This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 146 Harvest Inventory! Comprehensive upgrade! The third test is about to begin!

Zhou Cang is the captain of the lord's guard and the security captain of the territory. He not only has to lead the Canglong Guard to fight against external threats at any time, but also maintains the order and rules of the territory.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes of interests. Where there are disputes of interests, chaos will inevitably arise.

The reason why the current Scourge Army is so harmonious.

There are two main reasons:

First, the number of players is limited and each one has been screened by Xiaoba. Not only are they industry leaders and celebrities, they are at least a high-quality group with stable minds, will not mess around, and are relatively obedient.

If there is no such screening, but the game quota is completely randomly distributed, and people from all walks of life are allowed to randomly enter the game, then all kinds of outrageous and bizarre things may happen.

Secondly, it has been less than a month since the game was launched, but the pace of the game is very high. Various challenges come one after another, so players have to choose to join a team. In this case, it is difficult to have too big differences of interest.

Whether it is Ma Yuanyi in the first picture, or Zhang Bao, the dragon lizard lord in Woniu Mountain and the source of pollution, each of them is a powerful enemy that exceeds the player's ability to deal with it. Only by working together can they barely compete.

It is precisely because of the powerful enemy at hand.

They also have common honors and interests.

Players will definitely make the cake bigger first.

Hang Yu believes that as the number of game players increases, the components become more complex, and game maps and town strongholds become more and more abundant, there will definitely be competition and even conflicts among players.

Appropriate competition.

Hang Yu didn't object.

Even encourage the emergence of such competition.

Because only competition can stimulate potential and vitality, allowing players to grow faster and have stronger motivation for growth. After many experiments, it has been proven that players can also release energy and loot by killing players.

The only prerequisite is.

The intensity of competition must be controlled.

The means of competition must be within the rules.

But the world has never lacked people who despise rules and order, not to mention that for players, this is just a virtual world, where human nature can be more fully released. Because of this, laws with clear rewards and punishments are also needed to restrain them.

There is such a thing as rules.

If it cannot be tied to absolute force.

Then it cannot make people awe, and rules that cannot make people awe are equivalent to a piece of waste paper and meaningless.

This is the purpose of the establishment of Zhou Cang and Canglong Guard. Hang Yu must formulate territorial rules in advance, and at the same time create such a strong enough law enforcement force to draw a clear red line for competition and struggle among players.

If the strength of the territory is reduced due to internal fighting among players, or even the development and production of the territory are affected, this situation will be resolutely curbed and the troublemakers and lawbreakers will be severely punished.

After Ren Zhoucang became the leader of Canglong Guard.

Hang Yu spent another one million and hundreds of thousands of energy to further improve the strength of the seventy Canglong Guards.

Nowadays, the most common members of the Canglong Guard have reached level 14-15. Not only are they equipped with extremely sophisticated equipment, but they also have multiple full-level skills. Any one of them would be a head-turner for any player.

Among them, the eight personal guards, including Zhang San, Li Si, Wang, Wu and Zhao Liu, have now not only reached level 16 in terms of comprehensive strength, but also reached the level of a quasi-commander. Originally, their deterrence was enough for players.

Now Zhou Cang has become the top leader of Canglong Guard.

Even more powerful.

Hang Yu asked Zhang San to take Zhou Cang around the territory to learn about the main city of Luoshui and the territory. He also paid a visit to the master refiner Yan Ling and asked the refiner workshop to customize a set of usable equipment such as weapons.

After Zhou Cang left.

Hang Yu continued to take stock of the gains from this battle.

Zhoucang is just one of the biggest gains in Woniu Mountain.

In addition to this tiger general, Hang Yu also received many benefits.

For example, the "Abyss Treasure Box" that has not yet been opened, or the top-quality skill stone that Guan Yu left for him.

Hang Yu checked the skill stone first.

[Skill Stone: Jian·Martial Saint Three Swords], a blue quality skill...Learning conditions: 260 points of strength, 150 points of agility, level 20, and another 100,000 abyss energy is required.

When seeing the introduction of skills.

Hang Yu was also very surprised.

