This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 104 What's Wrong, Is This The Only Thing?

Chapter 104 What's wrong, is this the only thing?


Killer Bee, in the form of Eight Tails Gyūki, slams into the rubble.

Uzumaki Naruto clapped his hands, looked at the stunned Uchiha Shisui, and couldn't help but smile.

"What's the matter, is it so surprising!?"

Uchiha Shisui swallowed dryly.

"But...that's a tailed beast..."

Eight Tails Gyūki, who was like a mountain, was thrown away by Uzumaki Naruto.

Uchiha Shisui wouldn't be a bit surprised if Uzumaki Naruto used Susanoo, but it was thrown out.

The human state throws a mountain away.

This sense of contrast must be a little too big!?

Uzumaki Naruto laughed dumbfounded: "This is where we are, the enemies we will meet next are much stronger than this, let's go.

Wait until the two "603" people leave.

Only then did the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas dare to swarm over, looking at the struggling Killer Bee in the ruins with a shocked face.

"Really? That guy just now threw Master Killer Bee in the tailed beast state..."

"That's the state of a tailed beast, and its weight is not much different from a mountain."

"Namikaze's face-numbing strength is probably comparable to Fourth Raikage's. It's too strong, and it's not an opponent at all..."

When passing the gate of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Uzumaki Naruto rubbed his temple helplessly, and looked at the two people in the distance helplessly.

"Is it really....... Is luck so bad!?"

Fourth Raikage Ai!

Senju Princess Tsunade!

The two stood there like door gods, looking at this side angrily, as if they could rush over at any time.

"Fourth Raikage, Master Tsunade, these two are actually here...

Uchiha Shisui became alert, feeling something was wrong.

The two in front of me are undoubtedly Kage-level powerhouses, besides these two, Wooden Golem and Eight Tails Killer Bee are also nearby.

The former is dealing with Three Tails, and the latter is thrown into the mountain wall by Naruto-sama, but both of them can come to support soon.

Four Kage-level powerhouses!!!

Equivalent to Konoha's fighting power at its peak!!!

On my side... there are only two people, the situation is a bit bad.

"Master Naruto, what should I do, do you want me to use Distinguished Heavenly Gods!?"

Mangekyō Sharingan swirled in Uchiha Shisui's eyes, and he looked at Uzumaki Naruto firmly.

Strongest Illusion Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

If Uzumaki Naruto agrees, he will use the illusion Distinguished Heavenly Gods here to change the consciousness of Fourth Raikage and Tsunade

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head, shook his shoulders, and said lightly:

"Stand behind me, I'll make a move."

"Tsunade, I didn't expect Namikaze to offend you."

Fourth Raikage Ai crossed his arms and said.

Tsunade gritted his teeth and looked at Uzumaki Naruto: "This brat, I won't let him go, Fourth Raikage, stop me Uchiha Shisui, Namikaze is mine.

Fourth Raikage Ai agreed aggrievedly.

"Okay, let me repay the kindness last time."

Before, he begged Tsunade to heal one of his subordinates, for which he owed a big favor, and now, even though he was furious, he could only agree.


Before the two of them finished their discussion, their pupils shrank at the same time.


"This guy...does he want to fight alone!?"

Fourth Raikage and Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Naruto in disbelief, this guy..... rushed over by himself.

"Don't underestimate Raikage!!!"

Fourth Raikage was so angry that he didn't care about any promises, and punched Uzumaki Naruto hard.

"Weird power!"

Uzumaki Naruto whispered, and punched Fourth Raikage together.

next second.

The figure of Fourth Raikage was thrown like a bowling ball, hitting the October mountain wall heavily.

Uzumaki Naruto kept casting, gave Tsunade a cold look and kicked him.

"Dead Bone Pulse!"

"Sage Body!"


With fists and kicks together, there was a loud bang like an explosion, Tsunade's face changed suddenly, his body was sent flying tens of meters, and his feet wiped out a long trace on the ground.

Punch and kick.

Fourth Raikage and Tsunade are all knocked back.

Uzumaki Naruto shook his neck, Red wings spread out from his back, burning like a flame, and said lightly:

"What's wrong!?"

"Come on, you don't even have the strength!?"

While speaking, the corners of Uzumaki Naruto's mouth curled into a subtle arc, and Wei Blue's eyes stared at the two people on the opposite side with contempt.

I hide my strength and identity, not for rubbish like you...


Fourth Raikage pushed away a big rock, climbed out of the mountain wall in embarrassment, and looked at Uzumaki Naruto angrily.

Tsunade also gritted his teeth, looking at Uzumaki Naruto angrily.

"Lightning Style Chakra Mode!!!"

Fourth Raikage roared loudly, the thunder on his body exploded, Wei Blue's thunder flickered, and his hair stood on end like a Super Saiyan.

"Hundred Healings Mark‧Solution!"

Part of the diamond-shaped imprint on Tsunade's head was broken, the lines of the Black curse imprint spread, and the Chakra on his body boiled.

The two did not have much conversation.

At the same time rush to Uzumaki Naruto.

"bang bang bang"

The fists and feet collided constantly, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to keep up with the naked eye.

Every collision was like an explosion, and the ground where the three of them stepped on caused huge Black cracks to spread out in each collision.

"Heaven guards the feet!!!"

Tsunade roared, raised his right foot high, and slammed down hard.

Uzumaki Naruto grabbed Tsunade's wrist with one hand in his left hand, his feet sank, and he stepped on the ground with cracks.

However, Tsunade was also thrown to the cliff by Uzumaki Naruto.

"Thunder bombs me!!!"

Fourth Raikage Ai appeared behind Uzumaki Naruto, and the fist in his hand slammed down towards Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto's expression moved, the wings on his back directly blocked Fourth Raikage's fist, and then he kicked back violently sideways.

0.3 "Boom!!!"

Fourth Raikage Ai was kicked several steps away, gasped heavily, and looked at Uzumaki Naruto in shock.

"You guy... you actually rely on physical skills..."

Just using physical skills to block myself and Tsunade, this kind of strong... actually really exists.

Uzumaki Naruto licked his lips: "It's not over yet!"

"Buy Eight Inner Gates!"

Uzumaki Naruto spoke in his head.

Immediately, a torrent of memories poured into Uzumaki Naruto's mind, and Konoha Forbidden Technique Eight Inner Gates also mastered it instantly.

"bring it on!"

"The first gate of the Eight Inner Gates is open!"

"Eight Inner Gates Second Gate · Hugh Gate Open!"

"Eight Inner Gates Third Gate Open!"

"Eight Inner Gates Fourth Gate · Injury Gate · Open!"

"Eight Inner Gates Fifth Gate Dumen Open!"

"Eight Inner Gates Sixth Gate·Jingmen·Open!".

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