This Warm Marriage is Bone-deep Sweet

Chapter 703: Don't move, let me hug it

  Chapter 703 Don't move, let me hold it for a while!

  Wen Cheng responded to Duanmu Lanya in this way, and it was indeed because she was frightened by Xiao Qi.

  Especially when she saw her jaw bleeding, many, many possibilities flashed through her mind.

  Probably no one can understand that mood, which is sour and astringent, and nervous, not knowing what to do.

  She was thinking, if Xiao Qi is suffering from any disease, she is willing to use everything she has to save him.

  Heart, Liver, Lung, Spleen and Kidney, whatever she needs, she will give it herself.

  Danmu Lanya's eyes flashed, and the hand holding the cup did not force her, and she said a comforting sentence: "Orange, don't worry too much. Xiao Qi's blessed face will be fine.

  I will go to the kitchen to make some pear soup for her in a while, and the fire will be fine. "

  She finished speaking on her own. Seeing that Wen Cheng did not respond, she also knew that the grievances between their mother and daughter could not be relieved overnight.

Duanmu Lanya put the cup on the coffee table again. When she got up, she glanced at Wen Orange, but finally turned her gaze on Lei Ruixiu, "Xiao Lei, please help take care of her. I will make the pear soup later. Let someone send it over."

  Lei Ruixiu nodded, "Trouble Mrs. Wen."

  Danmu Lanya glanced at Wen Cheng again, before turning around, Wen Cheng was sitting on the sofa looking at the scene of smoking herself outside the window.

  She lowered her eyes silently, with a trace of trauma on her face.

  After Lei Ruixiu watched Duanmu Lanya leave, he changed seats, and he took the cigarette from her hand in the blink of an eye.

  Wen Cheng was in a heavy mood, looking blankly at the half of the cigarette that Lei Ruixiu had bitten in her mouth, her eyebrows narrowed and her tone was unhappy, "Would you like to smoke yourself?"

   Knowing that her emotions are not right, Lei Ruixiu will naturally not have the same knowledge as her.

  He bit the cigarette **** with the tip of his teeth, and after taking a sip, he approached Wen Cheng’s cheek, and said in a very soft and magnetic voice: "The cigarette I lighted by myself does not smell of you!"

  Wen Orange: "..."

  If there is anyone or anything that can divert her attention when she is hesitant, I am afraid that only Lei Ruixiu can do it.

  Wen Cheng watched his serious nonsense, and wanted to open his mouth to make a sarcasm, but it was difficult to say what he said.

  She looked at Lei Ruixiu's pupils that melted the warm sun outside the window, dark and deep but not heavy, because she clearly saw her figure locked in the deepest part of his eyes.

  Wen Orange and his eyes were facing each other. Perhaps the fear in his heart trapped her impermeably, while Lei Ruixiu's gentle attitude was like the starlight of redemption to dispel the panic in her heart.

  For the first time, Wen Cheng took off his guard, but hugged Lei Ruixiu with a sad brow.

  She is a bit cold and wants to absorb the warmth from him.

  Lei Ruixiu was a little surprised, his thick eyebrows provoked an incredible arc.

He screwed the cigarette **** in his mouth into the ashtray, and when he returned his hand, he brought Wen Orange’s thin shoulders into the depths of his arms, with a gentle teasing in his voice: “It’s not easy to let you take the initiative to throw and hug. !"

  Wen Cheng's body leaning against his arms stiffened for a second, and she wanted to push him away like a puff, but the arms on her back held her tighter, "Don't move, let me hold her for a while!"

  Lei Ruixiu's words were dumb and full of magnetism, just such a low, soft tone, causing countless ripples in Wen Orange's heart.

  She sniffed the scent on him a little vainly, familiar and good smelling.

  They did not speak any more, sitting quietly in the living room, relying on each other.

  Wen Cheng felt that when she was in need of warmth, there was a person by her side, silently accompanying her, and that feeling was really warm.

  (End of this chapter)

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