This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 147 Player Corps is online! Star Tour List Announced!

Magic City Bund.

Luxurious large flat floor.

Li Yuling is still full of energy after going offline.

It just feels like it can enter the game and fight for another twenty hours.

Li Yuling was very confused about her physical and mental state. Although she used the best customized game warehouse, she had been addicted to games day and night for almost three weeks. Her physical performance would definitely decline if she lacked exercise for a long time!

But in fact.

Far from feeling any decline in her mental or physical condition.

On the contrary, I feel as if my body is getting stronger.

"Is the legend in the forum true? The Three Kingdoms can completely replace sleep... and fighting and exercising in the game can also have the effect of exercising the body in the real world?"

Although Li Yuling was only a junior high school graduate, she was born into a wealthy family. She could imagine how terrifying value this black technology could create if it were realized.

A person spends at least one-third of his life sleeping. If this technology can utilize this one-third of time, it will mean that people can live at least a few more decades out of thin air.

Either for entertainment.

Or use it to study.

can create amazing value.

Not to mention that this game seems to be a real exercise for the body.

Li Yuling feels that she is stronger now than before, and her vision, hearing, sense of smell, and even lung capacity seem to have improved. It seems that more than one person has reported this in the forum!

Is this really what the game brings? If so, this game is amazing, it’s a fitness tool!

Li Yuling was eating snacks while browsing the forum on her tablet. Although there was nothing wrong with her body, her body in the game needed to rest, so she went to the forum to read everyone's discussions.


“The forum is so lively!”

There is an overhead highlight video.

The title is very concise: "Ten Seconds to Burn Up!" Lord Hang Yu VS Demonized Guan Yu! 》

This is the one-on-one battle between Lord Lord and Mo Guan Yu that was filmed by Sister Biao. The two only fought for three rounds, and the real fight took at most three to four seconds. However, these three rounds were enough to shock netizens for a hundred years!

This video will be as popular as the short videos I shot before.

And because Guan Yu caused a greater sensation and impact as a gimmick.

After the personal short video account was released, it only took less than a day for the number of likes and the number of comments to reach 5 million and 800,000, respectively. At this time, it has even dominated the rankings of major overseas media and has become a hot topic. Its popularity and influence are still growing.

"Lord, you are indeed the best!"

Li Yuling has always regarded herself as Lord Lord's number one fan. When she sees more and more people joining the ranks of Lord Lord's fans, she only feels that her vanity has been recognized, satisfied and honored.

In addition to the various topics and discussions derived from this big breaking point.

Chen Xi, Demon Demon Demon, and several players who like to delve into culture, settings, and plots are interpreting the latest information again, and this is also one of the contents that cloud players are most interested in.

There is so much new information recently.

There are countless directions for interpretation.

Just take the five Huang Tian descendants that Zhang Bao called out before his death as an example. Now many players in the forum are speculating on the identities of these five Huang Tian descendants. Some people have written long and eloquent analysis posts with thousands of words.

As for the identity of the evil god Dahuang Tian?

There is a basic consensus on this in the forum.

Whether it is the clear information revealed by Guan Yu or other detailed hints, they all point to Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous master and Tiangong general. There is not much controversy for the time being.

Now it seems that the Three Kingdoms of the Abyss not only have magic generals, but also divine generals!

According to the speculations of players such as Demons and Demons, divine generals are supreme beings that transcend conventional cognition. They are equivalent to the indigenous gods born in this world.

Some gods are righteous gods.

Some gods are evil gods.

Although some top existences have become almost godlike existences, this does not mean that they will disappear from the plots of various periods. They can still appear in various main plots of all sizes, in various states, and in various forms. among.

As an example.

Although Guan Yu's body has become a god, theoretically speaking, if players appear on the Hulao Pass map or the Battle of Guandu map, they can still encounter Guan Yu in different stages, and they can still participate in magically modified historical background games. plot.

