Before evening, Zhou You finally arrived at the Elf Center in Joban City. With the Elf Encyclopedia given by Dr. Oki, he completed the registration and became a member of the Quartz Alliance trainers.

"It's actually quite safe in the wilderness." While resting on the sofa in the hall of the Elf Center, Zhou You summarized his experiences along the way.

"Yes, there are no humans or elves on the dirt road." Arthur (Charmander) also nodded.

"Maybe they are all chasing other people." Eden (played by Zoroa) revealed the truth in a sense.

After resting for a while, seeing that the weather was still a little gloomy, Zhou You planned to hide in the elf center to rest for a while, and called Dr. Omu to report that he was safe.

Having said that, although many basic disciplines and construction are still imperfect in the world here, the technology tree is growing gratifyingly (although it is crooked).

No, the phone in the Elf Center actually has a video call function, and the video is so clear that it can even match the brand name of the bag of instant noodles on Dr. Ohmu's table - Little Elephant.

"Doctor, I have arrived at the Spirit Center in Joban City safely. Also, don't always eat instant noodles when Qinglu and I are outside."

"Oh, how can I have time to cook? By the way, Qiaoqiao, your progress is really fast. Have you met any rare elves?"

"There are Bobo, Little Rattata, Rattata, Tail Set, Big Tail Set, Gugu, Hazelnut Ball, Spinytail Bug, Ladybug, Orb Silk Spider, Walking Grass and Trumpet Bud." He said in one breath that he was in 1 Of all the elves that Haolu had encountered, Zhou You added, "Many of them are not native elves from Kanto. They are species from the Johto and Hoenn regions."

There are many reasons for the appearance of these elves, including species migration, ecological management, and even ecological invasion caused by some trainers' mistakes.

It is said that Team Rocket has been plundering, selling, and smuggling illegal elves in the past two years. The ecological changes in the Kanto region are probably inseparable from them. This is why Dr. Ohgi asked Zhou You and others to investigate the local ecology and complete the illustrated book while traveling around the world. One of the reasons.

In addition, according to Dr. Ohki's speculation, the reason why Zoroa, whose birthplace was not in Kanto, appeared was probably because of Team Rocket's smuggling.

"That's it..."

Dr. Oki sighed helplessly: "Our researchers can only contact the rangers to discuss how to solve this matter. This Rockets team really does all kinds of evil. If I had to drag my friends to beat them when I was young, You can’t be a new person.”

"Qiaoqiao, you should be careful when you go out. If you encounter the Rockets, you must avoid them. When the Quartz League is over, there should be someone dedicated to manage them."

Zhou You nodded. It was indeed not his duty as a 10-year-old child to fight against evil forces. Even if he knew the leader of Team Rocket and the location of the secret base, it would be more reliable to leave it to the elite trainers of the alliance.

"By the way." Dr. Omu seemed to remember something again, "I seem to have a grandson. What is his... name?"

"Call Xiaozhi!" Eden, who transformed into a wandering appearance, rushed out to answer.

"The fox's tail is exposed again, let's practice more." Zhou You pushed Eden away from the camera, "Qinglu is not here, doctor, there is no point in making this joke."

"Hahaha, I was teasing that child."

Dr. Ohmu blinked and continued: "What I want to say is that Qinglu just called me and told me that he had arrived in Nibi City by car and defeated the museum owner Xiaogang in three times, five and two, Qiao Qiao, you You have to work harder. Do you have any plans for this Quartz Alliance?"


Zhou You was stunned. He was indeed aiming for the championship of this Youth Trainer Competition, and he had started preparing for it a few years ago. But when Dr. Ohmu really asked him, he didn't know what to say.

Three words can be said in a thousand words - Team Sunny!

Taking sunny weather as the main axis, it provides weather tactics for fire-based output players to deal with the environment.

After suppressing the tactics that he almost blurted out, Zhou You roughly organized his words and revealed his plan to Dr. Ohmu.

"I prefer to use fire-attributed elves as the core to attack, and the Quartz League requires contestants to have 6 elves, so my initial choices were Eden, Arthur...that is, Charmander. In addition, Shell Beasts (weather, joint defense), coconut palms (powerful), beautiful flowers (weather, chlorophyll) and big birds (downwind).”

Dabi bird = domestic bird, easy to use, easy to raise and cheap.

Slowpoke = Slowpoke + Bigtongue, an omnivorous elf, easy to use, easy to raise, and cheap.

The coconut egg tree evolved from the egg through the leaf stone. It is easy to use and easy to maintain. Only the leaf stone is expensive, but there are also wild coconut egg trees.

Beautiful Flower is the evolution of Stinky Flower through Sun Stone. It is easy to use and easy to raise. Only Sun Stone is more expensive, but Stinky Flower is actually enough.

"This doesn't seem to be a fire-based team, right? But the four elves you mentioned are very good, and they are suitable for beginner trainers to train."

Dr. Oki also gave a similar evaluation to Zhou You, but he quickly noticed the phrase "the choice at the beginning".

"Have you changed your mind now that you made your choice at the beginning?"

"Of course, later I reconsidered my financial situation and my ability as a trainer..."

Later, Zhou You reflected that instead of spreading resources and energy to 6 elves, it would be better to focus on training a few elites.

He is just a new trainer. He has insufficient energy, skills, and knowledge. The more elves he trains at the same time, the more distracted he will be. The result will be counterproductive and delay the growth of the elves.

This year's competition held by the Quartz Alliance is aimed at teenagers, and the contestants are basically newcomers or trainers with some basic knowledge.

In this case, those who can perfectly display the basic qualities of a trainer can stand out.

After all, in the early stage of average leveling, it is better to give resources to the big brother to go to C, and Zoroa and Charmander are the big brothers who can use C!

After hearing Zhou You's thoughts, Dr. Omu also nodded: "Specializing in limited elves is indeed an option, so Qiaoqiao, come on, I'll take care of the elves that Ye Zi just sent to me."

After hanging up the contact with Dr. Omu, Zhou You couldn't help but smile.

What he just said is still not his final plan. Sure enough, it would be more interesting to wait until the competition to surprise Doctor, Qinglu, and Ye Zi!

Some secrets that ordinary trainers know nothing about are self-evident to time travellers.

There is only one legendary Pokémon, which is what some people call "mythical beasts". Even new trainers have the opportunity to obtain and properly train it!

Gazing confidently at the four legendary Pokémon on the mural of the Pokémon Center in Joban City, Zhou You silently began to plan his plan to obtain the first puzzle piece of "Team Sunny".

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