Chapter 4 Arthur Pendragon!

Hearing Charmander's unintentional comments about his meal, Zhou You gave Eden a thumbs up decisively.


Charmander naturally cannot speak, and its vocal cords can only make it make specific sounds. However, with the help of Eden, who understood Charmander's words, he used illusion to simultaneously interpret the meaning to the people around him!

"As long as you like to eat, I'll make more for you in the future." "Yeah!"

During his free time after lunch, Zhou You inadvertently recalled the plot of the original novel that he had watched several times in his childhood.

The encounter and conflict between Xiaozhi and Pi Shen were chased by the Spearow. In the end, the conflict between humans and pets was resolved and the mist cleared up, and the cameraman Mega Big Mouth gave him the blessing to set off.

There seemed to be a thunderstorm during this period?

So he hurriedly packed his lunch suit and set off again with Eden and Charmander.

On the way, Zhou You asked Charmander a question: "Charmander, have you decided on your name?"

"Name..." Xiao Charmander lowered his head and thought deeply after hearing this.

A name is a code given to a person after he or she is born. It is the inheritance and beautiful meaning left by the predecessors to future generations. It is generally an important thing that accompanies a person throughout his life.

Charmander, the Charmander of the Yusan family, the traveling Charmander... Although the titles do not have any derogatory connotations, they make the Charmander more like an affiliated existence of some other group, thing, or individual.

But for both humans and elves, their names are their precious possessions and are the key to maintaining themselves and establishing their social attributes.

"I haven't decided on my name yet." Charmander, who is new to the world, naturally hasn't thought about it yet.

"There's no rush, we'll think about it slowly."

I recall that when Zhou You first took over the Charmander from Dr. Ohmu in the flaming red, he was also asked if he wanted to give it a name.

Of course, I chose "Yes", but Zhou You soon became confused when he saw the pile of untranslated Japanese Hiragana letters. As a result, there was no exit option in that interface.

So more than 20 years ago, the first Charmander that traveled around sadly got the name "Ahhhhhh (the first vowel of Hiragana)".

This time it was different.

"Names often combine the meaning of parents for their children. Charmander, what kind of elf do you want to be in the future? How about putting your wishes in the name?"

"My wish?" Charmander thought for a long time and gave a plausible answer: "I want to be with you!"

"Well, I also hope to live with you and everyone all the time!"

"But this kind of wish can't be put in the name at all." Eden complained on the side, and also participated in the naming suggestion, "Think more about Charmander's future evolution, at least don't use it for that purpose. After some time of evolution I found the name inappropriate.”

For example, an ultrasonic larvae was named "grasshopper", but it evolved into a desert dragonfly more than ten years later...

Another example is naming a round land shark "Fat Ball", but it evolved into Cap Lias more than ten years later...

Choosing a name should not only take into account the child's appearance and wishes, but also consider how the child will feel when he or she grows up and is called that name!

"My evolved form?"

Zhou You opened the illustrated book and showed Charmander its own evolutionary chain.

"Can I grow wings and fly in the future? Then I can play with the Bibi birds in the institute!"

"Charmander seems to be looking forward to being able to fly in the future, so when naming him, he should lean towards that side more often." Eden thought for a long time and gave a recommendation, "Deathwing?"

"This name sounds very short-lived." Zhou You commented.

Eden recommended again: "Then ride a flight attendant?"

"This name sounds like it is prone to liver necrosis." Zhou You continued to comment.

"Then let's call it Icarus!" Eden finally gave him a name that was almost understandable. "Anyway, the fire element is not afraid of the burning of the sun."

"Oh, I shouldn't have told you those messy stories all these years."

"Hmm... isn't there a shorter name, something similar to Eden?" At this time, Charmander put forward his own opinion.

A simple name that's short and easy to remember, like Eden.

Zhou You fell into deep thought.

Charmander → Fire Dinosaur → Charizard, which looks like a lizard and is derived from the appearance of a Western dragon. The designer is Mr. Atsuko Nishida.

Winged lizards, western dragons, reddish fire-breathing dragons, red dragons, Welsh...

When talking about the red dragon of Wales, what should really come to mind?

"Arthur Pendragon!" Zhou You said confidently.

Even Eden had nothing to say this time: "How could a parent in his right mind name his child Pendragon...well, it's really a dragon."

Charmander looked confused. Didn't he just agree to give a name as short as Eden? ?

Probably seeing the confusion in the other person's eyes, Zhou You took the initiative to explain.

"Actually, it's Arthur. It's a good name with a long history and beautiful meaning.

"Let's talk while walking, and I'll tell you a story about a king. According to legend, there is Avalon in Great Britain..."

Arthur Pendragon, the legendary king of ancient Britain, known as the Red Dragon of Britain.

In the legend of knights, young Arthur is the king of noble knights with many beautiful qualities. It is no longer important what his character is and whether he exists, and has long become a symbol of chivalry.

Chivalry...the almost non-existent false virtue that the knights boasted when they ruled and oppressed the people.

"But no matter what, King Arthur and chivalry remain a lifelong pursuit for many people."

At the end of the story, Zhou You explained the meaning of the name to Charmander: "Legend has it that Charizards are strong but not arrogant. They will only use their power against the strong and will never unleash their force on the weak. After countless battles, they can finally Sprays flames that melt everything.

"Therefore, I hope that you can be like your aloof ancestor or this King Arthur, who is kind, upright, humble, perseverant, just, intelligent, and able to fight to protect the weak and maintain honor."

You have to educate your children as early as possible. If you really want Charmander to evolve rapidly like Xiaozhi's Charmander and then have a drastic change in temperament before you think about education, then it will be too late!

In the beginning, power is secondary, the most important thing is to establish good character for the elves!

Or Elf grid?

"Hmph, none of the knights are as chivalrous as you say." Eden (←evil attribute) couldn't help complaining.

"Knights are knights, we are us, just use them as negative teaching materials." Zhou You said sternly, "It is precisely because this is a very difficult path that most people cannot achieve or even contradicts it, that we have to go value achieved.”

Having said that, this little fire dragon has only been around for a few months since it was born. Even with Eden helping to translate the semantics, it would be difficult to understand so many complex concepts and vocabulary.

At best, it can only understand that "Arthur" is a good name and "chivalry" is a very good thing.

There is a long way to go.

Fortunately, Charmander finally accepted the name: "Well, my name will be Arthur!"

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