This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 105: Eight Inner Gates Chapter Seventh Gate·Shocking·Open

Chapter 105: Eight Inner Gates Chapter Seventh Gate

"Eight Inner Gates!?"

Startled, Tsunade rubbed his eyes, looking in disbelief at Uzumaki Naruto, who burst into Chakra.

"Eight Inner Gates is Konoha's Forbidden Technique, which is sealed in the sealed book. Even the physical ninjas in Konoha Village rarely learn this ninjutsu."

"You bastard... who the hell are you?"

Tsunade's expression became serious, before, she thought that Uzumaki Naruto was just disguising Ye's identity.

But now it seems that this guy definitely has a lot to do with Konoha.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use Eight Inner Gates, know about Jiraiya, or even... know about his phobia.

Uzumaki Naruto ignored Tsunade, looking at his palm with a little surprise.

Red Chakra is boiling on both hands and body, and the Chakra in the body has surged dozens of times at this moment.

"I originally thought that Eight Inner Gates was a physical enhancement technique. Unexpectedly, Eight Inner Gates is to lift the restriction of Chakra, and then let the strength reach a limit..."

"And... I feel that Eight Inner Gates doesn't hurt me that much..."

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fist violently, it was only an empty grip, but there was an explosion sound of pinching the air.

"The body didn't take much's not like Might Guy, is it because of my Sage Body and Dead Bone Pulse?"

While muttering to himself, Uzumaki Naruto's figure flashed like a flash of red light, running around Fourth Raikage and Tsunade at super high speed.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In just ten seconds, Uzumaki Naruto ran hundreds of laps around Fourth Raikage and Tsunade.

Fourth Raikage and Tsunade looked dazzled.

"This is... what speed!?"

Cold sweat broke out on Fourth Raikage Ai's forehead.

Although I don't have the dynamic vision of Sharingan, my eyes have been tempered, but... I can't even see the figure of Naruto, the vortex.

Tsunade swallowed: "Dangerous, Eight Inner Gates is a forbidden ninjutsu that unleashes the potential of the body."

"Namikaze facial numbness can explode that kind of physical skill without using Eight Inner Gates. Now with Eight Inner Gates, it is equivalent to improving the original basis by dozens of times..."

While speaking, Tsunade's body trembled slightly.

Namikaze, who was already so strong, will be strengthened dozens of times after using Eight Inner Gates. What kind of terrifying strength will this be?


Uzumaki Naruto stepped down, and his figure stopped firmly on a mountain.

However, the mountain peak was trampled and exploded, spider web-like cracks spread all over the entire mountain, and then it collapsed rumblingly.

"Not bad, it's exactly what I thought."

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes are fiery: "Dead Bone Pulse has strong osteoblasts, and Sage Body has strong recovery abilities, which means that I can do far less damage with Eight Inner Gates than Might Guy."

"Now it's the Sixth Gate, I can try to open the Seventh Gate, and I won't die if I manage the Eighth Gate......

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help swallowing.

Eight Inner Gates When the eight gates are fully opened, it is called "Eight Inner Gates Formation", which can instantly gain ten times the power over the five shadows, but it will also die due to the exhaustion of its own vitality.

But the vitality of Sage Body is dozens of times stronger than that of Common people.

The bone-forming cells of Dead Bone Pulse can also continuously provide vitality.

If these are not enough, I still have Hundred Healings Mark. In the state of Hundred Healings Mark, Xianju Chakra will replenish life history crazily

"Try it!"

Uzumaki Naruto completely ignored Fourth Raikage and Tsunade and just wanted to study Eight Inner Gates now.

If you guessed right.

Eight Inner Gates, it seems, probably, maybe... very suitable for me.

"Eight Inner Gates Seventh Gate·Shocking·Open!"

After a loud roar, the seething Chakra on Uzumaki Naruto's body grew larger, almost forming a human-shaped torch.

Uchiha Shisui's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Master Mianma, there is no need to do this step!?"

"The opponents are only Raikage and Tsunade-sama, there is absolutely no need for you to open this door, even if you let me do it."

The Seventh Gate of Eight Inner Gates is different from the previous Sixth Gate. After opening the shocking gate, it will already cause irreversible damage to the body.

Uzumaki Naruto was in the flames of Chakra, squeezed his fist lightly, and said with a smile: "No, it's just an experiment, it won't hurt.


And what I thought was right.

With his own body, he can fully withstand the backlash brought by Eight Inner Gates.

Opening the Seventh Gate of the Eight Inner Gates, I didn't feel any physical injury at all. On the contrary, I could feel the surging power in my body.

"The dead gate of the Eight Inner Gates...what if I open it!?"

Uzumaki Naruto is a little eager to try.

If even the eighth gate of death can be opened without injury, no, even a few injuries are fine, as long as he does not die, it means that he has a powerful trump card.

But in the end reason prevailed.

"It's still a little dangerous... right now. It's not in a hurry."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Fourth Raikage Ai and Tsunade, the corner of his mouth curled up, and the figure disappeared in place as soon as he stepped on the ground.


The ground under one step was stepped out of a huge pit.

"So fast!!!"

Fourth Raikage's pupils dilated, and he quickly turned his head to look around: "It's so fast, I can't see it at all. This speed... is comparable to Minato's Flying Thunder God..."

"Where are you... looking!?"

A faint voice came from behind, Fourth Raikage Aizhi 073 felt his scalp go numb, without saying a word, he turned around and punched his back.

Punching the air, Fourth Raikage's eyes widened.

"Where are people!?"

"The sound was still here just now, why is it suddenly gone!?"

Tsunade's pupils shrank, and he pointed at Fourth Raikage's back and shouted: "Be careful, he's behind you.

Fourth Raikage was terrified, and when he turned around, Namikaze appeared behind him with a numb face.

This time, as soon as Fourth Raikage turned around, he saw a hand pressing towards his face.

Uzumaki Naruto pressed his right hand on Fourth Raikage's face, slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and exerted force with his palm. With a bang, Fourth Raikage's head was directly smashed into the soil.

"No way!?"

"That Fourth Raikage...doesn't even have the speed to react!?"

Tsunade's face turned pale, but he still braced his body and punched Uzumaki Naruto hard.


Uzumaki Naruto easily grasped Tsunade's wrist, and the huge strength was invisible.


Tsunade groaned, fell to one knee with a plop, and looked up at Uzumaki Naruto with shocked eyes.

Uzumaki Naruto bent his right index finger and placed it on Tsunade's fair forehead.



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