Why is there the word "Jian" in the prefix of Wu Sheng's Three Swords?

Does this mean that this skill is actually still a youth version?

This is too cheating... But then I thought about it, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the quality of the skills is here, and it will not be weakened because it is the youth version. It only shows that the "True Martial Saint Three Swords" has a high probability. It is a purple quality skill.

There's no way Guan Yu can unleash purple-quality skills, let alone Guan Yu's clone.

Even if it can be revealed, Hang Yu probably won't be able to learn it for the time being.

Even the youth version of Wu Sheng's three swords.

The learning conditions are also extremely demanding.

So far, Hang Yu has never seen a skill that requires 100,000 essence to learn. In addition, the learning threshold is extremely high, 260 strength and 150 agility, plus hard requirements in terms of level... In short, none of them can be achieved by players!

At this stage, no one except Hang Yu and Zhou Cang can learn this skill!

The higher the condition.

The stronger the skills!

The skill quality of "Martial Saint's Three Swords" is at the top level even among blue skills!

Hang Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Master Guan is still strong!"

When Guan Yu fought with him, he said that these three sword techniques were created by him in his early years, and they were consistent with Guan Yu's fighting style when he was still a general. But how many years did the Three Kingdoms last in the late Han Dynasty, and how many years did he stay in the Abyss timeline?

Let's not talk about how many years Guan Yu's original body has lived.

Just absorbing the experience, experience, and experience of thousands of clones is also very terrifying.

With such a huge experience, experience, and time, how could Guan Yu not create stronger means?

There is no doubt that Guan Yu's original body has long been independent of these three sword techniques. After all, he is already strong enough to be on par with the Abyss Evil God, and has almost touched the conceptual level. The richness of his means is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"In front of this ultimate boss."

"It's better for me to be a little transparent for the time being!"

Hang Yu deeply realized the gap between himself and the top existence of the Abyss Three Kingdoms.

Speaking of which.

The Three Swords of the Martial Saint must be learned.

Even the youth version exceeds any of his current skills.

But the problem now is that although Hang Yu meets all the learning conditions, he does not have a skill tower that can be inlaid with this skill stone.

There are now two skill towers in the territory, and there is no shortage of remaining skill slots, but ordinary skill towers can only be inlaid with white and green quality skill stones, and if you want to inlay blue quality skill stones, you must upgrade the skill tower.

The skill tower is the basic building that comes with the territory.

This kind of building upgrade does not require additional drawings or props, but there are prerequisites.

The prerequisite for upgrading the skill tower is to upgrade all the hall buildings to level two.

In fact, there are not only a few facilities and skill towers in the hall. There are too many buildings in the territory that need to be upgraded, such as the Abyss Barracks!

Hang Yu has built 20 Abyss Barracks.

The current total population of the territory has reached 2,000 people!

The latest batch of 900 people will descend on this world at 8 o'clock tonight.

This is far from the upper limit of the current population of the territory, because the twenty Abyss Barracks are all first-level buildings, and at this moment they have met the prerequisites for upgrading. If they can all be upgraded to level two in one go, the population will double on the basis of 2,000!

That is!

A full four thousand people!

But so many buildings need to be upgraded.

This will cause a considerable burden on the territory's finances and material expenditures.

Hang Yu immediately checked the territory's current financial situation and other material reserves.

The current territory's reserve resources are: 17,000 Abyss Magic Crystals, 77,000 first-level food, 71,000 first-level materials, 676,000 first-level material essences, 93,000 second-level material essences, 4,901 gray equipment, 4,245 white equipment, 155 green equipment... Abyss Essence is about 3.268 million!

A few days ago.

There were still about 32,000 magic crystal reserves.

Why did so much of it go away at once?

The biggest expense is naturally recruiting new players.

Nine Abyss Barracks each cost 500 magic crystals, and the total expenditure is 4,500 magic crystals.

900 new players, each costing 20 magic crystals, with a pre-expenditure of 18,000 magic crystals.

If it weren't for the fact that the Scourge Army had a very considerable overall income in the past few days, and batches of magic crystals were constantly flowing back to the territory from the players, Hang Yu would only have about 10,000 magic crystals at most.

