This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 145 Canglong Guard! Zhou Cang successfully took up the post!

Operation Woniushan is completely over. Players have gained a lot from the operation. In addition to a large amount of precious materials and equipment, magic stones and magic crystals, the income from abyssal essence is enough to take the overall strength to a higher level.

Seven players have reached level 14.

If the top players all pursue levels, the number can be doubled.

However, considering that upgrading can improve your strength, it may not be the most cost-effective option.

Because of this, some players choose to use most of their energy to learn, practice, and integrate skills. Therefore, some players may not be the highest level, but their strength is well-deserved in the first echelon.

After the loot and experience points are distributed.

Due to frequent deaths during the activity, most players have accumulated a lot of fatigue points in their bodies and minds. In this state, their attributes have dropped significantly and they are not suitable for continued action.

at the same time.

Most of these players have been online for more than 20 to 30 hours. During the whole process, they occasionally went to the bathroom or hurriedly drank water and ate. The rest of the time, they were obsessed with fighting in the game world.

A bit over the top.

Time to trim and trim.

Therefore, these players have chosen to go offline one after another.

Currently, there are only a few hundred players who are still online who are less than level five, or hovering around level five. They have no way to participate in large-scale events and can only work diligently in the Luoshui area to move bricks.

The main city of Luoshui.

Near the Lord's Hall.

Several players who had just handed in the supplies task were whispering.

Tearing off his pants with his hands: "Have you heard? The core pollution source of Woniu Mountain has been cleared!"

Jiuluoyu: "No way? So fast! But the latest news I saw in the forum before going online said that it had just entered the core pollution area!"

The wind-like warrior: "It's true! The latest news has been confirmed! This time it seems that the lord took action himself!"

"Lord, will you go down personally?"

"That's not surprising!"

"So we are going to open a third map area? I don't know where this third map will be!"

"According to the size of the urine maps in the game, one map is usually larger than the next. Of course, the difficulty and the time required to complete the level are also exponential!"



There was a commotion ahead.

The wind-like warrior: "Why are there so many people watching in front? What happened?"

He tore his pants with his hands: "Is there an unexpected mission?"

Jiuluoyu: "Hurry up and have a look!"

These players know that this game is highly interactive and random, and random events may occur at any time and anywhere, so they rush to join in the fun as soon as possible.

Not an activity.

Nor is it a task.

But the lord has returned in triumph!

Although the Lord has the supreme status in the hearts of the Scourge Army, it is not enough to cause such carnival and riots among people. It is obvious that so many people come to watch because there are other things that attract them.


"What's this!"

"The Lord brought back a monster!"

In the stunned eyes of the wind-like warriors and others, they saw the Lord Lord majestically riding the Fire Demon Horse at the front. Behind him were eight soldiers led by Zhang San and Li Si.


Except for these eight soldiers.

There is actually a more eye-catching existence.

This is a humanoid monster nearly three feet tall. His horns are covered with pale bone armor, and every inch of his skin and even his face are covered in bone armor.

There were flames burning in the eye sockets, and from the joints and other gaps in the bone armor, there seemed to be flames coming out of them, as if this was a walking ferocious armor, with the flames of purgatory that would never go out inside, rather than flesh and blood. Body.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"It looks too domineering!"

“Although it’s a little scary, it’s really cool!”

"Idiot, this is not a monster, this is Zhou Cang from Woniu Mountain!"

"What? It's actually Zhou Cang! Why did he look like this!"


Zhou Cang brought it back.

It really caused a sensation.

Hang Yu sat on the horse and said nothing.

Guard Zhang San stood up and said in his usual serious tone: "Don't panic, everyone, Zhou Cang has escaped from the abyss and joined the territory. From now on, he will become our brother and partner fighting side by side!"

When you hear this.

All the players were shocked.

Zhou Cang felt uneasy when he followed Hang Yu back to the territory. Although he didn't care much about his appearance, he knew that his current appearance would definitely make many ordinary people feel scared or intimidated.

Can humans really accept such a demonized abyss monster living with them? I am afraid that as long as the indigenous people of this world and the humans who are threatened by the pollution of the abyss are opposed to it!

