

Not to mention that some elves have already died.

During the battle, some elves were unfortunately hit by Kyogre's water cannon skills and were directly beaten to death.

Generally, even if you are severely injured, you will be in a near-death state at most.

Only when the damage received is too great will one truly die.

Kyogre's skills have reached this level.

But so far, it has not used its ultimate move, Root Wave, otherwise it will only lose more elves.

Kyogre is said to be the embodiment of the ocean and has the power to control water. In mythology, he is called an elf who expands the ocean by flooding the land with heavy rains and huge waves.

It has the power to generate huge rain clouds that can cover the entire sky and cause downpours. It has saved people suffering from dry sunshine.

Legend has it that in order to seek natural energy, it constantly fought with Groudon, and finally Rayquaza mediated the battle between them.

It fell into a deep sleep after a desperate battle with Groudon, and has been sleeping at the bottom of the trench.

Elizabeth couldn't help but sigh as she recalled Kyogre's information and legends.

There is a huge gap between humans and this group of elves with the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

Even as a champion, she couldn't resist it.



I saw a water tornado and a destructive death light colliding together.

The destructive death light was continuously swallowed up by the water tornado.

In the end, it was completely swallowed up, and Kuailong was also swept in by the whirlpool.

Only Kuailong's roar was left in the air. After a few seconds, the whirlpool of water dissipated, and Kuailong, covered in injuries, fell into the sea.


Elizabeth took the dragon back into the elf ball.

The current situation is not good. Her iron fire night glow has long lost its combat ability under Kyogre's attack because it moves too slowly.

There are only five elves left on the body now, and the other elves have lost their fighting ability in the previous battles.

Now that Kuailong is gone, she only has a few elves left.

Thinking of this, he threw out the remaining three elf balls.

"Come on, all of you!"

Three elves sprang out of the elf ball, showed their figures and continued to attack Kyogre.

Even most of the spirit in her champion has lost its ability to fight.

Not to mention other heavenly kings, some of them have already begun to retreat.

Because almost all their elves have no fighting ability.

"Sorry, I'll leave first."

"The elves in me have lost their ability to fight."

Some people said a few words and then turned around and left without any nostalgia.

After playing for half an hour, he finally understood.

This Kyogre is simply not something that humans can conquer.

The gap is too big, what can be done to overcome it?

To be able to support him until now is considered as his best effort.

You can also do business when you go back.

His departure was like a trigger, and kings of more and more countries began to retreat.

They were all afraid, and within a moment they left the fifteen kings.

Suddenly a group of elves were missing, and the others felt tremendous pressure.

Only the Lighthouse Kingdom and the kings of several countries such as Mao Xiong, Dezhi, Asan, and the Sun Never Set were left.

There is nothing others can do about the departure of kings from other countries.

Only a strong man from the Lighthouse Country shouted unhappily:

"Where are the kings of Neon Kingdom and Hua Kingdom? It's been half an hour, but I haven't seen their shadows yet."

"Where have they all gone?"

"The Neon Kingdom has no time to take care of itself. The Chinese Kingdom and the alliance headquarters have launched a fierce battle with the water fleet, and there is not much energy left."

A blond king of Mao Xiong opened his mouth to explain.

The King of Lighthouse Kingdom was still dissatisfied: "That's not the case, no one can come, right?"

"Is it true that the Chinese country claims to be the most powerful in the world, but they all collapsed from exhaustion after a battle?"

Everyone else was speechless.

They also felt that it was unreasonable for Hua not to come.

So people from the Lighthouse Country have already begun to contact President Zhou of the Chinese Country.

"The president of the Chinese Elf Association said that they have launched rescue activities in Neon Country."

"But they'll be here soon."

One person said suddenly.

One of Asan's kings sneered after hearing this:

"Come here, the battle may be over by the time they come."

Others have similar thoughts to that person. Now the situation is unfavorable, and everyone is holding a ball of anger in their hearts.

If you find the right opportunity, vent it out. When the King of China arrives, there will probably be another wave of output.



Metagross shot out a spiral beam of light and hit a catfish king.

Blast it into deep water, causing it to instantly lose its ability to fight.

At the same time, everyone recovered after being seriously injured.

Then they all fled the scene quickly, and soon there were no elves near the commercial building.

Shang Qing exhaled. Among all the kings present, she was the weakest.

So she was the most difficult person in the battle, and she was also the one who consumed the most now.

But now she has to take a break. She has been fighting and has never had a good rest.

She quickly took out the energy cubes from her pocket and fed them one by one.

It's good to recover quickly, but I'm afraid I'll have to fight later.

Jiang Jing also breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't bear to keep fighting.

Just when he was about to take Qiao Nan and the others to find Li Muyu, his phone rang again.