Hang Yu mainly wanted to fully upgrade the facilities of the Lord's Hall, 20 Abyss Barracks, two skill towers, the Abyss Canteen, and the territory's protective wall. If the upgrade could be completed, the appearance of Luoshui Main City would be completely renewed.

After the final statistical calculation.

It would take about 32,000 magic crystals + 60,000 second-level material essences!

The main part of it was the upgrade consumption of 20 Abyss Barracks.

The cost of each second-level barracks is 1,200 magic crystals + 2,400 second-level material essences, and the total cost of upgrading all 20 is 24,000 magic crystals + 48,000 second-level material essences!

This is not a small expense.

But it is not enough to cause trouble for Hang Yu.

First of all, because almost the entire territory of the Dragon Lizard Lord has been recovered, the material essence in the territory is very sufficient at the moment. 60,000 copies of the second-level material essence can be afforded, and 600,000 copies of the first-level essence can also be used instead.

As for the magic crystal?

At first glance, the funding gap is as high as 15,000 magic crystals!

In fact, with Hang Yu's current foundation, it is not a problem to solve this funding gap.

Not to mention that he has a large amount of excess high-quality equipment and food materials that can be quickly converted into cash.

Hang Yu still has a high-quality blueprint of the "Dragon Lizard Tomb" that has not been sold. It is not a problem to sell this blueprint for tens of thousands of magic crystals.

Not to mention that it is not to the extent that he has to sell things in exchange for magic crystals.

Hang Yu also has an "Abyss Treasure Box" in his hand, and as a clearance treasure box, the rewards must be relatively rich.

The treasure box obtained by killing Ma Yuanyi at the beginning opened up to 10,000 magic crystals. No matter how to say it, the reward obtained from Zhang Bao will not be less than Ma Yuanyi, right?

There is no time to lose!

Hang Yu immediately opened the treasure box. .

[You opened the "Abyss Treasure Box (Green)", Abyss Magic Crystal +25,000, Forging Essence Crystal +50, Zhang Bao Soul Stone +20, Guan Yu Soul Stone +10, "Skill Stone: Taiping Fiery Talisman" +1, "Blueprint: Taiping Talisman Tower" +1! ]

As expected, the rewards in this treasure box are extremely rich, and the magic crystals alone are as high as 25,000, which directly fills the funding gap for the comprehensive upgrade and transformation of the territory.

This time there is a lot of advanced material that I have never seen before.

[Forging Fine Crystal], second-level material, blue mid-grade... can be used to upgrade second-level equipment, and there is a certain probability of upgrading second-level equipment to third-level equipment.

This item is an upgraded version of the Forging Essence Stone. The Forging Essence Stone can only upgrade first-level equipment to second-level equipment, while the Forging Essence Crystal is a blue-quality material that can upgrade second-level equipment to third-level equipment.

As a blue quality material!

The value of forging fine crystal is a hundred times better than that of forging fine stone!

It is estimated that it would not be difficult to sell such a forged crystal for 1,800 magic crystals in the market of the trading hall. The value of a full fifty forged crystals can also be imagined.

However, Hang Yu would definitely not sell such a rare and precious material.

Although he has not yet reached the third level and cannot use the third-level equipment, and Yan Ling's weapon refining level cannot forge such high-quality materials, he can save it until the conditions and time are ripe before upgrading the equipment he uses.

As for the "Zhang Bao Soul Stone" and "Guan Yu Soul Stone", they are also ultra-high-end materials of blue quality.

[Zhang Bao Soul Stone], second-level material, low-grade blue... This is a precious gem with Zhang Bao soul power. It has a low probability of improving the quality of green equipment to blue quality, and has a certain probability of giving new skills to the equipment. !

[Guan Yu Soul Stone], second-level material, top-grade blue... This is a precious gem with Guan Yu's weak soul power. It has a high probability of improving the quality of green equipment to blue, and has a certain probability of giving the equipment new skills or Ability characteristics.

Soul stones are rare quality enhancement materials.

Not only can green equipment be broken through to blue quality.

What's more valuable is that it can also give equipment new characteristics or skills.