This has nothing to do with morality or character.

In real life, if I knew that a patient who had just recovered from Arkham Asylum moved in next door, and that this patient once chopped up the family of eight downstairs into dumplings, I would be shocked, not to mention that the monster of the abyss is bigger than Mentally ill people are a hundred times more dangerous.


Zhou Cang's worries were completely overblown.

Players are the most receptive group in the world. After all, this is just a virtual world for them, and they themselves are confident and fearless!


“It’s so awesome!”

"It's actually the famous Zhou Cang!"

"He is definitely a heavyweight NPC!"

"The first general to join the territory is actually a demonized general? This is really embarrassing!"

"It turns out that the territory can not only recruit normal NPCs, but also such magical generals!"

"Isn't this model so handsome that he has no friends? I want to ask us players if there is a way to become like him. When will the skin be released in this game!"

"Welcome General Zhou!"

"Welcome General Zhou!"


When the players in the main city of Luoshui faced Zhou Cang's arrival, not only were they not afraid at all, but their eyes lit up as if they had seen a peerless beauty, and this was completely beyond Zhou Cang's expectations.

that's all.

Everyone was watching and discussing.

The first NPC general of the Three Kingdoms has appeared.

This is also the first famous general recruited by the territory so far.

Zhou Cang had already formally sworn allegiance to the territory before returning to the main city.

Because of his loyalty, he officially becomes a member of the territory through the judgment of the will of the stars.

Hang Yu gained a lot from this trip.

Recruiting Zhou Cang is one of the most important gains!

After Hang Yu returned to the Lord's Hall, he immediately opened Zhou Cang's detailed attributes. He was also curious about the specific attributes of this warrior:


Name: Zhou Cang.

Level: Level 15.

Race: Human (demon).

Equal order: second order.

Attributes: HP 3750, mana 1500, strength 351, agility 241, spirit 195, will 195.

Talents: Blue Demon Bone Body, Senior Commander, Tough Heart, Loyal and Brave Soul, Self-healing.

Skills: Qi Gathering Slash, Tiger Movement, Tiger Continuous Slash, Instant Shadow Step, Earth Shock Wave, Fierce Tiger Roaring Slash, Tiger Demon descending from the sky.

Essence value: 0/50000.


He is worthy of being a top level 15 commander.

Such a property can be said to be very luxurious.

The four core attributes are so high that players can’t even match them!

Why is Zhou Cang's attribute so high?

This starts with a few talents.

Talents can be subdivided into various types, such as racial talents, lord talents, territory talents, abyss talents, star talents, luck talents, as well as hidden and unidentified talents such as "Fourth Natural Disaster" and "Tiandao Blessing". talent.

As the name suggests.

Racial talent is the talent that comes with the race. This is related to the race. The stronger the racial talent, the stronger the talent. Of course, there are also many lower-level races that are naturally weak and have no talent.

Lord talents are talents exclusive to the lord, such as Hang Yu's Soul of the King and Heart of the Pioneer.

Territory talents refer to foreign talents acquired through talent stones in the territory. For example, the self-healing obtained by Hang Yu after defeating the dragon lizard lord can be obtained automatically by all people in the territory.

As for the talent of the abyss and the talent of the stars, this kind of talent is usually obtained through the direct influence or blessing of the abyss or the stars.

Finally, there is the luck talent. This talent generally appears in the natives of the abyss plane. The reason for its formation is still controversial, but it seems to be related to the native characters' own luck characteristics.

Now look at Zhou Cang's situation.

[Abyss Physique: Blue Demon Flame Bones], Abyss Talent (Blue), Vitality +150%, Defense +100%, Mental Resistance +50%, All Attributes +30%, Fire Attribute Damage +15%, per second Automatically restores 1% of health, cannot use armor equipment, cannot learn spell skills, cannot use conventional medicine to restore or other attributes.

[Advanced Commander Template], qualification talent (green), each second level upgrade can get 100 points of vitality, and 10 points of increase in the four core attributes.

[Tough Heart], luck talent (green), when the health is lower than 60%, the defense power and abnormal resistance will increase by 20% for every 20% health drop.