Of course, the Guan Yu encountered in these places is just a clone and a projection.

Various cloud players and settings parties use this setting as an entry point to develop many plots and conjectures. Because there is too much information and explanations, it is a bit confusing.

Li Yuling was confused sometimes. The abyss world was too disordered, chaotic, and chaotic. Seventy percent of the opinions put forward by players were conjectures. No one could tell how many percent of them would be consistent with the actual situation.

She continued to refresh the forum homepage.

She wanted to see if there was any latest information.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a piece of bombshell news attracted Li Yuling's great attention.

“Everyone, look at the homepage of the official website!”

"The official update notice for the third test has been released!"

After Li Yuling learned the news, she immediately opened the official website, and sure enough, on the first line of the bulletin board, she found a notice about the start of the third round of closed beta testing of the Three Kingdoms and the upcoming major update.

Li Yuling was refreshed!

The first and second tests took about a month in total.

Even if the third test takes longer, it is estimated to be only three or two months.

After three rounds of large-scale internal testing, it is estimated that a full public testing will begin!

It seems that the game is progressing very smoothly. It won’t be long before the game will be fully open!

Let’s take a look at the content that will be updated in the third beta phase!

Li Yuling opened the official announcement and read it quickly.

The content of this official announcement is summarized as follows:

Because the number of players is about to reach 2,000, and because the Scourge Army has successfully cleared the Woniu Mountain map, the game will start to automatically update, and the third round of internal testing will start in about six days. Just like the second round of internal testing, many new features will be opened. There will also be many major updates coming in the third round of closed beta.

The main updates include the following ten points:

1. The number of Scourge Army recruits continues to increase!

2. The opening of new map areas and expansion packs!

3. Announcement of the launch of the corps system (player union)!

4. The opening and testing of the special event map Land of Stars.

10. The main city buildings have been fully upgraded, and players’ birthplaces have been selected and optimized.

Li Yuling was very excited after reading the update announcement, especially full of interest and expectation for 2, 3, and 4.

The opening of new maps and expansion packs is expected, because the Scourge has successfully opened up the Woniu Mountain map with the help of the lords, so new areas with more difficulty, richer and more interesting content will be opened in the future.

The opening of the special event area "Land of Stars" has also been announced.

This is the hometown of Lord Lord and people like Yan Ling and Bai Mu. It is also a place outside the plane of the Three Kingdoms of the Abyss. Players have always been eager to explore the hidden world view beyond the world view of the Lord of the Three Kingdoms.

Now it seems.

as an active map.

The Land of Stars opens every once in a while.

Players can follow the lord to the land of stars to learn more!

The latest time was just twelve hours later. The Lord will announce the list of followers six hours later. However, this time there are only four followers, and he doesn't know if he has a chance to be selected.

In addition to these long-anticipated or foreshadowed updates.

Officials obviously accepted the players’ appeal.

Improved game mechanics.

For example, the third major update is the notice that the "Corps System" will be launched and tested!

This is a game mechanism that players have been calling for for a long time. Almost all games have player organizations, but the names are different, such as guilds, gangs, families, etc., and the player team organization of the Three Kingdoms is called a "corps".

Players only need to meet the conditions.

You can create your own regiment in the Scourge.

Of course, the player's self-built corps is still part of the Scourge Legion.

As for the specific functions of the corps, how to create a corps and other related rules and details, they have not been announced for the time being. However, since the launch notice of the corps system has been announced, it means that related functions will appear in the game soon.

This is indeed too heavy.

It caused a lot of discussion among players.

Li Yuling glanced at the analysis posts in the forum.

Among them, the player Xiao Ma wrote in his post:

"I think the upper limit of the Corps system this time may be a major update of great importance and even milestone significance, completing the last piece of the puzzle of the game mechanics of the Three Kingdoms!"

"This is a huge breakthrough for both the Scourge and the gameplay."

