This Warm Marriage is Bone-deep Sweet

Chapter 704: She might scare them!

  Chapter 704 She may scare them!

  Downstairs, Wen Cheng and Lei Ruixiu are hugging each other quietly, while upstairs is another quiet picture.

  Yan Shiqi's nosebleeds, in her opinion, was a small accident that could not be smaller.

  But it caused such a big reaction from everyone that she didn't even expect it.

  This meeting, it is already half past ten.

  Previously, she had a simple sandwich meal downstairs. After being carried upstairs by a man, she stayed on the bed with two **** of cotton wool stuck in the tip of her nose, which looked a little funny.

  On the bedside table, there was a humidifier delivered by the servant urgently. Even the floor-to-ceiling window of the bedroom had a small gap. The temperature in the room was neither hot nor cold, but it was much more comfortable than before.

  Yan Shiqi lay flat, while the man leaned on the head of the bed, his cold face still taut.

  The silent and tranquil atmosphere made her feel very bottomless.

  Her hands were flat against her lower abdomen, she shook her toes, and when she tilted her head, she slammed into the man’s deep sea-like eyes. She pressed the bridge of her nose, "Why don’t you speak?"

  The man pursed his thin lips, stretched out his hand lightly, and stroked her forehead a little bit, "What do you want to hear?"

   "Hmm..." Yan Shiqi pretended to think seriously for a second, then gently turned over and moved in his direction, "Just say what you want, what do you think?"

  The man saw her turning over, and an imperceptible tension flashed across his eyes.

   He sighed softly, narrowed the distance between each other, touched her warm face, and said dumbly: “Tomorrow’s check-in may be too late. If you have time in the afternoon, you can also go there.”

  Yan Shiqi: "..."

  She rubbed his arms and couldn't help but roll over and lift her cheeks to look at him, "Is it too trivial, it's actually a nosebleed, it's not uncommon before."

   Although she is also very strange, but it is not a big deal.

  There are thousands of girls in the world, who hasn’t had a nosebleed yet.

  The man sighed quietly, his eyes darkened, and his mellow voice immediately sounded: "Even if it's a fuss, please feel at ease."

  Yan Shi moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything, and buried his face directly on his chest.

  She might scare them.

  Think about it, if she saw the fourth brother or Wen Cheng bleeding, that mood would definitely not be good.

  Yan Shiqi's thoughts fluctuated in the man's arms, and fell asleep unexpectedly in less than ten minutes.

  In the morning, everyone came and went in a hurry, and the medical team gave her a simple examination. After this would relax physically and mentally, she went into a dream tiredly.

  The sound of slow breathing came, and the man looked at her quietly sleeping face motionless.

  Perhaps she hadn't noticed it herself. After the nosebleed, her rosy cheeks were obviously pale.

  Lin Yu's words, he believed.

  But most of the medical fleets are basic equipment, and the inspections are not thorough enough, so it is very necessary to take her to the hospital for a full-body examination.


  In the afternoon, at half past one in the afternoon, Yan Shiqi was awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone.

  She opened her eyes in a daze, staring at her surroundings in a daze, only a few seconds later she was completely awake.

  Fumbling under the pillow for a long time, she finally turned her head to see that her mobile phone was placed on the bedside table.

The humidifier was still blowing the mist, Yan Shiqi sat up on his back, took a look at the phone, twelve WeChat messages were displayed on the screen, just this time, the number of messages is still constantly superimposed .

  (End of this chapter)

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