[Soul of Loyalty and Courage], luck talent (green), attack power +20%.

[Self-healing], territory talent (white),...


Zhou Cang's high attributes are mainly affected by the two talents of "Blue Demon Flame Bone" and "Senior Commander".

Among them, Cang Demon Bone Body is an abyss talent.

This is also the state in which Zhou Cang's body is deformed and transformed at this moment.

Abyssal physique is a double-edged sword. After Zhou Cang became demonized, his life, defense, and attributes were greatly enhanced. However, as a price, Zhou Cang will no longer be able to use all types of armor-type equipment, nor can he learn spirit and will. type of skills.

The so-called protective equipment consists of six major pieces: head, feet, upper body, lower body, hands, and cloak.

Although Abyss is not a real game, if you insist on customizing a set of equipment to put on your body, it can also play a protective role, but the defense of the equipment itself is effective, and the damage immunity and attribute bonus are invalid.

In addition, hard wearing will cause a series of other problems, such as the equipment being unable to automatically adapt to the body's condition. Once skills that change the body's shape and state are used, such as transformation skills, it will become a burden and constraint, thus affecting combat effectiveness.

Is it cost-effective to permanently give up six equipment slots and all magic skills in order to obtain this powerful talent bonus?

This depends on the actual situation

At least at this stage and even for a long time in the future, Zhou Cang will not suffer from missing six pieces of equipment.

The bonus brought by this blue abyss body.

There is a high probability that it will be no worse than a second-level blue quality armor set.

In the future, even if the territory's equipment continues to be upgraded and more advanced and higher-quality equipment appears, Hang Yu can choose to help Zhou Cang recover his physical body, or further upgrade and strengthen his abyssal physique.

all in all.

Abyssal constitution is not necessarily a bad thing.

In addition to the powerful abyssal physique of Cang Mo Flame Bone.

Another big reason why Zhou Cang's attributes are so high is that he possesses the "Senior Commander Template", which allows him to get exactly the same increase in attributes as Hang Yu every time he upgrades.

Grow with such attributes.

Even if he doesn't transform into an abyssal physique.

Zhou Cang can easily become a commander-level master by relying on his own hard work and the assistance of various equipment.

Basic 150 + skill increase 120 + talent increase 81!

This is the source of Zhou Cang's 351 points of power!

The character panel only counts permanent attributes. Temporary increases generated by equipment or other foreign objects are not included in the data, so sometimes this data can only be used as a reference.

Zhou Cang lost six equipment slots.

But there are still five equipment slots available.

There is still room for further improvement in strength.

However, Zhou Cang's equipment must be specially customized by the weapon refining workshop, and normal human equipment is no longer suitable for him.

Hang Yu noticed.

Zhou Cang also has a lot of skills.

The panel shows seven, but there are nine in total.

Among the seven skills currently displayed, there are three white skills, three green skills, and one blue skill.

The only blue skill "Tiger Demon Descends from the Sky".

This is the second stage during Zhou Cang's battle.

It is a self-created fusion of two high-quality green skills, "Fierce Tiger Collapsing Mountain" and "Fierce Tiger Fighting Spirit". These two skills are hidden because the attribute panel does not display sub-skills.


Zhou Cang is very powerful!

The most important thing is to be loyal, brave and reliable.

The territory can recruit such a general.

It will be of great benefit to the development in the next period of time.

Hang Yu brought Zhou Cang to the hero hall. A total of five hero units can be recruited in the territory. Currently, all five hero slots are vacant.

"Zhou Cang."

"My subordinate is here!"

Zhou Cang respectfully knelt down on one knee in front of him.

"This lord will officially grant you the Mark of the Stars, and will also grant you the status of General of the Stars. Are you willing to accept this position?"

Hang Yu specially reminded: "Once you are awarded the title of General of the Stars, you will be bound to the territory. From then on, you must obey the orders of this lord and cannot do anything that goes against the interests of the territory."

"Of course, this lord will do his best to train you so that you can grow tenfold and a hundred times more than you currently have."

"You can think about it."