"As for why the Three Kingdoms would open a guild corps system similar to that of traditional games? I don't think it will be surprising to players who are currently in the closed beta test or to prospective players who have not yet qualified for the closed beta!"

"Because almost all traditional online games or mobile games have unions, gangs, and family team organizations. The core purpose of these games opening up such player organizations is mainly to increase players' sense of belonging and stickiness through collective activities, competition, and honor. , ranking to stimulate players’ consumption enthusiasm.”

"But I think the Three Kingdoms are different!"

"The Three Kingdoms do not need to increase the sense of belonging and stickiness at all."

"The biggest problem with this game is that it's so fun that we players can't stop playing it."

"As for stimulating consumption, it is even more nonsense. So far, there is no sign of any charges in the Three Kingdoms, nor can we see any potential shady charging mechanism."

"I think the only reasonable explanation for the emergence of the corps system in the Three Kingdoms is the need for territorial development. In the early stages of the game, when there were only dozens or hundreds of players, the player organization was purely redundant. But as the number of players in the game increases to 2,000, there may be more in the future. As the territory continues to grow exponentially, it becomes more and more difficult for players to accurately manage the territory.”

"We players are not real soldiers."

"Every day's online and offline time, what you want to do every day, and what tasks you want to do every day are all uncontrollable."

"Opening the player autonomy function at this time is actually equivalent to the lord delegating some rights to select a group of prestigious, capable, and trustworthy players from among the players to form a team, so as to better manage the scattered players. At the same time, competition and collective honor among various corps were used to strengthen the overall combat power of the Scourge Legion!"

"I'm sure with the new version coming!"

"The Three Kingdoms will usher in a new era!"

"Professional players will have great potential in the game next!"

"An era is coming where truly influential figures emerge in large numbers and players compete with each other!"


There are many similar analysis posts.

It has already been discussed in the forum now.

Both cloud players and internal beta players are talking about it:

"What a great update!"

"Who will become the first regiment commander of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Are there any conditions for being a corps leader? This status is probably not something that ordinary players can get!"

"Boss Ye Limeng has begun to speed up recruitment! He seems to be determined to win the position of corps leader!"

"Boss Ye Limeng currently has top-notch masters including Gu Zhou and Crazy Sword Laowang under his command. He has the largest number of second-level players. He can be said to be the most powerful and powerful. He is expected to become the largest union boss in the game."

"not necessarily!"

"The latest gossip!"

"Big Brother Black Eyed Rui had earlier rejected the plan of tens of millions of annual salary + shares offered by Big Brother Ye Limeng. He seems to be preparing to join forces with the likes of Crazy Killer on a Street, Midnight Pig Killer, and Salted Fish." Let’s form our own corps.”

"Damn it, you're crazy! This is not worth tens of millions of annual salary!"

"You said Brother Heitongrui and Brother Ye Limeng will not turn against each other in the future, right?"

"I think there must be competition, and turning against each other is probably impossible. After all, the two bosses have always had a good relationship!"

"Haha, there are only eternal interests, but no eternal friends. If the two armies are equally powerful, how can they not compete for interests? Civilization is not the first, and military is not the second. I really want to know who can win in a fight between the two sides. win!"

"There won't be any trouble!"

"Haha! Want to cause chaos? Have you asked the newest security captain Zhou Cang? Do you think that the lord's personal guard, the Canglong Guard, is a vegetarian?"

"I also want to be a corps leader!"

"How many places are there for corps commanders?"


Li Yuling is reading the analysis and discussion about the Corps system.

"Lingling!" Aunt Zhao walked into the room.

Li Yuling waved her hands impatiently: "Aunt Zhao, don't disturb me now, I'm collecting important information!"

Aunt Zhao said helplessly: "Mr. Li is back!"

"Ah? Dad is back!" Li Yuling quickly put down her tablet and went to the living room. She saw a dignified middle-aged man with slightly frosted temples and a majestic bearing appearing at home.