The value of these thirty soul stones is several times higher than fifty forged crystals, especially the soul stone with Guan Yu's weak soul power attached to it, which is extremely rare and top quality!

Hang Yu plans to keep Guan Yu's soul stone to strengthen his own equipment. As for the inferior Zhang Bao soul stone, he will use it to strengthen the equipment of Zhou Cang and other guards, or give it to players as rewards.

This time I opened the box and not only found a lot of magic crystals and materials.

The skill stones and blueprints are also missing.

The Talisman of Peace and Fire is a green-quality spell skill. Its power is not as powerful as the Explosive Flame Curse, which is also of green quality, but its characteristic is that it can cause continuous range damage.

At this stage, the territory already has a lot of skills in reserve.

This skill does not have any outstanding advantages. For players, it can be learned or not. However, for Hang Yu, there are many skills that are not overwhelming. Even if he cannot use them, he can still improve his attributes or use them as skill materials in the Tower of Enlightenment. .

But after seeing the architectural drawings found in the treasure chest this time.

Hang Yu knew that he and even his territory might not be able to use this Fire Talisman skill stone.

[Blueprint: Taiping Talisman Tower], second-level blueprint, construction cost: 1200 magic crystals + 2000 second-level material essence...

According to the nature and introduction of the drawings.

Hang Yu judged that this was a skill-based building.

Because the construction cost is not high for him now.

Hang Yu built this building directly and placed it next to the skill tower and enlightenment tower.

Judging from the appearance, this tower has both the characteristics of the Star Architecture and some elements of the Taiping Dao, which carries the inheritance of the talisman part of the "Taiping Yaoshu".

Hang Yu took a look.

There are up to six skills in total:

The Taiping Wind Strike Talisman, the Taiping Controlling Thunder Talisman, the Taiping Fire Talisman, the Taiping Ice Talisman, the Taiping Rejuvenation Talisman, and the Taiping Quiet Talisman.

Wind, fire, thunder and ice.

Four major offensive spells.

Plus two auxiliary spells.

These are the six conventional talismans among the Taiping arts.

The essence of this Talisman Tower is a skill tower, but it is different from the skill tower built by the territory itself. The skills in the Territory Skill Tower are inlaid with skill stones collected by oneself, while the skills in the Taiping Talisman Tower are fixed.

With the Talisman Tower of Peace.

From now on, the people of the territory will be able to practice Taiping Dao Talismans in a systematic way.

In this Talisman Tower, you can not only learn Talisman Techniques, but also practice in the tower, so that you can quickly improve Talisman Techniques without consuming energy. Of course, it is not cost-effective for players to take into account the time cost and opportunity cost, so It will be more suitable for ordinary people and affiliated troops other than the Scourge Army.


These six skills.

Nothing special either.

Hang Yu has already learned the Taiping Thunder Control Talisman and the Taiping Rejuvenation Talisman.

The Taiping Thunder Control Talisman can be learned through skill stones, while the Taiping Rejuvenation Talisman can be learned through Wei Ji, the village chief of Hexi Village.

Hang Yu doesn't usually use it too many times, because his equipment and fighting style are still based on melee martial arts, and spells are only used as auxiliary means.


Too many skills don't overwhelm the body.

This kind of systematic skill.

It will be easier to synthesize in the Enlightenment Tower in the future.

Hang Yu then casually learned the "Fire Talisman", "Ice Talisman", "Wind Strike Talisman" and "Quiet Talisman".

The first three are spiritual attribute skills. Cultivating them all to full level will increase the spirit by 45 points, while the Purification Talisman is a will attribute skill, which will add 15 points of will attribute to Hang Yu.

In this way, the six major spells of Taiping Dao will be mastered.

The four major spells of wind, fire, thunder and ice need no introduction. They are all offensive skills, but they have different attributes.

The Purification Talisman, like the Rejuvenation Talisman, is an auxiliary healing spell. The Rejuvenation Talisman can continuously restore vitality, while the Purity Talisman has the effect of eliminating various abnormal conditions, such as poisoning, coma, dizziness, or hypnotic hallucinations.

After having the skill-based building of Taiping Talisman Tower.