"Then decide whether to sign."

Although Zhou Cang has joined the territory, his current status is just that of an ordinary citizen. Hang Yu can at most give him an ordinary position and then open an NPC template for him.

But if Zhou Cang signs the Stars Contract.

He will become an officially recruited hero unit.

In this case, in addition to formal allegiance, there is an additional layer of mandatory constraints of the Star Contract, which will be stronger.

Not the same as productive employees.

The recruitment threshold for combat-type employees is extremely high and the price is extremely expensive.

On the one hand, the number of citizens of the stars in the military general route is very small, and the high-quality ones among them are even rarer. Without any background and energy, it is impossible to hire decent generals.

Like red scales.

Although many dragon lizard generals were hired.

But the level of each one is just that, similar to that of senior soldiers.

On the one hand, combat-type employees have the obligation to fight, but how dangerous is the abyss world? The employment price of this kind of employees who need to live in a precarious situation is much more expensive than that of production professionals.

If Hang Yu recruits generals from the land of stars.

Not only does he have to face extremely high prices, but most of the people he can hire are half a bucket of water. If the other party is not satisfied with the performance or finds it dangerous, he can also find a way to end the contract and run away at any time.

No value for money at all!

This is why we don’t recruit generals!

Military generals recruited directly from the abyssal plane have at least two advantages: First, as long as they sign a contract, they are basically tied to death in the territory, and they can be trained in a direction without an escape route. Second, in the Three Kingdoms era, there were bright generals and famous ministers. They had all the talents they wanted, so why bother digging for gold in shit?

"Don't think about it!"

Zhou Cang didn't hesitate for a second.

"This life was given to me by the lord, and the lord has given me the gift of reincarnation. If I can follow the lord and open a way for this evil and chaotic world, I will not regret it even if I am shattered to pieces!"


The reaction was expected.

However, Hang Yu was very satisfied with being so frank and frank.

He immediately established a contract with Zhou Cang, and it was Zhou Cang who was hired to become the star war general stationed in the territory. The moment Zhou Cang completed the contract, a force of stars poured into Zhou Cang's body.

This power not only completely cleared away the remnants of the abyss pollution in Zhou Cang's body, but also left the mark of the stars on Zhou Cang's body. From then on, he was a citizen of the stars with a special physique.

at the same time.

Zhou Cang received a reminder from the will of the stars.

[Ding, you have unlocked the luck skills: Halo of Tenacity (Blue), Halo of Loyalty and Courage (Blue)! 】

[Tenacity Aura], luck skill, consumes 100 mana points, you can make up to 300 friendly units within a radius of 500 meters gain a toughness aura, damage saving throw +20%, mental resistance +20%, duration 1 hour, cooldown Time 1 hour.

[Loyalty and Bravery Aura], a luck skill that consumes 100 mana points. You can make up to 300 friendly units within a radius of 500 meters gain a toughness aura, with attack +20%, strength +15%, agility +15%, and a duration of 1 hour. , cooling time 1 hour.

As expected.

Zhou Cang has awakened his luck skills!

It is not difficult to tell from the name of the Qi Luck Skill.

These two luck skills come from Zhou Cang's two luck talents.

With the blessing of these two luck skills, the strength of the troops led by Zhou Cang will increase significantly. In addition, Zhou Cang himself is also a powerful combatant, which is enough to take the military power of the territory to a higher level.


Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction. The dragon lizard lord Chi Lin has recruited many tribesmen, but even if they are all added up, including Green Eyes, their value and potential are not even one-tenth of Zhou Cang's!

Don't look at Zhou Cang as nothing in the Three Kingdoms era.

But these two general skills of his, if obtained in the Land of Stars, would definitely be regarded as a treasure general, and would even be enough to attract the olive branch of many great lords, thus ensuring his worth.

But there is a fly in the ointment.

The scope and number of people affected by Zhou Cang's general skills are too small.

Only a maximum of 300 people can be strengthened at a time. Although the generals' skills will increase as the generals' strength increases, such a limited number cannot lead a large army.

Also consider that today’s players are mainly free-range.

There is no need for a general to lead at the moment.