It was Li Yuling's father, Li Songlin.

Father and daughter have not seen each other for several months.

Li Yuling: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

"The group has an important meeting to hold in Magic City recently. I just happened to have time to come back and take a look. I heard that you have almost forgotten to eat and sleep just to play games recently."

"I..." Li Yuling's eyes quickly started to spin, and her mind began to spin as she tried to quibble.

Unexpectedly, Li Songlin did not blame but suddenly asked: "How is it? Is it going well in the game?"


Li Yuling was stunned for a moment. Although her father had already supported her playing games, she still felt a little weird when being asked such a question face to face. She thought for a few minutes before answering:


"If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. What does it mean to be okay?"

Li Yuling: "I have reached level 13. If I hadn't practiced skills, I would have reached level 4 already. There are almost no warlocks in the Scourge Legion with better statistics than me. My output contribution in every mission is among the best!"

Li Songlin asked: "How much of the funds I prepared for you have been spent now, and where have they been spent?"

Li Yuling: "I have been spending a lot of money on purchasing donated equipment, sponsoring good friends, and treating good friends to dinner... I have spent almost 30 million!"

Li Songlin gave Li Yuling 200 million yuan.

Now, thirty million has been spent in less than two weeks.

Li Yuling also felt that she spent money a bit lavishly and did not achieve anything remarkable, so she kept her head down when answering her father's questions and felt a little unsure.

Li Songlin frowned: "Too slow!"

Li Yuling was confused: "What? Too slow?"

Li Songlin continued: "I came back specially this time to prepare an additional one billion in funds for you. Your task is to spend this money as soon as possible, and spend it in a planned and purposeful way... Remember, the power of the individual It’s always limited, you have to learn to attract talents and compete for core resources!”

Ten...billion? !

Dad must have been ill recently and his brain has been damaged.

No matter how much money the family has, they can't let a middle school student be so defeated!

Is it true that the Li family has so much money that they have to throw it into virtual games?

There is a reason why Li Songlin did this. In fact, he started paying attention to and investigating the game Three Kingdoms as early as ten days ago!

The black technology contained in this game is really amazing.

100% real virtual reality and 100% perfect artificial intelligence. These two alone are enough to leverage trillions of new industries!

What's more, as Li Songlin's recent investigation and research continue to deepen, he has discovered more and more black technologies in this game, including sleep replacement, exercise effects, etc. It is a rich mine that can change the world!

As a top entrepreneur and consortium leader, Li Songlin's first thought was definitely to invest in a production company, and he even thought about acquiring and controlling it at all costs and means.

With continued investigation.

Li Songlin was surprised to find out.

The water behind the Three Kingdoms is very deep.

Various recent signs indicate that the Three Kingdoms have an extremely secretive official background.

Li Songlin suspected that this special game might be a project secretly developed by the government using huge resources. As for why it was promoted to the market in the form of a game, it is still unknown.

Li Songlin is not an ordinary person. He has topped the list of richest people in Daxia many times. His connections and information channels are so wide that ordinary people cannot imagine. With the continuous in-depth understanding and investigation, more and more doubts have gradually surfaced. .

these doubts.

Some are very unusual.

Some can be described as bizarre.

Especially some incredible top-secret rumors.

It made him feel so mysterious but he didn't dare to completely disbelieve it.

Although it is still unclear about the true origin and details of the Three Kingdoms, his increasingly strong intuition is telling him that this game is by no means a simple game. It may be the door for all mankind to enter the next stage, or it may be the cause of The super variable in a new round of global wealth reshuffle.

Under this situation.

It can no longer be regarded simply as a black technology game.

Li Songlin had already asked all groups and employees to reserve games, and had spent a lot of resources preparing to investigate internal beta players. As a result, he received a severe warning from the security department. The relevant person in charge believed that Li Songlin's investigation violated the bottom line of national security.

It's just a game.

It can actually be related to national security.