The "Taiping Fire Talisman" and "Taiping Thunder Taming Talisman" skill stones in Hang Yu's hands are useless. He plans to sell them on the trading market or exchange them for other skills and items.

“Since the territory’s resources are fully stocked!”

"Then a comprehensive upgrade will be put on the agenda!"

"Strive to complete all preparations before the third abyss area!"

Hang Yu found the player in charge of infrastructure construction, "The Great Wall", and assigned him a task.

Because territorial buildings can be redesigned or constructed during the advancement process, and some barracks can even be moved to White Tiger City or Shansang City, adjusting the distribution can make it easier for players to go online and offline.

As the number of players increases.

The place of birth does not necessarily have to be in the main city of Luoshui.

Players can choose to arrive in White Tiger City or even Shansang City.

This can avoid the problem of too many new people coming in in a short period of time and the nearby abyss creatures being refreshed at a speed that cannot keep up.

In addition, building specifications can also be greatly improved during upgrades, and there is a lot of room for customization in how to transform them.

The mission of the Great Wall is to make a new planning plan for the territory as soon as possible. After these core building facilities are upgraded, they must not only meet the needs of the territory, but also be matched with the infrastructure facilities being built.

On this basis.

The more convenient, beautiful, and user-friendly the better.

He was also very excited when he learned that the Great Wall could redesign and renovate many new buildings overnight. He found a large number of students overnight to start making planning plans.

And just then.

Xiaoba suddenly reminded: "Master, the day when the stars return is coming!"

Hang Yu was slightly startled.

He had given instructions to Xiaoba before.

If the day of the stars' return comes, warn him in advance.

"Approximately how long will it take?"

"About twelve hours."

"That's a day or two sooner than I expected."

Hang Yu had been in the Abyss for a short period of time. After finally waiting for the day of return, he would definitely go back and have a look. He would treat it as a day off after being busy for nearly a month.

not to mention.

Hang Yu several days ago.

He was like the players foretelling this.

In recent times, the territory's equipment inventory has increased significantly, especially the number of green equipment, which has increased by 155 pieces. Although most of them are dragon lizard alien equipment, they can be sold to players with a few modifications.

Many of them are quite high-quality equipment.

Because the number of players continues to increase, generally speaking, high-quality equipment is still very scarce, and almost no players will hand over high-quality white equipment or green equipment to their territory in exchange for contributions.

Among the high-quality equipment recently recovered in the territory, seventy percent were contributed by Toast to the Moon.

Hang Yu knows his origin.

Also knows his purpose.

Just to see the Land of Stars with my own eyes, just for a follower spot, I have lost at least 30 million, is that all?

But since he is so positive.

Hang Yu couldn't turn a blind eye.

It is normal for the Star Lord to bring a few followers with him when he returns to the Land of Stars. Since he wants to see it so much, let him follow him to see it!

"There are still more than ten hours."

"I'll go to the official website and make an announcement first!"

Thinking of this, Hang Yu asked Xiaoba to help him connect to the Internet. He first glanced at the forum as a habit and saw that recent events, big and small, had been spread there.

No need to guess.

The forum was as lively as the Chinese New Year.

There are endless revelations and topics with high number of replies.

Whether it’s the process and details of the final battle in Woniu Mountain, or the powerful BOSS encountered in the process.

Huang Tian's forces behind Zhang Bao, Mo Zhoucang joining the territory, Guan Yu and the Lord Lord dueling... none of them are full of gimmicks, and they can open up a lot of topics casually.

Especially the battle between Lord Lord and Guan Yu.

Not only did this battle once again refresh people's understanding of the lord's strength, but it was also made into a video and widely circulated, causing a greater sensation than any other time in the past.

Too much content.


It’s dizzying.

Hang Yu didn't understand it carefully for the time being.

He posted a new post directly on the homepage of the official website:

"The third round of closed beta testing of the Three Kingdoms begins and major update notice"!

This kind of partial review of chapters will be more uncomfortable to write, but you can't completely skip it, but new plots and chapters will come soon. Thanks to book friend 20220725230117615 for the 500 starting coin reward!

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