This time it was President Zhou who called.

Jiang Jing's expression was condensed. Normally, President Zhou would not choose to call him if there was nothing important.

This means there is something very important that they need to do.

"Hey, President Zhou, is there anything important you call me about?"

"Jiang Jing, there is something you need to deal with."

President Zhou told the whole story in a serious voice on the opposite side.

The general idea is to let him lead people to Kyogre for support. He is now considered a powerful force here.

Among all the powerful countries in this obstruction operation, only China is missing. This is indeed unreasonable.

Other countries also had opinions, so President Zhou decided to let Jiang Jing and the others go there too.

As for Ji Changkong, it is not suitable because the previous battle with the water fleet was too costly.

The other kings and champions in the country also have things to do, so Jiang Jing can only do it.

Jiang Jing is now one of the best among the kings of China and must shoulder greater responsibilities.

"Okay, I understand, leave it to me!"

"Jiang Jing, thank you very much." President Zhou said seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jing exhaled and his head started to work crazily.

He made his decision within ten seconds.

"Fortunately, Senior Sister Qiao Nan, you and Shang Qing will stay and continue to save us Chinese people."

"The four of us, Tang Jian, Uncle Yao, and Duan Song, will go to the sea to stop Kyogre with the kings of other countries."

Duan Song jumped up immediately after hearing this: "No, you can't go!"

"Be careful and you will die. Kyogre is a legendary elf with the ability to destroy the world."

"Wouldn't it be great if we continue to stay in Neon Country to carry out our mission?"

After hearing this, Jiang Jing looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Don't worry about safety issues. The kings of other countries have been fighting for more than half an hour and are fine."

"We won't have to worry about that."

"I'm the leader, just listen to me."

"Let's go!"


"Haha, I've wanted to see Kyogre and Groudon for a long time. I didn't expect that I could actually see them." Su Yao became a little excited.

Seeing that the three of them had no objections, Duan Song didn't say anything and could only follow behind obediently.

Qiao Nan originally wanted to open her mouth and follow, but she thought that her current condition was not very good.

If we go together, we might be holding them back.

So after seeing them disappear from sight, he turned to Shang Qing and said, "Then we will be the only ones left."

"Metrogross accelerates at full speed!"


Metagross began to accelerate with all its strength. When Metagross began to accelerate with all its strength, it was faster than the aircraft.

The four people from Jiang Jing were flying towards the sea at the fastest speed.

Even if they encountered other powerful water elves in the middle, they didn't care.

When accelerated straight away, the speed is indeed terrifyingly fast.

When a top trainer starts moving forward at full speed, he is faster than an airplane.

It was still raining heavily in the sky, and there was lightning and thunder.

The weather is getting worse, but Kyogre in the sea is still extremely active.

It seems that he can't wait to have a battle with Groudon.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Jing and the others finally saw their target.


Huge waves arose on the sea, crashing heavily on the sea.


Several more elves were severely injured by the huge waves and lost their ability to fight.

Jiang Jing looked at the elves and aircraft flying in the sky.

Now there are only a dozen people and more than thirty elves left, with an average of only three elves left per person.

The most dazzling one is a lightning bird whose body is filled with golden thunder and lightning.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned it instantly.

[Elf]: Lightning Bird (Super Thunder Stone)

[Attribute]: Electricity


[Level]: LV95

[Characteristics]: Feeling of oppression


Jiang Jing was shocked when he saw the level of Lightning Bird. It was actually a level 95 Lightning Bird.

The level is too high, it can be said to be ridiculously high.

Looking at a face in the sky, it suddenly became clear that if this was the elf of the champion of the Empire on which the sun never sets, level 95 would be enough.

Jiang Jing even felt that it was lower than he imagined.

He always thought that the champion of a country would have elves at level 98 or 99.

It seemed that after the elf broke through level 90, it would be more difficult to level up than he thought.

Then he set his sights on Kyogre in the stormy waves below.

In just one second, Kyogre's various data appeared in his data eyes.

[Elf]: Kyogre (normal form)

[Attribute]: Water

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV100

[Characteristics]: Rainfall

[Skills]:..., Water Cannon (Legend), Water Tail (Legend), Water Cannon (Legend), Meditation (Legend), Root Wave (Legend), Sea of ​​Origin (Legend), Nature Control·Water ( legend)

Jiang Jing looked at Kyogre's data and compared it with other elves, and found that they were not on the same level at all.

At first glance, all the skills are at the legendary level.

Other elves can't fight it at all, and this is just its normal state.

If it becomes a primitive regression, then the strength will at least be improved to another level.

They had never fought Kyurem before, but it was different now. They were going to have a head-on confrontation with Kyogre.

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