Li Songlin felt more and more that the Three Kingdoms were weird and unusual, so he quietly established relevant departments and began to recruit professional players with high salaries in a low-key manner. However, the progress is currently limited and not many results have been achieved for the time being.

The daughter happens to be a member of the Scourge.

And he is one of the most representative warlocks among the Scourge.

Li Songlin felt that this was the best breakthrough for his daughter, so he made a special trip back and continued to increase investment.

"You can spend this money quickly but you can't spend it carelessly. You have to make sure that every money spent is valuable so that you can gain a higher status or resources in the game. Are you confident?"

Father's thoughts.

Li Yuling definitely didn't know.

All she knew was that it was not easy to spend a lot of money wisely.

Although you can buy contribution points from players with money, there are limits to the contribution points that each player can obtain through material tasks every day, and the game currency that each player can redeem every day.

But just then.

The corps system will be launched soon.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Yuling's mind.

"Dad, I have an idea. I can also create a corps!"

Li Songlin obviously didn't see the latest announcement, so he didn't react at the moment: "Creating a corps? What do you mean!"

Li Yuling then told Li Songlin about the latest game update announcement and said: "I also have a lot of good friends in the game, especially Sister Chenxi, Sister Shenshi, Qingchen, Hua Mulan, Tsing Yi Fox, Meow a Wait, they are not only my good sisters, but they are also famous and powerful!"

Li Songlin learned about it carefully.

Now is a really good time.

Most of the troops in the game are made up of men.

If Li Yuling goes in the opposite direction and builds a special corps with women as the backbone, as long as the salary and benefits are high enough and generous enough, she may not be able to achieve success in the future by taking a different approach.

Li Songlin nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it's worth a try. I have established a studio specifically for you. I will be responsible for the intelligence collection and analysis of the Three Kingdoms game world in the future. In addition, I can also assist you in managing your team and formulating detailed strategies and tactics."

"As long as you do a good job!"

“There is no upper limit on investment!”

Facing his father who looked serious.

No matter how slow Li Yuling is, she still realizes it.

The impact of this game may be more complicated than imagined.

At that moment, three players, Ye Limeng, Brother Heitong Rui, and Xiao Lingdang, all began to prepare for the formation of the corps.

Of course.

Aspiring to become a corps leader.

But it's far more than just the three of them.

Wang Yue received instructions from the organization shortly after he went offline. His next task was to win a corps leader position in the game, and then create a corps that could conceal the official background to facilitate the personnel arranged by the official to act in the game in the future.

at the same time.

King Arthur overseas.

He joined forces with Dark Lucifer, Kungunir, Elk Girl, Iron Fist Johnson and many other overseas players, and now posted a pledge post on social media, publicly announcing that he would compete for the title of leader of the Scourge Army!

King Arthur was determined to create the first non-Chinese region corps organization.

Thus becoming an indispensable force and influence for the Scourge Legion!

Five of the ten strongest, most numerous, and most influential corps of the future Scourge Legion have already taken shape at this stage, and other large and small corps are also in the process of being brewed.

To use a cliche old saying: the gears of destiny have begun to turn.


Hang Yu created the army system just to break up the increasingly larger and more scattered natural disaster forces into smaller parts for easier management. It was purely out of the need for territorial development, but it has become the most hotly debated topic among players.

All of a sudden.

Players from all walks of life have a tendency to take sides.

It is indeed human nature to form cliques.

Hang Yu believes that with the emergence of the corps, on the one hand, the Scourge Army will become more powerful, on the other hand, internal competition will intensify, and competition between players is inevitable.

Although there are already preliminary ideas and plans for the online corps.

But the specific details still need to be polished. Anyway, there are still six days until the third test starts.

Xiaoba reminded: "Master, there are still about eight hours before the stars return!"

Hang Yu nodded: "Well, since it's almost time, let's announce the list of entourage for this trip!"

Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! Thanks to Fengde for the 500 starting coin reward!

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