Hang Yu officially decided to rename the personal guard unit: Canglong Guard!

Zhou Cang serves as the first commander of Canglong Guard and directly obeys the command and dispatch of the lord. To put it bluntly, he is the captain of Hang Yu's personal guard.

Daily responsibilities are to manage players and maintain security and order in the territory.

In the future, if Hang Yu doesn't need to personally intervene, he can let Zhou Cang take Zhang San and Li Si to solve the problems. Zhou Cang's strength is enough to solve the problems that most players can't solve.

Zhou Cang couldn't solve it either.

It's not too late to take action yourself.

Besides, since he is already a confidant.

Hang Yu will naturally not be stingy with training and rewards.

First, I opened an NPC template for Zhou Cang, and gave him a guaranteed salary of 100,000 contribution points every month. Zhou Cang can use these contribution points to publish tasks, or customize equipment for himself, and just spend it as he wants!

As for the consumption of training.

The lord will take the initiative to bear it.

Zhou Cang was very excited and quickly knelt down and thanked: "Thank you so much, Lord!"

Hang Yu shook his head and smiled: "This benefit is nothing...but your strength is still a little weaker now."

If someone else had said this.

Zhou Cang will definitely feel angry and dissatisfied.

But it was the lord who said this, which made him lose his temper at all.

After all, the shocking scene of the duel between Lord Lord and General Guan happened not long ago. He knew that even ten of himself now could not be the opponent of Lord Lord.

The lord said that he was weak.

Then he must be too weak.

Zhou Cang felt ashamed and said: "In the end, I will definitely practice hard!"

But Hang Yu shook his head. He put his hand directly on Zhou Cang, and then mobilized the spiritual energy stored in the territory to flow into Zhou Cang's body like a flood.

[Ding, you have reached level 16, life +100, mana +100, strength +10, agility +10, spirit +10, will +10! 】

[Ding, you have reached level 17...]

[Ding, you have reached level 18...]

[Ding, you have reached level 19...]

[Ding, you have reached level 20, life +100, mana +100, strength +10, agility +10, spirit +10, will +10! 】

【Essence-350,000! 】

Hang Yu put down his hand: "That's about it!"

Zhou Cang had been completely petrified. What happened to him in just a few seconds made him feel unbelievable.

Because it’s only a few seconds!

I broke five small bottlenecks in a row!

At least ten years of hard work were saved!

Zhou Cang has never been afraid of anything in his life, and he has never compromised or wavered even when faced with the will of the abyss. However, at this moment, facing the Lord's ability, for the first time, he felt a sense of shock and surrender from the bottom of his heart.

General Guan is right!

I can follow the person in front of me!

Not only is it a great blessing for me!

It is also the blessing of the hundreds of millions of suffering people in this world!

Hang Yu only spent 350,000 energy to upgrade Zhou Cang from level 15 to level 20.

Want to get promoted again.

It can’t rise anymore.

The lord's dependent subjects cannot surpass the lord in level.

In addition, not only lords have the conditions for promotion, most races have talents to break through the big bottleneck.

Generally the higher the qualifications.

The greater the improvement after the breakthrough.

Then the difficulty of breakthrough will be higher.

The condition for Hang Yu's promotion is to activate all the talents of the corresponding level.

Zhou Cang has a high-level commander panel, which is a pretty good qualification, almost on par with Hang Yu, and it will be harder for him to break through the threshold than ordinary people. The most critical condition is that the total attribute value cannot be less than 1,000 points.

The so-called total attribute value is the sum of the four major attributes.

If Zhou Cang didn't have the Abyssal Physique, he would still be far behind in reaching 1,000 points. But with the blessing of the Abyssal Physique, his current total attribute value has soared to 1,242 points.

More than enough!

As long as Hang Yu can advance!

Zhou Cang can advance in minutes!

At this point, Hang Yu's first general is in place.

The presence of this level 20 commanding unit is enough to greatly improve the territory's heritage. Even if the next map opens and encounters a tough opponent, the territory's bottom line is fully guaranteed.

Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! Thanks to Xiao Wuhuang for the 500 starting coin reward!

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